從 Web Site 到 Web Application,從 Web Services 到 Mobile ServicesKuo-Chun Su
從 Web Site 到 Web Application,從 Web Services 到 Mobile Services - 談談使用與管理上的一些有趣小問題,包括前端如何使用 JavaScript 呼叫 Web Services,JSON 格式的小秘密,以及整合 OpenID/OAuth 等內容。
1. What web caching means and includes
2. Why use caching
3. File caching
4. Share caching
5. Local caching
6. Memcached and its usage
7. TTServer and KTServer
8. Redis VS SSDB
9. CDN cachings
10. Twemproxy
11. Programming skills and tips
Fast2016 liang ming-converged_storage_technology-final (1)Liang Ming
This document provides a tutorial on converged storage technology and key-value storage. It discusses the concept of object storage and key-value storage, as well as next generation converged storage solutions that integrate different storage devices and provide various storage services through a unified abstraction. It also describes work being done to promote a key-value storage standard through the development of a Key-Value Framework (KVF).
1. What web caching means and includes
2. Why use caching
3. File caching
4. Share caching
5. Local caching
6. Memcached and its usage
7. TTServer and KTServer
8. Redis VS SSDB
9. CDN cachings
10. Twemproxy
11. Programming skills and tips
Fast2016 liang ming-converged_storage_technology-final (1)Liang Ming
This document provides a tutorial on converged storage technology and key-value storage. It discusses the concept of object storage and key-value storage, as well as next generation converged storage solutions that integrate different storage devices and provide various storage services through a unified abstraction. It also describes work being done to promote a key-value storage standard through the development of a Key-Value Framework (KVF).
This document discusses tree data structures and different models for storing hierarchical data in a relational database. It introduces the nested set model as an improvement over the adjacency list model. The nested set model uses additional columns like lft, rgt, and depth to represent the tree structure, enabling efficient retrieval of tree nodes and subtrees through SQL queries. Sample SQL statements are provided to demonstrate common operations for managing tree data using the nested set model, such as adding, retrieving, and deleting nodes from the tree structure stored in a database table.
This document discusses trends in storage technologies including software-defined storage, distributed object storage, and key-value storage. It notes that software is increasingly disrupting traditional storage models and that data is becoming more distributed and dynamic. Various current and emerging storage solutions are mentioned, as well as different architectures like distributed object stores, key-value databases, and file systems. The document advocates for data to break free of storage constraints and flow more freely.
1. Software defined storage (SDS) provides application-centric data services including block, file, and object storage independent of the underlying hardware.
2. SDS uses policies to provide quality of service (QoS), ensuring minimum and maximum IOPS and bandwidth for different applications.
3. Caching is an important data service, using SSDs to improve performance by blending them with SAN, NAS, and object storage according to policies that monitor IOPS and adjust the cache size and hit rate.
This document lists the phonetic spellings of 22 European country names in order, including France, Spain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Italy, Denmark, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Malta, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Cyprus, Norway, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, and Serbia and Montenegro.
PCCC has found lecture capture software to be useful for creating supplemental instructional videos rather than just recording live classes. The presentation discusses using lecture capture software to create short training videos on technology topics to address the growing need for technology support with a small staff. It provides an overview of PCCC and the writing initiative grant that funded the purchase of their Echo360 lecture capture system. Benefits and drawbacks of simple and more advanced lecture capture software options are presented along with examples of the types of training videos PCCC has created using their Echo360 system to provide technology support to students and save staff time.
4th grade curriculum night classroom 10 11Bret Biornstad
The teacher welcomed parents to the 4th grade curriculum night. They provided an introduction and background about their teaching experience. They outlined the 4th grade curriculum which includes units on math, science, social studies and literacy. Core subjects will focus on key standards and concepts. The teacher explained the school's grading system and policies. Various resources and services were mentioned to support student learning and communication between home and school. Parents were thanked for their attendance.
This document discusses how to form comparatives and superlatives in English. It explains that one-syllable adjectives typically add -er and -est, while two-syllable adjectives often use more and most. Exceptions include two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, which drop the y and add -ier and -iest. Irregular forms like good/better/best are also noted. Patterns for using comparatives and superlatives, such as with than, as...as, and one of the, are provided. Examples are given to illustrate comparative and superlative forms.
2013 accenture-consumer-electronics-products-and-services-usage-reportFran?ois Avril
Consumers are focusing their technology purchases on multi-function devices like smartphones, tablets, PCs, and HDTVs. Purchase intentions for these devices are much stronger than for single-function devices. Ownership of multi-function devices like smartphones and tablets has grown substantially in recent years, while ownership of single-function devices has declined or remained flat as their functionality is incorporated into multi-function devices. This trend signals consumers valuing devices that can perform multiple tasks rather than separate devices for each individual task.
The document discusses wiki technology and how it can be used for collaboration. Some key points:
- Wiki allows quick and easy creation of web pages that multiple users can edit, making it a tool for collaboration. It stores all page versions so errors can be corrected.
- Wiki is used for knowledge management and organizing information to avoid email overload. Students and professionals use private wikis for group projects and internal discussions.
- Wiki values permanent knowledge that can be improved over time, unlike blogs which focus on latest news. Wiki content can be edited by any user while blog content cannot after posting.
- Wiki has advantages of collaborative work in one space and easy knowledge sharing, but the open editing can allow unreliable
The document discusses common mistakes and pitfalls when developing with Ruby on Rails, including:
1) Not understanding the difference between 'and' and '&&' operators and operator precedence issues this can cause.
2) Not sanitizing user input passed to functions like strip_tags, which can lead to security issues.
3) Caching controller actions without checking for initialized instance variables, which can cause crashes.
4) Issues with validating database uniqueness across multiple processes that can lead to duplicate entry errors.
5) Problems composing conditions for queries when categories or subcategories are empty.
6) Breaking the callback chain filter by returning from callbacks.
7) Perform
The document discusses using Ruby and Rails for enterprise development. It covers using Ruby as both a primary development language and as a glue language to connect legacy systems. It also discusses designing applications for automated testing and decoupling design from production environments. Lastly, it provides an example of automating source control tasks like adding, committing, and updating files using a Ruby namespace and Rake tasks.
Maximes Presentation For Rubyconf China 2009Robbin Fan
The document appears to be an agenda or program for RubyConf China on May 21, 2009. It lists several speakers, including Robbin Fan, Ouspec, Stephen Kung, Zhang Yuan Yi, Maggie Meng, Nini Sum, Scott Ballantyne, Daniel Lv, and Koz Masumitsu. It also includes brief sections on innovation, GitHub traffic by country, pair programming, the Scrum methodology, burn-down charts, and links to photos.
This document contains the transcript of a talk given by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto about why he created the Ruby programming language and its history and use. Some key points discussed include:
- Matz created Ruby in the 1990s as a hobby initially to have fun and build a tool he wanted to use.
- Ruby was designed to be conservative but combine good aspects of previous languages for scripting, object orientation, and fun programming.
- Ruby on Rails popularized Ruby for web development in the 2000s due to its productivity.
- Ruby is well-suited for tasks like text processing, web programming, and GUI applications due to its simplicity, consistency and ability to make programmers
The document discusses design patterns in Ruby compared to Java. Some key points:
- Ruby classes are objects while Java uses classes and objects. Ruby uses message passing while Java uses method calls.
- Ruby has built-in support for common patterns like Singleton, Observer, Iterator through mixins. These are implemented differently in Java.
- Other patterns like Factory Method, Command are easily implemented in Ruby thanks to features like mixins and blocks/procs.
- The document provides an overview of several design patterns and how they translate from Java to Ruby.
The document discusses JavaEye, a popular Chinese technical blog. It describes the evolution of JavaEye's architecture over time from a single server running Ruby on Rails to a more complex distributed system with front-end web servers, backend application servers, a search server, database servers, and caching. It highlights the technologies used at each stage, including Lighttpd, Memcached, and search tools like Ferret and Lucene, and how caching improved performance by reducing SQL queries.
6. 操作系统缓存概述 文件系统提供的 Disk Cache :操作系统会把经常访问到的文件内容放入到内存当中,由文件系统来管理 当应用程序通过文件系统访问磁盘文件的时候,操作系统从 Disk Cache 当中读取文件内容,加速了文件读取速度 Disk Cache 由操作系统来自动管理,一般不用人工干预,但应当保证物理内存充足,以便于操作系统可以使用尽量多的内存充当 Disk Cache ,加速文件读取速度 特殊的应用程序对文件系统 Disk Cache 有很高的要求,会绕开文件系统 Disk Cache ,直接访问磁盘分区,自己实现 Disk Cache 策略 Oracle 的 raw device( 裸设备 ) – 直接抛弃文件系统 MySQL 的 InnoDB : innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
13. Data Buffer data buffer 是数据库数据在内存中的容器 data buffer 的命中率直接决定了数据库的性能 data buffer 越大越好,多多益善 MySQL 的 InnoDB buffer : innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2G MySQL 建议 buffer pool 开大到服务器物理内存 60-80%
14. MySQL buffer 监控工具 show innodb status\G show status like 'innodb%'; mysqlreport 脚本 innotop
22. Hibernate 查询缓存 在配置文件中打开 Query Cache hibernate.cache.use_query_cache true 在查询的时候显式编码使用 Cache List blogs = sess.createQuery("from Blog blog where blog.blogger = :blogger") .setEntity("blogger",blogger) . setMaxResults(15) . setCacheable(true) . setCacheRegion("frontpages") . list();
23. Hibernate 查询缓存特征 并非缓存整个查询结果集,而是缓存查询结果集 entity 对象的 id 集合 [blogId1, blogId2, blogId3,…] 在遍历结果集的时候,再按照 blogId 去查询 blog 对象,例如 select blog.* from blog where id=? 如果此时 blog 配置了对象缓存,则自动读取对象缓存 Hibernate 查询缓存会自动清理过期缓存 一旦结果集涉及的 entity 被修改,查询缓存就被自动清理