マルチクラウド环境の膨大な础笔滨トラフィックをリアルタイムに処理する狈骋滨狈齿の仕组みNGINX, Inc.
Join this webinar to learn:
- How to manage, monitor, and automate application deployments at scale with NGINX Controller
- How to deploy multi-cloud application services
- リアルタイムなAPIマネジメントとは?
- 新製品NGINX Controller による、APIマネジメント、モニタリング、自動化の機能
On-Demand Link:
NGINX App Protect on Hatobaで実現するセキュリティサービス公開(構築手順書)
ニフクラのマネージドKubernetesサービスである、Kubernetes Service Hatoba上で公開されるアプリケーションのWAFとしてNGINX Plus を導入する方法の手順を解説したもの。
マルチクラウド环境の膨大な础笔滨トラフィックをリアルタイムに処理する狈骋滨狈齿の仕组みNGINX, Inc.
Join this webinar to learn:
- How to manage, monitor, and automate application deployments at scale with NGINX Controller
- How to deploy multi-cloud application services
- リアルタイムなAPIマネジメントとは?
- 新製品NGINX Controller による、APIマネジメント、モニタリング、自動化の機能
On-Demand Link:
NGINX App Protect on Hatobaで実現するセキュリティサービス公開(構築手順書)
ニフクラのマネージドKubernetesサービスである、Kubernetes Service Hatoba上で公開されるアプリケーションのWAFとしてNGINX Plus を導入する方法の手順を解説したもの。
Service Mesh for Enterprises / Cloud Native Days Tokyo 2019Motonori Shindo
Cloud Native Days Tokyo 2019での講演資料です。
アプリケーションのマイクロサービス化が一般的になってくるにつれて、セキュリティ、オブザーバビリティなど、課題も徐々に明らかになってきており、そのような課題を解決する技術として「サービスメッシュ」が注目を集めています。本セッションではデファクトのサービスメッシュ実装であるIstioをベースにしたNSX Service Mesh(NSX-SM))がいかに今日のエンタープライズが抱える課題を解決することができるかについて解説を行います。
Managing Kubernetes Cost and Performance with NGINX & KubecostNGINX, Inc.
Managing Kubernetes Cost and Performance with NGINX & Kubecost is a presentation about how NGINX and Kubecost can work together to provide visibility into costs, optimize resource usage, and enable governance of Kubernetes clusters. The presentation demonstrates how Kubecost monitors network traffic and costs across multiple clusters and identifies which applications are driving the highest costs. It also discusses how accurate Kubecost's cost tracking is out of the box or when using an optional daemonset for more precise network cost allocation. Resources for installing Kubecost and its network cost allocation and multi-cluster capabilities are provided.
Manage Microservices Chaos and Complexity with ObservabilityNGINX, Inc.
Learn about the three principal classes of observability data, the importance of infrastructure and app alignment, and ways to start analyzing deep data.
Accelerate Microservices Deployments with AutomationNGINX, Inc.
Managing a microservice application means managing numerous moving parts, where changes to one container can have a negative impact on another and potentially bring down the entire application. With automation you can streamline the validation of containers and standardize deployment, and ensure your apps are updated correctly and securely. Join this session to learn:
? How to use GitHub Actions to streamline your processes
? About managing security
? Why automation simplifies quick recovery from failure
Unit 1: Apply the Twelve-Factor App to Microservices ArchitecturesNGINX, Inc.
This document provides an overview and agenda for a webinar on microservices and the Twelve Factors app methodology. It introduces the speakers and outlines the webinar schedule which includes a lecture, Q&A, and hands-on lab. The lab focuses on Factor 3 of the Twelve Factors - keeping configuration separate from code. It involves deploying and configuring a messenger microservice application using NGINX, Consul, and RabbitMQ. Attendees are instructed to complete the lab within 50 minutes to qualify for a completion badge.
Easily View, Manage, and Scale Your App Security with F5 NGINXNGINX, Inc.
Organizations typically use between 200 and 1,000 applications, many of them public facing and a direct gateway to customers and their data. While these apps enable critical functions, they’re also a common target for bad actors. A web application firewall (WAF) is a critical tool for securing apps by providing protection, detection, and mitigation against vulnerabilities and attacks. However, WAFs can be difficult to maintain and manage at scale. In this webinar, we explore how centralized visibility and configuration management of WAFs can decrease risk and save time.
Keep Ahead of Evolving Cyberattacks with OPSWAT and F5 NGINXNGINX, Inc.
With advancing technology and the ever-evolving landscape of cybercrime, it is more important today than ever to reduce file-borne attacks, secure encrypted traffic, and protect your networks.
In this webinar, we discuss the latest developments in the threat landscape, why shared responsibility matters for critical infrastructure, and how you can mitigate future threat vectors with the F5 NGINX Plus Certified Module from OPSWAT.
Install and Configure NGINX Unit, the Universal Application, Web, and Proxy S...NGINX, Inc.
In this hands-on demo and lab, we take you step-by-step through installing NGINX Unit on a Linux system, then configuring it as an app server, web server, and reverse proxy. Following a short review of production features and demo of the lab environment, we let you loose in a disposable lab environment to try NGINX Unit for yourself. During the lab, we’re available online to answer questions or demo anything you might be stuck on.
Protecting Apps from Hacks in Kubernetes with NGINXNGINX, Inc.
Kubernetes has become the platform of choice for deploying modern applications. A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is the most common solution to providing run-time protection for applications (well, second most common, after blind -faith and protective amulets). The question is, how do you put a WAF in place for applications running on Kubernetes?
As for most IT questions, the obvious answer is, of course, “it depends.” But on what?
In this webinar, we look at how a WAF works, where to insert a WAF in your infrastructure, and the best way for a platform engineering team to create self-service WAF configuration on Kubernetes. We explore some sample configurations, and provide a demo of NGINX App Protect WAF in action.
Successfully Implement Your API Strategy with NGINXNGINX, Inc.
On-Demand Recording:
About the Webinar
Cloud-native applications are distributed and decentralized by design, composed of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of APIs connecting services deployed across cloud, on-premises, and edge environments. Without an effective API strategy in place, API sprawl quickly gets out-of-control and becomes unmanageable as the number of APIs in production outpaces your ability to govern and secure them.
In this webinar we explore trends that are accelerating API sprawl and look at some well-established best practices for managing, governing, and securing APIs in distributed environments. Our presenters also demo how to use API Connectivity Manager, part of F5 NGINX Management Suite, to streamline and accelerate your API operations.
Installing and Configuring NGINX Open SourceNGINX, Inc.
This pre-recorded 101-level lab and demo takes you from a “blank” LINUX system to a full-featured NGINX application delivery configuration for serving web content and load balancing.
How to Avoid the Top 5 NGINX Configuration Mistakes.pptxNGINX, Inc.
This document discusses common mistakes made in NGINX configuration and provides solutions. It covers:
1. Not setting enough file descriptors, which can cause application errors and error log entries. The recommended baseline is to set the max file handles to 2x the worker_connections.
2. Using the root directive inside location blocks, which is not secure. The root directive should be set at the server level and inherited.
3. Using the if directive in location contexts, which can cause problems and even crashes. It is better to use alternatives like try_files.
4. Confusion around directive inheritance, where directives are inherited "outside in." Array directives like add_header can unexpectedly override inherited values
Software Delivery and the Rube Goldberg Machine: What Is the Problem We Are T...NGINX, Inc.
The software delivery life cycle (SDLC) can be complicated. Depending on your architecture and your particular deployment environment, your team may find themselves cobbling together numerous different tools and frameworks, each with its own history and a particular set of challenges it's designed to solve. Sometimes teams find creative ways to use tools outside of their original purpose. It’s a cycle of continuous improvement (secure, deliver, monitor, reflect, make changes, and repeat) with the end goal of easing the process. In this session Melissa McKay, Developer Advocate at JFrog, discusses some of the common problems that teams face during the development and delivery process, and how organizations come together to address them. You will leave empowered and with a call to action to become part of the solution.
Melissa McKay
Open Sourcing NGINX Agent and Demo
The NGINX Agent is a lightweight piece of software that can be installed next to NGINX OSS and/or NGINX Plus that provides local interaction with NGINX instances to allow administrative actions to be carried out. The NGINX Agent provides a secure entry point for managing NGINX instance configurations, collecting metrics, and gather a set of events on a NGINX instance.
Oliver O'Mahony
NGINX, Open Source, and You – Another Decade of InnovationNGINX, Inc.
As NGINX approaches the end of its second decade, we believe it's just as powerful and relevant to running the Internet as when it was first released. But we're not resting on our laurels. In this keynote, Rob Whiteley, General Manager for NGINX, outlines our vision for how NGINX will continue to be the reliable, secure, and scalable stack of technology tools that power your modern applications. He reviews our progress since Sprint 2.0 and shares a new set of commitments from F5 that will ensure NGINX remains open, innovative, and community driven.
Rob Whiteley
Kubernetes is a core component of most modern app delivery strategies because it helps organizations deliver apps faster with more agility and avoid costly downtime. But adopting Kubernetes is far from easy for organizations that are used to delivering three-tier apps. How do you decide which apps to refactor and which to build from scratch? What kinds of processes and tools can help you avoid common challenges around security and complexity? Join this session led by Rey Lejano, Kubernetes Field Engineer at Racher, for answers to these common questions.
Rey Lejano
46. | ?2021 F5
Istio と NGINX Service Mesh
o 概念とレイヤーが増えるので、ネットワークは複雑になってくる.
o Service MeshデータプレーンはNGINX基本機能と専用モジュールで実現.
o データプレーンやログがNGINXなので属人化しにくい.
o マルチクラウドで共通のNSM環境が利用が可能
o NGINXパフォーマンスはサイジング可能.
o SMI仕様を共有利用できるので運用難度を軽減.
o F5 NGINXサポートで導入しやすい.
o ロードマップにより破壊的アップデートを避け安定リリース.
o 概念とレイヤーが増える、ネットワークは複雑になってくる
o 高機能、高い知名度
o K8s, Nomad, Consul 様々なオーケストレーション
o 独自のサービスメッシュ環境を構築
o 学習コストが高く属人化しやすい
o コミュニティが活発、陳腐化しやすい
o 運用負荷が高い
o Google, IBM, Amazonなどでマネージドメッシュサービス