Meaning and characteristic of hire purchase financeUjjwal 'Shanu'
Hire purchase is a form of financing that allows a buyer to obtain goods like vehicles by paying in installments over time, with the option to purchase the goods after all installments are paid. Key aspects include:
- The buyer (hirer) takes possession of the goods at the start but ownership remains with the finance company (seller) until final payment is made.
- Installment payments consist of both interest and principal. If payments are defaulted on, the seller can repossess the goods.
- Ownership transfers to the buyer (hirer) after all installments are paid, but the seller maintains some rights if payments are missed.
TOP Downloaded Papers (January)--International Journal of Computer Networks &...IJCNCJournal
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications.The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Computer Networks & data Communications. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced networking concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas.
Prinsip dasar terapi cairan dan elektrolit:
Pemahaman tentang anatomi cairan tubuh yang terdiri atas CES dan CIS dengan komposisi elektrolit yang berbeda.
Penambahan/pengurangan cairan dan elektrolit ditujukan untuk mengembalikan volume cairan dan komposisi elektrolit ke batas yang normal.
Pemilihannya didasarkan atas patofisiologi penyakit yang diderita
Keberhasilannya dilihat dari pengamatan hemodinamik dan komposisi elektrolit penderita.
Move away from Transactional Leadership and move into Transformational Leadership. Transform yourself and your team with proven strategies and tactics that make people better than themselves. Details at
This document discusses an ethical decision-making framework that considers factors influencing ethical behavior, including ethical issue intensity, individual factors, organizational factors, and leadership styles. It describes how these factors can impact perceptions of ethical issues and decision-making. Leadership plays a key role in shaping corporate culture and motivating ethical conduct through various bases of power and influence. Whistleblowing is also addressed, noting the ethical considerations around exposing corporate wrongdoing.
This document discusses various topics related to business ethics including lying, conflict of interest, bribery, corporate intelligence, discrimination, sexual harassment, environmental issues, fraud, consumer fraud, insider trading, and intellectual property rights. It provides definitions and explanations of these concepts, highlighting behaviors that are considered unethical, such as intentionally deceiving others through lies or omissions, putting one's personal interests above their employer or other groups, offering bribes to gain advantages, and trading on insider information. It also discusses the importance of policies and training to prevent unethical conduct.
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TOP Downloaded Papers (January)--International Journal of Computer Networks &...IJCNCJournal
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications.The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Computer Networks & data Communications. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced networking concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas.
Prinsip dasar terapi cairan dan elektrolit:
Pemahaman tentang anatomi cairan tubuh yang terdiri atas CES dan CIS dengan komposisi elektrolit yang berbeda.
Penambahan/pengurangan cairan dan elektrolit ditujukan untuk mengembalikan volume cairan dan komposisi elektrolit ke batas yang normal.
Pemilihannya didasarkan atas patofisiologi penyakit yang diderita
Keberhasilannya dilihat dari pengamatan hemodinamik dan komposisi elektrolit penderita.
Move away from Transactional Leadership and move into Transformational Leadership. Transform yourself and your team with proven strategies and tactics that make people better than themselves. Details at
This document discusses an ethical decision-making framework that considers factors influencing ethical behavior, including ethical issue intensity, individual factors, organizational factors, and leadership styles. It describes how these factors can impact perceptions of ethical issues and decision-making. Leadership plays a key role in shaping corporate culture and motivating ethical conduct through various bases of power and influence. Whistleblowing is also addressed, noting the ethical considerations around exposing corporate wrongdoing.
This document discusses various topics related to business ethics including lying, conflict of interest, bribery, corporate intelligence, discrimination, sexual harassment, environmental issues, fraud, consumer fraud, insider trading, and intellectual property rights. It provides definitions and explanations of these concepts, highlighting behaviors that are considered unethical, such as intentionally deceiving others through lies or omissions, putting one's personal interests above their employer or other groups, offering bribes to gain advantages, and trading on insider information. It also discusses the importance of policies and training to prevent unethical conduct.
This document discusses the history and development of business ethics from ancient Greece to modern times. It defines business ethics as the study of applying moral standards to business decisions and behaviors. The document outlines increasing ethical issues businesses have faced such as scandals, fraud, environmental concerns, and privacy issues. It also discusses the development of ethics programs, codes of conduct, and laws to improve ethical standards and accountability in business over the decades.
This document discusses accounts receivable and inventory management. It covers topics such as credit and collection policies, analyzing credit applicants, and inventory management and control. Specific examples are provided to illustrate how relaxing credit standards or terms, or introducing a cash discount, could impact a firm's profitability. The optimal order quantity, or economic order quantity, formula is also shown to minimize total inventory costs.
1. The chapter provides an overview of working capital management concepts, including definitions of net and gross working capital. It discusses the significance of managing current assets and liabilities.
2. There are tradeoffs between liquidity, profitability, and risk depending on the classification of working assets as permanent or temporary and the choice of short-term vs long-term financing.
3. Managers must consider the interdependence of current asset levels and financing structure, with more conservative choices in one area allowing for more aggressive choices in the other.
The document discusses capital budgeting and cash flow estimation. It defines capital budgeting as identifying, analyzing and selecting long-term investment projects. The capital budgeting process involves generating investment proposals, estimating after-tax cash flows, evaluating projects, selecting projects, and reevaluating implemented projects. Methods for estimating initial cash outflows, incremental cash flows, and terminal year cash flows are also presented. Two examples of asset expansion and replacement projects are provided to illustrate the capital budgeting concepts and calculations.
This document discusses the management of cash and marketable securities. It describes motives for holding cash such as for transactions, speculation, and precaution. It also discusses ways to speed up cash receipts through earlier billing, lockbox systems, and concentration banking. Methods to slow down cash payouts include "playing the float", controlling disbursements through techniques like zero balance accounts. The optimal level of cash to hold balances transaction needs and bank requirements. Marketable securities are short-term investments held to earn interest on temporary excess cash.
This document outlines the key aspects of decision-making as discussed in Chapter 6. It begins by defining decision and decision-making process. It then describes the eight steps in the decision-making process as identifying the problem, identifying decision criteria, allocating weights, developing alternatives, analyzing alternatives, selecting an alternative, implementing the alternative, and evaluating the decision's effectiveness. It also discusses rational decision-making and its assumptions, as well as the concepts of bounded rationality, satisficing, and escalation of commitment in decision-making. The document provides examples and exhibits to illustrate decision-making concepts.
The system unit contains the main electronic components of a computer. It includes a metal or plastic case, motherboard, processor, memory, ports, and expansion slots. The processor fetches and executes instructions using its control unit and ALU. It relies on memory, registers, buses, and a system clock to function. Heat sinks and fans help keep components cool during operation.
The document provides an introduction to databases and database management systems (DBMS). It discusses the limitations of traditional file-based data storage systems, including data duplication, separation, and incompatibility between files. It then describes how a DBMS addresses these issues through a centralized database that can be shared and accessed. Key components of a DBMS environment include hardware, software, data, procedures, and personnel to design, manage and use the database. Advantages of DBMS include data consistency and reduced redundancy, while disadvantages include increased complexity, costs and potential impact of failures.
Supercomputers are the largest, fastest and most powerful computers built for scientific applications requiring intensive mathematical calculations. They were first developed in the 1960s for the US Department of Defense and have since been used for weather forecasting, seismic analysis and other computationally demanding tasks. Supercomputers derive much of their speed from multiprocessing, which allows tasks to be performed simultaneously across multiple processing units.
3. FFllooww ooff FFuunnddss SSttaatteemmeenntt
A summary of a firms changes in
financial position from one period to
another; it is also called a sources and
uses of funds statement or a statement
of changes in financial position.
HHaass bbeeeenn rreeppllaacceedd bbyy tthhee ccaasshh ffllooww
ssttaatteemmeenntt ((11998899)) iinn UU..SS.. aauuddiitteedd aannnnuuaall
22. SSttaatteemmeenntt ooff CCaasshh FFlloowwss
A summary of a firms payments
during a period of time.
TThhiiss ssttaatteemmeenntt rreeppoorrttss ccaasshh iinnfflloowwss aanndd
oouuttfflloowwss bbaasseedd oonn tthhee ffiirrmmss
ooppeerraattiinngg aaccttiivviittiieess,,
iinnvveessttiinngg aaccttiivviittiieess,, aanndd
ffiinnaanncciinngg aaccttiivviittiieess..