Fatherhood’s Mission
Men have within them the creative seed to be carriers of vision, strength, and discipline. We seek to draw on this collective energy by coming together to impart insights, develop strategies and action steps for the purpose of creating championship fathers who are Involved, Responsible and Committed to our kid(s) and community. For all men know that being a father is not for the faint of heart and best not done alone.
How to Communicate Your Next Employee Engagement SurveyNamely
When launching an employee survey the intent is clear - you want to collect, understand and act on employee feedback.
However, communicating that intent to your people can sometimes be challenging. Pre-survey communications are integral to a successful survey that collects enough data to take action on. Post-survey communications are just as important in building employee trust.
Join Monique Hughes, Senior Customer Success Manager at Culture Amp and Eric Knudsen Senior Analyst, People Operations at Namely to learn about the importance of internal communication in your employee survey strategy. On the webinar, they will cover:
Why employee engagement surveys are useful & critical
How exactly to communicate with employees before the survey
A checklist for launching your employee engagement survey
Rolling out results using the collect, understand, act model
Communicating results to company, leaders, and managers
Is employee turnover a serious issue for your organization? Are your current engagement programs and surveys no longer effective? Chances are you have the right intentions, but just the wrong tools.
In this informative webinar, Dick Finnegan, the leading Stay Interview expert and author of the best-selling SHRM book in history, The Power of Stay Interviews, will reveal how HR professionals are using Stay Interview programs to dramatically lower turnover costs and improve employee engagement for organizations of all sizes.
Key takeaways will include:
1. Rethinking Retention - 3 reasons most retention programs don't work & how to avoid them.
2. Stay Interview Structure - How to build an efficient & effective Stay Interview program (that line managers will use!)
3. Stay Interview Strategy - How to use Stay Interviews to achieve strategic HR, effective line managers and engaged employees
4. Stay Interview Solutions - How to build a business case for your Stay Interview program that guarantees ROI (and makes you look like a rockstar!)
This document provides guidance for small businesses to establish an internship program. It discusses defining the program goals and processes, recruiting interns each semester, and the benefits for both employers and students. Top areas for internships include marketing, research, design, programming, and administration. The document recommends onboarding interns, assigning projects and mentors, providing feedback and development, and conducting exit interviews to evaluate the program.
This personal statement discusses the applicant's career journey and motivation for pursuing further education. After initially studying business, the applicant became a teacher and has found their calling in education after many years of searching for the right path. They now teach subjects related to their original business degree. The applicant wishes to pursue a graduate degree to continue developing their skills and knowledge in order to better educate students. They believe that further learning will help advance their career and contributions in both their current role and the field of education overall.
The speaker congratulates the graduating class of 2014 for their hard work in earning their BASW degree from CSULA. They acknowledge that entering the professional world will be challenging but that the education from CSULA has provided the tools to succeed. The BASW program exposed students to new cultures and ways of thinking to develop creative solutions to life's problems. The speaker thanks the professors, friends, family and others who supported the graduates throughout their journey. They encourage the graduates to use their degree and connections to enact positive change in society at the micro, mezzo and macro levels.
This document analyzes Barack Obama's 2008 election campaign strategy. It discusses his strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Obama gained a competitive advantage through various websites, social media, targeting young male voters, and customizing his communication. He segmented his audience and targeted them through different websites. Obama utilized a large voter database, email lists, text messaging, and social networking. His slogan "Change We Can Believe In" and music video of his speech helped make his campaign more enjoyable. As a result of his effective communication strategy, Obama won the election with 365 electoral votes.
Summary Y Combinator Startup School 2019HannesGarben
The document summarizes key topics from YC Startup School videos and presentations on starting a startup. It provides tips on defining problems to solve, talking to customers, building minimum viable products, measuring business metrics like retention and growth rates, using analytics tools, launching products, and common business models for startups. The document is a step-by-step guide for startups to focus on customers, iterate quickly, and use data to optimize their business.
Top 52 airport passenger service agent interview questions and answers pdftonychoper5806
This document provides a summary of 52 interview questions and answers for an airport passenger service agent position. It includes two parts - the first being the list of 52 questions and answers, and the second part providing 12 tips for preparing for an airport passenger service agent interview. Some example questions covered include telling about yourself, where you see yourself in five years, weaknesses, strengths, reasons for leaving previous jobs, why the employer should hire you, greatest accomplishments, salary expectations, being a team player, challenges sought in the role, relevant experience, and knowing about the company. Useful additional materials and links are provided throughout relating to interview preparation.
This document summarizes renovations and customizations made to the 1984 Galaxy 221 Sport Express boat named Seaquest. Key updates include: installing a new console from Corian; adding side-mounted breakers, a new winch, pulpit, and horns; replacing air handlers and batteries; customizing interior seating, trim, controls and storage; reupholstering components; and recarpeting the cabin. The renovations transformed the boat and added modern conveniences while maintaining its original character.
The document provides information about the 1st Annual Father's Day Festival event organized by Fathers Rock, Inc. and Love Your Neighbors Ministries. The event will take place on June 20, 2010 in Federal Hill Park in Baltimore, Maryland and will feature entertainment, food, art, games and exhibits to honor fathers and raise funds for programs that support fathers and father figures. The document outlines sponsorship levels for the event and explains the importance of father figures in light of statistics showing problems that often arise in fatherless homes.
In this lesson we look at God the Father for an example of being a father. Both audio and slides can be found together at www.cmcoc.org Sermon by: Brian Birdow
This poem is a lament for the poet's grandfather reflecting on his life and death. It uses nature imagery and references to the seasons to represent the cycle of life. Through a single lengthy stanza without rhyme or structure, it conveys how life is a continuous process from beginning to end, just as the stanza has no breaks between its lines. The poem explores how the grandfather, a reserved man, came to realize before dying that he had never openly expressed his true feelings. Overall it offers both sorrow for his passing and praise for his life and strengths at different stages.
A son or daughter's perspective of their father changes dramatically over time, from seeing their father as all-knowing when young, to viewing them as outdated and unreasonable during the teenage years, to later gaining appreciation for all the hardships and sacrifices their father endured to raise them as they become parents themselves.
The document summarizes research from a study on fathers in the US workforce. It found that younger fathers are more involved in childcare, aiming for a 50/50 split with partners. While workplaces are often supportive of manager-fathers, fathers generally receive fewer formal accommodations than mothers. Fathers report that parenthood increases focus and life purpose, though it also impacts work ambitions and ability to travel. Younger fathers are embracing changing gender roles in parenting and seeking new definitions of work-life balance and fatherhood.
The document discusses different parenting styles. Authoritative parenting is recommended as it encourages independence while still setting limits through explanation. Authoritarian parenting expects high conformity through rules without explanation. Permissive parenting gives children much freedom without enforcement of rules. Uninvolved parenting is emotionally detached with minimal involvement in the child's life while still providing basic needs. Family planning refers to parents responsibly determining family size based on available resources.
This document provides guidance on effective parenting in several sections. It discusses that parenting is a gift, labor of love, and about enjoying time with children. It also explores parenting myths and the different parenting styles of authoritarian, permissive, and democratic and their outcomes. The A-Z section lists effective parenting skills from accepting children to valuing their opinions. It discusses addressing situations like children misbehaving and offers a parent's pledge to love, listen, praise, and respect children while enjoying time together.
The parent-child relationship consists of unique behaviors, feelings, and expectations between a parent and child. Parenting is the process of promoting a child's development from infancy to adulthood using different styles such as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, or detached. Factors like family structure, social support, relationship history, and culture influence the parent-child relationship. A healthy relationship is maintained through flexible communication, discipline, boundaries, and connecting with the child by playing games, casual conversation, and visiting new places together.
This document discusses institutionalizing fatherhood programming in child welfare and social service settings. It notes that not having a father's involvement negatively impacts children, mothers, and fathers. The document outlines barriers to father involvement including those within agencies, among staff, and partners. It provides examples of how fatherhood programs can be institutionalized through goals, partnerships, activities for fathers, and how this impacts areas like child support. The overall goal is to create lasting change by including fathers as a necessary resource in the best interests of children.
This presentation was featured in a webinar that explored evidence-based approaches to engage youth and young adults from foster care in the prevention of unintended or untimely pregnancies. The webinar also highlighted effective supports for young people in care as parents as they tend to their own developmental needs.
Connect the Dots: Building a Movement for Children and Families -- Project LA...Jim McKay
This document discusses building a social movement to promote protective factors for children and families. It provides examples of how individuals, community organizations, and policymakers can collectively work to connect actions that strengthen families. This includes faith-based organizations promoting protective factors, a community dashboard to track outcomes, and advocating for policies that reduce senior poverty through programs like Social Security and Medicare. The overall goal is for diverse stakeholders to take coordinated actions and measure shared outcomes to achieve greater impact in supporting children and families.
This document summarizes a meeting of the Santa Barbara County Partnership for Strengthening Families. The goals of the meeting were to strengthen relationships between partners, deepen understanding of protective factors, and develop a leadership team and work plan for the Partnership. The Partnership aims to strengthen families and support optimal child development through collaboration between organizations like the Child Abuse Prevention Council, Child Care Planning Council, and Network of Family Resource Centers. The Strengthening Families framework guides the Partnership's work to build protective factors like social connections, knowledge of parenting/child development, concrete support, and parental resilience.
The document discusses several child abuse prevention programs run by the Family Service Inc. It summarizes each program's activities in 2014 and provides positive feedback from parents who participated. The three main programs discussed are the Child Abuse Prevention Program, Caring Parents program, and Healthy Families home visitation program. The summary provides the number of individuals educated and types of activities for each program in 2014.
The document summarizes a parent engagement event about developing the local offer for children with special educational needs. It includes an agenda for the day with presentations and workshops. The presentations discuss what parents want from communication and information, examples of successful local offers, and what interventions work for different needs. The workshops gather parent input on improving outcomes and how to design the local offer website.
Gender sensitive approaches to promote child development in coffee and cocoaAndrea Adriana Vos
A webinar organized by FAO and KIT featuring presentations from Ariane Genthon (FAO), Emmanuel Bukomeko (Kyagalanyi Coffee) and Lieke Guinee (Cocoanect/Beyond Beans)
A presentation from Gail Hayes of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The presentation outlines and advocates for comprehensive approaches to service provision by addressing the unique needs of parents and school-aged children.
This document summarizes a panel presentation on resources for early identification of children at risk for developmental delays. It discusses the objectives of reviewing developmental screening tools, increasing awareness of Help Me Grow (HMG) as a resource, and how HMG can support home visitors. It provides data on child well-being trends in South Carolina and the US. It then outlines challenges in developmental screening and solutions like HMG, a system for linking families to services. HMG launched in South Carolina in 2012 and has expanded access through a call center and outreach events while collecting data to improve the system.
Mandate to Report, Responsibility to Prevent - Mandated Reporter Training (Oc...Jim McKay
This document provides information about child abuse and neglect for mandated reporters. It discusses signs of abuse, what to do if a child discloses abuse, how and to whom to make a report. When making a report, Child Protective Services will ask for details about the family, the alleged abuse or neglect, and the mandated reporter. The goal is to determine if the child is safe and if intervention is needed to protect the child.
This document summarizes renovations and customizations made to the 1984 Galaxy 221 Sport Express boat named Seaquest. Key updates include: installing a new console from Corian; adding side-mounted breakers, a new winch, pulpit, and horns; replacing air handlers and batteries; customizing interior seating, trim, controls and storage; reupholstering components; and recarpeting the cabin. The renovations transformed the boat and added modern conveniences while maintaining its original character.
The document provides information about the 1st Annual Father's Day Festival event organized by Fathers Rock, Inc. and Love Your Neighbors Ministries. The event will take place on June 20, 2010 in Federal Hill Park in Baltimore, Maryland and will feature entertainment, food, art, games and exhibits to honor fathers and raise funds for programs that support fathers and father figures. The document outlines sponsorship levels for the event and explains the importance of father figures in light of statistics showing problems that often arise in fatherless homes.
In this lesson we look at God the Father for an example of being a father. Both audio and slides can be found together at www.cmcoc.org Sermon by: Brian Birdow
This poem is a lament for the poet's grandfather reflecting on his life and death. It uses nature imagery and references to the seasons to represent the cycle of life. Through a single lengthy stanza without rhyme or structure, it conveys how life is a continuous process from beginning to end, just as the stanza has no breaks between its lines. The poem explores how the grandfather, a reserved man, came to realize before dying that he had never openly expressed his true feelings. Overall it offers both sorrow for his passing and praise for his life and strengths at different stages.
A son or daughter's perspective of their father changes dramatically over time, from seeing their father as all-knowing when young, to viewing them as outdated and unreasonable during the teenage years, to later gaining appreciation for all the hardships and sacrifices their father endured to raise them as they become parents themselves.
The document summarizes research from a study on fathers in the US workforce. It found that younger fathers are more involved in childcare, aiming for a 50/50 split with partners. While workplaces are often supportive of manager-fathers, fathers generally receive fewer formal accommodations than mothers. Fathers report that parenthood increases focus and life purpose, though it also impacts work ambitions and ability to travel. Younger fathers are embracing changing gender roles in parenting and seeking new definitions of work-life balance and fatherhood.
The document discusses different parenting styles. Authoritative parenting is recommended as it encourages independence while still setting limits through explanation. Authoritarian parenting expects high conformity through rules without explanation. Permissive parenting gives children much freedom without enforcement of rules. Uninvolved parenting is emotionally detached with minimal involvement in the child's life while still providing basic needs. Family planning refers to parents responsibly determining family size based on available resources.
This document provides guidance on effective parenting in several sections. It discusses that parenting is a gift, labor of love, and about enjoying time with children. It also explores parenting myths and the different parenting styles of authoritarian, permissive, and democratic and their outcomes. The A-Z section lists effective parenting skills from accepting children to valuing their opinions. It discusses addressing situations like children misbehaving and offers a parent's pledge to love, listen, praise, and respect children while enjoying time together.
The parent-child relationship consists of unique behaviors, feelings, and expectations between a parent and child. Parenting is the process of promoting a child's development from infancy to adulthood using different styles such as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, or detached. Factors like family structure, social support, relationship history, and culture influence the parent-child relationship. A healthy relationship is maintained through flexible communication, discipline, boundaries, and connecting with the child by playing games, casual conversation, and visiting new places together.
This document discusses institutionalizing fatherhood programming in child welfare and social service settings. It notes that not having a father's involvement negatively impacts children, mothers, and fathers. The document outlines barriers to father involvement including those within agencies, among staff, and partners. It provides examples of how fatherhood programs can be institutionalized through goals, partnerships, activities for fathers, and how this impacts areas like child support. The overall goal is to create lasting change by including fathers as a necessary resource in the best interests of children.
This presentation was featured in a webinar that explored evidence-based approaches to engage youth and young adults from foster care in the prevention of unintended or untimely pregnancies. The webinar also highlighted effective supports for young people in care as parents as they tend to their own developmental needs.
Connect the Dots: Building a Movement for Children and Families -- Project LA...Jim McKay
This document discusses building a social movement to promote protective factors for children and families. It provides examples of how individuals, community organizations, and policymakers can collectively work to connect actions that strengthen families. This includes faith-based organizations promoting protective factors, a community dashboard to track outcomes, and advocating for policies that reduce senior poverty through programs like Social Security and Medicare. The overall goal is for diverse stakeholders to take coordinated actions and measure shared outcomes to achieve greater impact in supporting children and families.
This document summarizes a meeting of the Santa Barbara County Partnership for Strengthening Families. The goals of the meeting were to strengthen relationships between partners, deepen understanding of protective factors, and develop a leadership team and work plan for the Partnership. The Partnership aims to strengthen families and support optimal child development through collaboration between organizations like the Child Abuse Prevention Council, Child Care Planning Council, and Network of Family Resource Centers. The Strengthening Families framework guides the Partnership's work to build protective factors like social connections, knowledge of parenting/child development, concrete support, and parental resilience.
The document discusses several child abuse prevention programs run by the Family Service Inc. It summarizes each program's activities in 2014 and provides positive feedback from parents who participated. The three main programs discussed are the Child Abuse Prevention Program, Caring Parents program, and Healthy Families home visitation program. The summary provides the number of individuals educated and types of activities for each program in 2014.
The document summarizes a parent engagement event about developing the local offer for children with special educational needs. It includes an agenda for the day with presentations and workshops. The presentations discuss what parents want from communication and information, examples of successful local offers, and what interventions work for different needs. The workshops gather parent input on improving outcomes and how to design the local offer website.
Gender sensitive approaches to promote child development in coffee and cocoaAndrea Adriana Vos
A webinar organized by FAO and KIT featuring presentations from Ariane Genthon (FAO), Emmanuel Bukomeko (Kyagalanyi Coffee) and Lieke Guinee (Cocoanect/Beyond Beans)
A presentation from Gail Hayes of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The presentation outlines and advocates for comprehensive approaches to service provision by addressing the unique needs of parents and school-aged children.
This document summarizes a panel presentation on resources for early identification of children at risk for developmental delays. It discusses the objectives of reviewing developmental screening tools, increasing awareness of Help Me Grow (HMG) as a resource, and how HMG can support home visitors. It provides data on child well-being trends in South Carolina and the US. It then outlines challenges in developmental screening and solutions like HMG, a system for linking families to services. HMG launched in South Carolina in 2012 and has expanded access through a call center and outreach events while collecting data to improve the system.
Mandate to Report, Responsibility to Prevent - Mandated Reporter Training (Oc...Jim McKay
This document provides information about child abuse and neglect for mandated reporters. It discusses signs of abuse, what to do if a child discloses abuse, how and to whom to make a report. When making a report, Child Protective Services will ask for details about the family, the alleged abuse or neglect, and the mandated reporter. The goal is to determine if the child is safe and if intervention is needed to protect the child.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Amachi presentation LaNisha Sayles
The document discusses a partnership between the General Commission on United Methodist Men and Big Brothers Big Sisters to mobilize United Methodist men to mentor children through the Amachi program. The Amachi program provides mentoring to children who have incarcerated parents. The partnership is based on the idea that pairing people of faith with strong, enduring mentoring relationships can positively impact children facing adversity. The partnership has been successful in 18 cities by having local pastors and conference presidents promote mentoring and help connect volunteers with mentees.
The document discusses the FORCE Society for Kids' Mental Health, an organization that supports families with children facing mental health challenges. The organization's mandate is to empower families and work with professionals to meet children's mental health needs. FORCE stands for Families Organized for Recognition and Care Equality. The organization provides parent education, support, and advocacy. It connects families across British Columbia and helps parents navigate the mental health system and advocate for their children's needs.
Educators play an important role in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. But they also play a vital role in working to prevent maltreatment from ever occurring at all. Because of their unique leadership position in the community, educators can be the link to making meaningful connections with children, their families and the community.
This webinar will take a look at National Child Abuse Month and how educators can make a difference in the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
View the recording at: http://www.schoolimprovement.com/resources/webinars/child-abuse-prevention-month-webinar/
Learn more online at http://www.schoolimprovement.com/child-abuse-neglect-prevention-month/
The document summarizes research conducted by Shannon Polee and Dafne Melgar on parent engagement at the Jackie Robinson YMCA in Southeast San Diego. They surveyed 266 people and interviewed 15 parents and 10 staff members. They found that parents faced challenges with time, transportation, language barriers, and work obligations that prevented involvement. Staff also noted issues with limited resources and needing to serve as a babysitting service. Both parents and staff suggested increasing communication, activities, and opportunities for funding to improve parent engagement.
This document summarizes a presentation by Todd Wilson, Director of Recruitment for Big Brothers Big Sisters, about becoming a mentor. The organization's vision is for all children to achieve success in life by providing children facing adversity with professionally supported mentor relationships. Big Brothers Big Sisters serves over 200,000 children annually across the US and 12 other countries. Becoming a mentor involves expressing interest, completing an application, interviewing, attending training, and being matched with a child to meet with regularly.
Emily Swartzlander, Chief Strategist, Family Forward NC
What will a family friendly workplace of the future look like? Emily will share best practices from Family Forward Workplaces.
The document discusses engaging fathers in pregnancy centers and fatherhood initiatives. It provides an overview of a workshop on using mothers as a gateway to involve fathers more. It discusses the importance of fathers and the negative impacts of father absence, such as increased poverty, poor educational and health outcomes for children. It also notes that many fathers lack parenting skills and knowledge but want to be more involved in their children's lives.
Strengthening Families institute at Celebrating Connections conference, Febru...Jim McKay
Full-day session on the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework and everyday actions that can help families build their protective factors - in home visiting programs, early care and education programs, early intervention services and in communities.
Contributi dei parlamentari del PD - Contributi L. 3/2019Partito democratico
2025 - The DFARS - Part 204 - Administrative And Information MattersJSchaus & Associates
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
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Visit our website to learn more about US Federal Government Contracting and subscribe to our FREE Government Contracting Webinars
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The Minimalist Marketer – How Nonprofits Can Do More with Less slides Julia.pdfJulia Campbell
Marketing for nonprofits has never been more complex. With endless social media platforms, email campaigns, and digital tools, nonprofit professionals often feel overwhelmed, stretched thin, and unsure if their efforts are truly making an impact.
What if marketing didn’t have to be this complicated? The Minimalist Marketer offers a streamlined approach, helping nonprofits cut through the noise and focus on high-impact marketing strategies that save time, money, and energy.
In this 45-minute webinar, you’ll learn how to simplify your marketing, identify what truly moves the needle, and create a focused strategy that helps your nonprofit grow—without burnout.
1. Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Coalition of Broward County
Saving Lives, Inspiring Hope, Guiding Futures.
The Father Factor: Community
Resource to Support Fathers
and their Families
2. Mission Statement:
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Coalition of Broward County
Reduce infant
Prenatal Care
3. ?A 501 (c) 3 private not for
profit organization
dedicated to improving
maternal, infant and child
health in Broward County,
?Served more than 5,000
individuals in 2013-2014.
?Serves clients of all ages
from newborn to child-
bearing age.
?The only organization in
Broward County that has a
Fetal/Infant Mortality
Review team, researching
new ways to help save
babies lives.
Who We Are?
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Coalition of Broward is:
4. ? The Broward County Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) is dedicated to
reducing infant mortality rates in our county by providing awareness,
education, and resources to women and families.
? Florida’s Fetal and Infant Mortality Review projects are organized under
Florida Statute Section 766.101, utilizing the National Fetal and Infant
Mortality Review (NFIMR) guidelines.
? The Broward County FIMR Program is supported by dedicated health care
providers, community agencies, and many other public and private
? Broward County Medical Association (BCMA) incorporates the Case Review
Team (CRT) as a BCMA Public Health subcommittee.
? FIMR is funded by Children’s Services Council and the Broward Healthy Start
5. Background
? Healthy Mothers, Health Babies through its Fetal
Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) program identified
the following:
?Social stressors, especially the lack of father
involvement in their infant’s/child’s life as a
preventable contributing factor to infant death.
?Increased father involvement in the African
American community is critical to reducing
unacceptable disparity in black infant deaths,
more than twice the rate of white babies.
6. Fatherhood Mentorship Program’s Mission
Men have within them the creative seed to be carriers of vision,
strength, and discipline. We seek to draw on this collective energy by
coming together to impart insights, develop strategies and action
steps for the purpose of creating championship fathers who are
Involved, Responsible and Committed to our kid(s) and community.
For all men, know that being a father is not for the faint of heart and
best not done alone.
A 36 week experience:
Equipping│ Educating │ Empowering
Fathers to become and remain heroes to their
children, community, and city.
11. Identified Need
? Lack of paternal involvement increases the risk factors for
infant mortality.
? Infants with absent fathers are more likely to be born with
lower birth weights, to be preterm and small for gestational
? The risk of poor birth outcome was highest among Black
women whose babies fathers were absent during the
? Pregnancy complications such as anemia, chronic high blood
pressure, eclampsia, and placental abruption that contribute
to premature births were more common among women
whose babies fathers were absent during pregnancy.
Source: University of South Florida, June 2010.
12. Launch
? Initiated to fill service gaps and reduce
infant mortality in predominantly black
neighborhoods in 2010.
? Fathers were recruited through creative
? Mentors were identified and trained by
100 Black Men, Inc. using “100 Ways to
Train” curriculum.
? Male Program Coordinator recruited.
? Provides individual and group education
to help men develop the skills needed
to become and remain active in their
children’s life. The program includes
case management, group sessions,
community activities, and resource
13. Launch
36 Weeks │Two phases:
? Phase I- fathers are peered with
coaches/mentors attending 12 week
group sessions. Graduation held at
? Phase II- individual case management
for 24 weeks using the National
Fatherhood Initiative’s 24/7 DAD
24:7 Dad Curriculum Topics include:
? What it means to be a Dad
? Communication
? Working with mom and co-parenting
? Dealing with anger
15. Fatherhood Program Successes
Since inception in October 2010
? 125 have graduated from 12 weekly
educational group sessions.
? 100% of fathers completing the
program improve their knowledge,
attitudes and skills about parenting as
evidenced by the 24/7 Dad
? 100% of fathers show an
improvement in knowledge when the
pre and post-test were reviewed.
? 100% of fathers achieve one goal in
their case plan
Success Stories:
? Derrick a father of two girls re-united
with his 9 year old daughter he hasn’t
seen in 7 years
? Mike honored Healthy Mothers,
Healthy Babies Father of the Year in
16. Fatherhood Program Successes
? Fathers who completed the program were asked what they learned. Some
responses include:
? “Learned a lot about child support, rights of a father, and how to get
a driver’s license”
? “The program was very well rounded, and I hope it is made available
in all neighboring communities”
? When asked if the program helped to strengthen their bond with their
children, the fathers responded
? “I have started making more efforts to spend time with my children”
? I like spending more time with my children, but my relationship with
my ex-girlfriend is not good”
17. Family History Discipline
What it Means to Be a Man Children's Growth
Showing and Handling Feelings Getting Involved
Working with Mom & Co Parenting Dad’s and Work
Men’s Health Communication
The Father’s Role My 24/7 Dad
Fathering and the 24/7 Dad Power and Control
Boyhood to Manhood Competition and Fathering
Dealing with Anger Improving My Communication
Skills Fun with the Kids
Knowing Myself Stress, Alcohol, and Work
Sex, Love,
and Relationships
22. Mentor/Coach Commitment
? Build trusting relationships.
? Attend 10 group sessions with the father.
? Project a positive image.
? Make contact with the fathers throughout the entire
? Communicate any issues or concerns to the program
manager or case managers.
? Be an effective listener.
? Stay enthusiastic about the work you do as a mentor.
? Establish an ongoing relationship with your mentee.
23. 2 Locations
Date: Thursdays
Location: Austin Hepburn Center
750 N.W. 8th Avenue
Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009
Date: Wednesdays
Location: Joseph Carter Park
1450 West Sunrise Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale FL 33311
25. You Can Make A Difference
Be a Father │ Refer a Father │ Coach to Inspire & Support Fathers
Passionate about: Fatherhood, Discipleship, & Evangelism? Be a F.M.A.D
(Father Making A Difference) & Complete Fatherhood Questionnaire
? Electronic Questionnaire
→ http://goo.gl/forms/h1R66C8wU0
(easy, quick & paperless)
? Paper Questionnaire
(complete form as Word Doc. email & attach or choose to print & then fax)
26. Contact Us
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Coalition of Broward County, Inc.
P.O. Box 350446
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315
Phone: 954.765.0550
Fax: 954.765.0587
Samuel Brown, Fatherhood Mentorship Program Manager
Mobile: 954-245-5237
Editor's Notes
#3: 狠狠撸 2 Arrow Chart
Select blue arrow
Start – ON CLICK – Direction – FROM LEFT – Speed-FAST
Select Orange oval
Click on the ADD EFFECT button in the Animation Pane
Start – ON CLICK – Speed – VERY FAST
Select far left Dashed Line
Start – AFTER PREVIOUS – Direction – FROM TOP – Speed – VERY FAST
Select the transparent shape behind text on the far left
Start – WITH PREVIOUS – Speed – FAST
Select header Text box
Select Body text
Click BLACK DOWN ARROW on the right hand side of highlighted text box in the ANIMATION WINDOW
Make sure the start drop down is set to AFTER PREVIOUS
#5: There are over 300 fetal and infant deaths in Broward County. 57 of those cases are selected annually and a thorough review are completed by our nurse abstractors who looks at all the medical charts for that infant to attempt to identify the causes of death.
#10: According to the?U.S. Census Bureau, 24 million children in America, one out of three children in America, now live in biological father-absent homes.
#12: Identified need as it relates to Maternal Child Health, a father’