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Feed Additives Poultry Nutrition
Feed Additives
 Feed additives are nonnutritive substances added to feeds to
improve the efficiency of feed utilization and feed acceptance or
improve health and metabolism of animal in some way.
Benefits of Feed Additives
 Better nutrient absorption and utilization
 Reduce the growth of intestinal pathogens
 Improve production performance
 Improve feed conversion efficiency
 Reduce stress
 Minimize the chances of disease
 Provide the feed with better quality
 Maximize profit
1. Antibiotics Growth Promoters
2. Probiotics
3. Prebiotics
4. Toxin Binders
5. Organic Acids
6. Emulsifiers
7. Enzymes
8. Phytogenics
Growth promoters
1. Antibiotic growth promoters
2. Natural growth promoters
 Organic Acids
 Herbal (Phytogenic) growth promoters
 Vitamins and Minerals
Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGPs)
Used in animal feed since 1940s
Antibiotic with low dose used to improve growth performance
Good for growth but many demerits i.e.
- Drug Resistance
- Drug residues transfer to humans
- Transfer of drug resistant bacteria to humans
AGPs are banned in poultry production
Some of AGPs are,
Lincomycin, Enramycin, Avilamycin, Amoxicillin, Colistin, Neomycin,
Zinc bacitracin
Prebiotics, Probiotics and Synbiotics
 Prebiotics are Non-living substances which promotes the growth of
probiotics. OR
 Prebiotics are actually a nondigestible carbohydrate that acts as food
for the probiotics and bacteria in your gut..
 Probiotics are the microbial culture which promote gut health through
competitive exclusion. OR
 Probiotics as live microorganisms which administered in adequate
amounts confer a health benefit on the host.
 Prebiotics + Probiotics = Synbiotics
Prebiotics Probiotics
Fructo oligosaccharide
Mannan oligosaccharide
Bacillus subtilis,
Bacillus Pumillus,
Bifido bacteria
Toxin Binders
 feed additives added to monogastric feeds or ruminant rations
that are able to bind harmful substances, mostly mycotoxins
or endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides), within animals
gastrointestinal tracts.
 common method use as a prevention strategy when
mycotoxins have been detected in feed or feed ingredients.
 Binders function by process known as adsorption.
 prevention of mycotoxicosis, especially aflatoxicosis.
Certain materials are better at binding than
others. Examples of binder materials include:
1. Silicates
2. Clays e.g. bentonite
3. Yeast
4. Charcoal
 While binders represent the most common, conventional form of
mycotoxin control, the limitations on what can be bound has led
to newer, more effective methods to mitigate the effects of
mycotoxins, such as bioprotection and biotransformation
Adsorption efficacy of different mycotoxins
Organic Acids
 Organic acids positively affect gut of bird
 Reduce pH of gut, pathogens and improve nutrient utilization
 Organic acids that can be used in poultry are
a. Citric acid
b. Butyric acid
c. Formic acid
d. Propionic acid
e. Lactic acid
f. Tartaric acid
g. Malic acid
h. Fumaric acid
 Emulsifiers are food additives used to help mix two
substances that typically separate when they are
combined (e.g., oil and water).
 Emulsifiers have one hydrophilic and one hydrophobic end.
 Emulsifiers play an important role in the manufacture of
food products, enhancing their appearance, taste, texture,
and shelf life.
 Emulsifiers are either purified natural products (either from
plant or animal origins) or synthetic chemicals that have
very similar structures to the natural products.
Enzymes in Poultry Feed:
 diet mainly constituted by grains of cereals that provide energy to
the animal however, due to their high costs, producers have
replaced them with cheaper ingredients such as barley, oats, rye,
sunflower flour, etc., but these usually contain anti-nutritional
 Poultry when fed with cereals, cannot hydrolyze the starch-free
polysaccharides present in the cell wall due to the lack of
enzymes, which causes low feed efficiency.
 adding exogenous enzymes.
 to improve nutritional and economic aspects in poultry
production, in addition to the decrease in the effects caused by
 most commonly used enzymes are xylanases, glucanases,
pectinases, cellulases, proteases, amylases, phytases and
 in order to neutralize the effects of the viscous, non-starch
polysaccharides in cereals such as barley, wheat, rye and
triticale .
 use of enzymes has been extended
 carbohydrases to increase the bioavailability and assimilation of
nutrients, as well as the reduction in digestive problems due to
the decrease in viscosity.
 when xylanases and 硫-glucanases are added to the diet lead to
better organoleptic matters, egg yolk color.
 with 留-amylases greater energy generation and a better
production of meat and eggs
 phytases increase the utilization of phytate phosphorus.
 The enzymes with carbohydrase, protease, phytase and lipase
activities are the most used in the improvement of animal feed.
For its application, it must be ensured that the biocatalyst is
capable of resisting feed processing extrusion and granulation
as well as changes in the gastrointestinal tract
 Phytogenic feed additives, known as PFAs or botanicals, are
substances of plant origin added to animal diets at
recommended levels with the aim of improving animal
performance. Essential oils, herbs and spices all serve as
sources for bioactive ingredients, e.g. phenols and flavonoids
 Numerous studies have demonstrated that phytogenic
compounds have a variety of functions, including
antimicrobial/antiviral, antioxidative and anti-inflammation
effects and improvement in the palatability of feed and gut
 thank you
molecules of botanical origin
that improve the physiological
functioning of organs, and
therefore the productive
performance of birds
anti-nutritional factors (ANF) such as antigenic components, raffinose
oligosaccharides, saponins, protease inhibitors, tannins, lectins and phytic acid, which
are unable to be digested by monogastric animals. The presence of ANF can increase
the digesta viscosity, decrease the absorption of nutrients and has even been
associated with the incidence of pathogenic infections such as necrotic enteritis
affecting the health of poultry and increasing production costs

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Feed Additives.pptx

  • 2. Feed Additives Feed additives are nonnutritive substances added to feeds to improve the efficiency of feed utilization and feed acceptance or improve health and metabolism of animal in some way.
  • 3. Benefits of Feed Additives Better nutrient absorption and utilization Reduce the growth of intestinal pathogens Improve production performance Improve feed conversion efficiency Reduce stress Minimize the chances of disease Provide the feed with better quality Maximize profit
  • 4. 1. Antibiotics Growth Promoters 2. Probiotics 3. Prebiotics 4. Toxin Binders 5. Organic Acids 6. Emulsifiers 7. Enzymes 8. Phytogenics
  • 5. Growth promoters 1. Antibiotic growth promoters 2. Natural growth promoters Prebiotics Probiotics Symbiotic Organic Acids Herbal (Phytogenic) growth promoters Enzymes Vitamins and Minerals
  • 6. Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGPs) Used in animal feed since 1940s Antibiotic with low dose used to improve growth performance Good for growth but many demerits i.e. - Drug Resistance - Drug residues transfer to humans - Transfer of drug resistant bacteria to humans AGPs are banned in poultry production Some of AGPs are, Lincomycin, Enramycin, Avilamycin, Amoxicillin, Colistin, Neomycin, Zinc bacitracin
  • 7. Prebiotics, Probiotics and Synbiotics Prebiotics are Non-living substances which promotes the growth of probiotics. OR Prebiotics are actually a nondigestible carbohydrate that acts as food for the probiotics and bacteria in your gut.. Probiotics are the microbial culture which promote gut health through competitive exclusion. OR Probiotics as live microorganisms which administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host. Prebiotics + Probiotics = Synbiotics
  • 8. Prebiotics Probiotics Fructo oligosaccharide (FOS) Mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) Lactobacillus plantarum Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus Pumillus, Bifido bacteria
  • 9. Toxin Binders feed additives added to monogastric feeds or ruminant rations that are able to bind harmful substances, mostly mycotoxins or endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides), within animals gastrointestinal tracts. common method use as a prevention strategy when mycotoxins have been detected in feed or feed ingredients. Binders function by process known as adsorption. prevention of mycotoxicosis, especially aflatoxicosis.
  • 10. Certain materials are better at binding than others. Examples of binder materials include: 1. Silicates 2. Clays e.g. bentonite 3. Yeast 4. Charcoal While binders represent the most common, conventional form of mycotoxin control, the limitations on what can be bound has led to newer, more effective methods to mitigate the effects of mycotoxins, such as bioprotection and biotransformation
  • 11. Adsorption efficacy of different mycotoxins
  • 12. Organic Acids Organic acids positively affect gut of bird Reduce pH of gut, pathogens and improve nutrient utilization Organic acids that can be used in poultry are a. Citric acid b. Butyric acid c. Formic acid d. Propionic acid e. Lactic acid f. Tartaric acid g. Malic acid h. Fumaric acid
  • 13. Emulsifiers: Emulsifiers are food additives used to help mix two substances that typically separate when they are combined (e.g., oil and water). Emulsifiers have one hydrophilic and one hydrophobic end. Emulsifiers play an important role in the manufacture of food products, enhancing their appearance, taste, texture, and shelf life. Emulsifiers are either purified natural products (either from plant or animal origins) or synthetic chemicals that have very similar structures to the natural products.
  • 14. Enzymes in Poultry Feed: diet mainly constituted by grains of cereals that provide energy to the animal however, due to their high costs, producers have replaced them with cheaper ingredients such as barley, oats, rye, sunflower flour, etc., but these usually contain anti-nutritional factors. Poultry when fed with cereals, cannot hydrolyze the starch-free polysaccharides present in the cell wall due to the lack of enzymes, which causes low feed efficiency. adding exogenous enzymes.
  • 15. to improve nutritional and economic aspects in poultry production, in addition to the decrease in the effects caused by ANF. most commonly used enzymes are xylanases, glucanases, pectinases, cellulases, proteases, amylases, phytases and galactosidases. in order to neutralize the effects of the viscous, non-starch polysaccharides in cereals such as barley, wheat, rye and triticale .
  • 16. use of enzymes has been extended carbohydrases to increase the bioavailability and assimilation of nutrients, as well as the reduction in digestive problems due to the decrease in viscosity. when xylanases and 硫-glucanases are added to the diet lead to better organoleptic matters, egg yolk color. with 留-amylases greater energy generation and a better production of meat and eggs
  • 17. phytases increase the utilization of phytate phosphorus. The enzymes with carbohydrase, protease, phytase and lipase activities are the most used in the improvement of animal feed. For its application, it must be ensured that the biocatalyst is capable of resisting feed processing extrusion and granulation as well as changes in the gastrointestinal tract
  • 18. Phytogenic: Phytogenic feed additives, known as PFAs or botanicals, are substances of plant origin added to animal diets at recommended levels with the aim of improving animal performance. Essential oils, herbs and spices all serve as sources for bioactive ingredients, e.g. phenols and flavonoids Numerous studies have demonstrated that phytogenic compounds have a variety of functions, including antimicrobial/antiviral, antioxidative and anti-inflammation effects and improvement in the palatability of feed and gut development/health.
  • 20. molecules of botanical origin that improve the physiological functioning of organs, and therefore the productive performance of birds anti-nutritional factors (ANF) such as antigenic components, raffinose oligosaccharides, saponins, protease inhibitors, tannins, lectins and phytic acid, which are unable to be digested by monogastric animals. The presence of ANF can increase the digesta viscosity, decrease the absorption of nutrients and has even been associated with the incidence of pathogenic infections such as necrotic enteritis affecting the health of poultry and increasing production costs