BGSU is partnering with Unicon to redesign its enterprise web portal. Unicon will provide the Liferay portal software, implement single sign-on via CAS, and develop custom themes, portlets and integrations. BGSU is responsible for infrastructure, branding, and developing additional portlets. Key milestones include CAS SSO implementation, Liferay portal launch, and portlet development. The new portal will provide a unified user experience across devices and integrate with other BGSU systems.
3. Finance and Administration
General Overview
An Enterprise Web Portal will allow different
groups on campus to access resources, services,
information and applications at BGSU. This
project should include setting up the infrastructure
for a new portal, selecting a software package that
meets our needs, setting up the portal software
and adding portlets to the new environment
4. Finance and Administration
Why We Need to Do this Project
Need to update hardware
Need to update user interface/user experience
Needs to work across all browsers
Needs to work on all screen sizes
Need to interface with other systems utilized
5. Finance and Administration
Key Terms
Portal – A single web based environment where multiple applications can run
and be integrated together. A portal consists of multiple portlets and pages to
provide one unified user experience.
Portlet – A portlet is a piece of software that will run inside of a web portal.
A portlet can be used to pull or push data to other enterprise systems.
Page - A page is a container within a portal that can group logical items
together. Pages can contain both portlets and pages. Access to pages can
also be defined by roles that are setup in the portal.
7. Finance and Administration
Partnering with Unicon
Specialize in Open Source Software
CAS(Central Authenication Service), Liferay,
uPortal, Shibboleth, Sakai,
Specialize in Higher Education
Worked with Ohio University, University of
Massachusetts, University of Wisconsin
8. Finance and Administration
What We're Getting
Liferay EE Platinum Subscription and Support
CAS Implementation Services
CASify Liferay EE 6.1
CASify PeopleSoft Solutions v9.0
CASify Exchange 2008 OWA App
CASify Live@EDU
CAS/Ship Idp
9. Finance and Administration
What We're Getting
Liferay Development/Customizations
Custom Theme Development for Desktops, Tablets
and Mobile Devices
WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets) Guidance
One way to connect to Web Services
LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
Setup and Configuration
Custom Portlet Development
Integration with BGSU Enterprise Systems
10. Finance and Administration
What We Need To Do
Provide Infrastructure
Servers, Databases, etc
Installs, Configuration, etc
Branding Guidance
Look and Feel
Layout of new portal
11. Finance and Administration
What We Need To Do
Portlet Development
Identify needs from Unicon (Class Schedule, Grades,
Human Resources portlets)
Identify what we need to develop in house
Develop Governance Structure on how to
Manage the Portal Long Term
12. Finance and Administration
Project Milestones
CAS Single Sign On Implementation
CAS/PeopleSoft Implementation
Liferay Portal Implementation
Liferay Theme Development
Portlet Development