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Joseph Easton Cdebaca
464 Brighton Los Alamos, NM 87544
Phone: 505-690-2954 E-Mail: joecdebaca3@gmail.com,
To seek employment where I can apply my skills, abilities, and work experience to contribute to the success of the
company and further develop my professional talents.
Los Alamos Public Schools 8/1/2015  4/30/2016
I was on instructional Assistant at Barranca Elementary working with first graders and fifth grades. My goal was to
work with the students with a specialized education plan to be successful in behavior knowledge. I resigned my job
to pursue my education with ITT in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The principal, Virginia Terrazas was my supervisor
and can be contacted on her cell phone 505-980-0854. I was making $7.50 per hour.
Smith Market Place 1/1/2015  7/31/2015
I was a Deli Clerk in the sales of Meats and Cheeses. This required me to have the skill of customer service and
meet a daily quota of sales. I worked with meat slicers, frying machines, followed the health department regulations,
cash registers, expert with the various cheeses and uses for each type, and stocked the inventory of the deli
department. In the department of Murrays Cheeses within Smiths, I was the expert in cheese sales and made various
types of sandwiches as ordered. I resigned my job to pursue my knowledge in child development. My supervisor
Daniel can be contacted at Smiths Market 505-672-3811.
Daniels Cafe 4/1/2014  12/15/2014
I was a clerk serving food and selling ice cream. This required me to have the skill of customer service and make
various types of sandwiches as ordered. I resigned to a higher paying job. My supervisor Daniel Sena can be
contacted at Daniels Caf辿 505-662-3131. I was making 8.50 per hour.
Sonic Drive In 9/1/2013  3/31/2014
I was a carhop waiter, drink maker, took orders, and given the opportunity to train as a manager. At this job I built
up my efficiency and communication skills. My supervisor was Daisha Sandoval can be contacted at 505-662-334. I
was making $7.50 per hour along with tip commission. I resigned due to a better job opportunity.
YMCA Youth Conservation Corps 6/1/2013  8/20/2013
This job consisted of hand picked students to build and rebuild hiking and biking trails in the Los Alamos
Community. This job enhanced my team working skills. The job ended, due to it being a summer only job. My
supervisor was Sylvan Argo and can be contacted 505-662-3100.
ITT Technical Institute 3/14/2016 -
I am Currently attending ITT. I am pursuing my associates degree in drafting and design as well with a bachelors
degree in business project management
Los Alamos UNM 8/1/2015  1/1/2016
For a semester, I took classes in history and math. I did not continue with the education at UNM, so I could attend
ITT full time.
Los Alamos High School 8/15/2011  5/28/2015
Received my High School Diploma.
 Good Communication
 Public speaking
 Customer service
 Microsoft Office
o Word
o Excel
o Project
o Power Point
 Team work
o Leadership
 Problem Solving
o Critical Thinking
 Time Management
 Hand Drafting
 Child Development
 Machinery/ Tools
o Shovels
o Axes
o Rakes
o Meat/Cheese

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Fianl resamae

  • 1. Joseph Easton Cdebaca 464 Brighton Los Alamos, NM 87544 Phone: 505-690-2954 E-Mail: joecdebaca3@gmail.com, Joseph.Cdebaca@email.itt-tech.edu JC Objective To seek employment where I can apply my skills, abilities, and work experience to contribute to the success of the company and further develop my professional talents. Experience Los Alamos Public Schools 8/1/2015 4/30/2016 I was on instructional Assistant at Barranca Elementary working with first graders and fifth grades. My goal was to work with the students with a specialized education plan to be successful in behavior knowledge. I resigned my job to pursue my education with ITT in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The principal, Virginia Terrazas was my supervisor and can be contacted on her cell phone 505-980-0854. I was making $7.50 per hour. Smith Market Place 1/1/2015 7/31/2015 I was a Deli Clerk in the sales of Meats and Cheeses. This required me to have the skill of customer service and meet a daily quota of sales. I worked with meat slicers, frying machines, followed the health department regulations, cash registers, expert with the various cheeses and uses for each type, and stocked the inventory of the deli department. In the department of Murrays Cheeses within Smiths, I was the expert in cheese sales and made various types of sandwiches as ordered. I resigned my job to pursue my knowledge in child development. My supervisor Daniel can be contacted at Smiths Market 505-672-3811. Daniels Cafe 4/1/2014 12/15/2014 I was a clerk serving food and selling ice cream. This required me to have the skill of customer service and make various types of sandwiches as ordered. I resigned to a higher paying job. My supervisor Daniel Sena can be contacted at Daniels Caf辿 505-662-3131. I was making 8.50 per hour. Sonic Drive In 9/1/2013 3/31/2014 I was a carhop waiter, drink maker, took orders, and given the opportunity to train as a manager. At this job I built up my efficiency and communication skills. My supervisor was Daisha Sandoval can be contacted at 505-662-334. I was making $7.50 per hour along with tip commission. I resigned due to a better job opportunity.
  • 2. JC 2 YMCA Youth Conservation Corps 6/1/2013 8/20/2013 This job consisted of hand picked students to build and rebuild hiking and biking trails in the Los Alamos Community. This job enhanced my team working skills. The job ended, due to it being a summer only job. My supervisor was Sylvan Argo and can be contacted 505-662-3100. Education ITT Technical Institute 3/14/2016 - I am Currently attending ITT. I am pursuing my associates degree in drafting and design as well with a bachelors degree in business project management Los Alamos UNM 8/1/2015 1/1/2016 For a semester, I took classes in history and math. I did not continue with the education at UNM, so I could attend ITT full time. Los Alamos High School 8/15/2011 5/28/2015 Received my High School Diploma. Skills Good Communication Public speaking Customer service Microsoft Office o Word o Excel o Project o Power Point Team work o Leadership Problem Solving o Critical Thinking Time Management Sales Hand Drafting Child Development Machinery/ Tools o Shovels o Axes o Rakes o Meat/Cheese