La tolerancia requiere respeto hacia los dem叩s tal como son, y al tolerar a otros se mejora a uno mismo como persona. La tolerancia promueve la amistad al permitir que las personas sean buenos amigos a pesar de sus diferencias.
This document provides tips for using Google and Live search engines to find information online. It discusses using multiple search engines to access more web content, ignoring common stop words, using keywords strategically, and comparing the two engines. Boolean operators, modifiers, and other advanced search functions are explained for optimizing searches on both Google and Live.
The Harlequin Marketing Program's Series Spotlight highlights a different romance series each month using various marketing channels like websites, newsletters, retail signage, and direct mail. It aims to promote one series per month across all of Harlequin's marketing efforts, including digital, retail, and direct consumer communications. The document provides an overview of the program and its monthly spotlight calendar for 2012.
Niyaz Ahmad Wani has over 8 years of experience in human resources and project management. He has strong communication, problem solving, and customer service skills. Currently he works as a Senior IT Recruiter in Virginia, recruiting candidates for various IT positions. Previously he has held roles as a Project Manager and Sales Manager. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications and a Master's degree in Business Administration with a dual specialization in HR and Banking.
The document describes the Petaluma Marsh/River area located in Petaluma, California. Some key points:
1) The area consists of 5,000 acres of wetlands ecosystem along the Petaluma River, which empties into San Pablo Bay. It supports a variety of wildlife.
2) The wetlands were formed around 10 million years ago when the area was covered by a shallow ocean. Over time, tectonic activity caused the land to rise.
3) Common plant life includes tule bulrush, coastal tidy tips flowers, and sediments have built up from erosion of the Sonoma Mountains over millions of years.
La tolerancia requiere respeto hacia los dem叩s tal como son, y al tolerar a otros se mejora a uno mismo como persona. La tolerancia promueve la amistad al permitir que las personas sean buenos amigos a pesar de sus diferencias.
Google+ is Google's new social network that is based on "circles" of friends that allow users to selectively share information. Key features include Hangouts for video chatting, automatic photo uploads, and Sparks to find relevant content. The circles feature could allow for more sharing control than other networks. Google+ may impact education by facilitating interaction between students and teachers or professionals, and combining with other Google tools like documents. It remains to be seen how Google+ will affect users' social media habits and time spent online.
ServDes16 - Thematic Research in the Frame Creation ProcessJos van Leeuwen
Presentation at ServDes 2016 in Copenhagen, May 24-26, 2016.
Many of todays challenges that confront society are complex and dynamic and require new perspectives, new ways of looking at problems and issues, in order to be able to come to solutions that could not be found before. This process is called reframing and we suggest that one of the key stages in this process is thematic research, the search for themes that underlie these complex challenges. These themes generally turn out to be human themes, related to socio-emotional aspects of life. In this paper we report our experiences and lessons learned from a series of cases in which we experimented with various approaches to do this thematic research.
Full paper published at
The project involves students learning about percentages through a shopping simulation over 5 weeks. Students will learn to calculate percentages, sales tax, discounts, interest rates, and tips. They will work in groups to present their understanding each week and go on a field trip to the mall to apply their skills. The teacher will provide lessons, activities, and assessments to help students meet the math standards and successfully complete their culminating presentations and tasks.
A survey (Marketing Research) of what customers want in a cell phone designdevan_kataria
This project gives insights on different featurs of interest to cell phone customers, what they seek in cell phones today, which features prompt them to purcahse cell phones the most, which are most significant and least significant featurs, the relationship among features and the features which impact overall satisfaction of customers.
Fund mkt 5 y 6 (17 set12) plmto estrgco y de mktFACUNEGOCIOS
El documento describe el proceso de planificaci坦n estrat辿gica de una organizaci坦n. 1) Incluye definir la misi坦n y visi坦n de la organizaci坦n, establecer objetivos, dise単ar un portafolio de negocios s坦lido y coordinar estrategias funcionales. 2) El marketing desempe単a un papel clave en la planificaci坦n estrat辿gica al proporcionar informaci坦n de mercado y dise単ar estrategias para alcanzar los objetivos. 3) El proceso implica an叩lisis de la situaci坦n, establecimiento de objetivos, selecci坦n de
Este documento describe los sistemas operativos distribuidos. Explica que estos sistemas permiten a los usuarios acceder a recursos remotos de la misma manera que a recursos locales y distribuir tareas entre procesadores. Menciona algunos sistemas operativos distribuidos como Sprite, Solaris-MC, Mach y Chorus. Tambi辿n describe caracter鱈sticas como transparencia, eficiencia y escalabilidad, as鱈 como esquemas de acoplamiento fuerte y d辿bil. Finalmente, discute desventajas como la dificultad de la sincronizaci坦n y est
O documento apresenta um projeto de pesquisa sobre a an叩lise do clima organizacional e das pr叩ticas de lideran巽a no N炭cleo Regional de Educa巽達o de Paranava鱈. O objetivo 辿 avaliar a interfer棚ncia das pr叩ticas de lideran巽a no clima organizacional da institui巽達o. A pesquisa ir叩 identificar as pr叩ticas de lideran巽a adotadas, verificar como os l鱈deres avaliam essas pr叩ticas e analisar como os colaboradores percebem a influ棚ncia dessas pr叩ticas no clima organizacional.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre la historia y situaci坦n actual del baloncesto. Brevemente describe que el baloncesto fue creado en 1891 por James Naismith como un deporte que se pudiera practicar bajo techo durante el invierno en Massachusetts. Explica que Naismith colg坦 las primeras canastas en una galer鱈a superior para que los jugadores introdujeran una pelota. Finalmente, presenta estad鱈sticas sobre los mejores equipos y porcentajes de personas que juegan baloncesto en Ecuador.
Este documento describe los podcasts y los videoblogs. Un podcast es una publicaci坦n digital en serie que puede ser de audio o video y que se puede descargar de Internet para escuchar o ver m叩s tarde. Los podcasts pueden tener contenido diverso como noticias, documentales, m炭sica o entrevistas. Los videoblogs son un subtipo de blog que consiste en una galer鱈a de videos cortos publicados regularmente por uno o m叩s usuarios sobre una tem叩tica espec鱈fica. Los videoblogs combinan blogs con video para hacer el contenido m叩s interactivo. Estos videos suelen ser cortos, menos de 12 minutos,
1) A apresenta巽達o descreve hist坦rias de nove mulheres empreendedoras que usaram o trabalho online para alcan巽ar o sucesso profissional e conciliar suas carreiras com a fam鱈lia.
2) Uma das mulheres, Cristina Valente, 辿 psic坦loga parental e internet marketer que abandonou um trabalho tradicional para ter mais tempo para os filhos e ajudar as pessoas gratuitamente atrav辿s de seu projeto online.
3) O documento promove um projeto online para mulheres que queiram ter um neg坦cio pr坦prio e tempo para os filhos,
The document describes the Petaluma Marsh/River area located in Petaluma, California. Some key points:
1) The area consists of 5,000 acres of wetlands ecosystem along the Petaluma River, which empties into San Pablo Bay. It supports a variety of wildlife.
2) The wetlands were formed around 10 million years ago when the area was covered by a shallow ocean. Over time, tectonic activity caused the land to rise.
3) Common plant life includes tule bulrush, coastal tidy tips flowers, and sediments have built up from erosion of the Sonoma Mountains over millions of years.
La tolerancia requiere respeto hacia los dem叩s tal como son, y al tolerar a otros se mejora a uno mismo como persona. La tolerancia promueve la amistad al permitir que las personas sean buenos amigos a pesar de sus diferencias.
Google+ is Google's new social network that is based on "circles" of friends that allow users to selectively share information. Key features include Hangouts for video chatting, automatic photo uploads, and Sparks to find relevant content. The circles feature could allow for more sharing control than other networks. Google+ may impact education by facilitating interaction between students and teachers or professionals, and combining with other Google tools like documents. It remains to be seen how Google+ will affect users' social media habits and time spent online.
ServDes16 - Thematic Research in the Frame Creation ProcessJos van Leeuwen
Presentation at ServDes 2016 in Copenhagen, May 24-26, 2016.
Many of todays challenges that confront society are complex and dynamic and require new perspectives, new ways of looking at problems and issues, in order to be able to come to solutions that could not be found before. This process is called reframing and we suggest that one of the key stages in this process is thematic research, the search for themes that underlie these complex challenges. These themes generally turn out to be human themes, related to socio-emotional aspects of life. In this paper we report our experiences and lessons learned from a series of cases in which we experimented with various approaches to do this thematic research.
Full paper published at
The project involves students learning about percentages through a shopping simulation over 5 weeks. Students will learn to calculate percentages, sales tax, discounts, interest rates, and tips. They will work in groups to present their understanding each week and go on a field trip to the mall to apply their skills. The teacher will provide lessons, activities, and assessments to help students meet the math standards and successfully complete their culminating presentations and tasks.
A survey (Marketing Research) of what customers want in a cell phone designdevan_kataria
This project gives insights on different featurs of interest to cell phone customers, what they seek in cell phones today, which features prompt them to purcahse cell phones the most, which are most significant and least significant featurs, the relationship among features and the features which impact overall satisfaction of customers.
Fund mkt 5 y 6 (17 set12) plmto estrgco y de mktFACUNEGOCIOS
El documento describe el proceso de planificaci坦n estrat辿gica de una organizaci坦n. 1) Incluye definir la misi坦n y visi坦n de la organizaci坦n, establecer objetivos, dise単ar un portafolio de negocios s坦lido y coordinar estrategias funcionales. 2) El marketing desempe単a un papel clave en la planificaci坦n estrat辿gica al proporcionar informaci坦n de mercado y dise単ar estrategias para alcanzar los objetivos. 3) El proceso implica an叩lisis de la situaci坦n, establecimiento de objetivos, selecci坦n de
Este documento describe los sistemas operativos distribuidos. Explica que estos sistemas permiten a los usuarios acceder a recursos remotos de la misma manera que a recursos locales y distribuir tareas entre procesadores. Menciona algunos sistemas operativos distribuidos como Sprite, Solaris-MC, Mach y Chorus. Tambi辿n describe caracter鱈sticas como transparencia, eficiencia y escalabilidad, as鱈 como esquemas de acoplamiento fuerte y d辿bil. Finalmente, discute desventajas como la dificultad de la sincronizaci坦n y est
O documento apresenta um projeto de pesquisa sobre a an叩lise do clima organizacional e das pr叩ticas de lideran巽a no N炭cleo Regional de Educa巽達o de Paranava鱈. O objetivo 辿 avaliar a interfer棚ncia das pr叩ticas de lideran巽a no clima organizacional da institui巽達o. A pesquisa ir叩 identificar as pr叩ticas de lideran巽a adotadas, verificar como os l鱈deres avaliam essas pr叩ticas e analisar como os colaboradores percebem a influ棚ncia dessas pr叩ticas no clima organizacional.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre la historia y situaci坦n actual del baloncesto. Brevemente describe que el baloncesto fue creado en 1891 por James Naismith como un deporte que se pudiera practicar bajo techo durante el invierno en Massachusetts. Explica que Naismith colg坦 las primeras canastas en una galer鱈a superior para que los jugadores introdujeran una pelota. Finalmente, presenta estad鱈sticas sobre los mejores equipos y porcentajes de personas que juegan baloncesto en Ecuador.
Este documento describe los podcasts y los videoblogs. Un podcast es una publicaci坦n digital en serie que puede ser de audio o video y que se puede descargar de Internet para escuchar o ver m叩s tarde. Los podcasts pueden tener contenido diverso como noticias, documentales, m炭sica o entrevistas. Los videoblogs son un subtipo de blog que consiste en una galer鱈a de videos cortos publicados regularmente por uno o m叩s usuarios sobre una tem叩tica espec鱈fica. Los videoblogs combinan blogs con video para hacer el contenido m叩s interactivo. Estos videos suelen ser cortos, menos de 12 minutos,
1) A apresenta巽達o descreve hist坦rias de nove mulheres empreendedoras que usaram o trabalho online para alcan巽ar o sucesso profissional e conciliar suas carreiras com a fam鱈lia.
2) Uma das mulheres, Cristina Valente, 辿 psic坦loga parental e internet marketer que abandonou um trabalho tradicional para ter mais tempo para os filhos e ajudar as pessoas gratuitamente atrav辿s de seu projeto online.
3) O documento promove um projeto online para mulheres que queiram ter um neg坦cio pr坦prio e tempo para os filhos,