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Filipa Mendonça
Flat 3 Wentworth Place, 24 Vale Road, Camberley GU15 3DR
07951884722 fiilipa.beatriz@gmail.com
I am an ambitious and dedicated person. I have very focused goals and I am deeply
passionate about my career. I have experience within the sector of elderly and young disabled
adults care and recently achieved an MBA in Clinical Leadership.
I am always seeking for new opportunities to develop and grown within my role.
Currently seeking for opportunities in Cardiology, Surgery and A&E.
Education and Training
September 2013 – July 2015 IMCA, through Barchester Business School
MBA in Clinical Leadership
Dissertation in Intravenous Therapies within Care Home
Modules included: Leadership, Management, Action
Learning, Coaching for Leadership, Economics, Research and
Business methodologies, Business Analysis, Learning and
September 2008 – July 2012 Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Nursing Degree , 1st Cycle
Academic Average: 15.5 (0 to 20 values)
Theoretical Modules included: Anatomy and Physiology,
Pathology and Pharmacological Therapy, Nursing of Adults and
the Elderly, Professional Ethics, Continuing Care, Psychiatric
Nursing, Community Nursing, Fundamentals of Nursing.
Practical internships included: Community, Theoretical and
Practical Training on Maternal and Obstetric Nursing, Surgery
(Women’s Ward), Cardiology & Acute Stroke Ward, General
Medicine, Continuing Care, Palliative Care, Paediatrics Ward &
Paediatrics A&E, A&E and Acute Psychiatry.
Filipa Mendonça
Work Experience
February 2015 – Present Clinical Lead Nurse, Corrina Lodge Nursing Home, Camberley
Barchester HealthCare
Main responsibilities: Head Nurse, responsible for ensuring
the highest standard of care delivery within the Home and
responsible by the Care Staff, including Nurses.
My role includes doing supervisions, appraisals and ensuring
all care staff has a Learning and Development path within their
careers. Responsible for medication audits, infection control
and Care Plan audits.
Main link between the Home and stakeholders such as
Community Matron, GP Practices, Tissue Viability and
Palliative Care Teams, but also residents and relatives.
My duties include working on the floor as a general nurse, in a
Home that caters for elderly, young disabled adults and
palliative/end of life care.
April 2014 – February 2015 Unit Manager, Corrina Lodge Nursing Home, Camberley
Barchester Healthcare
Main responsibilities: Head Nurse and responsible for the
First Floor at Corrina Lodge Nursing Home.
My main duties, apart from working on the floor, included
audits to the Care Plans; MAR Charts and overall
documentation of the Floor.
Main link for the stakeholders involved in the multidisciplinary
care to the residents.
Responsible for the staff working in the unit, including their
overall performance and training.
November 2013 – April 2014 Clinical Trouble-shooter, Barchester Healthcare
Main responsibilities: As a Senior RGN, I did some training to
overseas staff across the Company, in regards to Barchester
Policies, Medication Management, NMC Code of Practice and
Filipa Mendonça
January 2013 – April 2014 Senior RGN and Acting as Unit Manager, Worplesdon View
Care Home, Guildford
Barchester Healthcare
Main responsibilities: Responsible for ensuring high standard
of care within the First Floor at Worplesdon View. Responsible
for audits, stock checks, medication and care plans, within an
elderly frail unit.
Main link for the nurses in the unit, residents and relatives.
November 2012 – January 2013 RGN, Worplesdon View Care Home, Guildford
Barchester Healthcare
Main responsibilities: My duties included administration of
medication, Care plans and documentation regarding vital
signs, infection control, medication ordering. Responsible for
dressings and stock check. Responsible for GP’s rounds,
appointments and management of the team. Responsible for
providing high standard of care in different units mainly
focused on dementia, elderly frail and palliative/end of life
and 16th
of April, 2012 Staff member of the Organizing Committee of the III Health
Congress in Aveiro’s University: "The Challenge of Trauma -
Craniofacial and Central Nervous System Injuries: Diagnostic
and Intervention in a Multidisciplinary Perspective"
Main responsibilities: Responsible in organizing speakers,
sponsors, press, coffee breaks of the overall event, delegation
of tasks within the organizing committee staff and volunteers
and main contact between the Committee and the University
Filipa Mendonça
Personal and Professional Skills
 Ability to adapt to multicultural environments;
 Time management;
 Team building and management;
 Trained in Coaching for Leadership;
 Trained in Action Learning;
 Autonomy to perform individual and independent functions;
 Good communication and organizational skills;
 Skills in Microsoft Office ™ (Word ™, Excel ™ and PowerPoint ™);
 Linked Nurse for Tissue Viability;
 Ability to guide and delegate tasks to multidisciplinary team;
 Ability to work under pressure;
 Trained in Dementia Care, Falls Prevention, Tissue Viability, End of Life and Palliative
Care, CPR, Syringe Driver, PEG Training, Moving and Handling and Appraisals.
Interests and Activities
 Analog Photography;
 Music and live shows;
 Coding, currently undertaking a Python course within Code Academy;
 Social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Flickr;
 Reading;
 Swimming;
 Travels;
Listening Reading
English C1 B2 C1 C1 B2
French A2 A2 A2 A2 A2
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

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Filipa Mendonça CV 2015

  • 1. Filipa Mendonça Flat 3 Wentworth Place, 24 Vale Road, Camberley GU15 3DR 07951884722 fiilipa.beatriz@gmail.com I am an ambitious and dedicated person. I have very focused goals and I am deeply passionate about my career. I have experience within the sector of elderly and young disabled adults care and recently achieved an MBA in Clinical Leadership. I am always seeking for new opportunities to develop and grown within my role. Currently seeking for opportunities in Cardiology, Surgery and A&E. Education and Training September 2013 – July 2015 IMCA, through Barchester Business School MBA in Clinical Leadership Dissertation in Intravenous Therapies within Care Home Setting Modules included: Leadership, Management, Action Learning, Coaching for Leadership, Economics, Research and Business methodologies, Business Analysis, Learning and Development. September 2008 – July 2012 Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal Nursing Degree , 1st Cycle Academic Average: 15.5 (0 to 20 values) Theoretical Modules included: Anatomy and Physiology, Pathology and Pharmacological Therapy, Nursing of Adults and the Elderly, Professional Ethics, Continuing Care, Psychiatric Nursing, Community Nursing, Fundamentals of Nursing. Practical internships included: Community, Theoretical and Practical Training on Maternal and Obstetric Nursing, Surgery (Women’s Ward), Cardiology & Acute Stroke Ward, General Medicine, Continuing Care, Palliative Care, Paediatrics Ward & Paediatrics A&E, A&E and Acute Psychiatry.
  • 2. Filipa Mendonça Work Experience February 2015 – Present Clinical Lead Nurse, Corrina Lodge Nursing Home, Camberley Barchester HealthCare Main responsibilities: Head Nurse, responsible for ensuring the highest standard of care delivery within the Home and responsible by the Care Staff, including Nurses. My role includes doing supervisions, appraisals and ensuring all care staff has a Learning and Development path within their careers. Responsible for medication audits, infection control and Care Plan audits. Main link between the Home and stakeholders such as Community Matron, GP Practices, Tissue Viability and Palliative Care Teams, but also residents and relatives. My duties include working on the floor as a general nurse, in a Home that caters for elderly, young disabled adults and palliative/end of life care. April 2014 – February 2015 Unit Manager, Corrina Lodge Nursing Home, Camberley Barchester Healthcare Main responsibilities: Head Nurse and responsible for the First Floor at Corrina Lodge Nursing Home. My main duties, apart from working on the floor, included audits to the Care Plans; MAR Charts and overall documentation of the Floor. Main link for the stakeholders involved in the multidisciplinary care to the residents. Responsible for the staff working in the unit, including their overall performance and training. November 2013 – April 2014 Clinical Trouble-shooter, Barchester Healthcare Main responsibilities: As a Senior RGN, I did some training to overseas staff across the Company, in regards to Barchester Policies, Medication Management, NMC Code of Practice and Documentation.
  • 3. Filipa Mendonça January 2013 – April 2014 Senior RGN and Acting as Unit Manager, Worplesdon View Care Home, Guildford Barchester Healthcare Main responsibilities: Responsible for ensuring high standard of care within the First Floor at Worplesdon View. Responsible for audits, stock checks, medication and care plans, within an elderly frail unit. Main link for the nurses in the unit, residents and relatives. November 2012 – January 2013 RGN, Worplesdon View Care Home, Guildford Barchester Healthcare Main responsibilities: My duties included administration of medication, Care plans and documentation regarding vital signs, infection control, medication ordering. Responsible for dressings and stock check. Responsible for GP’s rounds, appointments and management of the team. Responsible for providing high standard of care in different units mainly focused on dementia, elderly frail and palliative/end of life care. 15th and 16th of April, 2012 Staff member of the Organizing Committee of the III Health Congress in Aveiro’s University: "The Challenge of Trauma - Craniofacial and Central Nervous System Injuries: Diagnostic and Intervention in a Multidisciplinary Perspective" Main responsibilities: Responsible in organizing speakers, sponsors, press, coffee breaks of the overall event, delegation of tasks within the organizing committee staff and volunteers and main contact between the Committee and the University Board.
  • 4. Filipa Mendonça Personal and Professional Skills  Ability to adapt to multicultural environments;  Time management;  Team building and management;  Trained in Coaching for Leadership;  Trained in Action Learning;  Autonomy to perform individual and independent functions;  Good communication and organizational skills;  Skills in Microsoft Office ™ (Word ™, Excel ™ and PowerPoint ™);  Linked Nurse for Tissue Viability;  Ability to guide and delegate tasks to multidisciplinary team;  Ability to work under pressure;  Trained in Dementia Care, Falls Prevention, Tissue Viability, End of Life and Palliative Care, CPR, Syringe Driver, PEG Training, Moving and Handling and Appraisals. Interests and Activities  Analog Photography;  Music and live shows;  Coding, currently undertaking a Python course within Code Academy;  Social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Flickr;  Reading;  Swimming;  Travels; Mother tongue(s) Portuguese Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C1 B2 C1 C1 B2 French A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages