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FUNIVERSEAdd some adventure to your educational lifeby FUNtasy:Anna BarkovaYulia Markova DariaZakrevskaya
What is our idea?Our idea is intended to solve such problem as lack of students motivation to studyWe want to create an online virtual educational world for students and applicantsThis space will open up such opportunities Access to every universitys library resources
Learning a variety of courses
Open Day

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Funiverse - Add some adventure to your educational life

  • 1. FUNIVERSEAdd some adventure to your educational lifeby FUNtasy:Anna BarkovaYulia Markova DariaZakrevskaya
  • 2. What is our idea?Our idea is intended to solve such problem as lack of students motivation to studyWe want to create an online virtual educational world for students and applicantsThis space will open up such opportunities Access to every universitys library resources
  • 3. Learning a variety of courses
  • 7. Intellectual gamesThis virtual world will connect universities around the world into the united educational space!
  • 8. What do people think?Online virtual educational world would give me an opportunity to make the best choice of university.Funiverse will open up to students the new ways to get a lot of knowledge, communicate with teachers and other students in real time, and gain new experience.As a professor, I know that catching student's attention is not always easy.. So, I think that Funiverse will be very helpful. I would like to teach those students because of their desire to study and self-motivation.DariaRyzhkovichApplicantIrkutsk, RussiaJohn BarrelProfessor at University of South Carolina, USA
  • 9. What do people think?I would definitely join FUNIVERSE because it will be more interesting and once you are in an interesting environment, you learn things very fast. HekuranBislimi, Student atAmerican University in Kosovo, Prishtina, Republic of KosovoGlobalization is happening today and people are integrating more and more everyday, so creating such a virtual world would mean knowing more people and learning different cultures.Learning by having fun encourages students to learn more and that makes students have a better imagination. DarinaNikitinaStudent atMassey University, Auckland, New ZealandLuke Van DurmeStudent atValencia Community College, Orlando, FL, USA
  • 10. Our inspiratorWe decided to interview the cofounder of Google Sergey Brinbecause our idea is tightly connected with ITWhat do you think about the future of Google? Will it develop the information technologies for other spheres of life?
  • 12. How virtual reality will change peoples lives?
  • 13. How significant is the use of fun in your working environment?
  • 14. What difficulties can face our idea during its implementation?