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If we were told to do something, majority of us will be asking “What is it for? Why should I do it?
What is the purpose behind this?” etc. This so-called making things complicated is the root of our all
problems. Instead, if we just do whatever we are told to do, things will be much simpler! Look at the
following dialogue in the movie. . .
Drill Sergeant: Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army?
Forrest Gump: To do whatever you tell me, drill sergeant!
Drill Sergeant: God damn it, Gump! You're a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I
have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump.
Forrest Gump is straight-forward and does not explore things. He just goes in the flow. Although he
was being praised by the drill sergeant, he did not get complacent. In the army, everyone is equal;
they do not see your colour, race etc. for that reason, Gump did not have a difficulty in mingling in
the army.
This part of the movie tells us that no matter how stupid you are, if you just the things as told, you
would not end up in messing things up.
Drill Sergeant: GUUUUUUMP! Why did you put that weapon together so quickly, Gump?
Forrest Gump: You told me to, Drill Sergeant?
Drill Sergeant: Jesus Christ! This is a new company record! If it wouldn't be such a waste of a damnfine enlisted man I'd recommend you for OCS! You are gonna be a general someday, Gump, now
disassemble your weapon and continue!
Although Forrest Gump has an IQ of 75 (the lowest possible without being a walking vegetable), he
was considered as a genius in the army. The reason behind this is simple – he took things in a simpler
manner. He did as he was told. And for that reason, people liked him. Is not that he wants to be
simple-minded. He is just like that.
In this scene, Bubba will be behind Gump, assembling the weapon at the same time talking to Gump,
telling him about his interest in shrimps. The contrast between Gump and Bubba is wide here. Bubba
was taking his own sweet time to assemble the weapon. He was not very keen in what was he doing
while Gump, showed his full interest. He might or might not be listening to Bubba. But his only goal
at that time was to assemble the weapon as told by drill sergeant. When was done with assembling,
Bubba was still talking to Gump, but Gump did not cared about Bubba and called drill sergeant to
show his assembled weapon.
This part of the movie tells us that we would be at the better off if we just concentrate on our work
given to us. We should learn to prioritise our job. For example, surfing Facebook while we are
suppose to do our homework will definitely end up in a tragedy.
Man: It was a bullet, wasn't it?
Forrest Gump: A bullet?
Man: That jumped up and bit you.
Forrest Gump: Oh, yes sir. Bit me right in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but
the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars. The only
good thing about being wounded in the buttocks is the ice cream. They gave me all the ice cream I
could eat.
Gump is very optimistic. A normal person who did not get what he is supposed to get will be very
angry, swearing the authorities for not giving him the money etc. But Gump, he took it easy. The
reason could be he believed in destiny. Instead of being all upset at not getting the money, he
looked at the bright side of it – he got all the ice creams he could eat. After all, why would you want
to worry about things which beyond your control?
The lesson learnt from here is, always look at the bright side of an issue. For example, a person
without a pair of shoes will be disheartened when he sees a person walking with branded shoes.
Instead he should think about people in the same world who are with no legs. In that sense, he is
Since young, his mother keeps telling him that he is no different from the others. That made him to
think this he is just normal as the others. We got to learn a lot from Forrest Gump. Why surrender
when you don't know what lies ahead? By contrasting Forrest's life with the lives of those around
him, and by showing how the passage of time brings solace to even the most embittered hearts, the
movie underlines this point.
Forrest Gump, a one of a kind drama.

Reviewed by
Seran Karikalan
DARE 2B 25

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Forrest gump review

  • 1. If we were told to do something, majority of us will be asking “What is it for? Why should I do it? What is the purpose behind this?” etc. This so-called making things complicated is the root of our all problems. Instead, if we just do whatever we are told to do, things will be much simpler! Look at the following dialogue in the movie. . . Drill Sergeant: Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army? Forrest Gump: To do whatever you tell me, drill sergeant! Drill Sergeant: God damn it, Gump! You're a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump. Forrest Gump is straight-forward and does not explore things. He just goes in the flow. Although he was being praised by the drill sergeant, he did not get complacent. In the army, everyone is equal; they do not see your colour, race etc. for that reason, Gump did not have a difficulty in mingling in the army. This part of the movie tells us that no matter how stupid you are, if you just the things as told, you would not end up in messing things up. Forrest Gump: DONE, DRILL SERGEANT! Drill Sergeant: GUUUUUUMP! Why did you put that weapon together so quickly, Gump? Forrest Gump: You told me to, Drill Sergeant? Drill Sergeant: Jesus Christ! This is a new company record! If it wouldn't be such a waste of a damnfine enlisted man I'd recommend you for OCS! You are gonna be a general someday, Gump, now disassemble your weapon and continue! Although Forrest Gump has an IQ of 75 (the lowest possible without being a walking vegetable), he was considered as a genius in the army. The reason behind this is simple – he took things in a simpler manner. He did as he was told. And for that reason, people liked him. Is not that he wants to be simple-minded. He is just like that. In this scene, Bubba will be behind Gump, assembling the weapon at the same time talking to Gump, telling him about his interest in shrimps. The contrast between Gump and Bubba is wide here. Bubba was taking his own sweet time to assemble the weapon. He was not very keen in what was he doing while Gump, showed his full interest. He might or might not be listening to Bubba. But his only goal at that time was to assemble the weapon as told by drill sergeant. When was done with assembling, Bubba was still talking to Gump, but Gump did not cared about Bubba and called drill sergeant to show his assembled weapon. This part of the movie tells us that we would be at the better off if we just concentrate on our work given to us. We should learn to prioritise our job. For example, surfing Facebook while we are suppose to do our homework will definitely end up in a tragedy.
  • 2. Man: It was a bullet, wasn't it? Forrest Gump: A bullet? Man: That jumped up and bit you. Forrest Gump: Oh, yes sir. Bit me right in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars. The only good thing about being wounded in the buttocks is the ice cream. They gave me all the ice cream I could eat. Gump is very optimistic. A normal person who did not get what he is supposed to get will be very angry, swearing the authorities for not giving him the money etc. But Gump, he took it easy. The reason could be he believed in destiny. Instead of being all upset at not getting the money, he looked at the bright side of it – he got all the ice creams he could eat. After all, why would you want to worry about things which beyond your control? The lesson learnt from here is, always look at the bright side of an issue. For example, a person without a pair of shoes will be disheartened when he sees a person walking with branded shoes. Instead he should think about people in the same world who are with no legs. In that sense, he is fortunate. Since young, his mother keeps telling him that he is no different from the others. That made him to think this he is just normal as the others. We got to learn a lot from Forrest Gump. Why surrender when you don't know what lies ahead? By contrasting Forrest's life with the lives of those around him, and by showing how the passage of time brings solace to even the most embittered hearts, the movie underlines this point. Forrest Gump, a one of a kind drama. Reviewed by Seran Karikalan 1002764 DARE 2B 25