Philippe Gelis, CEO & Co-Founder of Kantox, talking about the next 10 years in Fintech; A new co-petitive eco-system starts emerging within the financial sector
Ofa is a business lead at Installment Inc., a FinTech company. He splits his time between business development, data science, and recreational activities like cooking, photography, and sports. His hobbies include studying, sharing ideas, and tinkering with technology. He maintains a blog about FinTech topics and can be contacted via email or Facebook.
This document discusses several PCI security standards including PCI-DSS, PA-DSS, PTS, P2PE, and token service provider (TSP) security requirements. It provides an overview of each standard, describing their goals and requirements. For example, it states PCI-DSS has 12 requirements across 6 goals to help merchants and service providers protect cardholder data. It also discusses how standards like tokenization and TSP can help reduce PCI scope by eliminating cardholder data from environments. The document is intended to educate product managers about important payment security standards.
Devie Mohan: FinTech 狠狠撸s for Next Bank Europe Barcelona - Sep 22 2015Devie Mohan
Banks have traditionally invested most in lending, payments and using big data, but are now increasingly focusing on improving customer experience through more interactive and customer-centric digital services. This involves updating core banking systems and implementing application programming interfaces to integrate better with financial technology partners and provide personalized financial management, payments and currency transfer capabilities powered by customer data and intelligence.
TECHNOMED operating room lighting lamp is fit for various requirements in surgical operation, and is an ideal illumination equipment for modern operation rooms. Our Lights are designed to assists during critical operations where focused source of bright light is required.
Skype: anamika.sinha86
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Teksten en liederen die geprojecteerd werden op Ten Bos tijdens de vijfde vastenviering in 2015 (Sint Amanduskerk Erembodegem) met als thema “Het leven samenvouwen”. De teksten van onze vieringen zijn te vinden op de website:
Indian Economy: The Curious Case of Household Savings-Investment GapAshutosh Bhargava
1) Household savings rates in India peaked in 2008 but have since experienced a steep decline, with the household savings-investment gap currently at its lowest level since the late 1980s.
2) This decline in household savings has negatively impacted potential growth by reducing capital availability to the private sector and decreasing overall capital productivity.
3) Policymakers should pursue more accommodative monetary policy to further support balance sheet repair and strengthen India's domestic macroeconomic profile while foreign liquidity remains favorable globally. Prioritizing growth over inflation targeting will help maximize the current window of opportunity.
Philippe Gelis, CEO & Co-Founder of Kantox, talking about the next 10 years in Fintech; A new co-petitive eco-system starts emerging within the financial sector
Ofa is a business lead at Installment Inc., a FinTech company. He splits his time between business development, data science, and recreational activities like cooking, photography, and sports. His hobbies include studying, sharing ideas, and tinkering with technology. He maintains a blog about FinTech topics and can be contacted via email or Facebook.
This document discusses several PCI security standards including PCI-DSS, PA-DSS, PTS, P2PE, and token service provider (TSP) security requirements. It provides an overview of each standard, describing their goals and requirements. For example, it states PCI-DSS has 12 requirements across 6 goals to help merchants and service providers protect cardholder data. It also discusses how standards like tokenization and TSP can help reduce PCI scope by eliminating cardholder data from environments. The document is intended to educate product managers about important payment security standards.
Devie Mohan: FinTech 狠狠撸s for Next Bank Europe Barcelona - Sep 22 2015Devie Mohan
Banks have traditionally invested most in lending, payments and using big data, but are now increasingly focusing on improving customer experience through more interactive and customer-centric digital services. This involves updating core banking systems and implementing application programming interfaces to integrate better with financial technology partners and provide personalized financial management, payments and currency transfer capabilities powered by customer data and intelligence.
TECHNOMED operating room lighting lamp is fit for various requirements in surgical operation, and is an ideal illumination equipment for modern operation rooms. Our Lights are designed to assists during critical operations where focused source of bright light is required.
Skype: anamika.sinha86
Email: I Web:,
Teksten en liederen die geprojecteerd werden op Ten Bos tijdens de vijfde vastenviering in 2015 (Sint Amanduskerk Erembodegem) met als thema “Het leven samenvouwen”. De teksten van onze vieringen zijn te vinden op de website:
Indian Economy: The Curious Case of Household Savings-Investment GapAshutosh Bhargava
1) Household savings rates in India peaked in 2008 but have since experienced a steep decline, with the household savings-investment gap currently at its lowest level since the late 1980s.
2) This decline in household savings has negatively impacted potential growth by reducing capital availability to the private sector and decreasing overall capital productivity.
3) Policymakers should pursue more accommodative monetary policy to further support balance sheet repair and strengthen India's domestic macroeconomic profile while foreign liquidity remains favorable globally. Prioritizing growth over inflation targeting will help maximize the current window of opportunity.