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Taking Action by Taking Care of Our Own
Volunteer Program
Caileigh Scott, SAG-AFTRA
MPTF Volunteer
The entertainment industry is like no other.
Stars are born. Dreams come true.
Hollywood endings are made.
Behind the scenes though, careers and lives are
filled with unpredictability.
MPTF volunteers understand.
We, too, are part of this industry community. We
aspire to the fundamental promise that MPTFs
founders made more than 90 years ago  to give
back to our fellow industry members in times of
need. Whether those needs are due to hardship,
isolation, age, bad luck or simply a desire to
connect, we step up and we make a difference.
Thousands of us find reward in giving back each
year. Its profound and its personal.
Become an MPTF volunteer and help continue the
promise of taking care of our own.
We Make A Difference
Peter Dunne
Ive been an avid supporter of MPTF since I
first joined the entertainment industry as a
television writer and producer 30 years ago. So
when I got the chance to offer residents a one-
month writers workshop on campus, I jumped.
What I didnt know was that the month would
turn into a year, and that year would have no
end in sight. The residents, some of whom have
no previous writing experience at all, write
memoirs, novels, poetry, and short stories,
then help each other improve their writing.
They have such fascinating lives, and some of
the work is amazingly beautiful. I thought this
activity would be a fun way to spend some time
giving back, but didnt realize it would also be so
profound. Creativity really does last a lifetime.
Tony Lawrence, left, MPTF resident, WGA, and
Peter Dunne volunteer, Writers Workshop leader, WGA
Dawn Jackson
I originally joined MPTFs community
volunteers as an opportunity to give back,
but as it turns out, what I got in the end
was worth a lot more than that: a friend.
Twice a month I meet up with Louise and
we go shopping together at local stores such
as Ralphs, Trader Joes, Rite Aid, and even
local farmers markets. ese arent quick
jaunts to the store, but entire mornings
spent between friends, walking the aisles
of Costco for upwards of 鍖ve hours. Since
we started shopping together Ive seen her
energy and stamina skyrocket, to the point
where she doesnt need to rest as frequently,
and doesnt need her walker. Shes become a
true companion and Ive loved watching her
health improve.
Dawn Jackson, left, Producers Guild, Friendly Visitor Volunteer, and
Louise Williams, Local 174
David Weiser
When I first became an MPTF computer tutor
I didnt realize Id have the chance to make such
a big impact on someones life. I was originally
tasked with helping Joyce learn some basics of
computing, but when her screen broke, we had
to improvise. I ended up helping Joyce salvage
a file containing her screenplay and printed it
in a large-font format. We began working on
revisions and she submitted the screenplay
to a regional competition that was sent back
with some great notes. What I didnt realize is
that my time with Joyce would help to break
her routine and change her life. Something
that seemed so effortless to me has made such
a difference and helped get Joyce excited about
writing again. Its been extremely rewarding.
David Weiser, left, Assistant Editor, Computer Tutor Volunteer, and
Joyce Wakefield SAG-AFTRA
Volunteer Opportunities
Home Safety
With the help of volunteers to make
home modi鍖cations for improving
safety, seniors can continue living
independently in their own homes.
Home Safety volunteers put their
handy skills to use in ongoing home
improvement and repairs, or come
together for our large events, where all
skill levels are welcome.
Friendly Visitors
Volunteers are matched with seniors
in their neighborhoods who bene鍖t
from regular social visits from fellow
industry members. Friendly visits
o鍖er tremendous bene鍖ts to seniors
including improved physical, mental,
and emotional health and keeping a
positive outlook.
Phone Buddies
Volunteers are matched with seniors
who bene鍖t from weekly socializing
on the phone. Many times seniors
are socially isolated due to frailty or
medical issues. Phone Buddies provide
companionship, support, and help
someone to feel connected to the
entertainment community.
Computer Tutors
Computer Tutors help seniors stay
connected with their family and
friends by developing basic skills such
as composing emails and opening
a achments. Seniors bene鍖t from the
comfort of having someone alongside
them as they expand their world
through the use of internet, capturing
life stories in a digital format and more.
Grocery Shoppers
Volunteers help seniors who need
assistance with grocery shopping
due to frailty, balance issues, or who
no longer drive. Grocery shopping
assistance helps seniors maintain a
sense of independence, as well as a
home stocked with fresh food.
Palliative Care
Palliative Care volunteers are
integrated into the interdisciplinary
team that provides support and care to
industry members facing the challenges
of a chronic or terminal illness.
Individuals interested in becoming a
Palliative Care volunteer receive special
Pool or Fitness Buddies
Volunteers are paired up with individuals
who need assistance swimming or using
the 鍖tness equipment at the Saban Center
for Health and Wellness.
Wasserman Campus
Multiple opportunities exist to work with
MPTF residents, from companionship to
more specialized needs like feeding frailer
Special Programs
Industry members bring their special
talents and run activity groups for MPTF
Other Ways to Help
ere are many ways to support MPTF and give back
to your entertainment industry community. Please
consider making a gi  every dollar makes an
impact. Your generosity of 15,000 annual donors
donors just like youensures MPTF can provide
vital programs and 鍖nancial assistance to industry
members in times of needs.
Visit MPTF.com/donate
Media Center
MPTFs award-winning media center
produces original content by and for
MPTF residents, in addition to video
that helps support MPTF organizational
messaging goals. Volunteers use their
professional skills to assist with media
center activities.
MPTF holds numerous fundraising
and marketing events each year
and o en volunteers are needed for
hands-on assistance or as passionate
spokespeople about MPTF.
Do you have something in mind not listed here?
Contact us and well explore opportunities.
Call toll-free 855-760-MPTF (6783)
email: info@mptf.com web: www.mptf.com Irvin Paik, Editors Guild
MPTF Volunteer
Each year MPTF volunteers give back to
their entertainment industry community
with almost 40,000 hours of service!
From assistance with 鍖tness, computers and feeding,
to playing games, teaching classes, companionship,
media production, home safety rebuilds and moreon
campus and in the communityindustry members
of all ages take the opportunity to get involved and
declare, Im MPTF.
Please join us, and more than 15,000 annual MPTF
donors, in making a di鍖erence in the lives of
thousands of people in our community.
To give, get involved or
鍖nd out more:
We take care of our own
Call toll-free
855-760-MPTF (6783)

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2014 Volunteer Brochure

  • 1. Taking Action by Taking Care of Our Own Volunteer Program Caileigh Scott, SAG-AFTRA MPTF Volunteer
  • 2. The entertainment industry is like no other. Stars are born. Dreams come true. Hollywood endings are made. Behind the scenes though, careers and lives are filled with unpredictability. MPTF volunteers understand. We, too, are part of this industry community. We aspire to the fundamental promise that MPTFs founders made more than 90 years ago to give back to our fellow industry members in times of need. Whether those needs are due to hardship, isolation, age, bad luck or simply a desire to connect, we step up and we make a difference. Thousands of us find reward in giving back each year. Its profound and its personal. Become an MPTF volunteer and help continue the promise of taking care of our own. We Make A Difference
  • 3. Peter Dunne Ive been an avid supporter of MPTF since I first joined the entertainment industry as a television writer and producer 30 years ago. So when I got the chance to offer residents a one- month writers workshop on campus, I jumped. What I didnt know was that the month would turn into a year, and that year would have no end in sight. The residents, some of whom have no previous writing experience at all, write memoirs, novels, poetry, and short stories, then help each other improve their writing. They have such fascinating lives, and some of the work is amazingly beautiful. I thought this activity would be a fun way to spend some time giving back, but didnt realize it would also be so profound. Creativity really does last a lifetime. Tony Lawrence, left, MPTF resident, WGA, and Peter Dunne volunteer, Writers Workshop leader, WGA
  • 4. Dawn Jackson I originally joined MPTFs community volunteers as an opportunity to give back, but as it turns out, what I got in the end was worth a lot more than that: a friend. Twice a month I meet up with Louise and we go shopping together at local stores such as Ralphs, Trader Joes, Rite Aid, and even local farmers markets. ese arent quick jaunts to the store, but entire mornings spent between friends, walking the aisles of Costco for upwards of 鍖ve hours. Since we started shopping together Ive seen her energy and stamina skyrocket, to the point where she doesnt need to rest as frequently, and doesnt need her walker. Shes become a true companion and Ive loved watching her health improve. Dawn Jackson, left, Producers Guild, Friendly Visitor Volunteer, and Louise Williams, Local 174
  • 5. David Weiser When I first became an MPTF computer tutor I didnt realize Id have the chance to make such a big impact on someones life. I was originally tasked with helping Joyce learn some basics of computing, but when her screen broke, we had to improvise. I ended up helping Joyce salvage a file containing her screenplay and printed it in a large-font format. We began working on revisions and she submitted the screenplay to a regional competition that was sent back with some great notes. What I didnt realize is that my time with Joyce would help to break her routine and change her life. Something that seemed so effortless to me has made such a difference and helped get Joyce excited about writing again. Its been extremely rewarding. David Weiser, left, Assistant Editor, Computer Tutor Volunteer, and Joyce Wakefield SAG-AFTRA
  • 6. Volunteer Opportunities Home Safety With the help of volunteers to make home modi鍖cations for improving safety, seniors can continue living independently in their own homes. Home Safety volunteers put their handy skills to use in ongoing home improvement and repairs, or come together for our large events, where all skill levels are welcome. Friendly Visitors Volunteers are matched with seniors in their neighborhoods who bene鍖t from regular social visits from fellow industry members. Friendly visits o鍖er tremendous bene鍖ts to seniors including improved physical, mental, and emotional health and keeping a positive outlook. Phone Buddies Volunteers are matched with seniors who bene鍖t from weekly socializing on the phone. Many times seniors are socially isolated due to frailty or medical issues. Phone Buddies provide companionship, support, and help someone to feel connected to the entertainment community. Computer Tutors Computer Tutors help seniors stay connected with their family and friends by developing basic skills such as composing emails and opening a achments. Seniors bene鍖t from the comfort of having someone alongside them as they expand their world through the use of internet, capturing life stories in a digital format and more. Grocery Shoppers Volunteers help seniors who need assistance with grocery shopping due to frailty, balance issues, or who no longer drive. Grocery shopping assistance helps seniors maintain a sense of independence, as well as a home stocked with fresh food. Palliative Care Palliative Care volunteers are integrated into the interdisciplinary team that provides support and care to industry members facing the challenges of a chronic or terminal illness. Individuals interested in becoming a Palliative Care volunteer receive special training. Pool or Fitness Buddies Volunteers are paired up with individuals who need assistance swimming or using the 鍖tness equipment at the Saban Center for Health and Wellness. Wasserman Campus Multiple opportunities exist to work with MPTF residents, from companionship to more specialized needs like feeding frailer residents. Special Programs Industry members bring their special talents and run activity groups for MPTF residents. Other Ways to Help ere are many ways to support MPTF and give back to your entertainment industry community. Please consider making a gi every dollar makes an impact. Your generosity of 15,000 annual donors donors just like youensures MPTF can provide vital programs and 鍖nancial assistance to industry members in times of needs. Visit MPTF.com/donate Media Center MPTFs award-winning media center produces original content by and for MPTF residents, in addition to video that helps support MPTF organizational messaging goals. Volunteers use their professional skills to assist with media center activities. Events MPTF holds numerous fundraising and marketing events each year and o en volunteers are needed for hands-on assistance or as passionate spokespeople about MPTF. Do you have something in mind not listed here? Contact us and well explore opportunities. Call toll-free 855-760-MPTF (6783) email: info@mptf.com web: www.mptf.com Irvin Paik, Editors Guild MPTF Volunteer
  • 7. Each year MPTF volunteers give back to their entertainment industry community with almost 40,000 hours of service! From assistance with 鍖tness, computers and feeding, to playing games, teaching classes, companionship, media production, home safety rebuilds and moreon campus and in the communityindustry members of all ages take the opportunity to get involved and declare, Im MPTF. Please join us, and more than 15,000 annual MPTF donors, in making a di鍖erence in the lives of thousands of people in our community. To give, get involved or 鍖nd out more: We take care of our own Call toll-free 855-760-MPTF (6783) email info@mptf.com web www.mptf.com