This document provides a Halloween-themed activity for third graders that includes listening to a Halloween song, ordering and writing Halloween-related words, completing sentences by choosing from words in a box, and drawing their favorite Halloween monster. Students are asked to listen to a Halloween song, order and write words like skeleton, mummy, coffin, and vampire. They then complete sentences by selecting words like werewolf, night, house, skeleton, Halloween, coffin, vampire, monsters, scary, strange, and mummy from a word box. Finally, students are instructed to draw their favorite Halloween monster and provide a description.
My ideal home is a houseboat that is made of wood and located on the water. It has several rooms including a kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms. There is also a large garden. The document provides instructions and examples for students to design and describe their ideal home by selecting the type of home, materials, location, climate, and features. It includes a word bank to support describing these elements of an ideal home.
This document provides materials for a 4th grade Easter unit, including a song to teach students about Easter egg hunting called "Counting Easter Eggs". The song lyrics are included and need to be filled in with provided words. Additional online activities are listed that involve Easter egg hunt games and vocabulary worksheets.
The document provides materials for a 3rd grade Easter unit, including an Easter Bunny song with lyrics and choreography. It also includes a cryptogram puzzle and links to online Easter games. The song is about finding Easter eggs and celebrating the Easter Bunny, describing the bunny as cute with soft fur who hides colorful eggs. It instructs students to wake up early to find hidden eggs in the garden.
This document is a 2nd grade unit on Easter that includes activities like watching a video about the Easter Bunny, matching names to descriptions, coloring Easter-related words, and playing online Easter games to learn about traditions and vocabulary associated with the holiday.
This document contains materials for a 1st grade Easter unit, including the lyrics to the song "Hot Cross Buns", an Easter wordsearch with related terms, a link to a video about decorating Easter eggs, an activity to color Easter eggs in a picture, and links to online Easter games.
This first grade unit on animals includes tasks like matching animal names to pictures, coloring animals from a song, ordering animal sounds, listening and numbering animal sounds, reading a story about animal noises, drawing a favorite pet, and playing online games about pets.
This document is about a 3rd grade unit on cooking. It includes pages about foods students like such as popcorn, ice cream, and bananas. It asks students if they like different food combinations and includes videos to listen to. There are also pages about ordering food at a restaurant, designing a healthy menu, and drawing meal options including starters, main courses, desserts and drinks.
This document is a 2nd grade unit on clothing. It includes activities for students like listening to a video about clothes and circling items, matching clothes to their names, identifying true/false statements about clothing, writing affirmative and negative sentences about wearing clothes, describing what a person is or isn't wearing, and describing and drawing a friend's outfit. The goal is to teach students to identify, name, and describe different articles of clothing.
This document discusses different types of homes around the world. It describes the various materials that homes can be made from, such as wood, stone, clay, brick and more. It also lists different structures like houses, flats, caves, motorhomes, houseboats, treehouses and igloos. The document notes that homes can be found in various shapes, sizes, colors and locations, including cities, rural areas, near water, mountains and in different climates. Students are prompted to design their ideal home and present it to the class.
This document is a unit plan from La Mitjana School for third grade students on the topic of sports. It includes activities for students like matching sports with the equipment needed to play them, discussing which sports they can and cannot do, describing a friend's athletic abilities, a crossword puzzle with sports terms, and identifying the equipment necessary for various activities. Students will also listen to songs related to sports and read a short story. The goal is to teach students about different sports and have them practice talking and writing about physical activities.
This document contains a unit on Christmas for third grade students. It includes matching activities to associate Santa Claus with flying reindeer and leaving milk and cookies. The document also contains the lyrics to the song "Coming Down the Chimney" and instructions to sing it using different holiday-related verbs like sneezing, dancing, and clapping. The overall topic is preparing for Christmas through songs and activities related to Santa Claus' visit.
The document is a unit plan for a 3rd grade Spanish class on telling time and daily routines. It includes links to songs and games about telling time, activities to cut out and put daily routines in order, practice writing out activities and times, and a dialogue exercise to discuss daily schedules. The goal is for students to learn about telling time and the order of their daily routines.
The document is a classroom activity guide for a 3rd grade unit on Halloween. It includes fill-in-the-blank sentences with words related to Halloween monsters to match. It also includes the lyrics to a Halloween song for students to complete. The activity encourages students to draw their favorite Halloween monster.
This document is from a 1st grade unit on Christmas. It includes activities for students such as singing the song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", matching lyrics to actions, numbering and coloring, writing and coloring different actions from the song, and finding differences in two similar images. The activities focus on introducing students to a common Christmas song and practicing skills like matching, writing, coloring, and finding differences.
This document outlines a unit plan for a 1st grade class on the topic of the human body. The unit includes learning activities like listening to songs about body parts, reading a story and acting it out, playing matching games to practice vocabulary, and interactive activities like singing, dancing and acting out rhymes that involve different body movements. The goal is for students to learn the names of basic body parts and their functions through engaging multi-sensory lessons.
This document is a school worksheet for a 1st grade unit on Halloween. It includes instructions for students to listen to a Halloween song, match and color pictures of vampires, witches, monsters and ghosts, count and circle numbers, and complete additional matching and writing activities related to Halloween themes.
This document contains an educational unit for second grade students. It includes activities to review colors and numbers, listen to songs about colors and numbers, read a story about colors, identify classroom objects, and complete exercises circling and writing descriptions of objects and their colors. The unit aims to reinforce foundational concepts like colors, numbers, and object recognition through multiple engaging activities.
1. Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament dEnsenyament
Subdirecci坦 General de Llengua i Pluriling端isme
Servei de Lleng端es Estrangeres
Itali Centre
LLEIDA Codi centre
25009344 AT
rea territorial: Serveis Territorials de Lleida
(Nom del Servei Territorial o Consorci dEducaci坦 de Barcelona) Nom/s autoria
Esther Canelles Sales Nom/s col揃laboraci坦
Dolors Cerqueda, Jose Ignacio Mart鱈n i Maria Jos辿 Peroy. OBJECTIUS Daprenentatge competencial / transversal Con竪ixer una artista: Sonia Delaunay Veure obres daquesta artista. Analitzar els trets caracter鱈stics de la Sonia Delaunay. Imitar obres de la Sonia Delaunay. Gaudir amb lart. Respectar les obres dels altres. CONTINGUTS De mat竪ria curricular Biografia de la Sonia Delaunay Obres de la Sonia Delaunay Els colors que utilitza en les seves obres. Les formes L炭s de la tend竪ncia abstracta. Les variacions sobre una obra. Ling端鱈stics Revision of the colors. (Revisi坦 dels colors) Revision of shapes. (Revisi坦 de les formes geom竪triques). Introducci坦 dels noms dels materials que sutilitzaran per fer les tasques. (scissors, glue, cartoline ...). L炭s de la llengua a laula. ( Can I have...? Yes, of course./ Sorry, Im using it./ I need it. / Thanks...).
METODOLOGIA Seq端竪ncia didctica (pas a pas) Activitats planificades, agrupades per sessions, incloent lagrupament de lalumnat. Es far un taller de dues sessions. Cada taller constar de dues sessions, una de les quals es far en catal i laltra en angl竪s. Els nens i nenes han danar a una de les sessions en catal i laltra en angl竪s. Lagrupament de les sessions ser de 17 a 18 nens/nenes a cadascuna. Avaluaci坦 - Completar les obres que es demanen - Mantenir una actitud positiva - Utilitzar el vocabulari que es treballa a laula en llengua anglesa. Valoraci坦 Al final de les dues sessions els nens i nenes fan una valoraci坦 de lactivitat relacionada amb lartista. Es fa una reflexi坦 sobre si ha agradat o no i per qu竪.
COMPETNCIES Comunicativa ling端鱈stica i audiovisual
X Art鱈stica i cultural
X Tractament de la informaci坦 i compet竪ncia digital
X Matemtica
X Aprendre a aprendre
X Coneixement i interacci坦 del m坦n f鱈sic
X Autonomia i iniciativa personal
X Social i ciutadania
Retalls de fulls de colors, tisores, pegament, Cartolina negra DINA3.
Presentaci坦 de Power Point sobre la S嘆nia Delaunay.
Material, llibres, webs, utilitzats per a realitzar lactivitat.
2. Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament dEnsenyament
Subdirecci坦 General de Llengua i Pluriling端isme
Servei de Lleng端es Estrangeres
Taller de la S嘆nia Delaunay
Sessi坦 1: Visionat en power point, revisi坦 i explicaci坦 en angl竪s de lobra de la S嘆nia Delaunay. Posteriorment es fan preguntes de comprensi坦 al respecte tamb辿 en angl竪s.
Es donar una cartolina negra dinA3 als alumnes i escriuran el nom. Retallaran diferents formes de diferents colors per preparar el primer pla del quadre. Es procura que els nens i nenes facin intervencions en angl竪s quant al material que utilitzen, els colors que fan anar, les formes que construeixen...
Sessi坦 2: Els nens i nenes pensaran com distribuir la seva obra visualitzant-la sense enganxar les figures. Una vegada decidida la distribuci坦 enganxaran les figures per acabar lobra i posar-li un t鱈tol en angl竪s.
Enlla巽os on es troba lactivitat(s) o el material realitzat pels alumnes
Son dues sessions duna hora i mitja cadascuna.