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International Convention on the Rights
              of the Child

                   article 2

           All children are equal.
            They have the right
           to be treated without
      discrimination because of their
   race, sex, language, religion, opinion,
              property, income,
               particular needs
              their appearance.

Nevertheless, discrimination still exist

    Only 1 in 4 young people in Greece
      declares that he knows his rights
  in case of falling victim of discrimination
We all need to
live, to play, to enjoy, to think, to love and to be loved

             We are all equal. No matter of the
             color, if I'm a boy or a girl, which
             country I come from, what
             language I speak,
             and what my religion is. I have the
             right to be treated equally and
             with respect.
Child Labour

   ?States Parties recognize the right of the
   child to be protected from economic
   exploitation and from performing any
   work that is risky or that might jeopardize
   their education or be harmful to health or
   physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social
   development ... ?

      (Convention on the Rights of the Child "- Article 32, 1989)

Child labor refers to the employment of children at regular and
                        sustained labour.
 This practice is considered as an act of exploitation by many
international organizations and it is illegal in many countries.
  This year the bell of the school did not hit for 100 million
  children in the world, simply because they do not attend
   school because they work according to estimates of the
              International Labour Organisation.

          The Children's Ombudsman estimates that
           in Greece for over 100,000 minors work.
?Every child should be able to grow in normal conditions physically,
morally and spiritually.?
This is one of the several articles of the Declaration of the Rights of the
My mind runs to the book from which our teacher read to the class a few weeks
ago. It was the story of 'Iqbal' , one child abused physically and
spiritually, but in the end, fortunately managed to escape from the
Terrible images come alive in my mind. Children six, ten and twelve years old
tied in chains in a wet and dirty store where the sun's rays never reach. The
signs of abuse and violence are deep. Some water and food, a lot of work and
No right to education and play, no respect for physical integrity, no help.
The law tramples all possible rights of the child. And society? Closes eyes
and ears unable to react. Only some institutions and organizations make
efforts to make known the problem of child abuse in underdeveloped countries,
but still they do not manage to raise consciousness of the modern world.
That happens in "uncivilized countries." What happens in the
"civilized and developed countries?" Unfortunately, there are
abused children, too. Children who are abused physically and mentally,
seeking help but society turns them its back. Only some cases are known
through the newspapers, internet, television. And only then we recognize that
there is a problem of child abuse. Then we forget it and continue our lives
as normal. Until another incident is made known and we to start talking again
about the violation of children's rights.

There must be greater awareness of citizens, more publicity from the press
and other media on issues concerning children. Obligation of all is to
protect children and their rights and not remain indifferent when they are
violated in all countries of the world, authoritarian or democratic,
civilized or uncivilized.
(Margarita Papageorgiou , schoolgirl 6th grade)
    Are we are all familiar with the image?
  Hordes of people with
  horror on their faces , took
  the road of flight with no
  hope. They flee from their
  country not for a better life,
  a career or travel
  experience, but the hope for life. Seeing pictures of refugees fleeing from
                             hunger and war we feel sorrow and compassion
                             for these people who are forced to flee from their
                             homeland under difficult conditions, without food
                             and water, to walk for days and nights. The
                             refugees are uprooted trees that must thrive in
  any soil if transplanted. Can they?
                                             Hellenism knows the taste
                                           of refugees. If we face in a racist and
                                        cowardly way the refugees, would it
                                       not be like betraying our grandmothers
                                     and grandfathers? It¡¯s our own history,
                                   our own country, our life which unite
                                 people and cultures.

                    Do not take advantage of them ...!

                   Treat them properly and humanely.

     As young people we must be fighting for a better world.


(Katerina Fysari, Chris Kalaitzis students of sixth grade, 8th Primary School of Xanthi)
True stories should not be forgotten.
        INTERVIEW from my grandmother Stella GKAVAKI, refugees from Eastern
Question 1: Grandma, where are you from and how old are you?
Answer: I am from Toptsikioi Eastern Thrace
and I was born in August 1921.
Question 2: How do you live in Eastern Thrace?
Answer: We have lived a quiet
life until we left our homes and
our animals. All this is narrated
my mom, Kyrani.
Question 3: Tell me about the
time when the Greeks were
forced to flee from Eastern
Thrace as refugees.
Answer: In 1922, when I was one year old, happened the great persecution of the
Greeks from Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace. Ten families from Toptsikioi started
walking on foot and with carts to cross Eastern Thrace and settle in Greece. In
carts pulled by oxen that had been loaded with wheat flour, grains and just a
pot. For a month we crossed eastern Thrace until we got to the area of Xanthi. The
women cooked in the pot and knead bread.
Question 4: When you came to Greece where did you go?
Answer: When we arrived in Greece,
we settled in Tsifliki of Hassan Aga. Each family had a room. In the same
area also other families had arrived from other parts of Eastern
Thrace and so we built huts around this manor.
Question 5: Where were you the first year, since you had no property and how did
you live?
Answer: When we were installed in Tsifliki Hassan Agha , men went
nearby a plain, cut wood and sold them in Xanthi. We also had the animals brought
from Eastern Thrace, ie cows, which were milked and we drank the milk and
made cheese and butter to eat.
 Question 6: How were you welcomed by the local community? Were there rivalries
between refugees and the local population?
Answer: Our locals treated us well. In 1928 the state gave us a place to
live in the village called Elmali and gave each refugee their own property of
land. The state also sent workers who helped to build our homes from bricks.
Finally the state gave a confession to every family.

                                              (Daphnis Dimitrios, 6th grade student)

                  VIOLENCE AND BULLYING
It happens when a student receives aggressive and violent
behaviour by one or several classmates which
make him/her feel bad and which causes pain in body and soul.
Bullying and violence occurs:
A) in words
    ? swearing
    ? Teasing
    ? Threats
    ? spoof
B) in acts
    ? Kicking
    ? Boxing
    ? pokes
    ? Strikes
C) through behaviour
    ? Isolation
    ? Exclusion from friends
    ? Exclusion from games and sports

 D) through internet & mobile
What you can do:
1. Do not be shy about what happens to you.

2. Speak to your parents or your teachers.

      This is not a "nailing".

3. Be sure that your parents and your teachers

      care, they do understand and will do anything to

      help you. Try to speak with some classmates about it

      and you shall see that they will understand.

4. When in attack, do not worry to show it, do not freeze.

      Find the strength to say loudly "Leave me ...

      leave me alone " and go away with your head held high.

5.     If you are afraid that you will be spanked, make sure you're always

      near someone of your classmates.

      What you should know:
     We should not forget that it is a basic right of every child to go to school
     without fear and that no other child should humiliate you or impose
     on you by violence because of:

     ? being a boy or a girl

     ? the appearance someone has

     ? your skills

     ? the country you come from

     ? the religion someone believes in
   When Angels cry at dawn,
it is because children wake to
           go to work,
 (slaves - children, four million)
        we are indifferent.


When Angels cry at dawn
It is because children will
not play today, will not go
to school,
Will not laugh carefreely

             - -.---

                               Stones will be broken,
                               carpets will be woven,
                               coffee will be gathered,
                               balls and anything else
                               will be produced,
                               kid-slaves of the year
                               2013, our reproach and
                               endless shame.
We are all unique and different, but all
              have rights
         and responsibilities.
Our behavior towards others matters!

Helplines for children and adolescents

1107 National Child Protection Line for free, 24 hours, every day
Immediate notification and emergency counseling, psychological and social
support on issues that concern you, or if you are at risk. Interface with
services, mobilization of emergency response mechanisms. Also, information
and advice for parents on issues affecting children and their parental role

          1056 National Helpline for Childrenfree,
          24 hours, every day "TheSmile of the Child"
          Complaints for child victims of abuse. Intervenes on the spot if you are
at risk. Psychological support to children and adolescents,
and counseling to parents and teachers. Information and
guidance on matters relating to children's rights and child

80011 80015 Helpline supports free,
Monday to Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Aimed at teenagers and their families. Provides
support and advice on issues related to
the use of internet, mobile phone and
online games
(Harassment,dependence, harmful
content, pedophilia, etc.).

115 25 Line Together for Children
Urban unit charge, Monday to Friday:
Providing advice and
guidance to children, adolescents, parents and teachers.

 800 11 32000Line of Children's Ombudsman for Childrenfree,
 Monday to Friday: 9:00 am-4:00pm
Information on how to help the Ombudsman if you think you are violated by
someone who violates your rights or because you or a friend of you
are in serious problem.

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Fylladio diakriswww aglika

  • 2. International Convention on the Rights of the Child article 2 All children are equal. They have the right to be treated without discrimination because of their race, sex, language, religion, opinion, property, income, particular needs or their appearance. Nevertheless, discrimination still exist Only 1 in 4 young people in Greece declares that he knows his rights in case of falling victim of discrimination
  • 3. We all need to live, to play, to enjoy, to think, to love and to be loved We are all equal. No matter of the color, if I'm a boy or a girl, which country I come from, what language I speak, and what my religion is. I have the right to be treated equally and with respect. .
  • 4. Child Labour ?States Parties recognize the right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is risky or that might jeopardize their education or be harmful to health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development ... ? (Convention on the Rights of the Child "- Article 32, 1989) Child labor refers to the employment of children at regular and sustained labour. This practice is considered as an act of exploitation by many international organizations and it is illegal in many countries. This year the bell of the school did not hit for 100 million children in the world, simply because they do not attend school because they work according to estimates of the International Labour Organisation. The Children's Ombudsman estimates that in Greece for over 100,000 minors work.
  • 5. CHILD ABUSE ?Every child should be able to grow in normal conditions physically, morally and spiritually.? This is one of the several articles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. My mind runs to the book from which our teacher read to the class a few weeks ago. It was the story of 'Iqbal' , one child abused physically and spiritually, but in the end, fortunately managed to escape from the nightmare. Terrible images come alive in my mind. Children six, ten and twelve years old tied in chains in a wet and dirty store where the sun's rays never reach. The signs of abuse and violence are deep. Some water and food, a lot of work and violence. No right to education and play, no respect for physical integrity, no help. The law tramples all possible rights of the child. And society? Closes eyes and ears unable to react. Only some institutions and organizations make efforts to make known the problem of child abuse in underdeveloped countries, but still they do not manage to raise consciousness of the modern world. That happens in "uncivilized countries." What happens in the "civilized and developed countries?" Unfortunately, there are abused children, too. Children who are abused physically and mentally, seeking help but society turns them its back. Only some cases are known through the newspapers, internet, television. And only then we recognize that there is a problem of child abuse. Then we forget it and continue our lives as normal. Until another incident is made known and we to start talking again about the violation of children's rights. There must be greater awareness of citizens, more publicity from the press and other media on issues concerning children. Obligation of all is to protect children and their rights and not remain indifferent when they are violated in all countries of the world, authoritarian or democratic, civilized or uncivilized. (Margarita Papageorgiou , schoolgirl 6th grade)
  • 6. Refugees Are we are all familiar with the image? Hordes of people with horror on their faces , took the road of flight with no hope. They flee from their country not for a better life, a career or travel experience, but the hope for life. Seeing pictures of refugees fleeing from hunger and war we feel sorrow and compassion for these people who are forced to flee from their homeland under difficult conditions, without food and water, to walk for days and nights. The refugees are uprooted trees that must thrive in any soil if transplanted. Can they? Hellenism knows the taste of refugees. If we face in a racist and cowardly way the refugees, would it not be like betraying our grandmothers and grandfathers? It¡¯s our own history, our own country, our life which unite people and cultures. Do not take advantage of them ...! Treat them properly and humanely. As young people we must be fighting for a better world. DO NOT ACCEPT DISCRIMINATION! (Katerina Fysari, Chris Kalaitzis students of sixth grade, 8th Primary School of Xanthi)
  • 7. True stories should not be forgotten. INTERVIEW from my grandmother Stella GKAVAKI, refugees from Eastern Thrace Question 1: Grandma, where are you from and how old are you? Answer: I am from Toptsikioi Eastern Thrace and I was born in August 1921. Question 2: How do you live in Eastern Thrace? Answer: We have lived a quiet life until we left our homes and our animals. All this is narrated my mom, Kyrani. Question 3: Tell me about the time when the Greeks were forced to flee from Eastern Thrace as refugees. Answer: In 1922, when I was one year old, happened the great persecution of the Greeks from Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace. Ten families from Toptsikioi started walking on foot and with carts to cross Eastern Thrace and settle in Greece. In carts pulled by oxen that had been loaded with wheat flour, grains and just a pot. For a month we crossed eastern Thrace until we got to the area of Xanthi. The women cooked in the pot and knead bread. Question 4: When you came to Greece where did you go? Answer: When we arrived in Greece, we settled in Tsifliki of Hassan Aga. Each family had a room. In the same area also other families had arrived from other parts of Eastern Thrace and so we built huts around this manor. Question 5: Where were you the first year, since you had no property and how did you live? Answer: When we were installed in Tsifliki Hassan Agha , men went nearby a plain, cut wood and sold them in Xanthi. We also had the animals brought from Eastern Thrace, ie cows, which were milked and we drank the milk and made cheese and butter to eat. Question 6: How were you welcomed by the local community? Were there rivalries between refugees and the local population? Answer: Our locals treated us well. In 1928 the state gave us a place to live in the village called Elmali and gave each refugee their own property of land. The state also sent workers who helped to build our homes from bricks. Finally the state gave a confession to every family. (Daphnis Dimitrios, 6th grade student)
  • 8. OVERCOME THE FEAR-WIN A FRIENDSHIP VIOLENCE AND BULLYING It happens when a student receives aggressive and violent behaviour by one or several classmates which make him/her feel bad and which causes pain in body and soul. Bullying and violence occurs: A) in words ? swearing ? Teasing ? Threats ? spoof B) in acts ? Kicking ? Boxing ? pokes ? Strikes C) through behaviour ? Isolation ? Exclusion from friends ? Exclusion from games and sports D) through internet & mobile
  • 9. What you can do: 1. Do not be shy about what happens to you. 2. Speak to your parents or your teachers. This is not a "nailing". 3. Be sure that your parents and your teachers care, they do understand and will do anything to help you. Try to speak with some classmates about it and you shall see that they will understand. 4. When in attack, do not worry to show it, do not freeze. Find the strength to say loudly "Leave me ... leave me alone " and go away with your head held high. 5. If you are afraid that you will be spanked, make sure you're always near someone of your classmates. What you should know: We should not forget that it is a basic right of every child to go to school without fear and that no other child should humiliate you or impose on you by violence because of: ? being a boy or a girl ? the appearance someone has ? your skills ? the country you come from ? the religion someone believes in
  • 10. Poem When Angels cry at dawn, it is because children wake to go to work, (slaves - children, four million) we are indifferent. ---.--- When Angels cry at dawn It is because children will not play today, will not go to school, Will not laugh carefreely - -.--- Stones will be broken, carpets will be woven, coffee will be gathered, balls and anything else will be produced, kid-slaves of the year 2013, our reproach and endless shame.
  • 11. We are all unique and different, but all have rights and responsibilities. Our behavior towards others matters! Go-¦Õ?¦Ã¦Å
  • 12. Helplines for children and adolescents 1107 National Child Protection Line for free, 24 hours, every day Immediate notification and emergency counseling, psychological and social support on issues that concern you, or if you are at risk. Interface with appropriate services, mobilization of emergency response mechanisms. Also, information and advice for parents on issues affecting children and their parental role 1056 National Helpline for Childrenfree, 24 hours, every day "TheSmile of the Child" Complaints for child victims of abuse. Intervenes on the spot if you are at risk. Psychological support to children and adolescents, and counseling to parents and teachers. Information and guidance on matters relating to children's rights and child protection 80011 80015 Helpline supports free, Monday to Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm Aimed at teenagers and their families. Provides support and advice on issues related to the use of internet, mobile phone and online games (Harassment,dependence, harmful content, pedophilia, etc.). 115 25 Line Together for Children Urban unit charge, Monday to Friday: 9:00am-9:00pm Providing advice and guidance to children, adolescents, parents and teachers. 800 11 32000Line of Children's Ombudsman for Childrenfree, Monday to Friday: 9:00 am-4:00pm Information on how to help the Ombudsman if you think you are violated by someone who violates your rights or because you or a friend of you are in serious problem.