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College Admission tests
S A T-college ($49)
A C T-college ($49.50)
C O M P A S S-technical ($10)
Estimated cost of attending the following colleges or
              universities for the year in 2010:

   USCL                          $5624
   Anderson University          $27,500
   Clemson University           $24,285
   Coastal Carolina             $21,118
   College of Charleston        $19,569
   USC                          $21,498
   Winthrop                     $17,339
   Lander                       $15,612
   Wofford                      $40,580
   Duke                         $53,390
   Harvard                      $52,000
  Why do some
colleges cost more
   than others?
Applying to college
 Which college-reach, match, & safety
 Be realistic with Financial Expectations
 College Admission deadlines
 College Admission requirements?
(do the colleges of choice requirements
  and the high school graduation
  requirements match?)
SC requirements to graduate from
          High School- 24units
 English-4 units
 U S History-1 unit
 Economics-1/2 unit
 Government-1/2 unit
 Other Social Studies-1 unit
 Mathematics-4 units
 Science-3 units
 Computer Science-1 unit
 Phys Ed or JROTC-I unit
 Foreign Language- 1 unit for college prep (your college requires
  how many?)
  Vocational-1 unit for tech prep
 Electives-7 units
A P courses

 Free or Nominal SC college
    For making a 3, 4 or 5 on the AP test
 Each AP course worth around $1100-$1200
   depending the cost of semester hours

 Helps prepare for the rigor of
        college courses
What type college or University
 Large university-usually offers extensive and varied
  programs and cutting edge research

 Small private 4-year-commonly a liberal arts education
  and more personal interaction

 Technical or trade school-practical training and job skills

 Community College-2 years of general course work and
  associate degrees in certain fields
Financial Aid

              1 thing

Free Application for Federal Student Aid

Prepare for FAFSA
   Fill out taxes early
   Fill out fafsa online
   Do not pay for fafsa
   Do not pay for firms to do fafsa for you

Different types of Financial Aid

       Non-need based aid
   Based on students achievements or
          Need-based aid
Awarded to students who would not be able
 to pay for postsecondary education using
   only their familys financial resources.
4 major types of financial
 Grants-typically need based & depend on
  enrollment status-do not have to be paid
 Loans-to be paid back (some can be
  forgiven). Need or non-need based
 Scholarships- do not have to be paid
  back. Typically merit based
 Work-Study-students work on campus to
  help pay for college.
Where does your family find
    information about scholarships?
   Colleges or Universities
   Community Organizations
   Local or National Businesses
   On-Line Scholarship Searches
   Local Library
   Counselors Office
   School web page
State Academic Scholarships

   3.0 regardless of rank or SAT score
   Good for only 1 year
   Converts to Life with a 3.0
   Must earn 30 semester hours

     $2500 + $300 for books
State Academic Scholarships
             Must include 2 of the 3
 3.0 GPA
 1100 on SAT or 24 on ACT
 Top 30% of the graduating class

       $5000 including book
             Must earn 30 semester hours
State Academic Scholarships
               Palmetto Fellows
                Must include all 3 criteria
 Top 6 % of the graduating class
 3.5 GPA
 1200 SAT or 27 ACT

     $6700 freshman year
 $7500 sophomore/junior/senior
                 Must earn 30 semester hours
 COA-cost of attendance
 EFC-expected family contribution
             (comes from FAFSA)

 FN-financial need

        COA  EFC = FN
 Is your student or guardian
  dependent or independent?
 When you have step
  children, whose income is
  used when filling out the
Overage checks

 Are you and your child
   prepared for overage
Professional Judgment

Call the financial aid offices

    The financial aid
  administrators will work
         with you.
Sticker shock!

sticker shock!
There is no silver bullet!

This information is like
While it will help cure
   the sick, it will not
     raise the dead!
The Springs Close Foundation
      Student loans
         Contact-Judy Rowell
          Tel 803-286-2197
          Tel 803-548-2002
               Fort Mill
          Fax 803-416-4626
         M-TH 8am-5pm
        Friday 8 am-2 pm

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Financial aid presentation

  • 1. College Admission tests S A T-college ($49) A C T-college ($49.50) C O M P A S S-technical ($10) When Where How
  • 2. Estimated cost of attending the following colleges or universities for the year in 2010: USCL $5624 Anderson University $27,500 Clemson University $24,285 Coastal Carolina $21,118 College of Charleston $19,569 USC $21,498 Winthrop $17,339 Lander $15,612 Wofford $40,580 Duke $53,390 Harvard $52,000
  • 3. So! Why do some colleges cost more than others?
  • 4. Applying to college Which college-reach, match, & safety Be realistic with Financial Expectations College Admission deadlines College Admission requirements? (do the colleges of choice requirements and the high school graduation requirements match?)
  • 5. SC requirements to graduate from High School- 24units English-4 units U S History-1 unit Economics-1/2 unit Government-1/2 unit Other Social Studies-1 unit Mathematics-4 units Science-3 units Computer Science-1 unit Phys Ed or JROTC-I unit Foreign Language- 1 unit for college prep (your college requires how many?) or Vocational-1 unit for tech prep Electives-7 units
  • 6. A P courses Free or Nominal SC college credit For making a 3, 4 or 5 on the AP test Each AP course worth around $1100-$1200 depending the cost of semester hours Helps prepare for the rigor of college courses
  • 7. What type college or University Large university-usually offers extensive and varied programs and cutting edge research Small private 4-year-commonly a liberal arts education and more personal interaction Technical or trade school-practical training and job skills Community College-2 years of general course work and associate degrees in certain fields
  • 8. Financial Aid 1 thing st FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid www.fafsa.ed.gov
  • 9. Prepare for FAFSA Fill out taxes early Fill out fafsa online Do not pay for fafsa Do not pay for firms to do fafsa for you www.fafsa4caster.ed.gov
  • 10. Different types of Financial Aid Non-need based aid Based on students achievements or characteristics Need-based aid Awarded to students who would not be able to pay for postsecondary education using only their familys financial resources.
  • 11. 4 major types of financial assistance Grants-typically need based & depend on enrollment status-do not have to be paid back. Loans-to be paid back (some can be forgiven). Need or non-need based Scholarships- do not have to be paid back. Typically merit based Work-Study-students work on campus to help pay for college.
  • 12. Where does your family find information about scholarships? Colleges or Universities Community Organizations Local or National Businesses On-Line Scholarship Searches Local Library Counselors Office School web page
  • 13. State Academic Scholarships HOPE 3.0 regardless of rank or SAT score Good for only 1 year Converts to Life with a 3.0 Must earn 30 semester hours $2500 + $300 for books
  • 14. State Academic Scholarships Life Must include 2 of the 3 3.0 GPA 1100 on SAT or 24 on ACT Top 30% of the graduating class $5000 including book allowance Must earn 30 semester hours
  • 15. State Academic Scholarships Palmetto Fellows Must include all 3 criteria Top 6 % of the graduating class 3.5 GPA 1200 SAT or 27 ACT $6700 freshman year $7500 sophomore/junior/senior Must earn 30 semester hours
  • 16. Acronyms COA-cost of attendance EFC-expected family contribution (comes from FAFSA) FN-financial need COA EFC = FN
  • 17. status Is your student or guardian dependent or independent? When you have step children, whose income is used when filling out the FAFSA?
  • 18. Overage checks Are you and your child prepared for overage checks?
  • 19. Professional Judgment Call the financial aid offices The financial aid administrators will work with you.
  • 20. Sticker shock! Do Not Get sticker shock!
  • 21. There is no silver bullet! This information is like medicine While it will help cure the sick, it will not raise the dead!
  • 22. The Springs Close Foundation Student loans Contact-Judy Rowell Tel 803-286-2197 Lancaster Tel 803-548-2002 Fort Mill Fax 803-416-4626 M-TH 8am-5pm Friday 8 am-2 pm