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Gastrointestinal Stromal
Dr. Uttam Laudari
Department of Surgery
Kathmandu Medical College
 GIST are rare malignancies
 most common sarcoma of the GI tract
 represent only 0.2% of all GI tumors,
 subject of considerable clinical and experimental interest, because of the
identification of their activating signal (oncogenic mutation
of the c-kit receptor) and
the development of a therapeutic agent that suppresses
tumor growth by inhibiting this signal
 Diagnosis of GIST has dramatically increased since 1992, and
survival has greatly improved since 2002, when imatinib
mesylate was approved by FDA for GIST
Perez EA, Livingstone AS, Franceschi D, et al. J Am Coll Surg 2006;202:623629
 Most common mesenchymal tumour of the GI tract
 arises from a common precursor cell, which gives rise to the
interstitial cells of Cajal
 Most of these gastrointestinal (GI) sarcomas are GISTs
 The age-adjusted yearly incidence rate of GIST was 6.8 per
million in the SEER data from 1992 to 2000;
 54% were men and 46% were women
 In a series of consecutive autopsies performed in
Germany, small GISTs (1 to 10 mm in size) were
grossly detectable in 22.5% of the autopsies in
individuals older than 50 years
Agaimy A, Wunsch PH, Hofstaedter F, et al. Minute gastric sclerosing
stromal tumors (GIST tumorlets) are common in adults and
frequently show c-KIT mutations. Am J Surg Pathol 2007;31: 113120
 Similarly, in a series of 100 whole stomachs resected from
Japanese patients diagnosed with gastric cancer, microscopic
GISTs were found in 35 of the 100 stomachs
Kawanowa K, Sakuma Y, Sakurai S, et al. High incidence of microscopic
gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the stomach. Hum Pathol 2006;37:1527
 Median age of adults at diagnosis of GIST ranges from 66 to 69 years
 In a study of 1765 GISTs arising from the stomach, the median age at diagnosis was
63 years
 Miettinen M, Sobin LH, Lasota J. Am J Surg Pathol 2005;29:5268
 In a series consisting of 906 jejunal and ileal GISTs, the mean age was 59 years
 Miettinen M, Makhlouf H, Sobin LH, et al. Am J Surg Pathol 2006;30: 477
 GISTs can occur anywhere along the GI tract
 Most common in the
stomach (50%)
 small bowel (25%)
 Colon (10%),
 omentum/mesentery (7%)
 esophagus (5%) are less common primary sites
 A few GISTs occur within the abdomen and retroperitoneum
 Liver metastases and/or dissemination within the abdominal
cavity are the usual clinical manifestations of malignancy
 Lymph node metastases are extremely uncommon
 Arise from the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC),
 components of the intestinal autonomic nervous system
 pacemakers regulating intestinal peristalsis
 GISTs range in size from incidental lesions a few millimeters in
diameter to large masses of 35 cm or more
 the median size at presentation is about 5 cm
 Tumors are generally centered on the bowel wall but may
form polypoid serosal- or mucosal-based masses
 Ulceration of the mucosa is often associated with GI
 Most GISTs present as a single, well-circumscribed nodule.
 The cut surface is fleshy and may show areas of cystic
degeneration, necrosis, or hemorrhage
 Occasionally, satellite nodules are within the adjacent muscularis
or serosa
 Rarely 2 separate GISTs at different locations in the GI tract are
familial GIST
 Most GISTs show 1 of 3 histologic patterns:
 predominantly spindle cells (the most common pattern)
 predominantly epithelioid cells
 a mixture of both spindle and epithelioid cells
 Epithelioid GISTs
 diffuse or nested architecture,
 spindle cell GISTs
 short fascicles or whorls
 Stroma is usually scanty
Spindle cell type
Epitheloid cell type
 characteristic immunohistochemical profile
 95% are positive for KIT (CD117)
 60% to 70% for CD34
 30% to 40% for smooth muscle actin
 5% for S-100 protein
 1% to 2% for desmin
 and 1% to 2% for keratin
 Leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma - desmin and negative for
 Malignant melanoma --immunoreactivity for S-100 protein
 Schwannomas --immunoreactive for S-100 protein and
negative for KIT
 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and
fibromatosis are negative for KIT
 2 most important prognostic features of a primary tumor are
its size and mitotic index
 Small lesions may remain stable for years
 features associated with a poor prognosis include
 large size (>5 cm)
 increased mitotic activity
 In some studies, location of the tumor in the small
bowel indicated a worse outcome
 All GIST have malignant potential
1. Miettinen M, Sobin LH, Lasota J. Am J Surg Pathol 2005;29:5268.
2. Miettinen M, Makhlouf H, Sobin LH, et al.. Am J Surg Pathol 2006;30: 477489.
3. Miettinen M, Lasota J. Gastrointestinal stromal tumorsVirchows Arch 2001;438:112.
Significance of Kinase Mutation
 80% -oncogenic mutation in the KIT tyrosine kinase
 5%7% -mutation in the KIT-homologous tyrosine kinase PDGFRA
 10% to 15% of GISTs are negative for KIT and PDGFRA gene mutations
 wild-type GISTs
 KIT mutant- sensitive to Imatinib
 PDGFRA confers complete resistant to imatinib
Clinical features
 Are usually asymptomatic and discovered upon imaging or at
laparotomy for other reasons
 With advanced disease presentation may be a mass lesion or
vague abdominal pain
 bleeding ( Can cause life-threatening hemorrhage )
 Obstruction / perforation
 Between 1550% of GIST present with overtly metastatic disease
 common metastatic sites being liver and peritoneum
with less than 5% of patients demonstrating pulmonary metastases
 Almost never metastasize to regional lymph nodes
 Can invade adjacent organs, the common sites being intestine, liver, or
 fistulas with bowel, the biliary tree, or the skin, enterocutaneous fistula
 UGI Endoscopy
 Submucosal lesion, with or
without ulceration, present in the
upper or lower GI tract
 Are visually indistinguishable from
other GI tumors of smooth
muscle origin
Endoscopic Ultrasound
 Commonly present as
submucosal tumors
in the wall of the GI tract
 Central necrosis of high-risk
tumors or erosion into blood
vessels can produce local
inflammation or significant GI
CT Scan
 Seen as solid hyperdense-enhancing
 Critical to determine the anatomic
extent of a GIST and to assist with
operative planning
 Ghanem and colleagues
recently reported
 Small GIST
Sharp margins
Intraluminal growth
Homogenous density on
unenhanced and contrast-enhanced
CT Scan
 Larger GIST
Irregular margins
growth patterns
 Radiographic signs for aggressive
malignant GIST include
calcification, ulceration, necrosis,
cystic areas, fistula formation,
metastasis, ascites, and signs of
infiltration of local tissues
PET Scan
 Useful in addition to CT for
evaluating GIST, particularly
as a means of assessing
response to chemotherapy
 Metabolically active GIST
accumulate 18FDG, and
blockade of the KIT receptor
results in a rapid suppression
of this activity
Medical Treatment
 Median survival for patients with GIST who are treated with standard
cytotoxic chemotherapy is generally less than 2 years (range 1418
Imatinib mesylate
 Selective, potent, small molecule inhibitor of tyrosine kinase
signaling enzymes
KIT, ABL family of tyrosine kinases, including the
leukemia specific BCR-ABL chimera, PDGFR
 Both mutant and non-mutant forms of KIT can be inhibited by
exposure to imatinib
What optimal dose of imatinib should be used
to begin dosing for patients with advanced
metastatic or unresectable GIST?
 Two separate phase III trials have been conducted
North American Sarcoma Intergroup, consisting of U.S. cooperative oncology
groups (SWOG, CALGB [Cancer and Leukemia Group B], ECOG [Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group]) and the National Cancer Institute of Canada
(NCIC) Sarcoma Group
EORTC Sarcoma Group aligned with AGITG and the Italian Sarcoma Group
 Each one of these large phase III trials in patients with advanced
GIST compared imatinib given orally at 2 different doses: 400 or
800 mg daily (given as split doses of 400 mg twice a day) in
patients with metastatic or unresectable GIST
 Both studies showed
Higher dose of imatinib was associated with more side
effects than the lower dose
Euivalent response rates and overall
survival for both
dose levels
Patients with unresectable disease that is progressing on higher-
dose imatinib (resection should only be considered in patients
with localized progression) are candidates for therapy with
Sunitinib Malate
 Oral TKI that is less specific than imatinib mesylate
 In addition to inhibiting KIT and PDGFR, sunitinib acts on vascular
endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR1- 3), Tyrosine kinase-3,
colony-stimulating factor 1
 Possesses potential antiangiogenic activity in addition to antitumor
action related to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibition
 Preclinically, sunitinib inhibits some KIT mutant isoforms that are
resistant to imatinib
 Mainstay of therapy for patients with primary GIST who do not have evidence of
 Should be the initial therapy if the tumour is technically resectable with acceptable
risk of morbidity
 For both large tumors and poorly positioned small GISTs that are considered
marginally resectable on technical grounds, neoadjuvant imatinib is
 Patients with primary localized GIST whose tumors are deemed
should also start imatinib
Goal of Surgery
Complete gross resection with an intact pseudocapsule and
negative microscopic margins
Primary Localized Disease
Post Surgical Follow Up
 Typical sites of tumor recurrence following resection of a GIST with
curative intent are the local resection bed, the liver,
and the peritoneum
 Pulmonary metastases are uncommon
 Time to recurrence reflects the original growth pattern of the tumor, and
recurrences as early as 3 months following resection have been observed
Post Surgical Follow Up
 Because more recurrences occur within the first 5 years after
 imaging intervals of 3 to 6 months are standard for patients in
the first 5 years of post treatment follow-up, with annual evaluation
 Localized GIST  Surgery Recurrence In 5 year
 Low risk- 2-5%
 High Risk- 70-90%
 In absence of adjuvant therapy
 approximately 50% of patients receiving potentially curative
surgery will develop either locally recurrent or metastatic disease within
5 years
 yielding 5-year survival rates of 4055%
 Effectiveness of imatinib in managing metastatic disease has
led to combined modality treatment of high-risk localized
Adjuvant Therapy
Metastatic GIST
 At present, all unresectable, recurrent, and metastatic GIST
are considered for therapy with imatinib
 Median time to an objective response is approximately three
Metastatic GIST
 Indications for surgery are
1) disease that is stable or shrinking on TKI therapy when complete gross
resection is possible (stable disease)
2)isolated clones progressing on TKI therapy after initial response
(indicative of secondary drug resistance), while other sites of disease remain
stable (limited disease progression)
3) emergencies including hemorrhage, perforation, obstruction, or abscess
Disease Response and Progression
 PET scanning can be used to rapidly assess changes in tumor
metabolism that reflect effective disease suppression by imatinib
 Changes seen on CT scan may take months to become apparent
Shrinkage in size
When palpable, become noticeably softer
Cystic transformation of lesions, a change that is most easily
detected in the liver
Quiescent disease appears as completely homogeneous, fluid-filled
Disease Response and Progression
 Decreased density on contrast-enhanced CT of responding
GISTs indicates response to therapy and correlates with tumor
necrosis or with cystic or myxoid degeneration
Choi HC, Macapinlac HA, Burgess MA, et al. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 2003;22:819. Abstract 3290
Choi H, Charnsangavej C, Faria SC, et al. J Clin Oncol 2007;25:1753-1759.
Choi H, Charnsangavej C, Faria SC, et al.. Am J Roentgenol 2004;183:16191628.
PET Scan
 Good response to imatinib is observed on FDG-PET as a marked decrease
in 18FDG uptake in the tumors
 Response can be seen as early as 24 hours after a single dose of imatinib
 Median time to CT response measured by tumor shrinkage is about 3
4 months, whereas FDG-PET imaging can detect response within
hours to days
 Re-emergence of glycolytic activity as shown by FDG-PET in the follow-up of
patients on imatinib is consistent with secondary resistance to the drug or with
lack of compliance to the drug regimen
Flare phenomenon
 Suggested that portions of the tumor were still responding to imatinib, while other
parts had developed a new clonal evolution resistant

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gastrointestinalstromaltumours- by souprno.pptx

  • 1. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours Dr. Uttam Laudari JR III Department of Surgery Kathmandu Medical College
  • 2. Introduction GIST are rare malignancies most common sarcoma of the GI tract represent only 0.2% of all GI tumors, subject of considerable clinical and experimental interest, because of the identification of their activating signal (oncogenic mutation of the c-kit receptor) and the development of a therapeutic agent that suppresses tumor growth by inhibiting this signal
  • 3. Diagnosis of GIST has dramatically increased since 1992, and survival has greatly improved since 2002, when imatinib mesylate was approved by FDA for GIST Perez EA, Livingstone AS, Franceschi D, et al. J Am Coll Surg 2006;202:623629
  • 4. Epidemiology Most common mesenchymal tumour of the GI tract arises from a common precursor cell, which gives rise to the interstitial cells of Cajal Most of these gastrointestinal (GI) sarcomas are GISTs The age-adjusted yearly incidence rate of GIST was 6.8 per million in the SEER data from 1992 to 2000; 54% were men and 46% were women
  • 5. In a series of consecutive autopsies performed in Germany, small GISTs (1 to 10 mm in size) were grossly detectable in 22.5% of the autopsies in individuals older than 50 years Agaimy A, Wunsch PH, Hofstaedter F, et al. Minute gastric sclerosing stromal tumors (GIST tumorlets) are common in adults and frequently show c-KIT mutations. Am J Surg Pathol 2007;31: 113120
  • 6. Similarly, in a series of 100 whole stomachs resected from Japanese patients diagnosed with gastric cancer, microscopic GISTs were found in 35 of the 100 stomachs Kawanowa K, Sakuma Y, Sakurai S, et al. High incidence of microscopic gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the stomach. Hum Pathol 2006;37:1527 1535
  • 7. Median age of adults at diagnosis of GIST ranges from 66 to 69 years In a study of 1765 GISTs arising from the stomach, the median age at diagnosis was 63 years Miettinen M, Sobin LH, Lasota J. Am J Surg Pathol 2005;29:5268 In a series consisting of 906 jejunal and ileal GISTs, the mean age was 59 years Miettinen M, Makhlouf H, Sobin LH, et al. Am J Surg Pathol 2006;30: 477 489
  • 8. Presentation GISTs can occur anywhere along the GI tract Most common in the stomach (50%) small bowel (25%) Colon (10%), omentum/mesentery (7%) esophagus (5%) are less common primary sites A few GISTs occur within the abdomen and retroperitoneum
  • 9. Liver metastases and/or dissemination within the abdominal cavity are the usual clinical manifestations of malignancy Lymph node metastases are extremely uncommon
  • 10. Pathology Arise from the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), components of the intestinal autonomic nervous system pacemakers regulating intestinal peristalsis
  • 11. GISTs range in size from incidental lesions a few millimeters in diameter to large masses of 35 cm or more the median size at presentation is about 5 cm
  • 12. Tumors are generally centered on the bowel wall but may form polypoid serosal- or mucosal-based masses Ulceration of the mucosa is often associated with GI bleeding
  • 13. Most GISTs present as a single, well-circumscribed nodule. The cut surface is fleshy and may show areas of cystic degeneration, necrosis, or hemorrhage Occasionally, satellite nodules are within the adjacent muscularis propria or serosa Rarely 2 separate GISTs at different locations in the GI tract are present familial GIST
  • 14. Most GISTs show 1 of 3 histologic patterns: predominantly spindle cells (the most common pattern) predominantly epithelioid cells a mixture of both spindle and epithelioid cells
  • 15. Epithelioid GISTs diffuse or nested architecture, spindle cell GISTs short fascicles or whorls Stroma is usually scanty Spindle cell type Epitheloid cell type
  • 16. Immunohistochemistry characteristic immunohistochemical profile 95% are positive for KIT (CD117) 60% to 70% for CD34 30% to 40% for smooth muscle actin 5% for S-100 protein 1% to 2% for desmin and 1% to 2% for keratin
  • 17. Leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma - desmin and negative for KIT Malignant melanoma --immunoreactivity for S-100 protein Schwannomas --immunoreactive for S-100 protein and negative for KIT Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and desmoid fibromatosis are negative for KIT
  • 18. Prognosis 2 most important prognostic features of a primary tumor are its size and mitotic index Small lesions may remain stable for years
  • 19. features associated with a poor prognosis include large size (>5 cm) increased mitotic activity In some studies, location of the tumor in the small bowel indicated a worse outcome
  • 20. All GIST have malignant potential 1. Miettinen M, Sobin LH, Lasota J. Am J Surg Pathol 2005;29:5268. 2. Miettinen M, Makhlouf H, Sobin LH, et al.. Am J Surg Pathol 2006;30: 477489. 3. Miettinen M, Lasota J. Gastrointestinal stromal tumorsVirchows Arch 2001;438:112.
  • 21. Significance of Kinase Mutation Status 80% -oncogenic mutation in the KIT tyrosine kinase 5%7% -mutation in the KIT-homologous tyrosine kinase PDGFRA 10% to 15% of GISTs are negative for KIT and PDGFRA gene mutations wild-type GISTs
  • 22. KIT mutant- sensitive to Imatinib PDGFRA confers complete resistant to imatinib
  • 23. Clinical features Are usually asymptomatic and discovered upon imaging or at laparotomy for other reasons With advanced disease presentation may be a mass lesion or vague abdominal pain bleeding ( Can cause life-threatening hemorrhage ) Obstruction / perforation
  • 24. Between 1550% of GIST present with overtly metastatic disease common metastatic sites being liver and peritoneum with less than 5% of patients demonstrating pulmonary metastases
  • 25. Almost never metastasize to regional lymph nodes Can invade adjacent organs, the common sites being intestine, liver, or bladder fistulas with bowel, the biliary tree, or the skin, enterocutaneous fistula
  • 26. Diagnosis Imaging UGI Endoscopy Submucosal lesion, with or without ulceration, present in the upper or lower GI tract Are visually indistinguishable from other GI tumors of smooth muscle origin
  • 27. Endoscopic Ultrasound Commonly present as submucosal tumors in the wall of the GI tract Central necrosis of high-risk tumors or erosion into blood vessels can produce local inflammation or significant GI bleeding
  • 28. CT Scan Seen as solid hyperdense-enhancing mass Critical to determine the anatomic extent of a GIST and to assist with operative planning Ghanem and colleagues recently reported Small GIST Sharp margins Intraluminal growth pattern Homogenous density on both unenhanced and contrast-enhanced scans
  • 29. CT Scan Larger GIST Irregular margins Extraluminal growth patterns Inhomogeneous density Radiographic signs for aggressive malignant GIST include calcification, ulceration, necrosis, cystic areas, fistula formation, metastasis, ascites, and signs of infiltration of local tissues
  • 30. PET Scan Useful in addition to CT for evaluating GIST, particularly as a means of assessing response to chemotherapy Metabolically active GIST accumulate 18FDG, and blockade of the KIT receptor results in a rapid suppression of this activity
  • 31. Management Medical Treatment Median survival for patients with GIST who are treated with standard cytotoxic chemotherapy is generally less than 2 years (range 1418 months)
  • 32. Imatinib mesylate Selective, potent, small molecule inhibitor of tyrosine kinase signaling enzymes KIT, ABL family of tyrosine kinases, including the leukemia specific BCR-ABL chimera, PDGFR Both mutant and non-mutant forms of KIT can be inhibited by exposure to imatinib
  • 33. What optimal dose of imatinib should be used to begin dosing for patients with advanced metastatic or unresectable GIST? Two separate phase III trials have been conducted North American Sarcoma Intergroup, consisting of U.S. cooperative oncology groups (SWOG, CALGB [Cancer and Leukemia Group B], ECOG [Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group]) and the National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) Sarcoma Group EORTC Sarcoma Group aligned with AGITG and the Italian Sarcoma Group (ISG)
  • 34. Each one of these large phase III trials in patients with advanced GIST compared imatinib given orally at 2 different doses: 400 or 800 mg daily (given as split doses of 400 mg twice a day) in patients with metastatic or unresectable GIST Both studies showed Higher dose of imatinib was associated with more side effects than the lower dose Euivalent response rates and overall survival for both dose levels
  • 35. Patients with unresectable disease that is progressing on higher- dose imatinib (resection should only be considered in patients with localized progression) are candidates for therapy with sunitinib
  • 36. Sunitinib Malate Oral TKI that is less specific than imatinib mesylate In addition to inhibiting KIT and PDGFR, sunitinib acts on vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR1- 3), Tyrosine kinase-3, colony-stimulating factor 1 Possesses potential antiangiogenic activity in addition to antitumor action related to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibition Preclinically, sunitinib inhibits some KIT mutant isoforms that are resistant to imatinib
  • 37. Surgery Mainstay of therapy for patients with primary GIST who do not have evidence of metastasis Should be the initial therapy if the tumour is technically resectable with acceptable risk of morbidity For both large tumors and poorly positioned small GISTs that are considered marginally resectable on technical grounds, neoadjuvant imatinib is recommended Patients with primary localized GIST whose tumors are deemed unresectable should also start imatinib
  • 38. Goal of Surgery Complete gross resection with an intact pseudocapsule and negative microscopic margins
  • 40. Post Surgical Follow Up Typical sites of tumor recurrence following resection of a GIST with curative intent are the local resection bed, the liver, and the peritoneum Pulmonary metastases are uncommon Time to recurrence reflects the original growth pattern of the tumor, and recurrences as early as 3 months following resection have been observed
  • 41. Post Surgical Follow Up Because more recurrences occur within the first 5 years after surgery imaging intervals of 3 to 6 months are standard for patients in the first 5 years of post treatment follow-up, with annual evaluation thereafter
  • 42. Localized GIST Surgery Recurrence In 5 year Low risk- 2-5% High Risk- 70-90% In absence of adjuvant therapy approximately 50% of patients receiving potentially curative surgery will develop either locally recurrent or metastatic disease within 5 years yielding 5-year survival rates of 4055% Effectiveness of imatinib in managing metastatic disease has led to combined modality treatment of high-risk localized tumors Adjuvant Therapy
  • 43. Metastatic GIST At present, all unresectable, recurrent, and metastatic GIST are considered for therapy with imatinib Median time to an objective response is approximately three months
  • 44. Metastatic GIST Indications for surgery are 1) disease that is stable or shrinking on TKI therapy when complete gross resection is possible (stable disease) 2)isolated clones progressing on TKI therapy after initial response (indicative of secondary drug resistance), while other sites of disease remain stable (limited disease progression) 3) emergencies including hemorrhage, perforation, obstruction, or abscess
  • 45. Disease Response and Progression PET scanning can be used to rapidly assess changes in tumor metabolism that reflect effective disease suppression by imatinib Changes seen on CT scan may take months to become apparent Shrinkage in size When palpable, become noticeably softer Cystic transformation of lesions, a change that is most easily detected in the liver Quiescent disease appears as completely homogeneous, fluid-filled structure
  • 46. Disease Response and Progression Decreased density on contrast-enhanced CT of responding GISTs indicates response to therapy and correlates with tumor necrosis or with cystic or myxoid degeneration
  • 47. Choi HC, Macapinlac HA, Burgess MA, et al. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 2003;22:819. Abstract 3290 Choi H, Charnsangavej C, Faria SC, et al. J Clin Oncol 2007;25:1753-1759. Choi H, Charnsangavej C, Faria SC, et al.. Am J Roentgenol 2004;183:16191628.
  • 48. PET Scan Good response to imatinib is observed on FDG-PET as a marked decrease in 18FDG uptake in the tumors Response can be seen as early as 24 hours after a single dose of imatinib Median time to CT response measured by tumor shrinkage is about 3 4 months, whereas FDG-PET imaging can detect response within hours to days
  • 49. Re-emergence of glycolytic activity as shown by FDG-PET in the follow-up of patients on imatinib is consistent with secondary resistance to the drug or with lack of compliance to the drug regimen Flare phenomenon Suggested that portions of the tumor were still responding to imatinib, while other parts had developed a new clonal evolution resistant