The document discusses the rise of fascism in Greece through the growth of the far-right Golden Dawn party. It describes how Golden Dawn has capitalized on economic and social decay in Greek society following the financial crisis, and presents itself as an alternative to the traditional political parties. However, it also details Golden Dawn's use of violence, intimidation, and nationalism to further its ideology. The document examines Golden Dawn's fascist principles and increasing attacks on immigrants and political opponents in Greece.
Globalization and free trade agreements have intensified the "race to the bottom" phenomenon. This occurs when countries deregulate their markets in order to attract investment from multinational corporations, but it often results in lower wages for workers, worse working conditions, and increased environmental damage. Developing nations are particularly vulnerable to exploitation by corporations that push to lower labor and environmental standards. Case studies on industries like textiles in Bangladesh and waste dumping in Africa provide examples of how multinational corporations have taken advantage of weak regulations in developing countries to cut costs at the expense of workers and the environment.
As Israeli airstrikes pummel Gaza, the reaction from Arab capitals has been muted and protests scattered. But the voices on social media have been loud and clear.
The battle Against Credit Card Fraud: Cooperation between Airlines and Law En...Shalini Levens
Online transactions represent a large majority of all Airline ticket purchases. This article discloses how Airlines are dealing with cybercriminals and how cooperation with other Travel Merchants, Banks and Law Enforcement is fundamental
This document provides information on how to be a digital citizen and outlines steps for creating a professional email address and code of conduct. It explains that a digital citizen is a member of the online community who interacts responsibly with people from around the world on the internet. Students are instructed to create a professional email address using their first name and surname, with limited additional characters if needed for readability. They are then asked to send an email to a teacher listing 10 rules for a code of conduct when online, explaining why each rule is important for responsible and safe internet use.
The document discusses water usage and conservation. It notes that only 0.007% of water on Earth is potable and that all living things require water. Billions of people lack access to clean water, resulting in millions of deaths each year from water-related diseases. While developed countries like Spain have expanded water infrastructure, conservation is still important given unequal water distribution and the costs of treatment. Small actions like fixing leaks, limiting shower time, and catching rain water can significantly reduce individual water usage.
After World War 1, many European countries struggled economically and politically as they tried to rebuild. Most formed coalition governments made up of multiple political parties, as no single party could gain a majority. This new form of government was ineffective and unstable in many places. Germany's Weimar Republic faced especially difficult economic problems of depression and hyperinflation after being blamed for the war by citizens.
Presentation prepared for lectures on Marxism for PS 240 Introduction to Political Theory at the University of Kentucky, Spring 2007. Dr. Christopher S. Rice, Instructor.
Italy expanded its control over Africa in the 1930s while Germany increasingly violated the Treaty of Versailles by remilitarizing the Rhineland and annexing Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia. Japan also grew more aggressive during this time, invading Manchuria in 1931 and seeking to drive Western powers out of Asia as part of its goal to dominate the region and gain access to resources and living space. The League of Nations condemned these acts of aggression but was unable to stop them due to lacking enforcement powers.
Fascism, Adolf Hitler, National Socialism and the HolocaustJonathan Dresner
A discussion of the key ideas of Mussolini, Hitler and the National Socialists, focusing on the relatively mainstream roots - nationalism, fascism, racial theory - and the implementation of these ideas as policy targetting the Jews and other non-Aryan peoples.
The economic crisis in Greece, deepened by the measures imposed by the Troika, have brought the country into a state of decay. Almost all layers of the population are hit and despair is reigning supreme. The support for the traditional 'moderate' parties is fading away, resulting a a polarization of the society. The missed chances of the radical left resulted in a serious push of fascism. They are increasingly, openly and proudly using violence against migrants. The weakening Greek state and the police force, of which over 50% voted for the fascists, do not intervene. The radical left has the historical responsibility to put forward appealing, radical left policies in order to counter the fascist threat.
This document discusses the potential for fascism to reemerge in the 21st century. It examines Ernst Nolte's theory of fascism's "Gotterdammerung" or twilight in the postwar period. It also analyzes how globalization, multiculturalism, and post-industrial social structures influence the forms and prospects of modern neo-fascist and fascist-adjacent groups, and whether fascist principles can truly accommodate liberal democracy.
The document discusses the rise of fascism in Italy, Germany, and Japan in the aftermath of World War 1 and the Great Depression. It describes how fascist leaders like Mussolini and Hitler seized power legally by gaining control of the military and using propaganda. It then outlines the early acts of aggression by these regimes, including Japan invading Manchuria and Mussolini invading Ethiopia, which were met with weak responses by the League of Nations. It explains how Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland in violation of the Treaty of Versailles but faced little opposition. Finally, it suggests that the Western democracies failed to halt this growing aggression due to war weariness after WWI, focusing on domestic problems
The document discusses the long history of antisemitism and persecution of Jewish people around the world. It notes that the Holocaust did not start with Hitler, as Jewish people had been scapegoated and persecuted for centuries prior in many places, including being expelled from countries like England, France, Spain and others between the 13th to 16th centuries. Specific events highlighted include persecution of Jewish communities in Egypt and Alexandria in the 1st century AD, the destruction of the temple and expulsion from Judea by the Romans in 66 AD, and laws passed in 612 AD stating only Catholics could live in the Visigoth kingdom in Spain.
The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that emphasized reason, science, and individualism rather than tradition. During this era, scientists like Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and Boyle made discoveries that challenged traditional beliefs and established the scientific method. Philosophers such as Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire, and others promoted ideals of liberty, constitutional government, freedom of religion, and separation of powers. Their works helped spread ideals of the Enlightenment and encouraged using reason to improve society and advance human knowledge.
Fascism is a totalitarian ideology that seeks to control all aspects of society and life through an authoritarian government to fulfill its vision. It claims to synthesize various political philosophies like liberalism and socialism. Fascism emphasizes nationalism, reactionary beliefs, and charismatic leadership over detailed programs. It aims to forge social rebirth based on nationalism and a radical "third way" rather than left or right. Fascism relies on techniques like portraying external threats to stir fear and patriotism to gain support.
The document discusses the rise of fascism in Europe following World War 1 and the Great Depression. It describes how Germany, Italy, and Japan became dominated by authoritarian nationalist leaders like Hitler, Mussolini, and Japanese military leaders. These fascist governments began aggressively expanding their territory, with Japan invading Manchuria, Mussolini invading Ethiopia, and Hitler remilitarizing Germany in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Meanwhile, the Western democracies pursued a policy of appeasement and did little to stop the aggression, hoping to avoid another costly war. This allowed the Axis alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan to strengthen despite warning signs of impending global conflict.
This document discusses the ideology and characteristics of fascism in Italy under Mussolini. It describes how fascism celebrated extreme nationalism, subordinated all aspects of society to the state, and used violence and propaganda to gain support. Key aspects included a cult of personality around Mussolini and the state, suppression of opposition and human rights, and an emphasis on militarism, nationalism, and traditional gender roles.
This document discusses the history and current state of US entrepreneurial capitalism. It outlines how capitalism has evolved since the 1970s, with wages stagnating while executive pay and consumption rose. Recent issues like the financial crisis revealed weaknesses in relying solely on free markets. While capitalism has lifted living standards, its current form prioritizes short-term profits and consumption over community. Going forward, reforms may be needed to make corporations more democratic and develop a balanced system that benefits all of society.
Japanese democracy failed in the early 20th century due to a combination of internal and external factors. Internally, the Diet had limited power, corruption was rampant, and economic problems grew during the Great Depression. This led to the rise of fascism through nationalist groups and a stronger military influence. Externally, worsening relations with Western powers and the rise of Chinese nationalism weakened civilian rule and strengthened the military's role in government. By the mid-1930s, Japan had become a military-controlled state rather than a democracy.
During the 1920s and 1930s, totalitarian regimes emerged in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union. These regimes were authoritarian and characterized by a single leader like Mussolini, Hitler, or Stalin who controlled all aspects of government, eliminated political opposition, and emphasized propaganda and nationalism. They imposed strict social and economic controls over their populations. The best known were Italian Fascism under Mussolini and German Nazism under Hitler.
Benito Mussolini ruled Italy from 1922 to 1940 as Il Duce. He was inspired by the Roman Empire and consolidated power by controlling the media like newspapers, radio, and television. Mussolini modernized Italy through infrastructure projects but also instituted fascist laws that abolished civil liberties and democratic processes. He allied with Hitler in the 1930s and enacted racial laws against Jews. Mussolini's fascist regime was overthrown in 1943 when the Grand Council of Fascism voted to remove power from him and restore it to the king.
The document discusses key characteristics of fascist governments through examples from Nazi Germany and other regimes. It covers 14 characteristics:
1. Powerful nationalism with symbolic representations and rhetoric of restoring past glory.
2. Disdain for human rights through cruel treatment of groups and suppression of opposition.
3. Scapegoating of enemies to unite citizens against a common threat.
4. Supremacy of the military through large budgets and overriding civilian rule.
5. Rampant sexism through enforced gender roles and policies restricting women's opportunities.
6. Controlled mass media and propaganda to manipulate public opinion and censor dissent.
7. Obsession with national security through secret police and
Karl Marx was a German philosopher who developed a materialist conception of history. He believed that history is driven by class struggle between social classes and that society progresses through different modes of production. Marx saw capitalism as exploiting the working class, or proletariat, by paying them less than the value they produce. He predicted that internal contradictions within capitalism would lead to its self-destruction, bringing about a communist revolution and a classless society.
The Nazi ideology was based on racial hierarchy and anti-Semitism. It promoted the supremacy of the Nordic/Aryan race over all others. The Nazis believed the Aryan race had to retain purity and dominate the world, borrowing ideas from social Darwinism about survival of the fittest. They considered Jews and other non-Aryan groups as undesirable and a threat to the German nation.
The document discusses the rise of fascism in Italy between 1919-1925 under Benito Mussolini. It notes the political and economic chaos in Italy following World War I. Mussolini and the Fascists gained popularity by staging riots while claiming to support law and order. Local Fascist bosses then marched on Rome and overthrew the government, after which Mussolini was made Prime Minister in 1922. He consolidated control and instituted an authoritarian fascist regime.
Fascism first emerged in Italy in 1919 under Benito Mussolini and established a dictatorship by 1925. The term would later be applied to nationalist revolutionary movements in Europe between the world wars, most importantly German National Socialism (Nazism). Fascism celebrated the nation as an organic community and sought a "spiritual revolution" against signs of moral decay through authoritarian leadership and sometimes racist doctrines. It was a response to the collapse of old regimes after World War I and economic instability in young nations with discontented populations. While having different paths to power, fascism in both Germany and Italy established totalitarian control and mobilized societies for war.
Stop Austerity - In education and elsewhereLSP / PSL
The document announces two protests against austerity measures - a sit-in with an open mic on November 3rd at ALMA 2 to discuss how to continue struggling against higher tuition fees and austerity, featuring testimonies from Southern European countries impacted by austerity. It also announces a torch march in Leuven on November 5th at Ladeuzeplein to protest austerity measures in higher education. It calls for students and workers to unite in action committees at each faculty and provides contact information for Active Left Students.
Fascism, Adolf Hitler, National Socialism and the HolocaustJonathan Dresner
A discussion of the key ideas of Mussolini, Hitler and the National Socialists, focusing on the relatively mainstream roots - nationalism, fascism, racial theory - and the implementation of these ideas as policy targetting the Jews and other non-Aryan peoples.
The economic crisis in Greece, deepened by the measures imposed by the Troika, have brought the country into a state of decay. Almost all layers of the population are hit and despair is reigning supreme. The support for the traditional 'moderate' parties is fading away, resulting a a polarization of the society. The missed chances of the radical left resulted in a serious push of fascism. They are increasingly, openly and proudly using violence against migrants. The weakening Greek state and the police force, of which over 50% voted for the fascists, do not intervene. The radical left has the historical responsibility to put forward appealing, radical left policies in order to counter the fascist threat.
This document discusses the potential for fascism to reemerge in the 21st century. It examines Ernst Nolte's theory of fascism's "Gotterdammerung" or twilight in the postwar period. It also analyzes how globalization, multiculturalism, and post-industrial social structures influence the forms and prospects of modern neo-fascist and fascist-adjacent groups, and whether fascist principles can truly accommodate liberal democracy.
The document discusses the rise of fascism in Italy, Germany, and Japan in the aftermath of World War 1 and the Great Depression. It describes how fascist leaders like Mussolini and Hitler seized power legally by gaining control of the military and using propaganda. It then outlines the early acts of aggression by these regimes, including Japan invading Manchuria and Mussolini invading Ethiopia, which were met with weak responses by the League of Nations. It explains how Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland in violation of the Treaty of Versailles but faced little opposition. Finally, it suggests that the Western democracies failed to halt this growing aggression due to war weariness after WWI, focusing on domestic problems
The document discusses the long history of antisemitism and persecution of Jewish people around the world. It notes that the Holocaust did not start with Hitler, as Jewish people had been scapegoated and persecuted for centuries prior in many places, including being expelled from countries like England, France, Spain and others between the 13th to 16th centuries. Specific events highlighted include persecution of Jewish communities in Egypt and Alexandria in the 1st century AD, the destruction of the temple and expulsion from Judea by the Romans in 66 AD, and laws passed in 612 AD stating only Catholics could live in the Visigoth kingdom in Spain.
The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that emphasized reason, science, and individualism rather than tradition. During this era, scientists like Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and Boyle made discoveries that challenged traditional beliefs and established the scientific method. Philosophers such as Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire, and others promoted ideals of liberty, constitutional government, freedom of religion, and separation of powers. Their works helped spread ideals of the Enlightenment and encouraged using reason to improve society and advance human knowledge.
Fascism is a totalitarian ideology that seeks to control all aspects of society and life through an authoritarian government to fulfill its vision. It claims to synthesize various political philosophies like liberalism and socialism. Fascism emphasizes nationalism, reactionary beliefs, and charismatic leadership over detailed programs. It aims to forge social rebirth based on nationalism and a radical "third way" rather than left or right. Fascism relies on techniques like portraying external threats to stir fear and patriotism to gain support.
The document discusses the rise of fascism in Europe following World War 1 and the Great Depression. It describes how Germany, Italy, and Japan became dominated by authoritarian nationalist leaders like Hitler, Mussolini, and Japanese military leaders. These fascist governments began aggressively expanding their territory, with Japan invading Manchuria, Mussolini invading Ethiopia, and Hitler remilitarizing Germany in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Meanwhile, the Western democracies pursued a policy of appeasement and did little to stop the aggression, hoping to avoid another costly war. This allowed the Axis alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan to strengthen despite warning signs of impending global conflict.
This document discusses the ideology and characteristics of fascism in Italy under Mussolini. It describes how fascism celebrated extreme nationalism, subordinated all aspects of society to the state, and used violence and propaganda to gain support. Key aspects included a cult of personality around Mussolini and the state, suppression of opposition and human rights, and an emphasis on militarism, nationalism, and traditional gender roles.
This document discusses the history and current state of US entrepreneurial capitalism. It outlines how capitalism has evolved since the 1970s, with wages stagnating while executive pay and consumption rose. Recent issues like the financial crisis revealed weaknesses in relying solely on free markets. While capitalism has lifted living standards, its current form prioritizes short-term profits and consumption over community. Going forward, reforms may be needed to make corporations more democratic and develop a balanced system that benefits all of society.
Japanese democracy failed in the early 20th century due to a combination of internal and external factors. Internally, the Diet had limited power, corruption was rampant, and economic problems grew during the Great Depression. This led to the rise of fascism through nationalist groups and a stronger military influence. Externally, worsening relations with Western powers and the rise of Chinese nationalism weakened civilian rule and strengthened the military's role in government. By the mid-1930s, Japan had become a military-controlled state rather than a democracy.
During the 1920s and 1930s, totalitarian regimes emerged in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union. These regimes were authoritarian and characterized by a single leader like Mussolini, Hitler, or Stalin who controlled all aspects of government, eliminated political opposition, and emphasized propaganda and nationalism. They imposed strict social and economic controls over their populations. The best known were Italian Fascism under Mussolini and German Nazism under Hitler.
Benito Mussolini ruled Italy from 1922 to 1940 as Il Duce. He was inspired by the Roman Empire and consolidated power by controlling the media like newspapers, radio, and television. Mussolini modernized Italy through infrastructure projects but also instituted fascist laws that abolished civil liberties and democratic processes. He allied with Hitler in the 1930s and enacted racial laws against Jews. Mussolini's fascist regime was overthrown in 1943 when the Grand Council of Fascism voted to remove power from him and restore it to the king.
The document discusses key characteristics of fascist governments through examples from Nazi Germany and other regimes. It covers 14 characteristics:
1. Powerful nationalism with symbolic representations and rhetoric of restoring past glory.
2. Disdain for human rights through cruel treatment of groups and suppression of opposition.
3. Scapegoating of enemies to unite citizens against a common threat.
4. Supremacy of the military through large budgets and overriding civilian rule.
5. Rampant sexism through enforced gender roles and policies restricting women's opportunities.
6. Controlled mass media and propaganda to manipulate public opinion and censor dissent.
7. Obsession with national security through secret police and
Karl Marx was a German philosopher who developed a materialist conception of history. He believed that history is driven by class struggle between social classes and that society progresses through different modes of production. Marx saw capitalism as exploiting the working class, or proletariat, by paying them less than the value they produce. He predicted that internal contradictions within capitalism would lead to its self-destruction, bringing about a communist revolution and a classless society.
The Nazi ideology was based on racial hierarchy and anti-Semitism. It promoted the supremacy of the Nordic/Aryan race over all others. The Nazis believed the Aryan race had to retain purity and dominate the world, borrowing ideas from social Darwinism about survival of the fittest. They considered Jews and other non-Aryan groups as undesirable and a threat to the German nation.
The document discusses the rise of fascism in Italy between 1919-1925 under Benito Mussolini. It notes the political and economic chaos in Italy following World War I. Mussolini and the Fascists gained popularity by staging riots while claiming to support law and order. Local Fascist bosses then marched on Rome and overthrew the government, after which Mussolini was made Prime Minister in 1922. He consolidated control and instituted an authoritarian fascist regime.
Fascism first emerged in Italy in 1919 under Benito Mussolini and established a dictatorship by 1925. The term would later be applied to nationalist revolutionary movements in Europe between the world wars, most importantly German National Socialism (Nazism). Fascism celebrated the nation as an organic community and sought a "spiritual revolution" against signs of moral decay through authoritarian leadership and sometimes racist doctrines. It was a response to the collapse of old regimes after World War I and economic instability in young nations with discontented populations. While having different paths to power, fascism in both Germany and Italy established totalitarian control and mobilized societies for war.
Stop Austerity - In education and elsewhereLSP / PSL
The document announces two protests against austerity measures - a sit-in with an open mic on November 3rd at ALMA 2 to discuss how to continue struggling against higher tuition fees and austerity, featuring testimonies from Southern European countries impacted by austerity. It also announces a torch march in Leuven on November 5th at Ladeuzeplein to protest austerity measures in higher education. It calls for students and workers to unite in action committees at each faculty and provides contact information for Active Left Students.
Unpredictable Earnings: The volatility of pay packets and its impact on livin...ResolutionFoundation
Most people are used to receiving regular monthly pay cheques, hopefully with the occasional bonus and an annual rise. But while this is often taken for granted, for other workers the size and timing of their pay cheques are far more volatile with knock on effects on their ability to pay bills, save, plan ahead and smooth their living standards over time. But with Brits notoriously adverse to talking about pay, the scale of earnings volatility across the country is unknown.
How many workers are subject to volatile earnings, and how much does the timing and size vary from pay cheque to pay cheque? Who is most likely to experience earnings volatility, and in which industries is it most prevalent? What are the wider living standards consequences for families? And what can policy makers do to mitigate the impacts of unpredictable earnings?
People say they are intimidated by online attacks from the president, concerned about harm to their businesses or worried about the safety of their families.
Michael Thomas Lewis_ The Stalking Case That Shocked the WNBA.docxvoice ofarticle
In January 2025, 55-year-old Michael Thomas Lewis from Denton, Texas, was arrested for felony stalking of WNBA star Caitlin Clark. His persistent harassment caused Clark severe distress, forcing her to change her public appearances and daily routine for safety. Despite multiple warnings from law enforcement, Lewis continued his troubling behavior. His actions escalated to the point where authorities intervened, arresting him near the Indiana Fevers home arena in Indianapolis. The arrest highlighted the serious impact of stalking on athletes and public figures, emphasizing the need for stronger protective measures against such threats to personal safety.
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The Johns Hopkins Maya Trial_ A Landmark Case of Medical Negligence.docxvoice ofarticle
The Johns Hopkins Maya trial has captured national attention as a defining case of medical negligence, legal controversy, and institutional accountability. Filed by the Kowalski family against Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital, the lawsuit centers around the alleged mistreatment of Maya Kowalski, a young girl diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The jurys verdict, awarding the family $261 million, has ignited discussions about patient rights, medical ethics, and legal recourse in cases of hospital negligence.
John Schmitz touts his business acumen and helping the poor. However the record shows more than 50 code violations on his properties that he's owned in the past.
Indianapolis Shooting_ A Critical Analysis of the February 24, 2025 Incident....voice ofarticle
The February 24, 2025, Indianapolis Shooting at The Wylde @ Eagle Creek apartments has intensified concerns about public safety on the city's west side. An 18-year-old man was critically injured in the incident, which is part of a troubling trend of violent crime in the area. Residents and officials are calling for increased security measures and community interventions to address the ongoing violence. Law enforcement continues to investigate the circumstances surrounding the shooting, urging anyone with information to come forward. The incident underscores the broader need for strategic efforts to enhance safety and prevent further acts of violence.
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Belle Dingle has been at the heart of some of Emmerdales most emotional and intense plots. From struggling with schizophrenia to dealing with a toxic relationship, her journey has kept viewers hooked.
One of Belle Dingles most gripping storylines was her experience with domestic abuse. Her relationship with Tom King started with love but soon turned controlling and manipulative. After enduring months of emotional pain, Belle finally took a stand, reporting Tom to the police and reclaiming her freedom.
Belle Dingles resilience makes her one of Emmerdales strongest characters, and fans cant wait to see whats next for her!
JD Euroway presents itself as a trusted investment advisory firm, but is there more beneath the surface? Uncover the hidden role of Fritz, the firms deceptive tactics, and why investors should be wary of Talal Hameds sudden rise as its public face.
The Tragic Case of Teresa Youngblut & the Fatal Shooting of David Maland.docxvoice ofarticle
On January 20, 2025, a routine traffic stop on Interstate 91 in Coventry, Vermont, escalated into a deadly encounter, resulting in the fatal shooting of U.S. Border Patrol Agent David Maland. The suspect, 21-year-old Teresa Youngblut, was taken into custody following the incident, while Felix Bauckholt, a German national, was also implicated. Authorities are investigating potential ties to the radical Zizian cult, raising national concerns. The tragic event has sparked debates on law enforcement safety and extremist threats. As details emerge, officials continue to piece together the circumstances surrounding this shocking act of violence.
Visit Here:
Honoring Joy Saunders Obituary: A Life of Kindness and ServiceNorthland News
It is rare to find someone as selfless as Joy Saunders. With her passing on April 12, 2024, the world lost a truly remarkable soul. Joy Saunders obituary is not just about remembering her but celebrating the legacy she left behind.
A lifelong advocate for kindness, she dedicated her time to helping the less fortunate, supporting charities, and leading community programs. Whether through volunteer work or small acts of generosity, she believed in making the world a better place.
Her compassion and unwavering commitment to humanity continue to inspire those she touched. Though she is no longer with us, her legacy of love lives on. Joy Saunders obituary reminds us to carry forward her spirit of giving.
Anna Hall_ Beyond the Heptathlon, A Story Woven in Grit and Gold.docxvoice ofarticle
Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Youve probably heard the name "Anna Hall." Track and field circles, especially those following the heptathlon, are buzzing. But, you know, a name on a medal doesn't tell the whole story, does it? We're talking about a person, a life, a journey thats way more interesting than any Wikipedia entry. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's unravel the tapestry that is the Anna Hall biography. It's a story of grit, sheer willpower, and a whole lot of heart. This isn't just about records and rankings; its about the human being behind the accolades.
12. skimminglight.netGreece
12/92Sept. 2013
> Society in Decay
Last package: 13.5bn
Massive privatisations
3 million Greeks want to leave
Return to countriside
Bank savings
13. skimminglight.netGreece
13/92Sept. 2013
> Society in Decay
Half of Greeks cant pay everyday bills
250,000 meals are distributed daily
16. skimminglight.netGreece
16/92Sept. 2013
> Society in Decay
The blanket of smog that has covered
Athens and Attica in general since the start
of the winter is steadily rising above
acceptable limits and posing a serious health
hazard in the long term, potentially leading
to serious illnesses and chronic medical
conditions. Experts are ringing the alarm
I Kathimerini, 26/02/13
18. skimminglight.netGreece
18/92Sept. 2013
> Society in Decay
Striking doctors and healtcare
professionals warn that immediate funding
is needed to avert collapse of primary
Athens News 28/09/12
Athens News 28/09/12 -
19. skimminglight.netGreece
19/92Sept. 2013
> Society in Decay
The Greek government announced a wide
ranging privatization programme, spanning
rail and road transport, airports and ports,
utilities, gaming and public real estate
holdings. (
The island of Pezonisi, also known as Nisi
ton Oneiron (Island of Dreams), is set to
become the first island to be leased to the
private sector for tourism development.
21. skimminglight.netGreece
21/92Sept. 2013
The Electoral Front
> Polarization
Government Radical left RightFascist Greens
Threat of chaos
Promise to renegotiate
Idea of left governement
We don't leave -zone
Giant leap
of fascists
22. skimminglight.netGreece
22/92Sept. 2013
The Electoral Front
Government Radical left RightFascist Greens
Keeps growing
Neck & neck
> Polarization
23. skimminglight.netGreece
23/92Sept. 2013
The Electoral Front
Government Radical left RightFascist Greens
polarization & radicalization
> Polarization
27. skimminglight.netGreece
27/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Fascism
Extreme nationalism
From decay of
Destroy worker's organisations
Social & cultural control
Social cohesion
Last weapon by
Acceptance of
Denial of capitalist contradictions
Divert attention from real cause
Fear & intimidation
34. skimminglight.netGreece
34/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Violence
August 23, 2012
Clash with riot police1
It is a criminal action to convert
facilities of the Greek Army
into tourism centres for illegal immigrants.
40. skimminglight.netGreece
40/92Sept. 2013
Intensifying Violence
During every shift we treat six or more cases of beatings of foreigners
(unnamed surgeon, Evangelismos Hospital)1
Example: 19 Jan. - Pakistani stabbed to death by GD2
And even associations helping migrants3
Increase in antigay attacks4
GD Flyers: After the immigrants, you are next5
Political enemies
Mostly observing workers' organizations
Example: 17 Dec. - GD beats SYRIZA MP: Now we are going to kill
> Golden Dawn > Violence
41. skimminglight.netGreece
41/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Violence
June 7, 2012
Live TV debate
Kasidiaris, spokesperson of GD hits Kanelli, KKE MP1
10 days later, Kasidiaris got elected as MP
43. skimminglight.netGreece
43/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Violence
September 5, 2012
Assault in Rafina near Athens
About 40 militants of Golden Dawn attack
stalls of migrants on festival.
MP Germenis:
We told the police and then
we did what Golden Dawn must do
Video published1
by Golden Dawn
45. skimminglight.netGreece
45/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Violence
September 9, 2012
Cleaning a market in Messologgioy
Unit led by Barbarousis, Golden Dawn MP
Video published1
by Golden Dawn
48. skimminglight.netGreece
48/92Sept. 2013
Certain accounts assert that police left or
stood by during the attack.
The centre was ransacked after a group of 30-40
residents & GD members visited the night before,
threatening trouble if they did not close.
> Golden Dawn > Violence
[The centre was used to] watch football and host
children's birthday parties, among other activities.
The center was attacked the night of September
25th, by a mob believed to be linked with Golden
52. skimminglight.netGreece
52/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Violence
Mai 2012, Centre of Athens
Hunting immigrants
55. skimminglight.netGreece
55/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Violence
Summer 2012, Athens
Student Konstantinos Georgousis
filmed party members
66. skimminglight.netGreece
66/92Sept. 2013
Law and order
GD is increasingly assuming the role of law
enforcement officers on the streets of the
bankrupt country, with mounting evidence
that Athenians are being openly directed by
police to seek help from the neo-Nazi group,
analysts, activists and lawyers say.
They immediately said if it's an issue with
immigrants go to Golden Dawn."
> Golden Dawn > Services
67. skimminglight.netGreece
67/92Sept. 2013
Law and order
> Golden Dawn > Services
But the hand-outs come at a price:
allegiance to GD. "A friend who was being
seriously harassed by her husband and was
referred to the party by the police very soon
found herself giving it clothes and food in
return. She's a liberal and certainly no racist
and is disgusted by what she has had to do."
68. skimminglight.netGreece
68/92Sept. 2013
Growing support
> Golden Dawn > Support
9%-12% in polls (stable since September)
26% appreciates the actions of Golden Dawn towards
immigrants while 69.5% does not. (September poll1)
>50% police force voted GD2
Growing active membership. Over 5000 participants in
Athens on 2 February 20133 (next slide).
71. skimminglight.netGreece
71/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Support
Social services & Security
What alternative?
Capitalists & state
Weakening state
GD helping & tolerated
Danger: out of control
Better than expropriation
Anti-austerity rethoric
72. skimminglight.netGreece
72/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Support
Social services & Security
What alternative?
Capitalists & state
Weakening state
GD helping & tolerated
Danger: out of control
Better than expropriation
Anti-austerity rethoric
No answer on the crisis!
Most fervent supporter of capitalism!
律痢離裡 離
73. skimminglight.netGreece
73/92Sept. 2013
Golden Dawn Capitalism
Yes No
Privatisations (isle, parking, etc.)1
Restrict right to strike
Reduce taxes ship owners
In parliament
In the street Yes No
Attack migrants, left militants & homosexuals
Attack bankers & government politicians
Attend strikes, occupations, mobilisations
by workers & youth
> Golden Dawn > Capitalism
Propaganda: Anti-austerity
75. skimminglight.netGreece
75/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Capitalism
Michaloliakos (Leader GD) & his wife (GD MP) own
Hotel New Dream, Attiki Square, Athens
38 rooms & suites
Many (low-paid, foreign) girls at your service
In fact, it is a
luxury brothel
76. skimminglight.netGreece
76/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Capitalism
Michaloliakos (Leader GD) & his wife (GD MP) own
Hotel New Dream, Attiki Square, Athens
38 rooms & suites
Many (low-paid, foreign) girls at your service
80. skimminglight.netGreece
80/92Sept. 2013
Fight capitalism
> How to fight > Capitalism
Disillusions & Despair
Temporal setbacks
combativity & consciousness
Room for fascist ideas
4 years
workers' struggle
+20 generalstrikes
No success!
Important responsibles...
No lead
No clear perspective & program
No stimulation of local activity
Moderating demands
Leadership unions & workers' parties
82. skimminglight.netGreece
82/92Sept. 2013
> How to fight > Capitalism
Increasing pressure for
Repeated 48h strikes
Indefinite strikes
Until the governement falls
24h general
strikes won't help
Question of
double power
Portugal, etc.
Evolution of class struggle is hard to predict!
85. skimminglight.netGreece
85/92Sept. 2013
Fight fascism
> How to fight > Fascism
Number of
and counting...
usually initiatives of
who collaborate quite well
but not enough!
Now supported
by leadership
86. skimminglight.netGreece
86/92Sept. 2013
Defense against fascist threat
Discuss fight for better living conditions
Organize people
Refute fascist rethoric
Aim should be...
Understand fascism in order to fight it
Not always the case...
> How to fight > Fascism
87. skimminglight.netGreece
87/92Sept. 2013
Therefore organize solidarity!
> How to fight > Fascism
Involve them
Discuss problems of neighbourhood
of church
& fascists
In at least 2 committees where Xekinima is leading
Open air
Passive, isolation
Active, involving
Bring people together
88. skimminglight.netGreece
88/92Sept. 2013
> Golden Dawn > Violence
February 24, 2012
Organizing solidarity
by an antifascist committee1
An example of how it is done
91. skimminglight.netGreece
91/92Sept. 2013
> Conclusions
Capitalism in crisis
Missed chances
by workers' movement
Growth support fascism
Fight against
Not easy,
but necessary!
Won confidence
Incredible responsibility
Get involved!
92. skimminglight.netGreece
92/92Sept. 2013
For more information
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