The document discusses social events held by the Rotary club to help members network and build relationships. It notes that two social events were recently held - one at Taubman and one at Big Lick Brewing - which had good turnouts. The president believes more social events will lead to greater collaboration and fundraising for the community as members get to know each other better outside of meetings. He looks forward to the club focusing more on this aspect of networking and relationship building in 2015.
Today I share with you some information about my initiative to collect non-perishable food items for the Salvation Army of Brampton. I am doing this as part of the requirement for completing my High Performance Leadership requirements in the Toastmasters Advance Leadership programme.
The Disabled Veterans National Foundation had a productive year in 2015. They contributed over $700,000 to veteran programs, provided healthcare items to veterans through their Gifts in Kind program, and created partnerships to further aid veterans. They welcomed new staff, board members, and provided capacity building grants to 34 organizations across the US to help over 50,000 disabled veterans. Looking ahead, they aim to continue expanding their efforts to support veterans through programs like health and comfort kits, grants, and resources.
The GolfStar Classic on St. Patrick's Day raised money for Volunteers of America's adoption program through a golf tournament, food, auction, and raffle. Presenting sponsor Jay Trusheim donated $15,000 to kick off the fundraising. Additional sponsors included Mercedes-Benz of New Orleans, Retif Oil & Fuel, and others. The funds will help Volunteers of America unite children with adoptive families.
This document discusses Luther Manor, a nonprofit organization that provides care to older adults. It thanks volunteers and donors for their support. It highlights some of the volunteer activities over the past year, including volunteers contributing over 46,000 hours of service. The Friends of Luther Manor raised $10,400 through their Love Lights fundraising event. It also introduces the new President/CEO, Stephanie Chedid, and discusses the diversity of Luther Manor's volunteers who come from around the world to serve older adults."
Today I would like to share with you joy of giving. On Friday I delivered approximately 1060 pounds of non-perishable food items to the Salvation Army of Brampton as part of my High Performance Leaders project titled Holiday Season Food Drive. I was ecstatic when I made the delivery. The mystery of giving revealed a truly fantastic feeling that words cannot begin to describe.
This newsletter summarizes volunteer activities and accomplishments at Episcopal Social Services and Sheltering Arms over the past few months. It recognizes top volunteers for January through May and highlights the impact of volunteer projects like painting a group home. An article discusses the mental and physical health benefits of volunteering. The Executive Director expresses appreciation for volunteers in a letter.
The joy of giving and being able to support someones dream to have food and eat this holiday season has led to a sense of contentment that is indescribable. Today I share with you ways to ensure that you make a difference in 2014. If you want to make a difference in 2014 do the following:
Create a domino effect
Be you and be passionate about making a difference
Accept your vulnerabilities and unlimited capacity
Crider Health Center held its first annual Cruisin' 4 Crider motorcycle ride event on April 20, 2013 to raise awareness about mental illness and reduce stigma. Over 130 motorcyclists braved cold weather to participate in a 130 mile ride through St. Louis metropolitan cities and towns. The event was a success in conveying the message that it is hurtful to label people due to mental illness. Crider plans to hold the event again on May 17, 2014 and continue monthly rides throughout the riding season.
Today I am sharing three tips on how to be awesome! They are:
1. You are always prepared
2. Be part of an awesome team
3. Genuinely care about others
I am also encouraging you to visit a Toastmasters club in the cities of Brampton or Mississauga to learn more about the wonderful communication and leadership skills development programme. I am also making a special appeal to you to support the people in the Philippines affected by Typhoon Haiyan by supporting the United Nations World Food Programme .
The document discusses reaching out to neighbors, especially the elderly, who may be experiencing isolation or lack of resources during the winter months. It encourages visiting neighbors, offering transportation, and inviting them to community programs. It also notes the large number of charitable organizations in the area that help meet community needs and thanks residents for their generosity.
This document summarizes the August 2013 newsletter of the Women in Business (WIB) organization. It discusses the president's message about enjoying the summer and encourages members to attend upcoming events. It also reminds members that WIB's goals are to provide networking opportunities and raise funds for scholarships for women. The newsletter announces the August guest speaker will discuss the Bear River Land Conservancy and provides details about the monthly luncheon meeting.
The document announces Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry's (LPGM) 20th anniversary celebration to be held on October 10, 2015. It invites all former travelers and supporters to attend special events marking the occasion, including a worship service and reunion. Details of the events will be posted online and in the next newsletter. The document encourages attendees to share their experiences with LPGM and asks how attendees can get involved to accomplish new things through LPGM.
Sacred Heart Village provides affordable housing for low-income seniors aged 62 and older. It aims to treat residents with love, dignity and respect. The annual report is dedicated to Mary Hatch, a long-serving volunteer. Highlights from 2014 include renovations, a governor's visit to sign anti-fraud legislation, and life-enriching programs for residents.
The document provides information about upcoming events for Lions Clubs in West Virginia District 29-I. It summarizes the District Governor's message encouraging clubs to continue working towards their goals for the year. It also announces the dates and locations for various club fundraisers and service projects taking place in March and April. Finally, it includes the registration information for the annual West Virginia Lions State Convention in May.
Global Eyes Magazine (GEM) October 2013 printBeatrice Watson
Global Eyes Magazine, the news and information channel focussing on the Black and Caribbean communities Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Check it out. There is something for you too.
Today I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my family and all the members of Toastmasters Clubs in the cities of Brampton and Mississauga for their generous support and encouragement in making my Holiday Season Food Drive a resounding success. The joy of giving and supporting someones dream is indescribable and awesome but I could not have done it without you.
The document discusses volunteering opportunities at MPTF to help industry members in need. MPTF volunteers provide companionship and assistance to seniors through activities like friendly visits, phone calls, shopping, computer tutoring, and more. Volunteers feel rewarded helping continue MPTF's 90-year tradition of giving back and supporting those facing hardship. Testimonials from volunteers highlight how their efforts have improved seniors' lives by helping them stay active and engaged in the community.
The governor thanks Mr. Madrigal-luna for volunteering with the Florida Guardian ad Litem Program to advocate for children. The program aims to reach 10,000 volunteers by 2015 for its 35th anniversary. The governor expresses that volunteers make a huge impact and all children deserve an advocate they can trust.
This newsletter summarizes upcoming events and activities for a local Rotary club. It discusses plans for the District Governor's visit, welcoming new members, hosting health days, participating in Mandela Day activities, distributing blankets through a drive, and securing a district grant for a soccer program. It also provides updates on polio eradication efforts, Rotary's partnership with ShelterBox, and upcoming Rotaract events. The newsletter aims to inform members and encourage participation in club activities over the coming months.
This document discusses the work of Child's Cup Full, a nonprofit social enterprise that creates jobs for talented refugee women artisans in the West Bank. It trains and employs women to make handmade children's toys and accessories that are marketed and sold in the US. This provides stable incomes for families and contributes to the social standing of women who are often primary breadwinners. The organization believes in establishing a self-sustaining business model instead of charity to generate long-term opportunities for refugee artisans who have limited access to global markets. It is part of a global movement to empower artisan sectors in developing areas.
This newsletter summarizes upcoming events and activities for a local Rotary club. It discusses plans for the District Governor's visit, welcoming new members, hosting health days, participating in Mandela Day activities, completing a blanket drive, and securing a district grant for a soccer program. It also provides updates on polio eradication efforts, Rotary's partnership with Shelterbox, and upcoming Rotaract events. The newsletter aims to inform members and encourage participation in the club's service initiatives.
Mike Pereira, a retired U.S. Army sergeant, volunteers with Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care's Veteran-to-Veteran program to help veterans deal with grief and PTSD. Through his volunteer work visiting and talking with veterans, Mike has found meaning and helped process his own traumatic experiences from two tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, including the death of a close friend. The volunteer program matches veterans to help terminally ill veterans feel less isolated by sharing their military experiences.
1) The Laugh at Cancer Organization aims to help families affected by cancer and restore hope through various support programs and initiatives.
2) It provides both online and offline support communities, and encourages people to become "Wings of Hope" by volunteering and participating in projects that provide support to cancer patients and their families.
3) The organization runs various fundraising projects to help cancer patients, including a greeting card project, bracelet sales, and a treatment organizer.
This issue of Central Minnesota Women magazine features stories about embracing humor for health, overcoming postpartum depression, a "phenomenal under 40" educator, and Mexican-inspired organic recipes. It also provides suggestions for outdoor summer activities and concludes with a farewell message from the publishers announcing this will be the magazine's final issue after seven years.
Letter of recommendation for Speaking engagemnt for NJACP Beth Bongar
Beth Bongar, known as the Laughing Diva, presented at the New Jersey Association of Community Providers' 31st Annual Conference in Atlantic City. According to evaluations, her presentation on using laughter to de-stress was interactive, engaging, fun, and left participants feeling inspired and motivated. Attendees commented that her session was exactly what they needed and the most enjoyable workshop they had attended. The Association recommends Beth Bongar to other professional groups looking to educate and inspire members through laughter.
The document is a newsletter from New Life Center, which provides services for victims of domestic violence. It discusses donations received from organizations like the West Valley Mavericks Foundation. It highlights New Life Center's 25th anniversary and the legacy of the organization in helping thousands of families escape domestic violence. It provides information on upcoming events like volunteer orientations and tours of the facility. The newsletter aims to thank donors and volunteers for their support in allowing New Life Center to continue its important work.
Este documento describe los tipos, funcionamiento y aplicaciones de los ventiladores. Explica que los ventiladores transportan gases absorbiendo energ鱈a mec叩nica y devolvi辿ndola al gas. Se componen de un motor de accionamiento y un propulsor giratorio. Seg炭n su funci坦n pueden ser impulsores, extractores o impulsores-extractores. Tambi辿n describe los tipos principales seg炭n la trayectoria del aire: centr鱈fugos, axiales, transversales y helicocentr鱈fugos. Por 炭ltimo, explica que pueden accionarse directamente o por trans
El documento describe una pr叩ctica de laboratorio en la que se midi坦 la dureza Rockwell de varios tipos de aceros y se calcul坦 el promedio. Los resultados se compararon con una tabla de conversi坦n para determinar el tipo de material y su resistencia a la tracci坦n aproximada. Los estudiantes deben identificar el uso y composici坦n del material mediante la consulta de bibliograf鱈as e incluir la informaci坦n en su informe.
Crider Health Center held its first annual Cruisin' 4 Crider motorcycle ride event on April 20, 2013 to raise awareness about mental illness and reduce stigma. Over 130 motorcyclists braved cold weather to participate in a 130 mile ride through St. Louis metropolitan cities and towns. The event was a success in conveying the message that it is hurtful to label people due to mental illness. Crider plans to hold the event again on May 17, 2014 and continue monthly rides throughout the riding season.
Today I am sharing three tips on how to be awesome! They are:
1. You are always prepared
2. Be part of an awesome team
3. Genuinely care about others
I am also encouraging you to visit a Toastmasters club in the cities of Brampton or Mississauga to learn more about the wonderful communication and leadership skills development programme. I am also making a special appeal to you to support the people in the Philippines affected by Typhoon Haiyan by supporting the United Nations World Food Programme .
The document discusses reaching out to neighbors, especially the elderly, who may be experiencing isolation or lack of resources during the winter months. It encourages visiting neighbors, offering transportation, and inviting them to community programs. It also notes the large number of charitable organizations in the area that help meet community needs and thanks residents for their generosity.
This document summarizes the August 2013 newsletter of the Women in Business (WIB) organization. It discusses the president's message about enjoying the summer and encourages members to attend upcoming events. It also reminds members that WIB's goals are to provide networking opportunities and raise funds for scholarships for women. The newsletter announces the August guest speaker will discuss the Bear River Land Conservancy and provides details about the monthly luncheon meeting.
The document announces Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry's (LPGM) 20th anniversary celebration to be held on October 10, 2015. It invites all former travelers and supporters to attend special events marking the occasion, including a worship service and reunion. Details of the events will be posted online and in the next newsletter. The document encourages attendees to share their experiences with LPGM and asks how attendees can get involved to accomplish new things through LPGM.
Sacred Heart Village provides affordable housing for low-income seniors aged 62 and older. It aims to treat residents with love, dignity and respect. The annual report is dedicated to Mary Hatch, a long-serving volunteer. Highlights from 2014 include renovations, a governor's visit to sign anti-fraud legislation, and life-enriching programs for residents.
The document provides information about upcoming events for Lions Clubs in West Virginia District 29-I. It summarizes the District Governor's message encouraging clubs to continue working towards their goals for the year. It also announces the dates and locations for various club fundraisers and service projects taking place in March and April. Finally, it includes the registration information for the annual West Virginia Lions State Convention in May.
Global Eyes Magazine (GEM) October 2013 printBeatrice Watson
Global Eyes Magazine, the news and information channel focussing on the Black and Caribbean communities Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Check it out. There is something for you too.
Today I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my family and all the members of Toastmasters Clubs in the cities of Brampton and Mississauga for their generous support and encouragement in making my Holiday Season Food Drive a resounding success. The joy of giving and supporting someones dream is indescribable and awesome but I could not have done it without you.
The document discusses volunteering opportunities at MPTF to help industry members in need. MPTF volunteers provide companionship and assistance to seniors through activities like friendly visits, phone calls, shopping, computer tutoring, and more. Volunteers feel rewarded helping continue MPTF's 90-year tradition of giving back and supporting those facing hardship. Testimonials from volunteers highlight how their efforts have improved seniors' lives by helping them stay active and engaged in the community.
The governor thanks Mr. Madrigal-luna for volunteering with the Florida Guardian ad Litem Program to advocate for children. The program aims to reach 10,000 volunteers by 2015 for its 35th anniversary. The governor expresses that volunteers make a huge impact and all children deserve an advocate they can trust.
This newsletter summarizes upcoming events and activities for a local Rotary club. It discusses plans for the District Governor's visit, welcoming new members, hosting health days, participating in Mandela Day activities, distributing blankets through a drive, and securing a district grant for a soccer program. It also provides updates on polio eradication efforts, Rotary's partnership with ShelterBox, and upcoming Rotaract events. The newsletter aims to inform members and encourage participation in club activities over the coming months.
This document discusses the work of Child's Cup Full, a nonprofit social enterprise that creates jobs for talented refugee women artisans in the West Bank. It trains and employs women to make handmade children's toys and accessories that are marketed and sold in the US. This provides stable incomes for families and contributes to the social standing of women who are often primary breadwinners. The organization believes in establishing a self-sustaining business model instead of charity to generate long-term opportunities for refugee artisans who have limited access to global markets. It is part of a global movement to empower artisan sectors in developing areas.
This newsletter summarizes upcoming events and activities for a local Rotary club. It discusses plans for the District Governor's visit, welcoming new members, hosting health days, participating in Mandela Day activities, completing a blanket drive, and securing a district grant for a soccer program. It also provides updates on polio eradication efforts, Rotary's partnership with Shelterbox, and upcoming Rotaract events. The newsletter aims to inform members and encourage participation in the club's service initiatives.
Mike Pereira, a retired U.S. Army sergeant, volunteers with Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care's Veteran-to-Veteran program to help veterans deal with grief and PTSD. Through his volunteer work visiting and talking with veterans, Mike has found meaning and helped process his own traumatic experiences from two tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, including the death of a close friend. The volunteer program matches veterans to help terminally ill veterans feel less isolated by sharing their military experiences.
1) The Laugh at Cancer Organization aims to help families affected by cancer and restore hope through various support programs and initiatives.
2) It provides both online and offline support communities, and encourages people to become "Wings of Hope" by volunteering and participating in projects that provide support to cancer patients and their families.
3) The organization runs various fundraising projects to help cancer patients, including a greeting card project, bracelet sales, and a treatment organizer.
This issue of Central Minnesota Women magazine features stories about embracing humor for health, overcoming postpartum depression, a "phenomenal under 40" educator, and Mexican-inspired organic recipes. It also provides suggestions for outdoor summer activities and concludes with a farewell message from the publishers announcing this will be the magazine's final issue after seven years.
Letter of recommendation for Speaking engagemnt for NJACP Beth Bongar
Beth Bongar, known as the Laughing Diva, presented at the New Jersey Association of Community Providers' 31st Annual Conference in Atlantic City. According to evaluations, her presentation on using laughter to de-stress was interactive, engaging, fun, and left participants feeling inspired and motivated. Attendees commented that her session was exactly what they needed and the most enjoyable workshop they had attended. The Association recommends Beth Bongar to other professional groups looking to educate and inspire members through laughter.
The document is a newsletter from New Life Center, which provides services for victims of domestic violence. It discusses donations received from organizations like the West Valley Mavericks Foundation. It highlights New Life Center's 25th anniversary and the legacy of the organization in helping thousands of families escape domestic violence. It provides information on upcoming events like volunteer orientations and tours of the facility. The newsletter aims to thank donors and volunteers for their support in allowing New Life Center to continue its important work.
Este documento describe los tipos, funcionamiento y aplicaciones de los ventiladores. Explica que los ventiladores transportan gases absorbiendo energ鱈a mec叩nica y devolvi辿ndola al gas. Se componen de un motor de accionamiento y un propulsor giratorio. Seg炭n su funci坦n pueden ser impulsores, extractores o impulsores-extractores. Tambi辿n describe los tipos principales seg炭n la trayectoria del aire: centr鱈fugos, axiales, transversales y helicocentr鱈fugos. Por 炭ltimo, explica que pueden accionarse directamente o por trans
El documento describe una pr叩ctica de laboratorio en la que se midi坦 la dureza Rockwell de varios tipos de aceros y se calcul坦 el promedio. Los resultados se compararon con una tabla de conversi坦n para determinar el tipo de material y su resistencia a la tracci坦n aproximada. Los estudiantes deben identificar el uso y composici坦n del material mediante la consulta de bibliograf鱈as e incluir la informaci坦n en su informe.
El documento propone estrategias para promover la inclusi坦n en lugar de la exclusi坦n en la sociedad del conocimiento. Sugieren armonizar el desarrollo de altas competencias con valores que promuevan la creatividad y competitividad. Tambi辿n recomiendan incluir objetivos educativos m叩s integrales y que los estados consideren la educaci坦n y la salud como sectores esenciales para el futuro de la sociedad.
Ingenier鱈a, Control y Manejo de Aire "Filtros" son capaces de recoger altas cargas de part鱈culas resultantes de procesos industriales de muy diversos sectores.
Gabriel es due単o de una tienda de instrumentos musicales y vive solo con su hija desde que su esposa lo dej坦 hace 4 a単os. Su novia se llama Vicky y su ex esposa se llama Leti. Gabriel esconde que tiene una hija cuando visita a su novia para que no lo descubra. La novia se enoja en un restaurante por un ni単o desordenado y saluda a un beb辿 para mostrarle a Gabriel que los ni単os la odian.
Plan de Marketing para Cupcakes by Eliza, Universidad Dr. Jos辿 Mat鱈as Delgado...Wiliam Alexander Hern叩ndez
Propuesta de Plan de Marketing para Cupcakes by Eliza, c叩tedra Marketing y Gesti坦n de campa単as de Publicidad, Universidad Dr. Jos辿 Mat鱈as Delgado, junio 2013
The document contains a calendar of events for October through December for an organization including a flu awareness day, blood donation talk, end of challenge measurements, Halloween party, tobacco cessation talk, food drive, massage day, lunch and laugh, Christmas, and New Year's Eve. It also includes summaries of the organization's wellness program activities, new hires and promotions, and recognition of employees.
This document discusses applying New Year's resolutions and goals to a Rotary club. It suggests that the club commit to new projects, plans, and goals for 2015 to make a difference in the community. Specific suggestions include committing to sponsor one new member each and attending one service project per month. It emphasizes that the members have each other for support to accomplish great things together in the new year.
The District 13 Toastmasters 2015 Spring Conference will be held April 24-25 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Washington, PA. The keynote speaker will be Sharon Anita Hill, an International Director for Toastmasters. The agenda includes an evaluation contest, morning and afternoon workshops, and an international speech contest. Dawn and Mike Staropoli from the Aspinwall Toastmasters club will present a workshop on mentoring in Toastmasters.
The document is a newsletter from Mi Pueblo supermarket that discusses various topics such as:
1) Thanking employees for their work on Employee Appreciation Day and announcing upcoming scholarship and award opportunities for employees.
2) Providing information on Mi Pueblo's scholarship program, a healthy recipe, and tips on saving money.
3) Highlighting community events Mi Pueblo participated in to promote health and nutrition.
Taking Care Of Our Volunteers PresentationEmma Thompson
This document summarizes a meeting about taking care of volunteers. It includes an agenda, list of speakers and attendees, and summaries of presentations on volunteer recruitment, retention, appreciation, diversity, vulnerable volunteers, and corporate volunteering. Key points included using various methods to recruit and retain volunteers, such as timely responses, training, and showing appreciation through food, events, and verbal thanks. Presenters also discussed the impact of demographics on volunteering and strategies for engaging vulnerable or corporate volunteers.
The document discusses developing a communication strategy for a new magazine called "Keep it ONE HUNDRED" focused on bucket lists. The strategy aims to create awareness of bucket lists and their benefits among youth aged 18-30 and South African celebrities. Research found many in these groups are unaware of bucket lists or do not have one. The magazine will use an exciting tone in simple language to inspire readers to engage in bucket lists through competitions, events and articles. The goal is to motivate readers to experience a fulfilled lifestyle and accomplish personal goals. Competitors provide similar lifestyle content through various media.
Here is our last newsletter for this year. News on the heathy way of life in our MRC or how to lead the motivation .
Read and share and do not forget to join us on Pinterest too...
Have fun!
Using Apter's Theory of Motivation as a way to Enthuse Rotarians to Light Up ...Geoff James
Rotary clubs can motivate members and light up Rotary by appealing to different human motivational needs, according to reversal theory. Clubs should provide opportunities for achievement of goals, fun activities, team building, rituals, rebellion/innovation, competition/mastery, compassion, and self-development. Addressing these diverse needs will keep members engaged over time as their individual motivations and needs fluctuate. The speaker provides examples for how clubs can incorporate each of these elements.
Peer pressure can influence students both positively and negatively. Positively, peers can encourage each other to read good books or be sportsmanlike. Negatively, peers may pressure each other to skip class or try cigarettes. Students are vulnerable to peer pressure due to basic human needs - the need to belong, feel worthwhile, and achieve. However, knowing one's true worth and purpose in God can free students from relying on peers and withstanding negative peer pressure. Preparing for uncomfortable situations and having strong values also helps students make good choices.
This document is the July 2015 issue of the Allsteel Connection newsletter. It includes the following key points:
1) A letter from Jan Johnson, VP of Design and Workplace Resources at Allsteel, explaining that her team helps clients develop workplace strategies to connect their business strategy to their physical workspace in a way that supports their culture and values.
2) Upcoming July events at Allsteel including fundraising competitions, runs/walks, and networking lunches.
3) A highlight of Natalie Anderson from Integrated Support who enjoys the opportunity to help grow her team and sees her reward in their development and success.
4) Announcements about mid-year Healthworks resolutions and details on owning H
Create and Run Your First Really Big Fundraising CampaignBloomerang
Sandy Rees, CFRE will show you exactly what to do to create and run your first really big fundraising campaign. Youll learn how to plan the campaign, the tools and materials youll need, and how to find the best people to ask for a gift. Youll leave feeling hopeful and more confident about raising big money.
Rotary is a global organization of business and professional people that provides humanitarian service, promotes high ethical standards, and builds goodwill and peace worldwide. It operates through local clubs whose members abide by a 4-way test of the things they think, say, or do. Rotary focuses on community service, international and vocational service, youth programs, membership development, and club operations. At the core is The Rotary Foundation, one of the world's largest charitable organizations, which works to eradicate polio and support international humanitarian projects.
This document provides information about fall formal recruitment for sororities at the University of Oregon. It includes an overview of the recruitment schedule, which outlines the different rounds and times for each day. It also provides tips for potential new members on what to expect and how to prepare for recruitment. Additionally, it discusses what to wear and emphasizes choosing comfortable, respectful clothing. The document aims to welcome and inform potential new members about the sorority recruitment process.
RI General Secretary John Hewko, 2014 RI Convention, Sydney, AustraliaRotary International
John Hewko, the general secretary of Rotary International, gave a speech at the 2014 Rotary International Convention in Sydney, Australia. He discussed how a project providing eye exams and glasses to children in the Philippines inspired him due to his own experience with vision problems. He argued that Rotary could achieve even more by thinking bigger with projects that provide sustainable eye care over the long term. Hewko also stressed the need for Rotary to embrace change and new ways of operating to attract more members and take on more ambitious projects in order to have an even greater global impact. He outlined steps the Secretariat is taking to strengthen Rotary's brand and membership recruitment through new online tools and marketing materials. Hewko closed by urging Rotarians
Here is our monthly publication about our partnership in Memphremagog MRC.
By your good's practises, we would like to inspire you in you environment's development.
We hope you will have fun reading it.
Follow us on Facebook....
We are Rotary, a membership organization of innovators and problem solvers dedicated to applying sustainable solutions to some of the worlds greatest challenges. Our members raise millions of dollars every year to fight polio and other diseases, grow local economies, promote literacy, and work for peace. We maximize the impact of our resources through the volunteer efforts of our more than 1.2 million members worldwide.
The document introduces the guest speaker Dr. P.K. Vedanthan who will be speaking at the Rotary Club of Mysore meeting about his experiences in Myanmar. Dr. Vedanthan is a physician from Mysore who moved to the US and is now a professor and founder of a non-profit focused on respiratory health that works in several countries including Myanmar. He will discuss his recent work there through his non-profit organization Global Chest Initiatives.
Before you get started fundraising, you need to understand donors - why they do or do not give. Then using stories to connect and communicate - online and offline. Once that is in place, leveraging the cost effective, high learning, easy to spread nature of online to infuse your fundraising becomes easier.
This newsletter provides summaries of activities at the Toastmasters Club of Pune North East in June 2015. It discusses the club expanding horizons through various activities like teamwork, achievements of members, silver jubilee events, and an evaluation framework presentation. It also previews upcoming events like elections and a visit from Toastmasters USA. In addition to summaries, it includes articles on topics like teaching, communication competencies, progressive learning, and employee engagement.
1. 1
Getting Social
One of the main reasons Rotary was founded was to provide an
avenue for professionals to network and build relationships. In fact,
one of the tenets of the 4-Way Test asks, will it build goodwill and
better friendship?
Over the past few months, we have had socials at the Taubman and most recently, Big Lick Brewing.
The Taubman turnout was great and the Big Lick adventure also brought out many of you.
We have talked in meetings about doing more socials and I am encouraged at the turn out and
participation. I believe getting to know each other better in a more relaxed atmosphere will lead to
greater service and fundraising collaboration for our community. I also believe this will help bring in
guests and drive memberships.
I look forward to us living by this essential Rotary foundation more and more in 2015.
Special points of
Looking forward
Whats your worth?
Guest Speaker
In this issue:
Presidents Piece 1
Guest Speaker:
Heather Quintana
Self Worth 3
Members Page 5
Flyers 6-7
Rotary District 8
Future Events 9
Rotary Club of the Blue Ridge - New Generation
February 2015 Volume 1, Issue 7
New Gen Scorecard
Members 39
Avg Attnd 80%
(As of December 2015)
Presidents Piece
2. 2
Roanoke, VA January 7, 2014 Rotary was honored to have
Heather Quintana from Happy Healthy Cooks come and spend
a bitterly cold evening with us, so she could speak to us about
the program that she started and has grown over the years.
Happy Healthy Cooks has created a program that helps kids
and their families learn and turn to healthful foods, those foods
include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. The
main reasoning behind this is to create a healthy lifestyle
change, because their future health depends on it.
They work within Elementary schools, and their trained
volunteers deliver curriculum that is takes on a hands-on
approach. It is necessary to work with children at the
Elementary level, because at such an early age they can learn
and develop the needed skills to protect their future health
through well balanced diets and continue throughout their lives
as they grow older.
The curriculum that is taught by Happy Healthy Cooks
supports nutritional impact, how food actually impacts not
only their body but also their minds, and they actually prepare
and taste the food in the classroom. Through experience it has
been documented that the more involved kids are and learn
about healthy foods the more likely they will not only try the
food, but actually like it and continue to eat the food as they
get older.
Trending: Healthy Community
New GenerationFebruary 2015 Volume 1, Issue 7
Guest Speaker:
Heather Quintana
Throughout the year they learn how to prepare a variety of
different foods such as kale, lentils, brown rice, black beans,
and other plant based food. Also, they find out that they
actually love said food and tend to want more.
How we can possibly help? They need volunteers!! There are
5 volunteers in each classroom at every school for twenty (20)
weeks. If you cannot do 20 weeks of volunteer work they do
suggest forming a team of 2 and alternating weeks. There is
not a need to know how to cook, as they will train each
volunteer, they have a one week mandatory training session at
the beginning of each 10 weeks.
If you are interested in volunteering please check out the
website and contact Heather about the upcoming schedule.
3. 3
How Much is Your Worth
New GenerationFebruary 2015 Volume 1, Issue 7
The dictionary defines self-worth as the sense of ones own
value or worth of a person. However how do you measure your
self-worth? There is numerous ways to measure, and we all
know every person has value in their own way. Since we are
Rotarians, I would like to measure our self-worth as a club by
linking our value with our community.
We all have our strengths and as much as we hate to admit it we
also have our weakness, which is what makes our club valuable
in so many ways. Our club has members from many different
professions, and while a lot of us have similar characteristics
which attracted all of us to Rotary in the first place, we are a
diverse group of people made up of different strengths.
So it is asked of each and every one of us to look within and
measure our own self-worth as a Rotarian. What are your
strengths, weaknesses and where would you be the best fit to
help our growth within our club and more importantly growth
and value in our community?
Soledad OBrien said, Ive learned fear limits you and your
vision. It serves as blinders to what maybe just a few steps
down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in
your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower
you to walk down and even brighter path. Transforming fear
into freedom How great is that?
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New GenerationFebruary 2015 Volume 1, Issue 7
World Understanding Month focuses on promoting peace and reducing conflict in our communities and around the world. We
all have dreamed of world peace, but that cannot be accomplished without first getting people to appreciate peaceful interactions
within our own community. There are many activities or programs we can become involved in, and some include:
1. Community activities targeting members of our community, including conferences, trainings, and camps, in support of
nonviolence, peace-building, and human rights;
2. Supporting initiatives/organizations that address psychological effects of conflict and/or raising awareness about conflicts;
3. Educating and raising awareness of youth on preventive measures to avoid conflict;
4. Training programs or campaigns to address negative social dynamics in a community, including but not limited to anti-gang
efforts and those to overcome radical differences; work with police departments and/or other prevention organizations.
5. Vocational training teams supporting the above activities;
There is definitely a need for understanding world peace, and raising awareness about conflict and peaceful relations within not
only our community but also worldwide. What other ideas can we come up with to benefit everybody within Roanoke Valley?
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New GenerationFebruary 2015 Volume 1, Issue 7
Education: Emory and Henry College: BA
is political science and BS in Environmental
Employer/Position:Servpro of Roanoke,
Montgomery & Pulaski: Business Develop-
ment Coordinator for Salem and South Roa-
noke Counties
What you love about your job: I work with
a phenomenal group of individuals. I have
learned a great deal from the people that I
work with here at Servpro and the people
that Ive met. Many of my customers that I
call on have now become good friends. This
job gives me the opportunity to help others
and serve my community.
Favorite food: I am a TOTAL foodie! I
would have to say my favorite food is lobster
mac or Shrimp and Grits./
Hobbies: In my spare time I am a travel
volleyball coach and I play when I can. I
love to travel and my most recent trip was to
Maui. I love being a mom to 7month old
Sydney Kate and my 2 puppies Deacon and
Delilah. I also like to spend time at Smith
Mountain Lake!
One fact about yourself: I met Billy Cur-
rington while I was in a spa in Maui.
Members Minute
Madness Fundraising
The phenomenon known as March Madness has die hard basketball fans salivating
at the thought it is right around the corner, and even has your non-sports fan
thinking they have a shot at winning money in the office pool. This tournament is
one of the most interesting post season tournaments in all of sports, because you
have the love for top schools and the fascination of the Cinderella team knocking
off some of the top teams in the Nation. People all over the nation get involved in
Bracket mania for bragging rights or more importantly to win the top prize of the
money collected for the office pool.
This year we are going to test the waters as a fundraising event with the brackets.
The price is $20 per bracket, 50% of the entry fee with go to our club to use
within Rotary and throughout our community, and prizes will be awarded to those
who place 1-3rd place. Those prizes will be determined once we see how many
participants we have playing. Also, there is a possibility of having a viewing party
downtown for the National Championship game.
We will open up registration the middle of the month, and we will close the
registration on selection Sunday, March 15. Please help spread the word as we
would like this to be very successful and something we can build upon in the
Communication leads to community,
that is, to understanding, intimacy and
mutual valuing.
~Rollo May
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Celebrating 100 Years
Rotary District
The 61st
The Homestead
District Convention 2015
S a v e t h e D a t e
M a r c h 1 3 - 1 5 , 2 0 1 5
New GenerationFebruary 2015 Volume 1, Issue 7
Hot Springs, Virginia
9. 9
Were on the Web
400 Salem AVE, 2C
Roanoke, VA 24016
President: Daniel Bliley
Rotary of the Blue Ridge - New
WhatThe Future Holds
Roanoke Area Events
2/5 - Beer 101 - Hardywood Brewery
2/10-WROV B-day Bash
2/12-Wine and Paint
2/14 - Valentines Day - Reminder
2/20-21-Big Lick Cocktail Classic
Jessie McPherson 05-Feb
Jason Bailey 15-Feb
Page Callahan 26-Feb
February 2015
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 Meeting 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 V-Day
15 16 17 18 Meeting 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
02/04-Rotary Meeting 6pm
Guest Speaker: Angie Chewning; Vinton
Chamber of Commerce
02/18-Rotary Meeting 6pm
February 2015 New Generation Volume 1, Issue 7