El misteri de la casa de les andròminescauamicHi havia una vegada un nen i una nena que eren bessons i tenien un gos que
es deia Pelut. Un dia el van anar a passejar al parc per a gossos. Quan el van
deixar anar es van asseure en un banc i van començar a parlar entre ells. Com
que es van despistar, el Pelut se’ls va escapar, i es va endinsar al bosc.
1Brandi Beasley-SetteAustin Lee Beasley passed away on August 26, 2012 at the age of 18. He was born on August 31, 1993. The document appears to be an obituary or memorial for Austin Lee Beasley who sadly passed away at a young age.
Experiences from a Data Vault Pilot Exploiting the Internet of ThingsUSGProfessionalsBelgiumThe document discusses Fifthplay's use of a data vault architecture for its smart home platform data warehouse. A data vault is a hybrid approach that builds up historical data in a detailed, normalized structure. Fifthplay used a data vault to gain agility, handle large data volumes, build historical data not available elsewhere, and perform quality checks on raw data. The data vault consisted of hubs (unique business keys), links (associations between keys), and satellites (descriptive data over time). Fifthplay's data vault architecture allowed for rapid ETL development and helped uncover operational issues early.
20131203Yoga LiuThis document discusses various immaterial concepts including sociality, data, radio, and time. It then provides background on the evolution of human language and discusses Dunbar's number, which proposes that humans can maintain no more than 150 meaningful relationships. Further sections explore data visualization, software projects, radio frequency, and concepts of the incidental. Links are provided for additional reading.
1Brandi Beasley-SetteAustin Lee Beasley passed away on August 26, 2012 at the age of 18. He was born on August 31, 1993. The document appears to be an obituary or memorial for Austin Lee Beasley who sadly passed away at a young age.
USG ScienceUSGProfessionalsBelgiumUSG Science Professionals deploys ambitious scientists on exciting projects. Our involvement allows companies to turn their challenges into practical solutions.
In R&D, production and distribution, our focus areas, we can support from A to Z. For both operational and strategic challenges, from advice to implementation. Our commitment to results is manifest in all our service models.
Business Analytics for all: BICC a key element to your BI strategyUSGProfessionalsBelgiumA business is crammed full of data. And a ton of additional information is coming in from external sources. Organisations need the knowledge that will help them to make well-founded decisions. Business Intelligence (BI) provides the necessary control of this data and the ability to translate it into useable knowledge.
HR with business impactUSGProfessionalsBelgiumHR Sonar: identificeren, analyseren en uitvoeren van strategische HR-projecten. Met HR Sonar krijgt u inzicht in de HR-competenties van uw eigen organisatie. Meer info: http://www.usgprofessionals.be/hr/ehrsonar
Main Differences between LTE & LTE-AdvancedSabir HussainLTE stands for Long Term Evolution.
In Nov. 2004, 3GPP began a project to define the long-term evolution (LTE) of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) cellular technology.
LTE systems have:
Higher performance
Backwards compatible
Wide application
Data Rate:
Instantaneous downlink peak data rate of 100Mbit/s in a 20MHz downlink spectrum (i.e. 5 bit/s/Hz)
Instantaneous uplink peak data rate of 50Mbit/s in a 20MHz uplink spectrum (i.e. 2.5 bit/s/Hz)
Cell range:
5 km - optimal size
30km sizes with reasonable performance
up to 100 km cell sizes supported with acceptable performance
Cell capacity:
up to 200 active users per cell(5 MHz) (i.e., 200 active data clients)
Optimized for low mobility(0-15km/h) but supports high speed
Latency (delay)
user plane < 5ms
control plane < 50 ms
Improved broadcasting
Scalable bandwidth of 20MHz, 15MHz, 10MHz, 5MHz and <5MHz
Co-existence with legacy standards (users can transparently start a call or transfer of data in an area using an LTE standard, and, when there is no coverage, continue the operation without any action on their part using GSM/GPRS or W-CDMA-based UMTS)
LTE Advanced is a mobile communication 4G standard approved by International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in Jan 2012.
LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) is an emerging and, as the name suggests, a more advanced set of standards and technologies that will be able to deliver bigger and speedier wireless-data payloads.
The most important thing to know is that LTE-A promises to deliver true 4G speeds, unlike current LTE networks. You can expect the real-world speed of LTE-A to be two to three times faster than today’s LTE.
To be considered true 4G (also known as “IMT-Advanced”), a mobile network must fulfill a number of benchmarks, including offering a peak data rate of at least 100 megabits per second (Mb/s) when a user moves through the network at high speeds, such as in a car or train, and 1 gigabit per second (Gb/s) when the user is in a fixed position.
The highest possible rates are never achieved in real world conditions. Actual rates will be variable, but we can expect LTE-A to be at least five times as fast as most LTE networks today, and that’s great news for video streaming.
LTE Advanced is supposed to provide higher capacity, an enhanced user experience, and greater fairness in terms of resource allocation.
It does this by combining a bunch of technologies, many of which have been around for some years, so we’re not really talking about the implementation of an entirely new system here.
Klanten vinden in 2014 | Ga voor leads om te nurterenPieter stoutenDe (marketing)wereld verandert. Het spel van klanten vinden en verleiden wordt ingewikkelder.
Bureau Pieper heeft m.b.t. het spel van verleiden twee sessies uitgewerkt (sessie vinden & sessie binden) Deze presentatie is van de sessie vinden welke ingaat op de werkwijze van het spel om bezoekers naar je site te krijgen en te converteren als klant of lead. De sessie "binden" gaat over het spel na deze conversie.
Adverteren werkt niet meer zoals vroeger, bannering verliest zijn effect en SEA wordt ook minder krachtig, SEO is in 2014 moeilijker dankzij nieuwe algoritme's van Google en uiteindelijk kost het meer tijd en geld om een potentiële klant te bereiken.
Anno 2014 is het spel van verleiden het vangen van een lead om deze vervolgens via marketingacitviteiten warm te houden, te nurteren en pas op het moment dat alle vlaggen groen zijn als sales lead te behandelen.
Klanten binden ofwel CRM biedt kansen om met kleine stappen te investeren in relaties, leadwerving te digitaliseren en te werken aan een database vol met relaties die u op het juiste moment een passende boodschap kunt sturen/ tonen. Zeker met de komst van nieuwe technologie een goede zet.
Bureau Pieper heeft een draaiboek ontwikkeld om samen met de klant verschillende marketing activiteiten op verschillende levels te ontdekken, te leren en onderdeel te maken van de bedrijfsvoering.
Met deze presentatie komen wij graag langs om ons verhaal over klanten binden uit te leggen. Vervolgens kunnen we samen kijken naar de mogelijkheden van uw bedrijf.
1Brandi Beasley-SetteAustin Lee Beasley passed away on August 26, 2012 at the age of 18. He was born on August 31, 1993. The document appears to be an obituary or memorial for Austin Lee Beasley who sadly passed away at a young age.
Experiences from a Data Vault Pilot Exploiting the Internet of ThingsUSGProfessionalsBelgiumThe document discusses Fifthplay's use of a data vault architecture for its smart home platform data warehouse. A data vault is a hybrid approach that builds up historical data in a detailed, normalized structure. Fifthplay used a data vault to gain agility, handle large data volumes, build historical data not available elsewhere, and perform quality checks on raw data. The data vault consisted of hubs (unique business keys), links (associations between keys), and satellites (descriptive data over time). Fifthplay's data vault architecture allowed for rapid ETL development and helped uncover operational issues early.
20131203Yoga LiuThis document discusses various immaterial concepts including sociality, data, radio, and time. It then provides background on the evolution of human language and discusses Dunbar's number, which proposes that humans can maintain no more than 150 meaningful relationships. Further sections explore data visualization, software projects, radio frequency, and concepts of the incidental. Links are provided for additional reading.
1Brandi Beasley-SetteAustin Lee Beasley passed away on August 26, 2012 at the age of 18. He was born on August 31, 1993. The document appears to be an obituary or memorial for Austin Lee Beasley who sadly passed away at a young age.
USG ScienceUSGProfessionalsBelgiumUSG Science Professionals deploys ambitious scientists on exciting projects. Our involvement allows companies to turn their challenges into practical solutions.
In R&D, production and distribution, our focus areas, we can support from A to Z. For both operational and strategic challenges, from advice to implementation. Our commitment to results is manifest in all our service models.
Business Analytics for all: BICC a key element to your BI strategyUSGProfessionalsBelgiumA business is crammed full of data. And a ton of additional information is coming in from external sources. Organisations need the knowledge that will help them to make well-founded decisions. Business Intelligence (BI) provides the necessary control of this data and the ability to translate it into useable knowledge.
HR with business impactUSGProfessionalsBelgiumHR Sonar: identificeren, analyseren en uitvoeren van strategische HR-projecten. Met HR Sonar krijgt u inzicht in de HR-competenties van uw eigen organisatie. Meer info: http://www.usgprofessionals.be/hr/ehrsonar
Main Differences between LTE & LTE-AdvancedSabir HussainLTE stands for Long Term Evolution.
In Nov. 2004, 3GPP began a project to define the long-term evolution (LTE) of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) cellular technology.
LTE systems have:
Higher performance
Backwards compatible
Wide application
Data Rate:
Instantaneous downlink peak data rate of 100Mbit/s in a 20MHz downlink spectrum (i.e. 5 bit/s/Hz)
Instantaneous uplink peak data rate of 50Mbit/s in a 20MHz uplink spectrum (i.e. 2.5 bit/s/Hz)
Cell range:
5 km - optimal size
30km sizes with reasonable performance
up to 100 km cell sizes supported with acceptable performance
Cell capacity:
up to 200 active users per cell(5 MHz) (i.e., 200 active data clients)
Optimized for low mobility(0-15km/h) but supports high speed
Latency (delay)
user plane < 5ms
control plane < 50 ms
Improved broadcasting
Scalable bandwidth of 20MHz, 15MHz, 10MHz, 5MHz and <5MHz
Co-existence with legacy standards (users can transparently start a call or transfer of data in an area using an LTE standard, and, when there is no coverage, continue the operation without any action on their part using GSM/GPRS or W-CDMA-based UMTS)
LTE Advanced is a mobile communication 4G standard approved by International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in Jan 2012.
LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) is an emerging and, as the name suggests, a more advanced set of standards and technologies that will be able to deliver bigger and speedier wireless-data payloads.
The most important thing to know is that LTE-A promises to deliver true 4G speeds, unlike current LTE networks. You can expect the real-world speed of LTE-A to be two to three times faster than today’s LTE.
To be considered true 4G (also known as “IMT-Advanced”), a mobile network must fulfill a number of benchmarks, including offering a peak data rate of at least 100 megabits per second (Mb/s) when a user moves through the network at high speeds, such as in a car or train, and 1 gigabit per second (Gb/s) when the user is in a fixed position.
The highest possible rates are never achieved in real world conditions. Actual rates will be variable, but we can expect LTE-A to be at least five times as fast as most LTE networks today, and that’s great news for video streaming.
LTE Advanced is supposed to provide higher capacity, an enhanced user experience, and greater fairness in terms of resource allocation.
It does this by combining a bunch of technologies, many of which have been around for some years, so we’re not really talking about the implementation of an entirely new system here.
Klanten vinden in 2014 | Ga voor leads om te nurterenPieter stoutenDe (marketing)wereld verandert. Het spel van klanten vinden en verleiden wordt ingewikkelder.
Bureau Pieper heeft m.b.t. het spel van verleiden twee sessies uitgewerkt (sessie vinden & sessie binden) Deze presentatie is van de sessie vinden welke ingaat op de werkwijze van het spel om bezoekers naar je site te krijgen en te converteren als klant of lead. De sessie "binden" gaat over het spel na deze conversie.
Adverteren werkt niet meer zoals vroeger, bannering verliest zijn effect en SEA wordt ook minder krachtig, SEO is in 2014 moeilijker dankzij nieuwe algoritme's van Google en uiteindelijk kost het meer tijd en geld om een potentiële klant te bereiken.
Anno 2014 is het spel van verleiden het vangen van een lead om deze vervolgens via marketingacitviteiten warm te houden, te nurteren en pas op het moment dat alle vlaggen groen zijn als sales lead te behandelen.
Klanten binden ofwel CRM biedt kansen om met kleine stappen te investeren in relaties, leadwerving te digitaliseren en te werken aan een database vol met relaties die u op het juiste moment een passende boodschap kunt sturen/ tonen. Zeker met de komst van nieuwe technologie een goede zet.
Bureau Pieper heeft een draaiboek ontwikkeld om samen met de klant verschillende marketing activiteiten op verschillende levels te ontdekken, te leren en onderdeel te maken van de bedrijfsvoering.
Met deze presentatie komen wij graag langs om ons verhaal over klanten binden uit te leggen. Vervolgens kunnen we samen kijken naar de mogelijkheden van uw bedrijf.
Klanten vinden in 2014 | Ga voor leads om te nurterenPieter stouten
1. Grup: Cati, Sandra i Nadia
Falta res més?
No, esta tot.
Hi falta molt?
No, crec que
ja ve.
Jo muntarè
la tenda.
Jo prepar
les coses.
Jo t'ajudarè.
2. Que bó!
Voleu patatilles?
Si, gràcies.
Quina por tenc!
molt asustada.
Els hi donarè
un bon ensurt!
Es exactament
com l'historia!