The document provides 5 short reminders: to be patient with oneself; to recognize the difference between good and foolish sacrifice; to be happy now; to remember the purpose of the gospel; and to not forget that the Lord loves you.
Psalm 22 is a plea to God from David expressing feelings of abandonment and suffering despite being holy. David cries out to God day and night but receives no answer or rest, yet his ancestors trusted in God and were delivered from their troubles when they cried out for help, so David has faith that if he persists in crying out he will also be saved from his troubles.
This document discusses the topic of forgiveness. It defines forgiveness as pardoning or releasing someone from an offense without harboring resentment. The Bible encourages forgiveness, as God abundantly pardons. Forgiveness has health benefits such as lower stress and blood pressure. To forgive, one should pray, forgive by faith, reflect on the situation, choose to forgive the offender, and acknowledge one's own wrongdoings. Forgiveness creates freedom and healing through releasing hurts and not holding others accountable.
The document discusses the key to happiness according to the Bible. It lists things that prevent happiness, such as wanting, being out of place, fear, being alone, and having no goals. It then explains how we can find happiness through life, death, and eternity by seeking God, having hope in Him, and enduring hardships with His strength and comfort. Living righteously with God's help allows us to be content in this life and assured of eternal happiness after death.
This is a sermon slide series giving a short biblical overview on fasting. Fasting is one of the most common and powerful spiritual disciplines in the entire Bible. My experience & God's word have convinced me that if you want to get serious about prayer needs, fasting is like throwing gasoline on the fire of your prayers.
Sermon on Keys to a successful Day... Wake UP!Joe Jackson
How many times do you feel reluctant to get out of bed?
When the day looks like it will be a bad one ...
When the troubles of the world make you want to go back to sleep.
These are biblical keys to arise and shine
Our life journey, especially our life assignment is the race that we run. If we need to run well, we need endurance. Here are some helpful insights on how to run with endurance the race that is set before us.
God desires to bless His people. God releases His blessing of prosperity in many ways. But walking in prosperity is more than receiving a blessing. It involves stewardship, fruitful labor, wisdom, obedience, giving, learning, and co-laboring with God.
For sermon audio, resources, FREE publications etc, kindly visit our website
The document discusses the call to ministry after becoming a Christian. It argues that ministry is necessary to build up the body of Christ and that God calls Christians to ministry, not comfort. It encourages choosing daily availability for ministry, serving Christ over culture, and choosing the cross over comfort. Faithfulness in suffering leads to fruitfulness and fulfillment. Answering the call to ministry requires a personal, positive, public, and prompt decision to serve the Lord.
The document discusses living life for Christ and having purpose and direction. It emphasizes not living aimlessly from day to day but making decisions that lead one closer to their goals. It notes that Pablo was satisfied with his life and able to say he fought the good fight because he lived for Christ and knew his friendship with Jesus was most important. The conclusion encourages focusing on being a good professional, person, and Christian by studying, developing values, and remembering God in life through clear goals and lifestyle.
This document discusses bringing one's heart back to worshipping God. It notes that a lack of worship can sometimes reflect an underlying sin problem. While worship with little emotion is not hypocritical, worship should not be avoided just because one does not feel like it. We are called to worship God because he deserves it as our Savior. The document encourages asking God to open our lips in praise and having faith that he will help us worship, even when our heart fails, and establish us through patience.
This document contains the notes from a prophetic prayer seminar session focused on moving from a life of minimum to God's maximum. It discusses how God wants people to succeed and be the head, not the tail. It contrasts the characteristics of winners versus losers. A prophetic prayer is then provided to dismantle the works of the enemy and move one's life from minimum to maximum in alignment with God's promises and will. Participants are asked to meditate on the prayer points and declarations.
A regular and timely spiritual health check-up reveals how we are doing spiritually as followers of the Lord Jesus.
The Masters Health Check-Up is a reminder about being mindful of our spiritual health and being aware of what affects our spiritual temperature.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
Psalm 118 is the center chapter of the Bible. The center verse, Psalm 118:8, states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." This verse suggests putting one's trust in God is significant for living according to His will. The document encourages the reader to take a minute to pray for the person who shared it and pass it on to others, observing how God works through small acts of faith and prayer.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
The document discusses dealing with frustrated expectations from biblical prophecies. It states that prophecy gives believers God-inspired expectations to sustain them until fulfillment. When expectations are frustrated, believers are tempted to doubt God's revelations. However, God provides assurance through His presence, words, and unrevealed plans and resources. Having faith means not measuring the present by past expectations, but through God at work. Prophecy calls believers to partner with God and obey despite feelings.
Encouraging Words The oil of gladness & joyDan Wooldridge
This document discusses the "Oil of Gladness" mentioned in the Bible. It says this oil is what God uses to anoint believers, filling them with joy and righteousness. It lists conditions for receiving this oil as loving righteousness, hating sin and wickedness, obeying God, and dedicating one's entire life to God. It emphasizes that believers do not truly own themselves but were bought by God, so their lives should glorify Him. The overall message is an encouragement for believers to receive this Oil of Gladness by giving their entire lives to God so they may be filled with joy.
To utilize and implement my work related experiences of demonstrated leadership,
organization, and critical thinking with excellent communication skills, customer service, and hard work ethic. Maintain a team player mentality to improve all working relationships. Showcase the ability to become a valuable asset to any part of the company by relying on my strong skills.
Timothy Seneca is seeking a position that utilizes his skills and abilities in areas such as desktop support, computer repair, installation, and software/hardware support. He has a background in telecommunications and holds certificates in business technology and microcomputer maintenance. His work experience includes positions providing technical support, computer repairs, and software/hardware installations for various organizations.
El documento describe los diferentes estados del agua como l鱈quido, s坦lido y gaseoso, y explica el ciclo del agua que incluye la precipitaci坦n, evaporaci坦n y condensaci坦n. Tambi辿n presenta la informaci坦n en ingl辿s.
This document represents several social groups in the media product. The cover features Amrit, a 17-19 year old mixed race Indian female portrayed as an indie musician from a middle class background. The content page includes images of Amrit, Hannah, and Georgia, also portrayed as 17-19 year old indie artists from middle class backgrounds including Indian, white British, and quarter cast. The main article features Georgia, a quarter cast 17-19 year old portrayed as a happy, middle class indie musician through her clothing, makeup, pose, and a three quarter page close up photo. The images aim to represent various ethnicities and personalities within the target demographic.
El documento describe una serie de herramientas web 2.0 como Blogger para crear bit叩coras en l鱈nea, para centralizar perfiles en redes sociales, Wordle para crear nubes de palabras, Educaplay para crear actividades educativas multimedia, Storybird para compartir cuentos con ilustraciones, Photofunia para agregar efectos a fotos, Flash-gear para crear rompecabezas con im叩genes, Photopeach para hacer presentaciones de fotos con m炭sica y texto, y 際際滷share para compartir presentaciones de PowerPoint.
ICRAVE is an innovation studio that designs experiences and environments. They specialize in experience design at the intersection of operational, physical, and digital spaces. They work across many sectors including hospitality, entertainment, education, healthcare, and more. Their goal is to build environments and curate experiences for clients. They provide a full range of design services from concept development to implementation.
Interactive 3D Geological Models for Daily Operations, Permitting, and Stakeh...Beth Hood
The document summarizes a business meeting for the TAGD. It discusses the consulting philosophy of providing clients with accessible data to make independent decisions. It notes that groundwater district staff need easy access to water data for management decisions. The proposed solution is an interactive 3D hydrostratigraphic model using accessible software to visualize subsurface formations, wells, water levels, and other data. The benefits discussed include identifying well locations, evaluating freshwater resources, and integrating data in an updatable framework.
El documento describe la ense単anza del espa単ol en la educaci坦n b叩sica en M辿xico. Explica que la escuela debe preparar a los estudiantes para comunicarse efectivamente en una sociedad plural y alejarlos de estereotipos. Tambi辿n se単ala que no existe un solo modelo de ense単anza debido a la diversidad cultural, por lo que cada escuela debe adaptar su ense単anza al contexto local. El objetivo final es desarrollar las competencias comunicativas de los estudiantes a trav辿s de la lectura, escritura y discusi坦n de diversos temas.
The document discusses the call to ministry after becoming a Christian. It argues that ministry is necessary to build up the body of Christ and that God calls Christians to ministry, not comfort. It encourages choosing daily availability for ministry, serving Christ over culture, and choosing the cross over comfort. Faithfulness in suffering leads to fruitfulness and fulfillment. Answering the call to ministry requires a personal, positive, public, and prompt decision to serve the Lord.
The document discusses living life for Christ and having purpose and direction. It emphasizes not living aimlessly from day to day but making decisions that lead one closer to their goals. It notes that Pablo was satisfied with his life and able to say he fought the good fight because he lived for Christ and knew his friendship with Jesus was most important. The conclusion encourages focusing on being a good professional, person, and Christian by studying, developing values, and remembering God in life through clear goals and lifestyle.
This document discusses bringing one's heart back to worshipping God. It notes that a lack of worship can sometimes reflect an underlying sin problem. While worship with little emotion is not hypocritical, worship should not be avoided just because one does not feel like it. We are called to worship God because he deserves it as our Savior. The document encourages asking God to open our lips in praise and having faith that he will help us worship, even when our heart fails, and establish us through patience.
This document contains the notes from a prophetic prayer seminar session focused on moving from a life of minimum to God's maximum. It discusses how God wants people to succeed and be the head, not the tail. It contrasts the characteristics of winners versus losers. A prophetic prayer is then provided to dismantle the works of the enemy and move one's life from minimum to maximum in alignment with God's promises and will. Participants are asked to meditate on the prayer points and declarations.
A regular and timely spiritual health check-up reveals how we are doing spiritually as followers of the Lord Jesus.
The Masters Health Check-Up is a reminder about being mindful of our spiritual health and being aware of what affects our spiritual temperature.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
Psalm 118 is the center chapter of the Bible. The center verse, Psalm 118:8, states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." This verse suggests putting one's trust in God is significant for living according to His will. The document encourages the reader to take a minute to pray for the person who shared it and pass it on to others, observing how God works through small acts of faith and prayer.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
The document discusses dealing with frustrated expectations from biblical prophecies. It states that prophecy gives believers God-inspired expectations to sustain them until fulfillment. When expectations are frustrated, believers are tempted to doubt God's revelations. However, God provides assurance through His presence, words, and unrevealed plans and resources. Having faith means not measuring the present by past expectations, but through God at work. Prophecy calls believers to partner with God and obey despite feelings.
Encouraging Words The oil of gladness & joyDan Wooldridge
This document discusses the "Oil of Gladness" mentioned in the Bible. It says this oil is what God uses to anoint believers, filling them with joy and righteousness. It lists conditions for receiving this oil as loving righteousness, hating sin and wickedness, obeying God, and dedicating one's entire life to God. It emphasizes that believers do not truly own themselves but were bought by God, so their lives should glorify Him. The overall message is an encouragement for believers to receive this Oil of Gladness by giving their entire lives to God so they may be filled with joy.
To utilize and implement my work related experiences of demonstrated leadership,
organization, and critical thinking with excellent communication skills, customer service, and hard work ethic. Maintain a team player mentality to improve all working relationships. Showcase the ability to become a valuable asset to any part of the company by relying on my strong skills.
Timothy Seneca is seeking a position that utilizes his skills and abilities in areas such as desktop support, computer repair, installation, and software/hardware support. He has a background in telecommunications and holds certificates in business technology and microcomputer maintenance. His work experience includes positions providing technical support, computer repairs, and software/hardware installations for various organizations.
El documento describe los diferentes estados del agua como l鱈quido, s坦lido y gaseoso, y explica el ciclo del agua que incluye la precipitaci坦n, evaporaci坦n y condensaci坦n. Tambi辿n presenta la informaci坦n en ingl辿s.
This document represents several social groups in the media product. The cover features Amrit, a 17-19 year old mixed race Indian female portrayed as an indie musician from a middle class background. The content page includes images of Amrit, Hannah, and Georgia, also portrayed as 17-19 year old indie artists from middle class backgrounds including Indian, white British, and quarter cast. The main article features Georgia, a quarter cast 17-19 year old portrayed as a happy, middle class indie musician through her clothing, makeup, pose, and a three quarter page close up photo. The images aim to represent various ethnicities and personalities within the target demographic.
El documento describe una serie de herramientas web 2.0 como Blogger para crear bit叩coras en l鱈nea, para centralizar perfiles en redes sociales, Wordle para crear nubes de palabras, Educaplay para crear actividades educativas multimedia, Storybird para compartir cuentos con ilustraciones, Photofunia para agregar efectos a fotos, Flash-gear para crear rompecabezas con im叩genes, Photopeach para hacer presentaciones de fotos con m炭sica y texto, y 際際滷share para compartir presentaciones de PowerPoint.
ICRAVE is an innovation studio that designs experiences and environments. They specialize in experience design at the intersection of operational, physical, and digital spaces. They work across many sectors including hospitality, entertainment, education, healthcare, and more. Their goal is to build environments and curate experiences for clients. They provide a full range of design services from concept development to implementation.
Interactive 3D Geological Models for Daily Operations, Permitting, and Stakeh...Beth Hood
The document summarizes a business meeting for the TAGD. It discusses the consulting philosophy of providing clients with accessible data to make independent decisions. It notes that groundwater district staff need easy access to water data for management decisions. The proposed solution is an interactive 3D hydrostratigraphic model using accessible software to visualize subsurface formations, wells, water levels, and other data. The benefits discussed include identifying well locations, evaluating freshwater resources, and integrating data in an updatable framework.
El documento describe la ense単anza del espa単ol en la educaci坦n b叩sica en M辿xico. Explica que la escuela debe preparar a los estudiantes para comunicarse efectivamente en una sociedad plural y alejarlos de estereotipos. Tambi辿n se単ala que no existe un solo modelo de ense単anza debido a la diversidad cultural, por lo que cada escuela debe adaptar su ense単anza al contexto local. El objetivo final es desarrollar las competencias comunicativas de los estudiantes a trav辿s de la lectura, escritura y discusi坦n de diversos temas.
This document summarizes rapidly varying flow, which refers to significant changes in water depth over a short distance. It occurs where there is a disturbance to the balance between gravity and friction, such as at a weir. There is often a transition between deep, slow flow and shallow, fast flow. For a smooth transition, the total head is assumed constant, while an abrupt transition like a hydraulic jump can cause head loss. A hydraulic jump is an abrupt change from shallow, fast flow to deep, slow flow and occurs when upstream and downstream conditions impose different water depths. Mass is conserved across it, while energy is lost mostly as heat.
The document provides 5 brief reminders: to be patient with oneself; to distinguish between good and foolish sacrifice; to be happy now; to remember the purpose of the gospel; and to not forget that the Lord loves you.
Este documento describe los elementos clave de la lectura y la escritura. Explica que la lectura es uno de los procesos informativos m叩s importantes de la humanidad y permite reconocer diferentes tipos de informaci坦n. Tambi辿n cubre la poslectura, que eval炭a la comprensi坦n del lector, y la preescritura, que es el proceso previo a la escritura de reunir ideas y desarrollar una estrategia de comunicaci坦n. Adem叩s, incluye referencias bibliogr叩ficas sobre estos temas.
This document promotes the graphic design services of Shanalee Manwaring, including web page design, typography, event flyers, photography, social media graphics, magazine layout, movie posters, and slide design. Manwaring asks what she can create for potential clients.
Rijvankhan Khan is seeking a position that allows him to utilize his quantitative and communication skills and continue enhancing his knowledge. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and over 3 years of experience in piping engineering, production engineering, and maintenance engineering. His skills include piping design, valve and fitting selection, process equipment knowledge, and the use of piping software. He is proficient in AutoCAD, MS Office, and has good communication abilities.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre cuatro destacados arquitectos: Oscar Niemeyer, Tadao Ando, Norman Foster y Frank Gehry. Describe brevemente la carrera y obras de Oscar Niemeyer, Tadao Ando y Norman Foster, destacando que Niemeyer es uno de los arquitectos brasile単os m叩s influyentes internacionalmente, que Tadao Ando dise単坦 el nuevo Museo de Arte Moderno de Fort Worth y que Norman Foster estudi坦 en la Universidad de M叩nchester y Yale y fund坦 su estudio Foster and Partners.
It's Not Easy Being Green, Especially When You're BlueJill McLain
The document summarizes a presentation about using PantoneLIVE, a cloud-based tool from X-Rite PANTONE, to help designers, brands, and others more accurately specify, communicate, and reproduce colors throughout the design and production process. Some key points covered include:
- PantoneLIVE allows users to preview how colors will look when printed or produced on different substrates.
- It provides a shared digital library of brand colors that designers and others in the supply chain can access.
- Using PantoneLIVE can reduce costs from rework by avoiding color mismatches and speeding up approvals through more accurate early-stage color previews.
This document discusses different modes of transportation in Ecuador. It describes land transportation which includes buses that transport people between cities and provinces, trains which carry passengers and goods on rails, and taxis which carry people for a cash fare calculated by a meter. It also outlines air transportation such as planes that can fly between countries and provinces, and helicopters that can hover and fly vertically or horizontally. Finally, it outlines marine transportation including boats that carry goods by sea, yachts which are larger motorized or sailing boats, and cruises which are multiple day pleasure boat trips making stops at various ports.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
How to Manage Putaway Rule in Odoo 17 InventoryCeline George
Inventory management is a critical aspect of any business involved in manufacturing or selling products.
Odoo 17 offers a robust inventory management system that can handle complex operations and optimize warehouse efficiency.
7. Forget not to be patient with yourself.
Forget not the difference of a good & foolish sacrifice.
Forget not to be happy now.
Forget not the Why of the gospel.
Forget not the Lord loves you.