Flexera Software provides consulting services to help clients accelerate and maximize the value of implementing their AdminStudio application packaging solution. Consultants have deep expertise in application packaging and use proven methodologies. Services include needs analysis, best practices workshops, installing and configuring AdminStudio tailored to the client's environment, and training staff to effectively manage the solution ongoing. The goal is to help clients achieve faster time to value from their Flexera Software investments.
This document provides an overview of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and the Backbone.js JavaScript library for building web applications using MVC. It discusses how Backbone.js implements the core components of MVC - Models, Collections, Views and Routers. Models contain the data and logic, Collections are ordered sets of models, Views are responsible for rendering HTML/CSS templates, and Routers provide URL routing functionality. The document also provides code examples for defining and using Backbone.js Models, Collections, Views and Routers.
Social Marketing & PR ROI - Focus roundtableKathy Herrmann
This is a slide deck that accompanied a Focus roundtable on how to calculate a marketing and PR ROI.
Focus roundtable = http://www.focus.com/roundtables/simplifying-social-business-social-marketing-and-pr-roi/
SEO, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization Rankings of an Actual SEO Company. The only real way to judge an SEO company is to look at how they do on their own results. We are not the top SEO result, nor the biggest SEO company in the world, but we have beaten over 200 million competitors and are in the top 50 companies in the world for Internet Marketing Services on Google and even better in Bing.
This report from SEO, LLC analyzes the search engine rankings and competitive landscape for their client Brian C. Bateman's website SplinternetMarketing.com. It finds that the site ranked as the 101st result for "Internet Marketing Service" on Bing but did not previously rank, and ranked 56th but dropped 14 positions for "Internet Marketing Services". On Google, it ranked 45th as a new result for "Internet Marketing Service" and rose 16 positions to 79th for "Internet Marketing Services". The report provides an overview of its analysis scope and methodology.
The document discusses the process of visualization and how it relates to manifesting your desires in reality. It states that through visualization you can bring things nearer to you and become what you will to be. It describes the three step process of idealization, visualization, and materialization and emphasizes earning desire, confident expectation, and firm demand to bring the Law of Attraction into operation. It advises concentrating on your ideals rather than what you don't want in order to manifest abundance.
The document discusses the evolution of thought and humanity's growing understanding of natural laws and our connection to the Universal Mind. It states that (1) a new consciousness is emerging in the world as traditions and materialism fall away. Furthermore, (2) science has revealed our energy and intelligence originate from the Universal Mind, and (3) by understanding this connection, individuals can manifest greater intelligence and abilities by consciously aligning with natural laws and attracting affluence from the Universal source.
1. The document discusses the law of cause and effect and how understanding this law allows one to plan courageously and achieve their goals. It states that failure is often blamed on outside factors rather than a lack of understanding of this law.
2. It explains that all wealth and power come from understanding natural, mental, and spiritual laws. Mastering the spiritual laws, which govern on a higher plane, allows for great accomplishments.
3. Thought acts as a link between the infinite universal mind and the finite individual mind. By understanding how to use this law of mental causation, one can bring their ideal visions into physical manifestation.
The document discusses elements of successful communications including using social media and storytelling. It emphasizes that stories are more effective than data at conveying important messages and motivating action. Examples are provided of how to develop a communications strategy, capture compelling stories, and leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and photo contests to engage audiences and spread an organization's message.
Flexera Software provides consulting services to help clients accelerate and maximize the value of implementing their AdminStudio application packaging solution. Consultants have deep expertise in application packaging and use proven methodologies. Services include needs analysis, best practices workshops, installing and configuring AdminStudio tailored to the client's environment, and training staff to effectively manage the solution ongoing. The goal is to help clients achieve faster time to value from their Flexera Software investments.
This document provides an overview of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and the Backbone.js JavaScript library for building web applications using MVC. It discusses how Backbone.js implements the core components of MVC - Models, Collections, Views and Routers. Models contain the data and logic, Collections are ordered sets of models, Views are responsible for rendering HTML/CSS templates, and Routers provide URL routing functionality. The document also provides code examples for defining and using Backbone.js Models, Collections, Views and Routers.
Social Marketing & PR ROI - Focus roundtableKathy Herrmann
This is a slide deck that accompanied a Focus roundtable on how to calculate a marketing and PR ROI.
Focus roundtable = http://www.focus.com/roundtables/simplifying-social-business-social-marketing-and-pr-roi/
SEO, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization Rankings of an Actual SEO Company. The only real way to judge an SEO company is to look at how they do on their own results. We are not the top SEO result, nor the biggest SEO company in the world, but we have beaten over 200 million competitors and are in the top 50 companies in the world for Internet Marketing Services on Google and even better in Bing.
This report from SEO, LLC analyzes the search engine rankings and competitive landscape for their client Brian C. Bateman's website SplinternetMarketing.com. It finds that the site ranked as the 101st result for "Internet Marketing Service" on Bing but did not previously rank, and ranked 56th but dropped 14 positions for "Internet Marketing Services". On Google, it ranked 45th as a new result for "Internet Marketing Service" and rose 16 positions to 79th for "Internet Marketing Services". The report provides an overview of its analysis scope and methodology.
The document discusses the process of visualization and how it relates to manifesting your desires in reality. It states that through visualization you can bring things nearer to you and become what you will to be. It describes the three step process of idealization, visualization, and materialization and emphasizes earning desire, confident expectation, and firm demand to bring the Law of Attraction into operation. It advises concentrating on your ideals rather than what you don't want in order to manifest abundance.
The document discusses the evolution of thought and humanity's growing understanding of natural laws and our connection to the Universal Mind. It states that (1) a new consciousness is emerging in the world as traditions and materialism fall away. Furthermore, (2) science has revealed our energy and intelligence originate from the Universal Mind, and (3) by understanding this connection, individuals can manifest greater intelligence and abilities by consciously aligning with natural laws and attracting affluence from the Universal source.
1. The document discusses the law of cause and effect and how understanding this law allows one to plan courageously and achieve their goals. It states that failure is often blamed on outside factors rather than a lack of understanding of this law.
2. It explains that all wealth and power come from understanding natural, mental, and spiritual laws. Mastering the spiritual laws, which govern on a higher plane, allows for great accomplishments.
3. Thought acts as a link between the infinite universal mind and the finite individual mind. By understanding how to use this law of mental causation, one can bring their ideal visions into physical manifestation.
The document discusses elements of successful communications including using social media and storytelling. It emphasizes that stories are more effective than data at conveying important messages and motivating action. Examples are provided of how to develop a communications strategy, capture compelling stories, and leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and photo contests to engage audiences and spread an organization's message.
This document summarizes techniques for building web reading applications. It discusses using modular scripts and responsive design for building structured web apps. It also covers HTML5 concepts, web apps versus native apps, and keeping code DRY. Additionally, it provides examples of using Stylus and Jade for CSS preprocessing and HTML templating. Key techniques discussed include range and selection, real-time collaboration, web storage, widgets, typographic design for reflowable and fixed-layout reading, and font rendering optimizations.
Javascript引擎实现 discusses the key components of a Javascript engine including the interpreter, compiler, memory manager, garbage collector, standard library, debugger, and JIT. It describes the theoretical basis of memory management and different garbage collection approaches. It also explains several important Javascript concepts like the prototype chain, scope chain, lexical scope, call objects, closures, and how prototypes enable prototype-based programming.
The document discusses user behavior tracking system architecture. It describes how client-side logging of user interactions like mouse movements, clicks, and scrolls is sent to a Marmot server. The server logs include event types, timestamps, and custom data. Relative coordinates are calculated on the client using DOM paths and element positions. Key interaction paths are identified and similar paths detected for experiments. User defined coordinates (UDC) and an AB testing framework for experiments are also mentioned. Big data is stored using Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
51. 4.4 对于fallbackSome embedded content elements can have fallback content: content that is to be used when the external resource cannot be used (e.g. because it is of an unsupported format). The element definitions state what the fallback is, if any. ------HTML5 Spec
72. 参考文档Flash OBJECT and EMBED tag attributeshttp://kb2.adobe.com/cps/127/tn_12701.htmlControlling access to scripts in a host web pagehttp://kb2.adobe.com/cps/133/tn_13331.htmlDetection Kit Express Install: Links from a SWF file in playerProductInstall.html page no longer function (Flash Player)http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/402/kb402975.htmlHTML <object> Taghttp://www.w3school.com.cn/html5/html5_object.aspHTML <param> Taghttp://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_param.asp精简的Flash插入方式http://www.xintend.com/Article/EssuefNieCFMDbENScai.aspxExternalInterface.objectID 浏览器兼容问题http://www.xintend.com/Article/PyoUWaKXwqmPuUKpZyzq.aspx