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Funding Opportunities for
Young Researchers
Walid M. El-Sharoud, PhD
RDIN focal Point at Mansoura University
Research Funding is a Major
Problem in both Developed and
Developing Countries
Research Funding in Developed
Scientific Research receives 1.5- 3.0%
of GDP (4% in Sweden)
Why the Young
Young Researchers can not
adequately compete with the Senior
when applying to the funding
programmes because of
1- Limited publication record.
2-Limited grant record.
3- Insignificant scientific reputation.
4- Limited experience in developing proposals.
- Young researchers represent the
majority of researchers at any
Research/educational institute
including Mansoura university!!
Distribution of faculty members and
teaching assistants at Mansoura University
(2005s estimates)
Lecturer; 25.4%
Lecturer; 23.0%
 International Foundation for Science
 Third World Academy (TWAS).
 Library of Alexandria.
 Science & Technology
Development Fund (STDF).
Funding Programmes Dedicated to
Young Researchers
1- An international foundation in
2- Dedicated to advancing research and
technology in DEVELOPING countries.
IFS Research Grants:
IFS Research Grants:
1- Offer up to $12,000 for a research period of 1-3
2- Can be renewed twice.
3- Support is given to the purchase of research-
related items (equipments, consumables, etc
4- NO travel, No salaries
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
1- Citizens of developing countries who will
carry out their proposed research in a
developing institution.
2- Preferably younger than 40.
3- Hold a minimum degree of MSc/MA.
4- Candidates must be affiliated to a university,
research institute or non-profit organization.
What is funded??
What is funded??
Social and Natural science related to the
conservation, production and renewable
utilization of the biological resource base.
1- Two submission dates: July and December
each year.
2- Submission is online with the exception of the
cover page including title, abstract and
institutions approval.
Funding Opportunities for Young Researchers.ppt
TWAS Research Grants:
TWAS Research Grants:
1- Offer up to $10,000 for a research period of
One year.
2- May be considered for extension.
3- Support is given to the purchase of
research-related items (equipments,
consumables, etc
4- NO travel, No salaries
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
1- Citizens of developing countries who will
carry out their proposed research in a
developing institution.
2- Researchers who are younger than 45.
3- Hold an advanced academic degree with
research experience.
4- Candidates must be affiliated to a
university, research institute or non-profit
1- Two submission dates: July and December
each year.
2- Submission is online with the exception of
the cover page including title, abstract and
institutions approval.
Research Grants from the Library of
BA Research Grants:
BA Research Grants:
1- Offer up to L.E. 75,000 for a research period
of 1-2.
2- Not to be extended or renewed.
3- Support is given to the purchase of
research-related items (equipments,
consumables, etc
4- No salaries
5- Up to a maximum of L.E. 15,000 is allowed
for travel.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
1- Egyptian scholars aged 35.
2- Earned their PhD within the past 5 years.
2- Candidates must hold a current position at
an Egyptian university or research institute.
What is funded??
What is funded??
1- Agricultural Sciences.
2- Biology
3- Biochemistry and Biophysics.
4- Chemistry
5- Engineering Sciences and Technologies.
6- Earth Sciences.
7- Information Technology.
8- Mathematics.
9- Medical Sciences.
1- Once a year: mostly December-January.
2- Submission is online with a partner form
submitted as hard copy.
3- Completely BLIND peer-review.
Science & Technology Development
STDF Research Grants:
STDF Research Grants:
1- Young Research Grants.
2- Re-integration Grants.
3- Basic and Applied Grants.

 This grant offers up to L.E.
500,000 to support YOUNG
EGYPTIAN scientists based
in their home institutions for
up to 3 years.
 It funds salaries, travel and
running costs of the
proposed projects.
Young Research Grants
 Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
 Proposals have to be submitted by a young
Proposals have to be submitted by a young
researcher (PhD holder) in collaboration with at least
researcher (PhD holder) in collaboration with at least
2 non-PhD holders.
2 non-PhD holders.
 PI must be:
PI must be:
a) Aging less than 40 years old at the date of
a) Aging less than 40 years old at the date of
proposal submission.
proposal submission.
B) Obtaining a PhD degree within the past ten years
B) Obtaining a PhD degree within the past ten years
before the date of the proposal submission.
before the date of the proposal submission.
C) Publishing at least two papers in any of the most
C) Publishing at least two papers in any of the most
cited journals/periodicals in his/her field within the
cited journals/periodicals in his/her field within the
past three years.
past three years.
 Directed towards Young
Egyptian Researchers who
have obtained their PhD
degree from one of the
reputable universities or
research centers and are
willing to return to continue
their Research career in Egypt.
 It offers up to L.E. 750,000
over 3 years to support
salaries, travel and running
costs of the proposed
Re-integration Grants
 Eligibility Criteria:
Eligibility Criteria:
PI must be:
1- Aging 35 or younger at the date of proposal
2- Obtaining a PhD degree within the past five years
before the date of the proposal submission.
3- Holding a PhD certificate from one of the top 250
ranked universities according to Shanghai Ranking
for 2007
Basic & Applied Research Grants
 Directed towards any
researcher/group of researcher at
all ages and all disciplines who
are willing to participate in an
innovative competitive research
in Egypt.
 It provides up to L.E. 1000,000
over two years to support all
items related to the realization of
research (salaries, travel,
equipment, running costs,
indirect costs)
How to write a successful proposal
1- Keep things SIMPLE and CLEAR at all stages.
2- Read the application guidelines to learn what is needed.
3- S+T is (almost always) most important, but
4-Some things might seem obvious to you, but not to all
experts (they come from various backgrounds).
5- Try to catch the readers attention right from the start
6-Keep it short, do not repeat things over and over.
7- Submit on time!!
Grants are around but it just needs
that you make a start

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Funding Opportunities for Young Researchers.ppt

  • 1. Funding Opportunities for Young Researchers Walid M. El-Sharoud, PhD RDIN focal Point at Mansoura University
  • 2. Research Funding is a Major Problem in both Developed and Developing Countries
  • 3. Research Funding in Developed Countries - Scientific Research receives 1.5- 3.0% of GDP (4% in Sweden)
  • 5. Young Researchers can not adequately compete with the Senior when applying to the funding programmes because of : 1- Limited publication record. 2-Limited grant record. 3- Insignificant scientific reputation. 4- Limited experience in developing proposals.
  • 6. - Young researchers represent the majority of researchers at any Research/educational institute including Mansoura university!!
  • 7. Distribution of faculty members and teaching assistants at Mansoura University (2005s estimates) Associate Professors; 13.2% Lecturer; 25.4% Assistant Lecturer; 23.0% Demonstrators; 20.3% Professors; 18.1%
  • 8. International Foundation for Science (IFS). Third World Academy (TWAS). Library of Alexandria. Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF). Funding Programmes Dedicated to Young Researchers
  • 9. 1- An international foundation in Sweden. 2- Dedicated to advancing research and technology in DEVELOPING countries.
  • 10. IFS Research Grants: IFS Research Grants: 1- Offer up to $12,000 for a research period of 1-3 years. 2- Can be renewed twice. 3- Support is given to the purchase of research- related items (equipments, consumables, etc 4- NO travel, No salaries
  • 11. Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria 1- Citizens of developing countries who will carry out their proposed research in a developing institution. 2- Preferably younger than 40. 3- Hold a minimum degree of MSc/MA. 4- Candidates must be affiliated to a university, research institute or non-profit organization.
  • 12. What is funded?? What is funded?? Social and Natural science related to the conservation, production and renewable utilization of the biological resource base.
  • 13. Submission Submission 1- Two submission dates: July and December each year. 2- Submission is online with the exception of the cover page including title, abstract and institutions approval.
  • 15. TWAS Research Grants: TWAS Research Grants: 1- Offer up to $10,000 for a research period of One year. 2- May be considered for extension. 3- Support is given to the purchase of research-related items (equipments, consumables, etc 4- NO travel, No salaries
  • 16. Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria 1- Citizens of developing countries who will carry out their proposed research in a developing institution. 2- Researchers who are younger than 45. 3- Hold an advanced academic degree with research experience. 4- Candidates must be affiliated to a university, research institute or non-profit organization.
  • 17. Submission Submission 1- Two submission dates: July and December each year. 2- Submission is online with the exception of the cover page including title, abstract and institutions approval.
  • 18. Research Grants from the Library of Alexandria
  • 19. BA Research Grants: BA Research Grants: 1- Offer up to L.E. 75,000 for a research period of 1-2. 2- Not to be extended or renewed. 3- Support is given to the purchase of research-related items (equipments, consumables, etc 4- No salaries 5- Up to a maximum of L.E. 15,000 is allowed for travel.
  • 20. Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria 1- Egyptian scholars aged 35. 2- Earned their PhD within the past 5 years. 2- Candidates must hold a current position at an Egyptian university or research institute.
  • 21. What is funded?? What is funded?? 1- Agricultural Sciences. 2- Biology 3- Biochemistry and Biophysics. 4- Chemistry 5- Engineering Sciences and Technologies. 6- Earth Sciences. 7- Information Technology. 8- Mathematics. 9- Medical Sciences.
  • 22. Submission Submission 1- Once a year: mostly December-January. 2- Submission is online with a partner form submitted as hard copy. 3- Completely BLIND peer-review.
  • 23. Science & Technology Development Fund
  • 24. STDF Research Grants: STDF Research Grants: 1- Young Research Grants. 2- Re-integration Grants. 3- Basic and Applied Grants.
  • 25. This grant offers up to L.E. 500,000 to support YOUNG YOUNG EGYPTIAN EGYPTIAN scientists based in their home institutions for up to 3 years. It funds salaries, travel and running costs of the proposed projects. Young Research Grants
  • 26. Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria Proposals have to be submitted by a young Proposals have to be submitted by a young researcher (PhD holder) in collaboration with at least researcher (PhD holder) in collaboration with at least 2 non-PhD holders. 2 non-PhD holders. PI must be: PI must be: a) Aging less than 40 years old at the date of a) Aging less than 40 years old at the date of proposal submission. proposal submission. B) Obtaining a PhD degree within the past ten years B) Obtaining a PhD degree within the past ten years before the date of the proposal submission. before the date of the proposal submission. C) Publishing at least two papers in any of the most C) Publishing at least two papers in any of the most cited journals/periodicals in his/her field within the cited journals/periodicals in his/her field within the past three years. past three years.
  • 27. Directed towards Young Egyptian Researchers who have obtained their PhD degree from one of the reputable universities or research centers and are willing to return to continue their Research career in Egypt. It offers up to L.E. 750,000 over 3 years to support salaries, travel and running costs of the proposed projects. Re-integration Grants
  • 28. Eligibility Criteria: Eligibility Criteria: PI must be: 1- Aging 35 or younger at the date of proposal submission. 2- Obtaining a PhD degree within the past five years before the date of the proposal submission. 3- Holding a PhD certificate from one of the top 250 ranked universities according to Shanghai Ranking for 2007
  • 29. Basic & Applied Research Grants Directed towards any researcher/group of researcher at all ages and all disciplines who are willing to participate in an innovative competitive research in Egypt. It provides up to L.E. 1000,000 over two years to support all items related to the realization of research (salaries, travel, equipment, running costs, indirect costs)
  • 30. How to write a successful proposal ? 1- Keep things SIMPLE and CLEAR at all stages. 2- Read the application guidelines to learn what is needed. 3- S+T is (almost always) most important, but 4-Some things might seem obvious to you, but not to all experts (they come from various backgrounds). 5- Try to catch the readers attention right from the start 6-Keep it short, do not repeat things over and over. 7- Submit on time!!
  • 31. Conclusion Grants are around but it just needs that you make a start !!!