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Film Discourse Interpretation
Janina Wildfeuer
Bremen Institute for Transmedial Textuality Research
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Science
Bremen University
What is it about?
How do we understand films?
How do we construct meanings out of
the interplay of the various
modalities in filmic text?
?Understanding film¡­¡°
? analysis of the semantic content
? analysis of the dynamic unfolding
? analysis of information processing
Filmic Meaning Construction
"Understanding is mediated by transformative acts, both
"bottom-up" ¨C mandatory, automatic psychological processes -
and "top-down" ¨C conceptual, strategic ones. The sensory data of
the film at hand furnish the materials out of which inferential
processes of perception and cognition build meanings.
Meaning are not found but made. [¡­]
Comprehension and interpretation thus involve the
construction of meaning out of textual cues. In this respect,
meaning-making is a psychological and social activity
fundamentally akin to other cognitive processes.¡±
(Bordwell 1989: 3)
Inferential View on Text/Discourse
How do we understand what is going on in
sentences and texts?
¨C We just work out ¡®what is going on¡¯...
(traditional pragmatics)
¨C We ask for clear textual cues that provide
explicit guidance about how interpretation is to
Discourse Mechanisms for Language
Linguistic Examples of Discourse Relations
Paul arrived. Max greeted him.
¨C If we add b into a discourse interpretation then
we might deduce that b adds to a narrative
¨C If Narration (a, b) then a happens before b
temporal sequence:
event a event b
Linguistic Examples of Discourse Relations
Max fell. Paul pushed him.
- If we are adding b into a discourse interpretation
and b causes a then we might deduce that b is an
explanation of a
causal relation:
Explanationevent a event b
What kind of structure is text structure?
? discursive, not syntactic
? defeasible/ abductive (Peirce)
/ non-monotonic
Formal and functional models
of discourse semantics
Kamp, Asher & Lascarides, Martin, Polanyi, Webber
Theory of Film Comprehension
1. level of identification and arrangement of the
meaning-making entities
2. level of coherence and structure
1. logic
2. logic
constructing logical forms of discourse
relating the logical forms via discourse
Wildfeuer 2013
2 Steps of Film Discourse Interpretation
1. ask for the multimodal construction of
narrative events in the film: intersemiosis
of the various resources
2. ask for the combination of these events
into a coherent structure via inferring
discourse relations
Film Discourse Interpretation
1. step:
Interpreting Narrative Events
of the Filmic Discourse
level of identification and arrangement of the
meaning-making entities
1. Step: Interpreting Narrative Events
1. Step: Interpreting Narrative Events
Film Discourse Interpretation
2. step:
Inferring Discourse Relations
between the Events
level of coherence and structure
Logic of Film Discourse Interpretation
(Wildfeuer 2013)
Discourse Relations in Film
temporal sequence
Discourse Relations in Film
2 Steps of Film Discourse Interpretation
1. ask for the multimodal construction of
narrative events in the film: intersemiosis
of the various resources
2. ask for the combination of these events
into a coherent structure via inferring
discourse relations
What for¡­?
? work out how filmic material constructs meaning
? work out clear textual cues within the artefact
= semantic basis
further interpretations
What for¡­?
? work out how filmic material constructs meaning
? work out clear textual cues within the artefact
= semantic basis
Example: El Vendedor de Humo
(Maestro, 2012)
available online: http://vimeo.com/42329392
El Vendedor de Humo
El Vendedor de Humo
El Vendedor de Humo
El Vendedor de Humo
Causality in Film
What for¡­?
? analysis of the
propositional/semantic content
? analysis of topics in the text
? evaluation of topics
? questions of genre, style, aesthetics
What for¡­?
Website German Film Academy, ?Classic Movies in School¡° |
0594f5ed6d2c84f69fc632cbcb682811 |
?Watching classical movies ¨C understanding film¡°
Thank you very much for your attention!
wildfeuer@uni-bremen.de || www.fb10.uni-bremen.de/bitt || http://extra.neous.de

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Film Discourse Interpretation, Talk in Hongkong, 7 October 2013

  • 1. Film Discourse Interpretation Janina Wildfeuer Bremen Institute for Transmedial Textuality Research Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Science Bremen University
  • 2. 2 What is it about? How do we understand films? How do we construct meanings out of the interplay of the various modalities in filmic text?
  • 3. 3 ?Understanding film¡­¡° ? analysis of the semantic content ? analysis of the dynamic unfolding text/discourse ? analysis of information processing
  • 4. 4 Filmic Meaning Construction "Understanding is mediated by transformative acts, both "bottom-up" ¨C mandatory, automatic psychological processes - and "top-down" ¨C conceptual, strategic ones. The sensory data of the film at hand furnish the materials out of which inferential processes of perception and cognition build meanings. Meaning are not found but made. [¡­] Comprehension and interpretation thus involve the construction of meaning out of textual cues. In this respect, meaning-making is a psychological and social activity fundamentally akin to other cognitive processes.¡± (Bordwell 1989: 3)
  • 5. 5 Inferential View on Text/Discourse How do we understand what is going on in sentences and texts? ¨C We just work out ¡®what is going on¡¯... (traditional pragmatics) ¨C We ask for clear textual cues that provide explicit guidance about how interpretation is to proceed.
  • 7. 7 Linguistic Examples of Discourse Relations Paul arrived. Max greeted him. ¨C If we add b into a discourse interpretation then we might deduce that b adds to a narrative ¨C If Narration (a, b) then a happens before b temporal sequence: Narration event a event b
  • 8. 8 Linguistic Examples of Discourse Relations Max fell. Paul pushed him. - If we are adding b into a discourse interpretation and b causes a then we might deduce that b is an explanation of a causal relation: Explanationevent a event b
  • 9. 9 What kind of structure is text structure? ? discursive, not syntactic ? defeasible/ abductive (Peirce) / non-monotonic Formal and functional models of discourse semantics Kamp, Asher & Lascarides, Martin, Polanyi, Webber
  • 10. 10 Theory of Film Comprehension THEORIE DES FILMVERSTEHENSLOGIC OF FILM DISCOURSE INTERPRETATION 1. level of identification and arrangement of the meaning-making entities 2. level of coherence and structure 1. logic 2. logic constructing logical forms of discourse relating the logical forms via discourse relations Wildfeuer 2013
  • 11. 11 2 Steps of Film Discourse Interpretation 1. ask for the multimodal construction of narrative events in the film: intersemiosis of the various resources 2. ask for the combination of these events into a coherent structure via inferring discourse relations
  • 12. 12 Film Discourse Interpretation 1. step: Interpreting Narrative Events of the Filmic Discourse level of identification and arrangement of the meaning-making entities
  • 13. 13 1. Step: Interpreting Narrative Events
  • 14. 14 1. Step: Interpreting Narrative Events
  • 15. 15 Film Discourse Interpretation 2. step: Inferring Discourse Relations between the Events level of coherence and structure
  • 16. 16 Logic of Film Discourse Interpretation (Wildfeuer 2013)
  • 17. 17 Discourse Relations in Film temporal sequence
  • 18. 18 Discourse Relations in Film causality
  • 19. 19 2 Steps of Film Discourse Interpretation 1. ask for the multimodal construction of narrative events in the film: intersemiosis of the various resources 2. ask for the combination of these events into a coherent structure via inferring discourse relations 1 2
  • 20. 20 What for¡­? ? work out how filmic material constructs meaning ? work out clear textual cues within the artefact = semantic basis further interpretations
  • 21. 21 What for¡­? ? work out how filmic material constructs meaning ? work out clear textual cues within the artefact = semantic basis interpretations
  • 22. 22 Example: El Vendedor de Humo (Maestro, 2012) available online: http://vimeo.com/42329392
  • 28. 28 What for¡­? ? analysis of the propositional/semantic content ? analysis of topics in the text ? evaluation of topics ? questions of genre, style, aesthetics etc.? analysis interpretation
  • 29. 29 What for¡­? Website German Film Academy, ?Classic Movies in School¡° | http://www.deutsche-filmakademie.de/no_cache/herzlich- willkommen/aktuelles/meldung.html?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=279&cHash= 0594f5ed6d2c84f69fc632cbcb682811 | ?Watching classical movies ¨C understanding film¡°
  • 30. 30 Thank you very much for your attention! wildfeuer@uni-bremen.de || www.fb10.uni-bremen.de/bitt || http://extra.neous.de