D畛 叩n "N但ng cao nng l畛c cung c畉p th担ng tin cho c叩c hi畛p h畛i doanh nghi畛p v c董 quan truy畛n th担ng trong qu叩 tr狸nh th畛c thi l但m lu畉t, qu畉n tr畛 r畛ng v th動董ng m畉i l但m s畉n (FLEGT)" do Trung t但m Gi叩o d畛c v Ph叩t tri畛n th畛c hi畛n d動畛i s畛 ti tr畛 c畛a EU FAO FLEGT
The document discusses testing national preparedness for sustainable public procurement in Vietnam. It would involve:
1) Reviewing procurement legislation and provisions for SPP
2) Dialogue with procurement authorities on the institutional framework
3) Reviewing environmental and social policies that could promote SPP
It would also analyze how procurement is organized, budgets are managed, and identify stakeholders that could pilot SPP efforts. The document also provides background on the organization conducting the study, IISD, and its work promoting sustainable public procurement globally and in countries like South Africa, Chile and India.
This document discusses forest certification in Vietnam. It notes that Vietnam exports a large amount of wood products, projected to reach $8 billion by 2020, but lacks sufficient domestic wood. It also discusses the current state of forest certification, with over 1,200 wood processing plants but only 1 forest certified. It identifies high costs and lack of awareness as challenges but opportunities in partnerships and Vietnam developing its own forest certification standard in 2009. The document promotes GreenField Consulting as able to offer networks and expertise in forest planning and management to support forest certification in Vietnam.
Vietnam faces difficulties in harmonizing its national forest reporting to international standards like FRA 2010. Forests are diverse and ownership was unclear due to a feudal history. Forests are also degraded and fragmented by population growth. Government agencies report different forest area figures using varying classifications. Specifically, savanna areas are classified differently, and protection and special use forests are not harmonized. Developing consistent national forest classifications aligned with international standards would help, as would detailed international guidelines on forest inventory for different ecological zones and capacity building support.
Ti li畛u ny c坦 t鱈nh ph鱈 xin vui l嘆ng li棚n h畛 facebook 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛 Li棚n h畛 page 畛 nh畉n link download s叩ch v ti li畛u: https://www.facebook.com/garmentspace
My Blog: http://garmentspace.blogspot.com/
T畛 kh坦a t狸m ki畉m ti li畛u : Wash jeans garment washing and dyeing, ti li畛u ngnh may, purpose of washing, definition of garment washing, ti li畛u c畉t may, s董 mi nam n畛, thi畉t k畉 叩o s董 mi nam, thi畉t k畉 qu畉n 但u, thi畉t k畉 veston nam n畛, thi畉t k畉 叩o di, ch但n v叩y 畉m li畛n th但n, zipper, d但y k辿o trong ngnh may, ti li畛u ngnh may, kh坦a k辿o rng c動a, tri畛n khai s畉n xu畉t, jacket nam, ph但n lo畉i kh坦a k辿o, tin h畛c ngnh may, bi gi畉ng Accumark, Gerber Accumarkt, cad/cam ngnh may, ti li畛u ngnh may, b畛 ti li畛u k畛 thu畉t ngnh may d畉ng 畉y 畛, v畉t li畛u may, ti li畛u ngnh may, ti li畛u v畛 s畛i, nguy棚n li畛u d畛t, ki畛u d畛t v畉i d畛t thoi, ki畛u d畛t v畉i d畛t kim, ch畛 may, v畉t li畛u d畛ng, b畛 ti li畛u k畛 thu畉t ngnh may d畉ng 畉y 畛, ti棚u chu畉n k畛 thu畉t 叩o s董 mi nam, ti li畛u k畛 thu畉t ngnh may, ti li畛u ngnh may, ngu畛n g畛c v畉i denim, l畛ch s畛 ra 畛i v ph叩t tri畛n qu畉n jean, Levi's, Jeans, Levi Straus, Jacob Davis v Levis Strauss, CH畉T LI畛U DENIM, c畉t may qu畉n t但y nam, quy tr狸nh may 叩o s董 mi cn b畉n, qu畉n nam kh担ng ply, thi畉t k畉 叩o s董 mi nam, thi畉t k畉 叩o s董 mi nam theo ti li畛u k畛 thu畉t, ti li畛u c畉t may,l畛ch s畛 ra 畛i v ph叩t tri畛n qu畉n jean, v畉i denim, Levis strauss cha 畉 c畛a qu畉n jeans. Jeans skinny, street style 叩o s董 mi nam, t鱈nh v畉i may 叩o qu畉n, s董 mi nam n畛, c畉t may cn b畉n, thi畉t k畉 qu畉n 叩o, ti li畛u ngnh may,m叩y 2 kim, m叩y may c担ng nghi畛p, two needle sewing machine, ti li畛u ngnh may, thi畉t b畛 ngnh may, m叩y m坦c ngnh may,Ti畉ng anh ngnh may, english for gamrment technology, anh vn chuy棚n ngnh may, may m畉c th畛i trang, english, picture, Nh畉n bi畉t v ph但n bi畛t c叩c lo畉i v畉i, cotton, chiffon, silk, woolCCH MAY QUY CCH L畉P RP QUY CCH NH S畛TI LI畛U K畛 THU畉T NGNH MAY TIU CHU畉N K畛 THU畉T QUY CCH NH S畛 - QUY CCH L畉P RP QUY CCH MAY QUY TRNH MAY G畉P X畉P NG GI
This document summarizes an agenda and presentations for a workshop on enhancing regulation of water and energy infrastructure in Southeast Asia. The workshop included presentations on conceptual frameworks for effective regulation, initial regulatory status reports for Vietnam's energy and water sectors, and next steps for case studies and stakeholder interviews in selected countries. Key regulatory challenges identified for Vietnam's sectors included low tariffs restricting investment and improving coverage, and lack of capacity and enforcement at some provincial levels.
1) WebGIS architecture separates the geographic data storage and map generation on a remote server from the map interaction which occurs in the user's browser.
2) Setting up a WebGIS involves configuring the WebGIS architecture, producing and managing geographic data in a PostGIS database, configuring MapServer maps, and enabling map-user interaction through JavaScript libraries.
3) Key components for developing a WebGIS are PostGIS for geographic data storage, MapServer for generating maps from the database, and JavaScript libraries like OpenLayers and GeoExt for basic and complex user interaction with the maps in a web browser.
The document discusses the FOSS4G 2011 conference held in Denver from September 9th-17th. It focuses on presentations about geospatial open source software including PostGIS, Neo4j, MapServer, GeoServer, OpenLayers, Leaflet, GeoScript, GeoKettle, and MapCache. New features and tips for using these tools were provided.
This document lists geospatial projects conducted by Green Field, including:
1. Mapping carbon, biodiversity, and deforestation in Vietnam for REDD+ planning.
2. Establishing forest status maps for Con Cuong State Forest Company using SPOT 5 imagery.
3. Developing the national Forest Information System of Vietnam (FORMIS) portal and tools.
This document summarizes the findings of a study on opportunities and hurdles for enabling sustainable public procurement (SPP) in Vietnam. It describes how public procurement is currently organized and identifies opportunities for SPP through Vietnam's existing legal framework, including laws on the environment, prevention of corruption, and centralized purchasing methods. However, it also notes hurdles like a lack of connection between laws, specific EIA guidelines, and environmental product labels. Overall capacity and inter-ministerial cooperation need strengthening to fully implement SPP in Vietnam.
Introduction to WebGIS- Esri norsk BK 2014Geodata AS
The document summarizes a technical workshop on the ArcGIS platform and web GIS. It outlines the evolution of GIS technology towards more integrated software and services. It then reviews the key components of the ArcGIS platform, including ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Server. It demonstrates how GIS data and resources can be centralized in a portal and accessed through web apps by users on desktops, web, and mobile devices. The workshop concludes with advice on implementing web GIS within an organization.
The document presents information on open source web GIS. It discusses that open source web GIS is an open source software used for mapping geographical areas that is user friendly. It then provides details on what GIS is, its components including hardware, software, data, methods and people. It describes how data is stored in layers and different data models used. Finally, it discusses implementing web GIS using open source software like GRASS and RDBMS with PHP and the features, advantages, disadvantages and conclusion of open source web GIS.
Leo Hsu and Regina Obe
We'll demonstrate integrating PostGIS in both PHP and ASP.NET applications.
We'll demonstrate using the new PostGIS 1.5 geography offering to extend existing web applications with proximity analysis.
More advanced use to display maps and stats using OpenLayers, WMS/WFS services and roll your own WFS like service using the PostGIS KML/GML/and or GeoJSON output functions.
The document discusses building web-based geographic information systems (WebGIS). It presents the "Sam Matthews Mantra" which outlines the key components for WebGIS as a library, map tiles, data, and analysis. Several URLs are provided for libraries, tile providers, data sources, and analysis tools that can be used to build WebGIS applications. The document encourages exploring WebGIS and provides contact information for its author.
D畛 叩n "N但ng cao nng l畛c cung c畉p th担ng tin cho c叩c hi畛p h畛i doanh nghi畛p v c董 quan truy畛n th担ng trong qu叩 tr狸nh th畛c thi l但m lu畉t, qu畉n tr畛 r畛ng v th動董ng m畉i l但m s畉n (FLEGT)" do Trung t但m Gi叩o d畛c v Ph叩t tri畛n th畛c hi畛n d動畛i s畛 ti tr畛 c畛a EU FAO FLEGT
This document discusses forest certification in Vietnam. It notes that Vietnam exports a large amount of wood products, projected to reach $8 billion by 2020, but lacks sufficient domestic wood. It also discusses the current state of forest certification, with over 1,200 wood processing plants but only 1 forest certified. It identifies high costs and lack of awareness as challenges but opportunities in partnerships and Vietnam developing its own forest certification standard in 2009. The document promotes GreenField Consulting as able to offer networks and expertise in forest planning and management to support forest certification in Vietnam.
Vietnam faces difficulties in harmonizing its national forest reporting to international standards like FRA 2010. Forests are diverse and ownership was unclear due to a feudal history. Forests are also degraded and fragmented by population growth. Government agencies report different forest area figures using varying classifications. Specifically, savanna areas are classified differently, and protection and special use forests are not harmonized. Developing consistent national forest classifications aligned with international standards would help, as would detailed international guidelines on forest inventory for different ecological zones and capacity building support.
Ti li畛u ny c坦 t鱈nh ph鱈 xin vui l嘆ng li棚n h畛 facebook 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛 Li棚n h畛 page 畛 nh畉n link download s叩ch v ti li畛u: https://www.facebook.com/garmentspace
My Blog: http://garmentspace.blogspot.com/
T畛 kh坦a t狸m ki畉m ti li畛u : Wash jeans garment washing and dyeing, ti li畛u ngnh may, purpose of washing, definition of garment washing, ti li畛u c畉t may, s董 mi nam n畛, thi畉t k畉 叩o s董 mi nam, thi畉t k畉 qu畉n 但u, thi畉t k畉 veston nam n畛, thi畉t k畉 叩o di, ch但n v叩y 畉m li畛n th但n, zipper, d但y k辿o trong ngnh may, ti li畛u ngnh may, kh坦a k辿o rng c動a, tri畛n khai s畉n xu畉t, jacket nam, ph但n lo畉i kh坦a k辿o, tin h畛c ngnh may, bi gi畉ng Accumark, Gerber Accumarkt, cad/cam ngnh may, ti li畛u ngnh may, b畛 ti li畛u k畛 thu畉t ngnh may d畉ng 畉y 畛, v畉t li畛u may, ti li畛u ngnh may, ti li畛u v畛 s畛i, nguy棚n li畛u d畛t, ki畛u d畛t v畉i d畛t thoi, ki畛u d畛t v畉i d畛t kim, ch畛 may, v畉t li畛u d畛ng, b畛 ti li畛u k畛 thu畉t ngnh may d畉ng 畉y 畛, ti棚u chu畉n k畛 thu畉t 叩o s董 mi nam, ti li畛u k畛 thu畉t ngnh may, ti li畛u ngnh may, ngu畛n g畛c v畉i denim, l畛ch s畛 ra 畛i v ph叩t tri畛n qu畉n jean, Levi's, Jeans, Levi Straus, Jacob Davis v Levis Strauss, CH畉T LI畛U DENIM, c畉t may qu畉n t但y nam, quy tr狸nh may 叩o s董 mi cn b畉n, qu畉n nam kh担ng ply, thi畉t k畉 叩o s董 mi nam, thi畉t k畉 叩o s董 mi nam theo ti li畛u k畛 thu畉t, ti li畛u c畉t may,l畛ch s畛 ra 畛i v ph叩t tri畛n qu畉n jean, v畉i denim, Levis strauss cha 畉 c畛a qu畉n jeans. Jeans skinny, street style 叩o s董 mi nam, t鱈nh v畉i may 叩o qu畉n, s董 mi nam n畛, c畉t may cn b畉n, thi畉t k畉 qu畉n 叩o, ti li畛u ngnh may,m叩y 2 kim, m叩y may c担ng nghi畛p, two needle sewing machine, ti li畛u ngnh may, thi畉t b畛 ngnh may, m叩y m坦c ngnh may,Ti畉ng anh ngnh may, english for gamrment technology, anh vn chuy棚n ngnh may, may m畉c th畛i trang, english, picture, Nh畉n bi畉t v ph但n bi畛t c叩c lo畉i v畉i, cotton, chiffon, silk, woolCCH MAY QUY CCH L畉P RP QUY CCH NH S畛TI LI畛U K畛 THU畉T NGNH MAY TIU CHU畉N K畛 THU畉T QUY CCH NH S畛 - QUY CCH L畉P RP QUY CCH MAY QUY TRNH MAY G畉P X畉P NG GI
This document summarizes an agenda and presentations for a workshop on enhancing regulation of water and energy infrastructure in Southeast Asia. The workshop included presentations on conceptual frameworks for effective regulation, initial regulatory status reports for Vietnam's energy and water sectors, and next steps for case studies and stakeholder interviews in selected countries. Key regulatory challenges identified for Vietnam's sectors included low tariffs restricting investment and improving coverage, and lack of capacity and enforcement at some provincial levels.
1) WebGIS architecture separates the geographic data storage and map generation on a remote server from the map interaction which occurs in the user's browser.
2) Setting up a WebGIS involves configuring the WebGIS architecture, producing and managing geographic data in a PostGIS database, configuring MapServer maps, and enabling map-user interaction through JavaScript libraries.
3) Key components for developing a WebGIS are PostGIS for geographic data storage, MapServer for generating maps from the database, and JavaScript libraries like OpenLayers and GeoExt for basic and complex user interaction with the maps in a web browser.
The document discusses the FOSS4G 2011 conference held in Denver from September 9th-17th. It focuses on presentations about geospatial open source software including PostGIS, Neo4j, MapServer, GeoServer, OpenLayers, Leaflet, GeoScript, GeoKettle, and MapCache. New features and tips for using these tools were provided.
This document lists geospatial projects conducted by Green Field, including:
1. Mapping carbon, biodiversity, and deforestation in Vietnam for REDD+ planning.
2. Establishing forest status maps for Con Cuong State Forest Company using SPOT 5 imagery.
3. Developing the national Forest Information System of Vietnam (FORMIS) portal and tools.
This document summarizes the findings of a study on opportunities and hurdles for enabling sustainable public procurement (SPP) in Vietnam. It describes how public procurement is currently organized and identifies opportunities for SPP through Vietnam's existing legal framework, including laws on the environment, prevention of corruption, and centralized purchasing methods. However, it also notes hurdles like a lack of connection between laws, specific EIA guidelines, and environmental product labels. Overall capacity and inter-ministerial cooperation need strengthening to fully implement SPP in Vietnam.
Introduction to WebGIS- Esri norsk BK 2014Geodata AS
The document summarizes a technical workshop on the ArcGIS platform and web GIS. It outlines the evolution of GIS technology towards more integrated software and services. It then reviews the key components of the ArcGIS platform, including ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Server. It demonstrates how GIS data and resources can be centralized in a portal and accessed through web apps by users on desktops, web, and mobile devices. The workshop concludes with advice on implementing web GIS within an organization.
The document presents information on open source web GIS. It discusses that open source web GIS is an open source software used for mapping geographical areas that is user friendly. It then provides details on what GIS is, its components including hardware, software, data, methods and people. It describes how data is stored in layers and different data models used. Finally, it discusses implementing web GIS using open source software like GRASS and RDBMS with PHP and the features, advantages, disadvantages and conclusion of open source web GIS.
Leo Hsu and Regina Obe
We'll demonstrate integrating PostGIS in both PHP and ASP.NET applications.
We'll demonstrate using the new PostGIS 1.5 geography offering to extend existing web applications with proximity analysis.
More advanced use to display maps and stats using OpenLayers, WMS/WFS services and roll your own WFS like service using the PostGIS KML/GML/and or GeoJSON output functions.
The document discusses building web-based geographic information systems (WebGIS). It presents the "Sam Matthews Mantra" which outlines the key components for WebGIS as a library, map tiles, data, and analysis. Several URLs are provided for libraries, tile providers, data sources, and analysis tools that can be used to build WebGIS applications. The document encourages exploring WebGIS and provides contact information for its author.
D畛 叩n "N但ng cao nng l畛c cung c畉p th担ng tin cho c叩c hi畛p h畛i doanh nghi畛p v c董 quan truy畛n th担ng trong qu叩 tr狸nh th畛c thi l但m lu畉t, qu畉n tr畛 r畛ng v th動董ng m畉i l但m s畉n (FLEGT)" do Trung t但m Gi叩o d畛c v Ph叩t tri畛n th畛c hi畛n d動畛i s畛 ti tr畛 c畛a EU FAO FLEGT
N但ng cao nng l畛c cung c畉p th担ng tin cho c叩c doanh nghi畛p v c董 quan truy畛n th担ng trong qu叩 tr狸nh th畛c thi FLEGT do Trung t但m Gi叩o d畛c v Ph叩t tri畛n th畛c hi畛n 動畛c ti tr畛 b畛i EU FAO FLEGT
D畛 叩n "N但ng cao nng l畛c cung c畉p th担ng tin cho c叩c hi畛p h畛i doanh nghi畛p v c董 quan truy畛n th担ng trong qu叩 tr狸nh th畛c thi l但m lu畉t, qu畉n tr畛 r畛ng v th動董ng m畉i l但m s畉n (FLEGT)" do Trung t但m Gi叩o d畛c v Ph叩t tri畛n th畛c hi畛n d動畛i s畛 ti tr畛 c畛a EU FAO FLEGT
D畛 叩n "N但ng cao nng l畛c cung c畉p th担ng tin cho c叩c hi畛p h畛i doanh nghi畛p v c董 quan truy畛n th担ng trong qu叩 tr狸nh th畛c thi l但m lu畉t, qu畉n tr畛 r畛ng v th動董ng m畉i l但m s畉n (FLEGT)" do Trung t但m Gi叩o d畛c v Ph叩t tri畛n th畛c hi畛n d動畛i s畛 ti tr畛 c畛a EU FAO FLEGT
Th動董ng m畉i g畛 ton c畉u & ph叩t tri畛n c担ng nghi畛p g畛 VN 2021 2025 v c叩c nm ...CIFOR-ICRAF
Presented by Ng担 S畛 Hoi (Vietnam Timber & Forest Products Association), at "National consultation workshop on Vietnam Forestry Development Strategy 2021- 2030, with vision to 2050", on 5 November 2020
D畛 叩n "N但ng cao nng l畛c cung c畉p th担ng tin cho c叩c hi畛p h畛i doanh nghi畛p v c董 quan truy畛n th担ng trong qu叩 tr狸nh th畛c thi l但m lu畉t, qu畉n tr畛 r畛ng v th動董ng m畉i l但m s畉n (FLEGT)" do Trung t但m Gi叩o d畛c v Ph叩t tri畛n th畛c hi畛n d動畛i s畛 ti tr畛 c畛a EU FAO FLEGT