Kenneth John Hornacek Jr., age 34, of Lake Orion, Michigan passed away on September 21, 2007. He is survived by his loving parents Kenneth and Nancy Hornacek, his sister Deanna Louise, and many aunts, uncles and cousins. Ken had a great love for his family and enjoyed spending time with his father in their shop and caring for his mother and sister. His funeral service will be held on September 26, 2007 at Modetz Funeral Home in Orion, Michigan.
This document provides an overview of various art databases and resources available through Chambers Library at the University of Central Oklahoma. It describes several databases for searching articles and images, including Grove Art Online, Art Abstracts, ARTbibliographies Modern, and ARTstor. It also outlines how to search the library catalog and WorldCat to find books, documents, and other materials held at UCO Library or other libraries. Remote access instructions and tips for effective searches are included.
The document summarizes the Intermountain Basins and Plateaus region of far West Texas. This region is dominated by mountains, plateaus, canyons, and basins, with elevations ranging from 1,700 feet above sea level in canyon areas up to 8,749 feet at Guadalupe Peak. The landscape features desert grasses, shrubs, and cacti and has a hot, dry climate with less than 9 inches of rain per year, requiring large ranches and irrigation for agriculture. Tourism at Big Bend National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park boosts the regional economy.
This document discusses improvements to the translation process in Drupal 6. Key points include:
- Drupal 6 introduced automation that imports translations for enabled modules during installation.
- A new packaging format with smaller translation files in a defined structure replaced the previous format.
- On-page translation became possible in Drupal 6 with the l10n_client module.
- Plans were discussed for a localization server and community that would simplify and automate the translation process by parsing code and managing translations through a shared interface.
This document discusses internationalization and localization in Drupal. It provides an overview of how Drupal 5 and 6 handle multilingual capabilities, including built-in translation functionality, contributed modules that expand support, and techniques for content translation. Challenges in earlier versions are described along with improvements in Drupal 6, such as an automated import system and text groups API.
The document summarizes the different regions of the Great Plains in Texas, including the High Plains covering most of the Texas Panhandle with higher elevations than the Central Plains and little rainfall, making it suitable for ranching and farming with irrigation; the Edwards Plateau, separated from the Gulf Coastal Plain by the Balcones Escarpment with a limestone layer that erosion has cut into, creating a rocky landscape suitable for ranching sheep and goats.
The Central Plains region of Texas includes the Grand Prairie and Cross Timbers subregions. The Grand Prairie has thin soil better suited for livestock grazing than farming, with Fort Worth as the largest city. The Cross Timbers is divided into eastern and western belts by different tree species and separates the Grand Prairie from the Rolling Plains further west, where cattle ranching and farming of cotton and grains are important economic activities.
Kenneth John Hornacek Jr., age 34, of Lake Orion, Michigan passed away on September 21, 2007. He is survived by his loving parents Kenneth and Nancy Hornacek, his sister Deanna Louise, and many aunts, uncles and cousins. Ken had a great love for his family and enjoyed spending time with his father in their shop and caring for his mother and sister. His funeral service will be held on September 26, 2007 at Modetz Funeral Home in Orion, Michigan.
This document provides an overview of various art databases and resources available through Chambers Library at the University of Central Oklahoma. It describes several databases for searching articles and images, including Grove Art Online, Art Abstracts, ARTbibliographies Modern, and ARTstor. It also outlines how to search the library catalog and WorldCat to find books, documents, and other materials held at UCO Library or other libraries. Remote access instructions and tips for effective searches are included.
The document summarizes the Intermountain Basins and Plateaus region of far West Texas. This region is dominated by mountains, plateaus, canyons, and basins, with elevations ranging from 1,700 feet above sea level in canyon areas up to 8,749 feet at Guadalupe Peak. The landscape features desert grasses, shrubs, and cacti and has a hot, dry climate with less than 9 inches of rain per year, requiring large ranches and irrigation for agriculture. Tourism at Big Bend National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park boosts the regional economy.
This document discusses improvements to the translation process in Drupal 6. Key points include:
- Drupal 6 introduced automation that imports translations for enabled modules during installation.
- A new packaging format with smaller translation files in a defined structure replaced the previous format.
- On-page translation became possible in Drupal 6 with the l10n_client module.
- Plans were discussed for a localization server and community that would simplify and automate the translation process by parsing code and managing translations through a shared interface.
This document discusses internationalization and localization in Drupal. It provides an overview of how Drupal 5 and 6 handle multilingual capabilities, including built-in translation functionality, contributed modules that expand support, and techniques for content translation. Challenges in earlier versions are described along with improvements in Drupal 6, such as an automated import system and text groups API.
The document summarizes the different regions of the Great Plains in Texas, including the High Plains covering most of the Texas Panhandle with higher elevations than the Central Plains and little rainfall, making it suitable for ranching and farming with irrigation; the Edwards Plateau, separated from the Gulf Coastal Plain by the Balcones Escarpment with a limestone layer that erosion has cut into, creating a rocky landscape suitable for ranching sheep and goats.
The Central Plains region of Texas includes the Grand Prairie and Cross Timbers subregions. The Grand Prairie has thin soil better suited for livestock grazing than farming, with Fort Worth as the largest city. The Cross Timbers is divided into eastern and western belts by different tree species and separates the Grand Prairie from the Rolling Plains further west, where cattle ranching and farming of cotton and grains are important economic activities.
These slides were used as an introduction to a workshop held january 25th at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.
The workshop was arranged as part of a course in project managment, within the masters programme Media Technology.
The goal of the workshop was to help the students form their first version of a game concept.
This workshop relies on the information communicated in the accompanying lecture, which is also avaialable here.
The presentation is in swedish.
En ppt som jag körde på Stockholms spelkonvent. Den handlar om spelmekaniker som används i andra sammanhang så som internetforum eller t ex undervisning.
2. Mål Fortsätta arbetet med att lägga till begrepp och förstå spel som abstrakt fenomen. Syftet att underlätta läsandet av kapitel 5 i boken
3. Detta har hänt Måndag: Vi skapade vår egen speldefinition. Vad är ett spel? Slutsats: Speldefinitioner är svåra att göra. Det är dock viktigt att göra dem eftersom Tisdag: System, aktivtet, kultur. Vi jobbade med tema. Vi separerade tema från system. Vi hittade också Torsdag. Vi spelade Nine Mens Morris. Fredag. Vi samlade erfarenheter av Nine Mens Morris och pratade om geekkultur. Klas Anundby var här och pratade om e-learing.
4. Kunskap vi lagt bakom oss…(förhoppningsvis) Spel är spel är spel. Datorspel, brädspel, schack, rollspel, MMoRPG:s – same shit. Att försöka definiera spel är svårt. Det går inte att lyckas. Men man bör försöka. System klarar sig utan tema men tema klarar sig inte utan system. Representanten för Geekkulturen är introvert, gillar fantasy och bryr sig mer om människor med samma smala specialintresse än att stå på barikaderna. E-learning has a lot to learn.
5. Resten av veckan MÃ¥ndag: Formella element i spel Tisdag: System och emergens Onsdag: Fria studier Torsdag: Cribbage, stress och andra kortspel Fredag: Analysera spelandets aktivitet Roger Caillois
7. Spelare Vad kan vara intressant att säga om spelare? Vad är relevant att prata om? Vem är spelaren? Antal spelare Roller som spelare har Varför är detta relevant?
8. Spelarinterkation På vilka sätt kan man spela? Singel player vs Game Player vs. Player Multiplayer vs. Game Unilateral Competition (alla mot en) Multilateral Competition Team Competition Cooperative Play
9. MÃ¥l (objecitves) Hur vinner man? Exempel ur boken: Capture Chase Race Alignment Resque or escape Forbidden Act Construction Exploration Solution Outwit
10. Mål forts, Mål som designmönster Asymmetric Goals Committed Goals Continuous Goals Dynamic Goal Characteristics Ephemeral Goals Excluding Goals Hierarchy of Goals Incompatible Goals Interferable Goals Mutual Goals Optional Goals Player Defined Goals Polyathlons Predefined Goals Preventing Goals Selectable Sets of Goals Supporting Goals Symmetric Goals Tournaments Unknown Goals
11. Procedurer - spelmekaniker Det jag kallar spelmekaniker. Det är görandet i spelet Spelmekaniken/proceduren beskriver hur spelaren skall bära sig åt för att ändra speltillståndet och interagera med systemet och därigenom uppnå ett mål.
12. Regler Reglerna definierar spelet, spelets objekt och koncept Det första regelutkastet förvandlas sedemera till designdokumentet Reglerna begränsar
13. Regler forts Regler avgör vad som skall hända (if-sats): Om spelaren inte besvarar frågan går den över till andra laget Om du sparkar bollen utanför plan blir det inkast för motståndarlaget Regler måste vara tydliga Formulera alltid vem som skall göra vad. Använd inte man och bör utan du skall. Reglerna är ett kontrakt.
14. Resurser Resurser är tillgångar Olika typer av tillgångar: Liv Enheter Hälsa Valuta Handlingar Objekt Terräng Tid
15. Konflikt Konflikten skapas för att relger och mekaniker försvårar det för spelaren att nå målet. Konflikten kräver oftast skicklighet för att spelaren skall lösa den Typer av konflikter: Hinder Motståndare Dilemman
19. System En samling interagerande, av varandra beroende, element som skapar en komplex helhet. Ett system består av följande element: objekt, attribut, internt förhållande (kopplingar), en omgivning (context).