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Music Video Analysis
Gender Roles
Song Title: _____Castle of Glass_________________________________
Artist: ____Linkin Park__________________________________
Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with as
much detail as possible.
1. What are the men/women doing? (Dancing, sitting, swimming, etc.)The men are soldiers
fighting for their country and relaying to a woman and a young child their father and
husband died in combat. The band members are scene in different images playing their music
2. How are the men/women dressed? How much skin is revealed?The men are wearing suits
and army uniforms. Revealing only their faces. Some wore t-shirts when visiting the family of
the departed. The wife was wearing a t-shirt under a button up. She was not shot below the
waste. The band members (all male) were sharply dressed wearing polos and nice clothing.
3. Are there more, fewer, or the same number of men as women?More men
4. Describe the body language of the men/women: are they sitting, standing, gyrating,
mugging, etc.?The men are in combat, and stood in respect when delivering the news of the
departed and the woman comforting and hugging her son.
5. Do the men/women have power? How do you know?The men do. They are the ones taking
action. They may not make the woman behave as they please but you see dominance.
6. What続s the message of the song? To carry on the mantle of men of the past who have fought
and can no more.
7. What type of music is the song?alternative rock
Music Video Analysis Music video:
Kenji Fort Minor
1. What races do you see represented?
2. Are there any dark skinned women shown? How many?
No dark women shown, just Japanese women
3. What is the race of the person at the focus of the video?
4. What are the black/Latino/Asian/white/native American/Pacific Islander people doing?
They are being transported to an American camp made for Japanese immigrants during WW2
5. Whats the message of the song?
The injustices and inequality towards the Japanese people during WW2
6. What type of music is the song?
Music Video Analysis
Song Title: _Temptations____________
Artist: _________2Pac______________
Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with as
much detail as possible.
1. Describe any sexually explicit body language:
Men and women are lying in bed together with very little clothes on
Sexually suggestive dancing
2. Who is more sexualized?men or women? Both?
The video is focused on the women through the eyes of the men, who are desiring them
3. Are there sexually explicit lyrics or messages?
Yes. Getting weak and I wanna hit it.
4. How are subjects of the music video dressed?
Theyre either in undergarments or very revealing clothing
5. Describe the relationships between the men and women: Are they long or short term?
Casual or serious?
Definitely casual and shallowshort term.
6. What続s the message of the song?
How the artist gives in to temptations without regret.
7. What type of music is the song?-Rap
Music Video Analysis
Materialism Song Title: Billionaire
Artist: Travie McCoy: ft. Bruno Mars
Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with as
much detail as possible.
1. Describe the products that are highlighted in the video: (cars, jewelry, clothes, etc.)
2. Are any brand names shown?
There are no brand names specifically shown but they are mentioned
3. How is wealth defined in the video?
Wealth seems to be defined as a goal that everyone dreams to acopmlish and that you can
not truly be happy in life till you acomplish that goal.
4. Are products mentioned in the song lyrics?
yes, The Oprah Show, Forbes Magazine,Mercedes,
5. Whats the message of the song?
The message is that these two guys want to be billionaires and be able to spend their money
helping people that cant help themselves
6. What type of music is the song?
reggae fusion, pop rap, pop rock
Music Video Analysis
Song Title: _____Bad Motherf***er_________________________________
Artist: _____Biting Elbows _________________________________
Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with as
much detail as possible.
1. Describe any violent lyrics in the song:It just describes how being a rock star gets him
anything no matter who has anything to say and to take what you can.
2. Describe any violent body language:The music video is something like you would see in a
well-choreographed action film.
3. Describe any violent actions or weapons that are shown:Guns and knives are shown
4. Describe any self-mutilation or violence:Theres about 30 people who die in this video.
5. What続s the message of the song? That he is a bad mother-effer.
6. What type of music is the song?This song is a punk song.

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Fys video worksheet

  • 1. Music Video Analysis Gender Roles Song Title: _____Castle of Glass_________________________________ Artist: ____Linkin Park__________________________________ Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with as much detail as possible. 1. What are the men/women doing? (Dancing, sitting, swimming, etc.)The men are soldiers fighting for their country and relaying to a woman and a young child their father and husband died in combat. The band members are scene in different images playing their music 2. How are the men/women dressed? How much skin is revealed?The men are wearing suits and army uniforms. Revealing only their faces. Some wore t-shirts when visiting the family of the departed. The wife was wearing a t-shirt under a button up. She was not shot below the waste. The band members (all male) were sharply dressed wearing polos and nice clothing. 3. Are there more, fewer, or the same number of men as women?More men 4. Describe the body language of the men/women: are they sitting, standing, gyrating, mugging, etc.?The men are in combat, and stood in respect when delivering the news of the departed and the woman comforting and hugging her son. 5. Do the men/women have power? How do you know?The men do. They are the ones taking action. They may not make the woman behave as they please but you see dominance. 6. What続s the message of the song? To carry on the mantle of men of the past who have fought and can no more. 7. What type of music is the song?alternative rock Music Video Analysis Music video: Kenji Fort Minor Race-
  • 2. 1. What races do you see represented? Japanese 2. Are there any dark skinned women shown? How many? No dark women shown, just Japanese women 3. What is the race of the person at the focus of the video? Japanese 4. What are the black/Latino/Asian/white/native American/Pacific Islander people doing? They are being transported to an American camp made for Japanese immigrants during WW2 5. Whats the message of the song? The injustices and inequality towards the Japanese people during WW2 6. What type of music is the song? Rap Music Video Analysis Sexuality Song Title: _Temptations____________ Artist: _________2Pac______________ Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with as much detail as possible. 1. Describe any sexually explicit body language: Men and women are lying in bed together with very little clothes on Sexually suggestive dancing 2. Who is more sexualized?men or women? Both? The video is focused on the women through the eyes of the men, who are desiring them sexually. 3. Are there sexually explicit lyrics or messages? Yes. Getting weak and I wanna hit it.
  • 3. 4. How are subjects of the music video dressed? Theyre either in undergarments or very revealing clothing 5. Describe the relationships between the men and women: Are they long or short term? Casual or serious? Definitely casual and shallowshort term. 6. What続s the message of the song? How the artist gives in to temptations without regret. 7. What type of music is the song?-Rap Music Video Analysis Materialism Song Title: Billionaire Artist: Travie McCoy: ft. Bruno Mars Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with as much detail as possible. 1. Describe the products that are highlighted in the video: (cars, jewelry, clothes, etc.) 2. Are any brand names shown? There are no brand names specifically shown but they are mentioned 3. How is wealth defined in the video? Wealth seems to be defined as a goal that everyone dreams to acopmlish and that you can not truly be happy in life till you acomplish that goal. 4. Are products mentioned in the song lyrics? yes, The Oprah Show, Forbes Magazine,Mercedes, 5. Whats the message of the song? The message is that these two guys want to be billionaires and be able to spend their money helping people that cant help themselves 6. What type of music is the song? reggae fusion, pop rap, pop rock
  • 4. Music Video Analysis Violence Song Title: _____Bad Motherf***er_________________________________ Artist: _____Biting Elbows _________________________________ Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with as much detail as possible. 1. Describe any violent lyrics in the song:It just describes how being a rock star gets him anything no matter who has anything to say and to take what you can. 2. Describe any violent body language:The music video is something like you would see in a well-choreographed action film. 3. Describe any violent actions or weapons that are shown:Guns and knives are shown frequently. 4. Describe any self-mutilation or violence:Theres about 30 people who die in this video. 5. What続s the message of the song? That he is a bad mother-effer. 6. What type of music is the song?This song is a punk song.