The document provides details about Sebastian Clavijo's 6-week internship at the Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute. It summarizes the work completed during each week of the internship, including reading documents to understand the design of the AP1000 reactor's core and safety systems. It also describes key functions and requirements of the AP1000's residual heat removal system, emergency feedwater system, safety injection system, and safety depressurization and vent system. Finally, it provides a brief introduction to the European Pressurized Reactor design.
This document presents analysis on the energy performance of the double skin facade for the Okhta Center tower in St. Petersburg. It summarizes findings from simulations of heating and cooling requirements based on 25-year average climate data. Key results include estimated annual heating needs of 27.62 GCAL/hr, lower than initial estimates. Optimizing the facade could reduce both heating and cooling needs. Further analysis is needed to optimize passive heat transfer and manage high buffer zone temperatures during warm periods.
Este documento describe un curso de gesti┏n ambiental de 100 horas cuya meta es ense?ar a implementar sistemas de gesti┏n ambiental seg┣n las normas ISO 14000. El curso consta de 14 unidades que cubren temas como conceptos b│sicos, desarrollo sustentable, evaluaci┏n de impactos ambientales y auditor┴as ambientales. Se llevar│ a cabo en Ambato y costar│ 100 USD por participante.
This document contains contact information for sales and press inquiries for Matisse Footwear. It lists Sheena as the contact for sales with her email and phone number. It also provides the email addresses and phone number for Hayley Antonian and Jenna Fischer to contact for press inquiries. Finally, it lists several women's names who may be relevant for the company but no additional context is provided.
Jose and Jonathan built a LEGO low rider/bumper car robot that could operate on both carpet and tile surfaces. However, they struggled significantly with programming the robot and it took a long time to get it to perform the desired functions. While they faced many challenges, they learned a great deal about LEGO robotics programming and using components they were previously unfamiliar with through the process.
UBER dan GRABTAXI adalah dua aplikasi transportasi online populer di Indonesia. Masing-masing memiliki promo dan strategi untuk menarik pelanggan. Pilihan antara UBER atau GRABTAXI tergantung pada preferensi pengguna.
Este documento describe diferentes herramientas de filtrado y an│lisis de datos en Excel, incluyendo filtros, formato condicional, tablas din│micas y diferentes tipos de gr│ficos estad┴sticos como gr│ficos de columna, l┴nea, circulares, de barra y │rea. Explica c┏mo cada herramienta permite organizar y resumir grandes cantidades de informaci┏n para facilitar su interpretaci┏n.
11 sep china enterprises news export-oriented sm_es to face challenges in ove...Bridget Kow
PayPal, a client based in China, was featured in an article in the China Enterprises News on September 11, 2012 discussing the challenges that small and medium-sized export businesses in China may face when expanding into overseas markets. The article was on page B02 in the Leading Enterprises section and the publication has a circulation of 50,000 readers.
To construct a triangular pyramid, roll sheets of paper parallel to the diagonal and glue the corners to make 6 rolls total. Cut some rolls to varying lengths and assemble them into a pyramid shape by inserting cut rolls between uncut rolls and spinning them together. For stability, insert an uncut roll between two cut rolls on the sides and a double cut roll at the top.
Grant Thornton - Improve the reliability of order book figures UKGrant Thornton
Five ways construction companies can improve the reliability of their reported order book figures:
1. Separate orders by division and geography to identify growth areas and aid investment decisions.
2. State what percentage of the order book is secured versus unfinalized, and clarify the time period secured orders refer to for comparison between companies.
3. Separate short-term orders from long-term projects to help investors decide between long and short-term investments.
Secondo una ricerca dell'Osservatorio Mobile Payment & Commerce del Politecnico di Milano la quota dei pagamenti elettronici da PC, tablet o smartphone ┬ in continua crescita. Scopriamone il dettaglio
APBN merupakan anggaran tahunan pemerintah Indonesia yang mengatur perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengawasan, alokasi, dan distribusi sumber daya ekonomi negara. APBN bertujuan untuk menyeimbangkan stabilitas ekonomi negara dalam bidang fiskal serta mengutamakan pembiayaan yang lebih bermanfaat dengan didasarkan pada kemampuan negara dan peningkatan efisiensi. APBN disusun berdasarkan UUD 1945 dan dilaksanak
Los estudiantes de 5o grado de la escuela Ceip Gloria Fuertes visitaron el yacimiento arqueol┏gico de Mulva Munug┨a para aprender m│s sobre la cultura romana. En el yacimiento, un gu┴a les explic┏ c┏mo viv┴an los romanos que trabajaban en las minas cercanas hace 2,000 a?os, incluyendo sus viviendas, las termas, y los diferentes dioses a los que rezaban. La visita ayud┏ a los estudiantes a entender mejor lo que hab┴an aprendido sobre la civilizaci┏n romana en un viaje anterior a
This document summarizes a workshop on an OECD/NRC boiling water reactor turbine trip benchmark. The workshop was hosted by Exelon Nuclear and included participants from utilities, regulators, and researchers. It reviewed the draft specifications for the benchmark exercises, which involve modeling a turbine trip transient at a BWR plant using coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics codes. Workshop participants discussed the appropriate scope and deadlines for the benchmark exercises to ensure useful technical feedback and allow modeling to proceed efficiently.
The document discusses standards for testing clothing that protects against electric arc hazards. It provides context on the dangers of electric arcs and existing standards. The key points are:
1) The IEC 61482 standard will be split into two parts - IEC 61482-1-1 will continue the existing ATPV test method using an open arc, while IEC 61482-1-2 will specify a "box test" method using a directed low-voltage arc.
2) The ATPV test determines a material's arc thermal performance value, whereas the box test classifies materials based on passing defined test conditions.
3) Both methods aim to improve standards for assessing and certifying clothing that
Btech ii yr final_syllabus_mechanical_engg_group_2014Deelip Kumar
This document outlines the syllabus, study and evaluation scheme for the second year of the B.Tech program in Mechanical Engineering and related fields at Uttar Pradesh Technical University.
It includes the list of subjects to be covered in semesters 3 and 4, along with the number of lecture, tutorial and practical periods for each subject per week. It also provides the evaluation scheme detailing the breakdown of marks for sessions, end semester exams, projects and other assessments.
Some of the key subjects covered are fluid mechanics, material science, mechanics of solids, thermodynamics, manufacturing science, electrical machines and controls. Practical labs are included for subjects like fluid mechanics, material testing, machine drawing, thermod
The document summarizes a 6-week multi-national training course on research reactors organized by EERRI (Eastern European Research Reactor Initiative) and the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). The course is intended to develop nuclear skills and infrastructure in countries planning to construct research reactors. It involves institutions from Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, and the IAEA, and covers topics from reactor operations and safety to calculations and utilization over 30 lectures and practical exercises. The first iteration of the course is planned for spring 2009 in Vienna and Budapest with 6 participants from interested IAEA member states.
This two-volume textbook aims to provide a description of plasma devices and processes used industrially. Volume 1 covers plasma physics principles, sources of charged particle beams and radiation, and DC/RF electrical discharges. Volume 2 will cover plasma processing of materials and additional applications. The text is intended for senior/graduate engineering students and as a reference for engineers. Key terms are defined and indexed to aid learning and act as a technical glossary.
The document provides an overview of basic electrical theory, including descriptions of atoms and their forces, electrical terminology, units of electrical measurement, and methods of producing voltage. It explains that atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons; describes the electrostatic force between charged particles; and introduces concepts like electrostatic fields and potential difference. Key terms are defined, such as conductor, insulator, resistor, voltage, and current. Common units are presented, including Ohm's law calculations. Methods for producing voltage include electrochemistry, static electricity, magnetic induction, the piezoelectric effect, and thermoelectricity.
Handbook for Thermal and Nuclear Power EngineersSergey Oboroc
This document provides an overview of a handbook for thermal and nuclear power engineers. It discusses the history and revisions of the handbook, which was first published in Japanese in 1954 and has undergone 6 revisions to update technical information on power generation. The document lists the committee members who worked on translating the latest Japanese edition into English and their roles. It also provides brief biographies of some of the committee members and lists the chapters that will be included in the handbook.
To construct a triangular pyramid, roll sheets of paper parallel to the diagonal and glue the corners to make 6 rolls total. Cut some rolls to varying lengths and assemble them into a pyramid shape by inserting cut rolls between uncut rolls and spinning them together. For stability, insert an uncut roll between two cut rolls on the sides and a double cut roll at the top.
Grant Thornton - Improve the reliability of order book figures UKGrant Thornton
Five ways construction companies can improve the reliability of their reported order book figures:
1. Separate orders by division and geography to identify growth areas and aid investment decisions.
2. State what percentage of the order book is secured versus unfinalized, and clarify the time period secured orders refer to for comparison between companies.
3. Separate short-term orders from long-term projects to help investors decide between long and short-term investments.
Secondo una ricerca dell'Osservatorio Mobile Payment & Commerce del Politecnico di Milano la quota dei pagamenti elettronici da PC, tablet o smartphone ┬ in continua crescita. Scopriamone il dettaglio
APBN merupakan anggaran tahunan pemerintah Indonesia yang mengatur perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengawasan, alokasi, dan distribusi sumber daya ekonomi negara. APBN bertujuan untuk menyeimbangkan stabilitas ekonomi negara dalam bidang fiskal serta mengutamakan pembiayaan yang lebih bermanfaat dengan didasarkan pada kemampuan negara dan peningkatan efisiensi. APBN disusun berdasarkan UUD 1945 dan dilaksanak
Los estudiantes de 5o grado de la escuela Ceip Gloria Fuertes visitaron el yacimiento arqueol┏gico de Mulva Munug┨a para aprender m│s sobre la cultura romana. En el yacimiento, un gu┴a les explic┏ c┏mo viv┴an los romanos que trabajaban en las minas cercanas hace 2,000 a?os, incluyendo sus viviendas, las termas, y los diferentes dioses a los que rezaban. La visita ayud┏ a los estudiantes a entender mejor lo que hab┴an aprendido sobre la civilizaci┏n romana en un viaje anterior a
This document summarizes a workshop on an OECD/NRC boiling water reactor turbine trip benchmark. The workshop was hosted by Exelon Nuclear and included participants from utilities, regulators, and researchers. It reviewed the draft specifications for the benchmark exercises, which involve modeling a turbine trip transient at a BWR plant using coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics codes. Workshop participants discussed the appropriate scope and deadlines for the benchmark exercises to ensure useful technical feedback and allow modeling to proceed efficiently.
The document discusses standards for testing clothing that protects against electric arc hazards. It provides context on the dangers of electric arcs and existing standards. The key points are:
1) The IEC 61482 standard will be split into two parts - IEC 61482-1-1 will continue the existing ATPV test method using an open arc, while IEC 61482-1-2 will specify a "box test" method using a directed low-voltage arc.
2) The ATPV test determines a material's arc thermal performance value, whereas the box test classifies materials based on passing defined test conditions.
3) Both methods aim to improve standards for assessing and certifying clothing that
Btech ii yr final_syllabus_mechanical_engg_group_2014Deelip Kumar
This document outlines the syllabus, study and evaluation scheme for the second year of the B.Tech program in Mechanical Engineering and related fields at Uttar Pradesh Technical University.
It includes the list of subjects to be covered in semesters 3 and 4, along with the number of lecture, tutorial and practical periods for each subject per week. It also provides the evaluation scheme detailing the breakdown of marks for sessions, end semester exams, projects and other assessments.
Some of the key subjects covered are fluid mechanics, material science, mechanics of solids, thermodynamics, manufacturing science, electrical machines and controls. Practical labs are included for subjects like fluid mechanics, material testing, machine drawing, thermod
The document summarizes a 6-week multi-national training course on research reactors organized by EERRI (Eastern European Research Reactor Initiative) and the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). The course is intended to develop nuclear skills and infrastructure in countries planning to construct research reactors. It involves institutions from Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, and the IAEA, and covers topics from reactor operations and safety to calculations and utilization over 30 lectures and practical exercises. The first iteration of the course is planned for spring 2009 in Vienna and Budapest with 6 participants from interested IAEA member states.
This two-volume textbook aims to provide a description of plasma devices and processes used industrially. Volume 1 covers plasma physics principles, sources of charged particle beams and radiation, and DC/RF electrical discharges. Volume 2 will cover plasma processing of materials and additional applications. The text is intended for senior/graduate engineering students and as a reference for engineers. Key terms are defined and indexed to aid learning and act as a technical glossary.
The document provides an overview of basic electrical theory, including descriptions of atoms and their forces, electrical terminology, units of electrical measurement, and methods of producing voltage. It explains that atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons; describes the electrostatic force between charged particles; and introduces concepts like electrostatic fields and potential difference. Key terms are defined, such as conductor, insulator, resistor, voltage, and current. Common units are presented, including Ohm's law calculations. Methods for producing voltage include electrochemistry, static electricity, magnetic induction, the piezoelectric effect, and thermoelectricity.
Handbook for Thermal and Nuclear Power EngineersSergey Oboroc
This document provides an overview of a handbook for thermal and nuclear power engineers. It discusses the history and revisions of the handbook, which was first published in Japanese in 1954 and has undergone 6 revisions to update technical information on power generation. The document lists the committee members who worked on translating the latest Japanese edition into English and their roles. It also provides brief biographies of some of the committee members and lists the chapters that will be included in the handbook.
(Green Energy and Technology ) Subhash C. Singhal (auth.), John T.S. Irvine...ZeenathulFaridaAbdul1
This document summarizes the past, present, and future of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technologies. It discusses the history and development of SOFC materials and components over the last 30 years. It also compares different SOFC designs, such as planar and tubular, and provides examples of SOFC systems for various applications. Finally, it reviews the demonstration and commercialization status of SOFC power systems.
Japan's current nuclear energy policy centers on pursuing safety as the top priority while recognizing nuclear power as an important source of stable, low-carbon energy. Key points include:
1) Nuclear power will continue playing a role in energy supply, provided the highest safety standards are met. The Nuclear Regulation Authority will independently verify safety at restarting plants.
2) Efforts to improve safety include establishing a new risk research center, fostering a culture of continuous safety improvement, and maintaining nuclear technology expertise for decommissioning and contributing to global non-proliferation.
3) Dependency on nuclear power will be lowered by developing renewable energy and energy efficiency, while carefully assessing energy needs and the timeline for restarting reactors
An Update on Fukushima Recovery and Reactor RestartsJoe Bacchus
1. Japan's current nuclear energy policy aims to pursue safety, economic efficiency, and environmental goals. Nuclear power is considered an important source of stable, low-carbon energy.
2. After the Fukushima accident, efforts have focused on achieving the highest safety standards and gaining public confidence. The Nuclear Regulation Authority evaluates plants to strict new regulations before any restart.
3. The policy also emphasizes maintaining nuclear technologies and human resources for decommissioning plants and contributing to international nuclear safety and non-proliferation.
The document provides an overview of the design and safety approach of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs). It discusses the basic HTGR concepts, including pebble-bed and prismatic fuel designs. The document outlines some of the history of HTGR development, from early gas-cooled reactor prototypes to modern designs. It also summarizes the origin of HTGR design criteria, which are based on safety constraints and requirements for performance and application. Specific characteristics of HTGR systems that influence design choices, such as reactor physics, material properties, and thermal hydraulics, are also addressed.
This document provides a critical review of Ukraine's Nuclear Power Plant Safety Upgrade Program (SUP) and the 2011 ecological assessment of the program. Key points:
- The SUP claims its goals are only safety improvements, but the review finds the measures are actually intended to extend the lifetime of 15 reactors beyond their original 30-year design. This lifetime extension is not properly assessed.
- No information about the SUP was shared with neighboring states, despite it being a high-risk, transboundary project. As such, it does not comply with international conventions on environmental assessments.
- The reliability of Ukraine's previous nuclear safety programs is questionable. The SUP incorporates measures that were supposed to have been implemented by 2010 under an earlier
The document is a technical report summarizing the design, construction, and testing of a microchannel heat exchanger flow loop. A flow loop was built that circulates coolant through a microchannel heat exchanger to remove heat at a rate of 100 W/cm^2, simulating a modern integrated circuit. Testing showed the measured friction factor and Nusselt number were close to theoretical predictions for developing laminar flow. The completed flow loop was approved by the advisor to serve as an experimental tool for students.
Electrical Engineering in Mining Industries.pdfsatyam11
The document provides an overview and introduction to the book "Mine Power Systems" by Lloyd A. Morley. It discusses the need for an up-to-date reference on mine electrical power systems for students, engineers, and regulators. The book aims to be a comprehensive engineering reference that covers fundamentals, components, and design of mine power systems. It is divided into three parts: fundamentals, power system components, and specifics on mine power systems. Emphasis is placed on coal mining systems, both surface and underground. The book represents an updated and revised version of previous Bureau of Mines reports on the topic.
Paul Ahern - Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting ReviewPaul Ahern
Mechanical energy is among the most plentiful and consistent energy sources in our day-to-day lives, which is available to us regardless of the whims of the weather or the cycles of day and night. Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters (PEH¨s) are compact devices which allow the scavenging of low grade energy from ambient sources such as human and environmental vibrations, with the aim of using this energy to power autonomous electronic devices. Many decades of research and development in the field has led to commercially available devices based on piezoelectric materials which can be used to harvest milliwatts of energy from mechanical sources such as vibration, stress or strain.
This document provides a summary of the early history of nuclear rocket engine development in the Soviet Union from 1955 to 1969. It discusses how the development was initiated to match the American Rover program, and how government acts in 1956 and 1958 formally started the work. Early research focused on reactor design concepts and materials testing. By 1962, dedicated research institutes had been established to develop the necessary nuclear fuel and heat-exchanging materials and elements. The document focuses on the work at the Research Institute of Production Research Association to develop carbide-based materials that could withstand the extreme conditions inside a nuclear rocket engine reactor core.
China nuclear power: From Importing to exporting technologyYannick Perez
The document discusses China's nuclear energy sector. It covers:
1) The history and current status of China's nuclear power program, including the number of reactors in operation and under construction.
2) Driving factors behind China's investment in nuclear energy such as energy demand, resource distribution issues, and environmental goals.
3) The major players in China's nuclear industry including CNNC, CGN, and SPI.
4) Key technologies used in China including domestic reactor designs and plans for technology exports.
5) Regulations, safety oversight, and grid integration of nuclear power in China.
6) Remaining challenges for China's nuclear program around costs, standardization, technology independence, and management.
8. ρ h )P = VB * ? * ( f ? hcl Eq?5.1?
Where P is power, is volumetric flow rate, ρ is the density of the fluid in the spray, is the? ? ? ? VB ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?hcl ? ?
enthalpy?of?the?fluid?in?the?cold?leg?and? is?the?unknown?variable.hf ??
Next, the second equation was used to determine the flow rate with the determined pressure of? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
the Pressurizer. Knowing that the pressurizer flow rate is proportional to the maximum and? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???????????????????????????????????Eq?5.2P ?Pf l
= P ?Pm l
V ?VB m
Where stands for the volumetric flow rate of the fluid relative to the pressure . The `m¨? VB
f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Pf ? ? ?
and `l¨ subscripts indicate the maximum and minimum, for the volumetric flow rate and the? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
This part of the calculation is where I had problems to resolve the correct values due to lack of? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
resources provided by SNERDI. Based on rough estimations from the NIST tables, and the? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
conservation of energy and mass equations, I was able to determine an estimated saturation of? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
pressure of 15.719 MPa with a volumetric flow rate of 13.844 with the heater on? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? /hr?m3 ? ? ? ? ?
(1230kW). From this, the maximum temperature reached in the Pressurizer was approximately? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
345 C based on the saturation pressure of 15.719 MPa. Furthermore, it was determined that the? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
estimated saturated enthalpy was ~1230 kJ/kg. The length of time of the entire transient case? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
should take ~120 minutes based on the total volume of the Pressurizer and the flow rate out of it? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
(which is the same as the flow rate into the Pressurizer). That¨s the length of time before the? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
water in the Pressurizer is completely replaced and the RCS¨s boron concentration levels are? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
9. ?
6.0 Appendix??
¢ The?secondary?side?steam?enthalpy?is?H?steam?=?1200.0?Btu/lbm?after?the?accident??
¢ The?secondary?side?feedwater?enthalpy?is?H?feed?=420.0?Btu/lbm?after?the?accident??
¢ The?normalized?secondary?side?steam?flow?is?R=1.1?after?the?accident??
¢ The?secondary?side?steam?enthalpy?maintains?the?same?before?and?after?the?accident??
¢ The?feedwater?flow?maintains?the?same?before?and?after?the?accident.?
¢ Operating?Power?of?Pressurizer?standby?heater:?1230?kW?
¢ Initial?spray?rate?pressure:?15.686?MPa?
¢ Maximum?spray?rate?pressure:?16.065?MPa?
¢ Maximum?spray?rate:?159?m?3?
¢ RCS?cold?leg?temperature:?279.4?C?
¢ RCS?hot?leg?temperature:?322.3?C?
¢ Pressurizer?norminal?water?volume:?28.32?m?3
¢ Setpoint?value?of?low?temperature?alarm?of?spray?pipe:?262.8?C?
¢ Total?volume?of?spray?line:?0.350?m?3
¢ Norminal?Pressurizer?pressure:?15.5MPa?
1 The parameters on the secondary side are not affected by the transient. The RCS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
pressure vary with the pressurizer pressure, as the fluid flow from the pressurizer, the? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
heat impact may be caused to the nozzle of pressurizer surge line connect to the RCS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
2 The pressurizer water level is maintained stably, the fluid flow in the surge line equal to? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?