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Five Years of Land Cover Reflectance in a Large
      Scale Hydrological Manipulation in
          an Arctic Tundra Landscape

                                              1Santonu Goswami
                                                 2John  A. Gamon
                                                1Craig E. Tweedie

                           1Environmental  Science and Engineering
                                      University of Texas at El Paso
                          2Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

                                               University of Alberta
Importance of Surface Hydrology (Soil
Moisture) in ecosystem structure and function
  Many observed and modeled change responses of
   arctic terrestrial ecosystems are related to surface
     Surface energy budgets (Chapin et al. 2005, Euskircken et
        al. 2007)
       Land-atmosphere carbon exchange (Merbold et. al 2009,
        Wolf et al. 2008)
       Geomorphic processes (Lawrence and Slater 2005,
        McNamara and Kane 2009)
       Provision of ecosystem goods and services (Milennium
        Ecosystem Assessment)
       Plant phenology and response to warming (Arft et al. 1999,
        Walker et al. 2006)
Plants as an indicator of change

 Detecting biotic responses to a changing environment is
  essential for understanding the consequences of global
 Plants can work as effective indicators of
    changing conditions and, depending on the nature of the
    respond by increasing or decreasing amounts of green-leaf
     biomass, chlorophyll, and water content.
    important effects on ecosystem processes such as NPP and
     nutrient cycling.

 Plant phenology is detectable using remote sensing
  technologies and therefore scaleable over space and time
  (e.g. NDVI).
Study Site - Biocomplexity Experiment,
             Barrow, Alaska
Experimental Setup: Biocomplexity
                                                          Tramlines (300m long)
       Large-scale Hydrological
        Manipulation experiment
        to study the effect of                                                    Controlled
        varying Soil Moisture on
        ecosystem Carbon                               Drained
        Balance in the Arctic    Flooded


100km        Barrow (71尊19'N 156尊37'W)

             Coastal Plain
                                                 Eddy covariance towers
            Brooks Range
The Tram System
The Tram System
The Tram System
The Tram System
Near surface remote sensing technology
    Measurements are made at every meter along each of the
      three 300 meter tramlines (precise and repeatable)
    Collects hyperspectral data in the vis-nir region and digital
      images of vegetation
    More than 200,000 data files collected in 5 years
    Has the ability to carry various sensors packages
    Can be used to study change in phenology, sun angle
      effect on vegetation etc
    Standardized sampling design is part of a larger effort
      (SpecNet) to compare ecosystem responses using a
      combination     of    spectral    reflectance   and     flux

Tramline system in the biocomplexity experiment is the
  largest ground based spectral data monitoring system
  that we are aware of internationally
Measurement of Reflectance
   = ITarget / IDownwelling
   = Radiance/Irradiance
 Reflectance correction
= (RTarget / RDownwelling) X (RDownwelling/ RPanel)

 NDVI (Normalized Difference
   Vegetation Index) calculation
= (R800-R680)/ (R800+R680)

 Also measures water table depth, thaw
Questions being asked in this study

 How does land-surface phenology (i.e. surface
  reflectance properties) change inter-annually?

 Is there any detectable effect of experimental
  treatment (flooding and draining) on surface
Transition Throughout the Season
                                            avg corrected reflectance south 070613


                                                                         H2O Band

                                                                                            1st Week of June
                                  350        450    550   650    750     850   950   1050

                                            avg corrected reflectance south 070618


                                            Chl Feature

                                                                                            3rd Week of June
                                  350              550          750            950

                        0.3           Corrected reflected south 080806
                                            Chl Feature


                        0.1                                                                 1st Week of August
                                      350          550          750            950
Inter-annual variability of NDVI in the treatment areas for
pre-treatment years (2005, 2006, 2007) and treatment years
(2008 and 2009)

                                                                                                       Peak growing time
                              Peak growing time
       0.60                                                                   0.60

       0.50                                                                   0.50


       0.30                                         Flooding                  0.30
                                                    treatment effect                                                         Snow fall
       0.20                                                                   0.20
       0.10                             Heavy flooding event                  0.10
       0.00                                                                   0.00
                            Snow-melt                                                                 Snow-melt
       -0.10                                                                  -0.10
       -0.20                                                                  -0.20
               150   170      190       210        230         250                    150      170       190          210     230         250
                            Day of Year
                                                                                                        Day of Year
         NDVI North 2005     NDVI North 2006       NDVI North 2007                NDVI Central 2005      NDVI Central 2006     NDVI Central 2007
         NDVI North 2008     NDVI North 2009                                      NDVI Central 2008      NDVI Central 2009

                           FLOODED                                                                    DRAINED

  Water Table Depth (cm)
                                                                                       treatment   Flooded
                             -5                                                                         2009
                            -10                                                                         2008
                                  160     170   180   190    200    210   220    230
                              0                       Day of Year

                                                                                       Comparison of inter-
  Thaw Depth (cm)

                                                              Increased thaw in 2009

                                                                                       annual variability of
                                                                                       NDVI to water table
                                  160     170   180   190    200    210   220    230
                                                                                       depth and thaw depth
                                                      Day of Year                      in the flooded section
                            0.60         Heavy flooding
                            0.50         event                                         for     2007      (pre-
                                                                                       treatment) and 2008

                            0.10                      Flooding treatment in 2008
                                                                                       and 2009 (treatment
                                   160    170   180   190   200     210   220   230
                                                  Day of Year

  Water Table Depth (cm)

                            10                                                                   Drained
                                 160   170   180     190    200   210    220   230


                                                                                     Comparison of inter-
   Thaw Depth (cm)

                                                                                     annual variability of
                                 160   170   180     190   200    210   220    230
                                                                                     NDVI to water table
                                                                                     depth and thaw depth
              0.60                                                                   in the drained section
                                                                                     for     2007      (pre-
                                                                                     treatment) and 2008

              0.10                                                      Snowfall
             -0.10                             Snow-melt                             and 2009 (treatment
                                 160   170   180     190   200    210    220   230   years)
                                                   Day of Year

   Water Table Depth (cm)

                               0                                                                          2009
                             -10                                                                          2008
                             -20                                                                          2007
                                   160    170   180   190   200   210      220   230

                              0                                      Dry year 2007
 Thaw Depth (cm)

                                                                                        Comparison of inter-
                                                                                        annual variability of
                                   160    170   180   190   200   210      220   230
                                                                                        NDVI to water table
                                                                                        depth and thaw depth
                             0.50                                                       in the control section for
                             0.30                                                       2007     (pre-treatment)

                                                                             Snowfall   and 2008 and 2009
                            -0.10               Snow-melt
                            -0.20                                                       (treatment years)
                                    160   170   180   190   200      210   220   230
                                                       Day of Year



               11% surface   28% surface   83% surface
                 water         water         water

Standing surface water
has a significant effect on
reflectance spectra.

This has profound effect
on the NDVI values.
The spectral range (400-1000nm) offers the ability to detect
several things, including water. Using a spectral index (NDSWI)
capable of capturing multi-dimensional surface hydrological
dynamics can improve the sampling capabilities of this system

                                               NDSWI (Normalized
                                               Difference Surface
                                         Low   Water Index) =




  Quickbird 2002   Quickbird 2008     Goswami et. al  submitted, JGR
Summary and Conclusion
 Changes in vegetation cover during the growing season was
  clearly detectable using surface reflectance.
 Seasonal patterns of the NDVI values showed some
  differences with flooding. The flooded section showed bigger
  differences than the drained section.
 The seasonal patterns in NDVI was least different for the
  control section among the years.
 NDVI values were compromised by varying water cover
  (among other things), so simultaneously tracking NDVI and
  NDSWI might be a better approach in this landscape.
 Alternatively, other methods like Spectral Mixture Analysis
  can probably help here.
 National Science Foundation (ASSP-0421588).
 Barrow Arctic Science Consortium.
 CH2M Hill Polar Field Services
 Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation  landholder
 Spectral Network.
 UTEP Cybershare Center of Excellence.
 Sergio Vargas, Perry Houser, Christian Andresen, Adrian
  Aguirre, Sandra Villarreal, Ryan Cody, David Lin.
 Systems Ecology Laboratory, University of Texas at El Paso.

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Five Years of Land Surface Phenology in an Arctic Landscape

  • 1. Five Years of Land Cover Reflectance in a Large Scale Hydrological Manipulation in an Arctic Tundra Landscape 1Santonu Goswami 2John A. Gamon 1Craig E. Tweedie 1Environmental Science and Engineering University of Texas at El Paso 2Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta - .
  • 2. Importance of Surface Hydrology (Soil Moisture) in ecosystem structure and function Many observed and modeled change responses of arctic terrestrial ecosystems are related to surface hydrology: Surface energy budgets (Chapin et al. 2005, Euskircken et al. 2007) Land-atmosphere carbon exchange (Merbold et. al 2009, Wolf et al. 2008) Geomorphic processes (Lawrence and Slater 2005, McNamara and Kane 2009) Provision of ecosystem goods and services (Milennium Ecosystem Assessment) Plant phenology and response to warming (Arft et al. 1999, Walker et al. 2006)
  • 3. Plants as an indicator of change Detecting biotic responses to a changing environment is essential for understanding the consequences of global change. Plants can work as effective indicators of changing conditions and, depending on the nature of the change, respond by increasing or decreasing amounts of green-leaf biomass, chlorophyll, and water content. important effects on ecosystem processes such as NPP and nutrient cycling. Plant phenology is detectable using remote sensing technologies and therefore scaleable over space and time (e.g. NDVI).
  • 4. Study Site - Biocomplexity Experiment, Barrow, Alaska
  • 5. Experimental Setup: Biocomplexity Experiment Tramlines (300m long) Large-scale Hydrological Manipulation experiment to study the effect of Controlled varying Soil Moisture on ecosystem Carbon Drained Balance in the Arctic Flooded Dikes 100km Barrow (71尊19'N 156尊37'W) Atqasuk Coastal Plain Eddy covariance towers Brooks Range
  • 9. The Tram System Near surface remote sensing technology Measurements are made at every meter along each of the three 300 meter tramlines (precise and repeatable) Collects hyperspectral data in the vis-nir region and digital images of vegetation More than 200,000 data files collected in 5 years Has the ability to carry various sensors packages Can be used to study change in phenology, sun angle effect on vegetation etc Standardized sampling design is part of a larger effort (SpecNet) to compare ecosystem responses using a combination of spectral reflectance and flux measurements Tramline system in the biocomplexity experiment is the largest ground based spectral data monitoring system that we are aware of internationally
  • 10. Measurement of Reflectance Reflectance = ITarget / IDownwelling = Radiance/Irradiance Reflectance correction = (RTarget / RDownwelling) X (RDownwelling/ RPanel) NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) calculation = (R800-R680)/ (R800+R680) Also measures water table depth, thaw depth.
  • 11. Questions being asked in this study How does land-surface phenology (i.e. surface reflectance properties) change inter-annually? Is there any detectable effect of experimental treatment (flooding and draining) on surface reflectance?
  • 12. Transition Throughout the Season avg corrected reflectance south 070613 1 H2O Band reflectance 0.5 1st Week of June 0 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 wavelength avg corrected reflectance south 070618 0.2 Chl Feature reflectance 0.1 3rd Week of June 0 350 550 750 950 wavelength 0.3 Corrected reflected south 080806 Chl Feature Reflectance 0.2 0.1 1st Week of August 0 350 550 750 950 Wavelength
  • 13. Inter-annual variability of NDVI in the treatment areas for pre-treatment years (2005, 2006, 2007) and treatment years (2008 and 2009) Peak growing time Peak growing time 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.40 NDVI 0.40 NDVI 0.30 Flooding 0.30 treatment effect Snow fall 0.20 0.20 0.10 Heavy flooding event 0.10 0.00 0.00 Snow-melt Snow-melt -0.10 -0.10 -0.20 -0.20 150 170 190 210 230 250 150 170 190 210 230 250 Day of Year Day of Year NDVI North 2005 NDVI North 2006 NDVI North 2007 NDVI Central 2005 NDVI Central 2006 NDVI Central 2007 NDVI North 2008 NDVI North 2009 NDVI Central 2008 NDVI Central 2009 FLOODED DRAINED
  • 14. 25 20 Water Table Depth (cm) 15 10 5 Flooding treatment Flooded 0 -5 2009 -10 2008 -15 -20 2007 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 0 Day of Year Comparison of inter- Thaw Depth (cm) Increased thaw in 2009 -15 annual variability of -30 NDVI to water table -45 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 depth and thaw depth 0.70 Day of Year in the flooded section 0.60 Heavy flooding 0.50 event for 2007 (pre- 0.40 0.30 0.20 treatment) and 2008 NDVI 0.10 Flooding treatment in 2008 0.00 Snow-melt and 2009 (treatment -0.10 -0.20 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 years) Day of Year
  • 15. 30 Water Table Depth (cm) 20 10 Drained 0 2009 -10 2008 -20 2007 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 0 -15 Comparison of inter- Thaw Depth (cm) -30 annual variability of -45 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 NDVI to water table depth and thaw depth 0.70 0.60 in the drained section 0.50 0.40 0.30 for 2007 (pre- 0.20 treatment) and 2008 NDVI 0.10 Snowfall 0.00 -0.10 Snow-melt and 2009 (treatment -0.20 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 years) Day of Year
  • 16. 30 Water Table Depth (cm) 20 10 Control 0 2009 -10 2008 -20 2007 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 0 Dry year 2007 Thaw Depth (cm) -15 Comparison of inter- -30 annual variability of -45 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 NDVI to water table 0.70 depth and thaw depth 0.60 0.50 in the control section for 0.40 0.30 2007 (pre-treatment) NDVI 0.20 0.10 0.00 Snowfall and 2008 and 2009 -0.10 Snow-melt -0.20 (treatment years) 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 Day of Year
  • 17. 0.50 0.43 0.40 0.40 0.33 0.30 NDVI 0.20 0.10 0.00 11% surface 28% surface 83% surface water water water Standing surface water has a significant effect on reflectance spectra. This has profound effect on the NDVI values.
  • 18. The spectral range (400-1000nm) offers the ability to detect several things, including water. Using a spectral index (NDSWI) capable of capturing multi-dimensional surface hydrological dynamics can improve the sampling capabilities of this system NDSWI (Normalized Difference Surface Low Water Index) = (R490-R1000) (R490+R1000) High Quickbird 2002 Quickbird 2008 Goswami et. al submitted, JGR Biogeosciences
  • 19. Summary and Conclusion Changes in vegetation cover during the growing season was clearly detectable using surface reflectance. Seasonal patterns of the NDVI values showed some differences with flooding. The flooded section showed bigger differences than the drained section. The seasonal patterns in NDVI was least different for the control section among the years. NDVI values were compromised by varying water cover (among other things), so simultaneously tracking NDVI and NDSWI might be a better approach in this landscape. Alternatively, other methods like Spectral Mixture Analysis can probably help here.
  • 20. Acknowledgements National Science Foundation (ASSP-0421588). Barrow Arctic Science Consortium. CH2M Hill Polar Field Services Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation landholder Spectral Network. UTEP Cybershare Center of Excellence. Sergio Vargas, Perry Houser, Christian Andresen, Adrian Aguirre, Sandra Villarreal, Ryan Cody, David Lin. Systems Ecology Laboratory, University of Texas at El Paso.