Webin¨¢?: Ochrana firemn¨ªho perimetru za pomoci firewall? nov¨¦ generace / 30.9...Jaroslav Prodelal
P?¨ªtomnost firewallu pro ochranu firemn¨ª s¨ªt¨§ je snad ji? neodmyslitelnou sou?¨¢st¨ª ka?d¨¦ho IT prost?ed¨ª. V dne?n¨ª dob¨§ s velk?m n¨¢r?stem zejm¨¦na webov?ch aplikac¨ª v?ak nesta?¨ª jen pou?t¨§t nebo nepou?t¨§t provoz na z¨¢klad¨§ ur?it?ch port?. Je t?eba, aby za?¨ªzen¨ª, kter¨¦ chr¨¢n¨ª firemn¨ª s¨ª? znalo povahu dat, kter¨¢ p?es n¨§j proud¨ª a na z¨¢klad¨§ definovan?ch pravidel s nimi um¨§lo nalo?it.
Firewally nov¨¦ generace (next-generation firewall) jsou ve sv¨¦ podstat¨§ aplika?n¨ª firewally, kter¨¦ d¨§laj¨ª inspekci dat a? na ¨²rove¨¾ aplikac¨ª, tedy s¨ª?ov¨¦ vrstvy L7.
V tomto webin¨¢?¨ª v¨¢s sezn¨¢m¨ªme s mo?nostmi, kter¨¦ firewally nov¨¦ generace p?in¨¢?¨ª a nab¨ªdneme v¨¢m i konkr¨¦tn¨ª za?¨ªzen¨ª, kter¨¢ m??ete ve sv¨¦ s¨ªti pou?¨ªt.
* nen¨ª firewall jako firewall
* firewall nov¨¦ generace
* unifikovan¨¦ ?e?en¨ª ochrany firemn¨ª s¨ªt¨§
* ?¨ªzen¨ª p?¨ªstupu k aplikac¨ª per u?ivatel
* anal?zy chov¨¢n¨ª u?ivatel?
* antispam/antivir na ¨²rovni s¨ªt¨§
* dostupn¨¦ nadstavby a roz?¨ª?en¨ª
* p?edstaven¨ª produkt? Dell SonicWall
* aktu¨¢ln¨ª nab¨ªdky a promo akce
S n¨¢r?stem po?tu mobiln¨ªch za?¨ªzen¨ª typu smartphone nebo tablet a jejich pou?¨ªv¨¢n¨ª ve firemn¨ªm prost?ed¨ª (BYOD) roste tak¨¦ po?adavek na mo?nost p?ipojen¨ª t¨§chto za?¨ªzen¨ª do internetu/intranetu. Mobiln¨ª datov¨¢ p?ipojen¨ª nejsou optim¨¢ln¨ªm ?e?en¨ª (datov¨¦ limity, p?enosov¨¦ rychlosti, nutn¨¢ VPN pro p?¨ªstup do firemn¨ª s¨ªt¨§, absence kontroly nad za?¨ªzen¨ªmi a dal?¨ª) a proto p?ich¨¢z¨ª ke slovu lok¨¢ln¨ª ?¨ªzen¨¦ WiFi s¨ªt¨§ (WiFi LAN).
V r¨¢mci tohoto webin¨¢?e v¨¢m p?ibl¨ª?¨ªme, jak ?¨ªzen¨¦ WiFi s¨ªt¨§ funguj¨ª, co v¨¢m p?inesou a jak¨¦ rozd¨ªly jsou oproti nekontrolovan¨¦mu n¨¢r?stu samostatn?ch access point? (AP) ve va?¨ª s¨ªti. Sezn¨¢m¨ªte se s mo?nostmi, kter¨¦ v¨¢m p?in¨¢?¨ª ?e?en¨ª od spole?nosti Aruba Networks a nast¨ªn¨ªme tak¨¦ ?e?en¨ª pro spr¨¢vu mobiln¨ªch za?¨ªzen¨ª ClearPass.
Jako jednu z velmi zaj¨ªmav?ch mo?nost¨ª uvedeme informace k loka?n¨ªm slu?b¨¢m, kter¨¦ mohou b?t ve spojen¨ª s ?¨ªzen?mi WiFi pou?ity. Doporu?ujeme zejm¨¦na pro nemocnice!
?¨ªzen¨¦ WiFi LAN
kontrolerov¨¦ nebo bezkontrolov¨¦ ?e?en¨ª?
mobiln¨ª kancel¨¢?
BYOD -- spr¨¢va mobiln¨ªch za?¨ªzen¨ª
loka?n¨ª slu?by za pomoci WiFi LAN
aktu¨¢ln¨ª promo akce
Webin¨¢?: Nekupujte po?¨ªta?e a zjednodu?te si ?ivot vyu?¨ªv¨¢n¨ªm virtu¨¢ln¨ªch des...Jaroslav Prodelal
Webin¨¢?, kter? v¨¢s uvede do problematiky virtualizace desktop?, vysv¨§tl¨ª objektivn¨§ v?hody, kter¨¦ v¨¢m takov¨¦ ?e?en¨ª m??e p?in¨¦st, sezn¨¢m¨ª s aktu¨¢ln¨ªmi trendy v oblasti virtualizace, pom??e zejm¨¦na s licencov¨¢n¨ªm ve vztahu k software Microsoft a uk¨¢?e re¨¢ln¨¦ p?¨ªklady u?it¨ª ve ?kolsk¨¦m prost?ed¨ª.
?Virtualizaci desktop? vyu?¨ªv¨¢m ji? od roku 2008 a uleh?uje mi ?ivot ka?d? den. Adaptace student? i u?itel? a ostatn¨ªch pracovn¨ªk? prob¨§hla bez v¨§t?¨ªch probl¨¦m?, jako velkou v?hodu vn¨ªmaj¨ª mo?nost pr¨¢ce z domu na stejn¨¦m po?¨ªta?i jako ve ?kole. Jsme technick¨¢ ?kola a provozujeme virtu¨¢ln¨§ i aplikace AutoCAD nebo SolidWorks a to nejenom pro v?uku, ale i p?i sout¨§?¨ªch. Nav¨ªc m¨¢me ji? d¨ªky t¨¦to technologii ve ?kole Windows 8 a nemuseli jsem zaplatit ani korunu za nov? hardware.¡°
Petr ?krabal, spr¨¢vce ICT, St?edn¨ª pr?myslov¨¢ ?kola Hranice
* z¨¢kladn¨ª informace o konceptu virtu¨¢ln¨ªch desktop? (VDI)
* v?hody vyu?it¨ª VDI pro organizaci
* licencov¨¢n¨ª ve vztahu k Microsoftu a va?im existuj¨ªc¨ªm licenc¨ªm
* vyu?¨ªv¨¢n¨ª u?ivatelsk?ch za?¨ªzen¨ª v prost?ed¨ª organizace (koncept BYOD)
* konec podpory Windows XP a vyu?it¨ª VDI p?i p?echodu na nov? opera?n¨ª syst¨¦m
* tenk? klient a jeho vyu?it¨ª nejenom pro VDI
* modelov¨¦ konfigurace a orienta?n¨ª cenov¨¦ hladiny
* referen?n¨ª projekty VDI
MakeSense Consultants is a recruitment firm founded by IIT alumni that caters to high-skilled hiring needs. They leverage an access network of IIT, IIM alumni and partners to source candidates. Their matching process considers functional, cultural and aspirational fit to provide high conversion rates. Case studies show they were able to fill a marketing manager role within 28 days. The team is led by IIT graduates with experience in engineering, oil and gas, and venture capital.
Aging with Grace is a national eldercare assistance program that helps employees manage eldercare responsibilities. It educates caregivers on their options, coordinates services, and facilitates access to discounted services. The program helps employers by educating them on caregiver stress, coordinating comprehensive assistance programs, and helping resolve eldercare issues. Caregiver stress costs U.S. employers $33.6 billion annually due to absenteeism, lost productivity, and other impacts. Aging with Grace provides a comprehensive package including hands-on phone and online assistance to help address these challenges.
The Cold War cost the United States and Soviet Union trillions of dollars over several decades. Estimates put total US spending at $13.1 trillion and total Soviet spending around $41.3 trillion in modern dollars. Both nations devoted significant portions of their GDPs to military spending and technology during this era of geopolitical tensions, an expensive strategic competition that shaped global events through the latter half of the 20th century.
This document discusses story maps, which are maps that tell a narrative or story. It provides examples of existing story maps on topics like hurricanes, history, and disasters at sea. It also outlines new tools for creating story maps, including licenses for ArcGIS software and online resources for learning how to make story maps. The document encourages attendees to learn how to create their own story maps.
This document discusses how to incorporate project based learning to effectively engage students. It defines project based learning as an instructional approach that uses driving questions to motivate students to conduct research, collaborate, and produce creative work over an extended period of time. The document provides examples of projects done by students, such as creating a film guide for Edward Scissorhands and a public service announcement. It also outlines the discover, create, share model used in project based learning, with examples of tools and resources used in each stage, like using iBooks and online texts for discovery, iMovie and GarageBand for creation, and blogs and Twitter for sharing. The goal is to encourage critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity through project based learning.
The document compares magazines from several UK universities by describing key visual features of each publication. Oxford's magazine features the university logo, a slogan, article titles, and images of students on bicycles. Cambridge's magazine displays the university logo, pictures of students and lecturers, and building images. Bristol's publication includes the magazine name, university logo, and uses single images to illustrate article titles.
The document discusses plans to create a teaser trailer, website, and poster for a teen horror/thriller film. Research was conducted on horror film genres, techniques used in horror trailers and websites, and conventions seen in existing horror posters. The planned story involves a girl's 18th birthday party where her boyfriend and friends start disappearing after being kidnapped by a stalker obsessed with the main character. Ideas are provided for the teaser trailer content and techniques, website design, and horror poster conventions.
Digital storytelling involves using technology tools like images, audio, and video to tell stories. It can be used in ESOL classrooms to help students practice language skills like speaking, reading, and writing in an authentic way. Digital storytelling addresses many educational standards and allows students to be creative while learning real-world digital communication skills. Teachers are provided suggestions for how to guide students through the process of developing digital stories and choosing appropriate tools. Potential barriers to using digital storytelling in classrooms are also discussed.
#smwep14 slideshare - can you translate social media engagement into votes, o...Karen Melchior
This document discusses how political campaigns can utilize social media engagement. It addresses three target audiences that campaigns should focus on: the base, the media, and voters. The base are a campaign's supporters who can help engage others online and get out the vote. Nurturing the base through strong messaging and personal contact grows support. The media can help set the agenda if a campaign feeds them positive and negative information about opponents. Voters are reached indirectly through advertisements and directly through conversations online. While social media alone does not win elections, it is a useful tool to support campaign efforts when used to engage these three target audiences.
Alumni Tree Project is a Scholarship Fund raising project of the Ramon Magsaysay High School (Manila) spearhead by RMHS Batch 76, with Dr.Cesar Agtarap as Batch '76 2008-2009 President, Mr. Jimmy Ysmael as Project Consultant and Engr. Jun M. Rustia as Project Director. The project aims educational support to under privilege but deserving RMHS students.
The document discusses an institution's efforts to improve remediation for underprepared students through the use of online assessment and learning tools. It implemented a pilot program with a vendor to assess students' skills and generate individualized learning plans. Based on the success of the pilot, the institution transitioned all students to the new online platform to streamline assessment, remediation, and tracking of student progress. Support resources like tutoring services and guidance documents were also provided to help students navigate and make the most of the new online tools.
Od virtualizace server? k virtualizaci desktop?. Nebo opa?n¨§?Jaroslav Prodelal
P?ehledn¨¦ informace o mo?nostech a v?hod¨¢ch virtualizace desktop?. Souvislosti mezi virtualizac¨ª server? a desktop?. Mo?nosti vyu?¨ªv¨¢n¨ª virtu¨¢ln¨ªch desktop? pro r?zn¨¢ prost?ed¨ª. Licencov¨¢n¨ª. Kr¨¢tk¨¦ p?edstaven¨ª produkt? ur?en?ch pro virtualizaci desktop?. Jaroslav Prod¨§lal (OldanyGroup)
MakeSense Consultants is a recruitment firm founded by IIT alumni that caters to high-skilled hiring needs. They leverage an access network of IIT, IIM alumni and partners to source candidates. Their matching process considers functional, cultural and aspirational fit to provide high conversion rates. Case studies show they were able to fill a marketing manager role within 28 days. The team is led by IIT graduates with experience in engineering, oil and gas, and venture capital.
Aging with Grace is a national eldercare assistance program that helps employees manage eldercare responsibilities. It educates caregivers on their options, coordinates services, and facilitates access to discounted services. The program helps employers by educating them on caregiver stress, coordinating comprehensive assistance programs, and helping resolve eldercare issues. Caregiver stress costs U.S. employers $33.6 billion annually due to absenteeism, lost productivity, and other impacts. Aging with Grace provides a comprehensive package including hands-on phone and online assistance to help address these challenges.
The Cold War cost the United States and Soviet Union trillions of dollars over several decades. Estimates put total US spending at $13.1 trillion and total Soviet spending around $41.3 trillion in modern dollars. Both nations devoted significant portions of their GDPs to military spending and technology during this era of geopolitical tensions, an expensive strategic competition that shaped global events through the latter half of the 20th century.
This document discusses story maps, which are maps that tell a narrative or story. It provides examples of existing story maps on topics like hurricanes, history, and disasters at sea. It also outlines new tools for creating story maps, including licenses for ArcGIS software and online resources for learning how to make story maps. The document encourages attendees to learn how to create their own story maps.
This document discusses how to incorporate project based learning to effectively engage students. It defines project based learning as an instructional approach that uses driving questions to motivate students to conduct research, collaborate, and produce creative work over an extended period of time. The document provides examples of projects done by students, such as creating a film guide for Edward Scissorhands and a public service announcement. It also outlines the discover, create, share model used in project based learning, with examples of tools and resources used in each stage, like using iBooks and online texts for discovery, iMovie and GarageBand for creation, and blogs and Twitter for sharing. The goal is to encourage critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity through project based learning.
The document compares magazines from several UK universities by describing key visual features of each publication. Oxford's magazine features the university logo, a slogan, article titles, and images of students on bicycles. Cambridge's magazine displays the university logo, pictures of students and lecturers, and building images. Bristol's publication includes the magazine name, university logo, and uses single images to illustrate article titles.
The document discusses plans to create a teaser trailer, website, and poster for a teen horror/thriller film. Research was conducted on horror film genres, techniques used in horror trailers and websites, and conventions seen in existing horror posters. The planned story involves a girl's 18th birthday party where her boyfriend and friends start disappearing after being kidnapped by a stalker obsessed with the main character. Ideas are provided for the teaser trailer content and techniques, website design, and horror poster conventions.
Digital storytelling involves using technology tools like images, audio, and video to tell stories. It can be used in ESOL classrooms to help students practice language skills like speaking, reading, and writing in an authentic way. Digital storytelling addresses many educational standards and allows students to be creative while learning real-world digital communication skills. Teachers are provided suggestions for how to guide students through the process of developing digital stories and choosing appropriate tools. Potential barriers to using digital storytelling in classrooms are also discussed.
#smwep14 slideshare - can you translate social media engagement into votes, o...Karen Melchior
This document discusses how political campaigns can utilize social media engagement. It addresses three target audiences that campaigns should focus on: the base, the media, and voters. The base are a campaign's supporters who can help engage others online and get out the vote. Nurturing the base through strong messaging and personal contact grows support. The media can help set the agenda if a campaign feeds them positive and negative information about opponents. Voters are reached indirectly through advertisements and directly through conversations online. While social media alone does not win elections, it is a useful tool to support campaign efforts when used to engage these three target audiences.
Alumni Tree Project is a Scholarship Fund raising project of the Ramon Magsaysay High School (Manila) spearhead by RMHS Batch 76, with Dr.Cesar Agtarap as Batch '76 2008-2009 President, Mr. Jimmy Ysmael as Project Consultant and Engr. Jun M. Rustia as Project Director. The project aims educational support to under privilege but deserving RMHS students.
The document discusses an institution's efforts to improve remediation for underprepared students through the use of online assessment and learning tools. It implemented a pilot program with a vendor to assess students' skills and generate individualized learning plans. Based on the success of the pilot, the institution transitioned all students to the new online platform to streamline assessment, remediation, and tracking of student progress. Support resources like tutoring services and guidance documents were also provided to help students navigate and make the most of the new online tools.
Od virtualizace server? k virtualizaci desktop?. Nebo opa?n¨§?Jaroslav Prodelal
P?ehledn¨¦ informace o mo?nostech a v?hod¨¢ch virtualizace desktop?. Souvislosti mezi virtualizac¨ª server? a desktop?. Mo?nosti vyu?¨ªv¨¢n¨ª virtu¨¢ln¨ªch desktop? pro r?zn¨¢ prost?ed¨ª. Licencov¨¢n¨ª. Kr¨¢tk¨¦ p?edstaven¨ª produkt? ur?en?ch pro virtualizaci desktop?. Jaroslav Prod¨§lal (OldanyGroup)
ITSM - Jira Service Desk a sp?¨¢telen¨¦ aplikace z rodiny AtlassianOnlio
Pro koho vyb¨ªr¨¢me service desk a co chceme ?e?it?
Nechme si poradit, odborn¨ªk nese odpov¨§dnost :).
N¨¢klady na prvn¨ªm m¨ªst¨§, plat¨ªme za n¨¢kup, maintenance, spr¨¢vu, ale i ?¨ªzen¨ª t?mu agent?.
Nasazujme po kousk¨¢ch, agiln¨§, ¡ a uvid¨ªme.
Hlavn¨§ komunikujme, se z¨¢kazn¨ªkem, s t?mem.
Sledujme reporty, ty hlavn¨ª ukazujme ostatn¨ªm.
Najde se je?t¨§ n¨§kdo, kdo nesly?el o jedni?ce v ochran¨§ virtu¨¢ln¨ª infrastruktury - n¨¢stroji Veeam Backup & Replication?! Nyn¨ª ve verzi 9 p?in¨¢?¨ª Veeam B&R ji? ?adu let inovace do oblasti ochrany dat ve virtu¨¢ln¨ªm prost?ed¨ª pro VMware vSphere i Microsoft Hyper-V.
Z¨²?astn¨§te se na?eho webin¨¢?e a my v¨¢m p?edstav¨ªme vlastnosti Veeam Backup & Replication, kter¨¦ pom¨¢h¨¢ mal?m i velk?m organizac¨ªm s ochranou dat v jejich infrastruktu?e.
Program webin¨¢?e
-Z¨¢loha nebo obnova, co je d?le?it¨§j?¨ª?
-RPO, RTO, DR, a dal?¨ª.
-P?edstaven¨ª produktu Veeam Backup & Replication.
-Kl¨ª?ov¨¦ vlastnosti ?e?en¨ª.
-Z¨¢lohov¨¢n¨ª a replikace do cloudu.
-Dostupn¨¦ edice a jejich srovn¨¢n¨ª.
-Licencov¨¢n¨ª a ceny.
-N¨¢stroje Veeam dostupn¨¦ zdarma.
Webin¨¢? je ur?en zejm¨¦na pro z¨¢jemce o produkt Veeam Backup & Replication, je ale vhodn? i pro st¨¢vaj¨ªc¨ª u?ivatele, kter?m o?iv¨ª n¨§kter¨¦ zapomenut¨¦ vlastnosti.
IPEX se pod¨§lil s ¨²?astn¨ªky CLOU CONFERENCE o zku?enosti s nasazen¨ªm a provozem komunika?n¨ªho ?e?en¨ª v CLOUDU. Vyhodnotili jsme p?¨ªnosy jak pro n¨¢s tak pro z¨¢kazn¨ªky komunika?n¨ª platformy VOIPEX TEAM.
1. GAUZY ¨C slu?by s p?idanou hodnotou
P?edstaven¨ª ?e?en¨ª a slu?eb
3Q 2011
Powered by
2. Agenda
GAUZY - Slu?by s p?idanou hodnotou
Kr¨¢tk¨¦ p?edstaven¨ª spole?nosti GAUZY
P?ehled portfolia ?e?en¨ª a slu?eb
Managed Server Hosting
Hostovan? Exchange a SharePoint
Slu?by spr¨¢vy a podpory ICT
Syst¨¦mov¨¢ Integrace
Profesion¨¢ln¨ª slu?by
Dod¨¢vky HW a SW
Spole?nost GAUZY, s.r.o. se profiluje jako poskytovatel slu?eb kompletn¨ªho Outsourcingu ICT (IT as a Service)
a Syst¨¦mov? Integr¨¢tor ji? od roku 2003.
Provozujeme efektivn¨ª a ?k¨¢lovateln¨¦ slu?by Managed Server Hosting na platform¨§ VMware (Private Cloud)
zam¨§?en¨¦ na st?edn¨ª a v¨§t?¨ª spole?nosti a ?e?en¨ª hostovan¨¦ho Exchange, SharePoint, Lync.
Na?¨ª dom¨¦nou syst¨¦mov¨¦ integrace je zejm¨¦na Virtualizace a Konsolidace infrastruktury, produkty Microsoft,
VMware, Symantec, Dell, HP a dal?¨ªch v?znamn?ch v?robc?.
GAUZY, s.r.o. je sou?¨¢st¨ª skupiny ALTRON (www.altrongroup.net) s celoevropskou p?sobnost¨ª.
Partne?i pro technologie:
?K na?im klient?m p?istupujeme v?dy individu¨¢ln¨§ tak, aby na?e slu?by pln¨§ pokryly jejich pot?eby a
umo?nily efektivn¨ª r?st obchodu.¡°
Otakar ?koloud, technick? ?editel GAUZY, s.r.o.
5. P?ehled portfolia hostovan?ch slu?eb
?k¨¢lovateln¨¦ a flexibiln¨ª slu?by s individu¨¢ln¨ªm p?¨ªstupem pro v?echny
typy p?¨ªpad? u?it¨ª
S n¨¢mi z¨ªsk¨¢te
Managed Server Hosting (SaaS)
Poskytujeme aplikace v priv¨¢tn¨ªm ?Cloudu¡° Zaji?t¨§n¨ª spolehliv¨¦ho pr?b¨§hu
Prov¨§?en¨¦ nejlep?¨ª postupy z
Managed Server Hosting (IaaS) praxe
Pronaj¨ªm¨¢me priv¨¢tn¨ª ?Cloud¡°
Individu¨¢ln¨ª p?¨ªstup k ?e?en¨ª
pot?eb spole?nosti a koncov¨¦ho
Exchange a SharePoint Hosting (SaaS) u?ivatele
Poskytujeme aplikace s webov?m ovl¨¢dac¨ªm
panelem Z¨¢zem¨ª siln¨¦ho partnera
6. On Demand
Managed Server Hosting (SaaS)
SaaS = IaaS + Software + Slu?by
Poskytov¨¢n¨ª a provoz firemn¨ªch
aplikac¨ª a syst¨¦m?:
Exchange, SharePoint, Lync,
Project Server
Termin¨¢lov¨¦ prost?ed¨ª
Datab¨¢ze a ERP
Kl¨ª?ov¨¦ vlastnosti
Funk?n¨ª aplikace jako slu?ba
Okam?it¨¦ z?¨ªzen¨ª bez investic
Pot?eby N¨¢vrh Z?¨ªzen¨ª Migrace Trval¨¢
z¨¢kazn¨ªka ?e?en¨ª prost?ed¨ª dat podpora Jasn¨¦ n¨¢klady za u?it¨ª
Pln¨§ spravovan¨¢ slu?ba
V?kon | Nov¨¦ technologie | Podpora | Garance
?k¨¢lovateln? v?kon d¨ªky VMware vSphere 4.1
Pron¨¢jem a provoz software Microsoft a Symantec
Spr¨¢va a podpora heterogen¨ªch platforem - Microsoft, Linux, Unix, Oracle
Zaji?t¨§n¨ª jednotn¨¦ho kontaktn¨ªho m¨ªsta ¨C Service Desk
7. On Demand
Managed Server Hosting (IaaS)
IaaS ¨C Infrastruktura jako slu?ba
Pron¨¢jem ?k¨¢lovateln¨¦ho
priv¨¢tn¨ªho Cloudu
Zaji?t¨§n¨ª produk?n¨ª infrastruktury
Testovac¨ª a v?vojov¨¦ prost?ed¨ª
Disaster Recovery a replikace
Kl¨ª?ov¨¦ vlastnosti
Okam?it¨¦ z?¨ªzen¨ª bez investic
Mo?nost vytvo?en¨ª hybridn¨ªho cloudu
Zaji?t¨§n¨ª pln¨¦ spr¨¢vy a podpory
V?kon | Nov¨¦ technologie | Podpora | Garance
?k¨¢lovateln? v?kon d¨ªky VMware vSphere 4
Pron¨¢jem a provoz software Microsoft a Symantec
Spr¨¢va a podpora heterogen¨ªch platforem - Microsoft, Linux, Unix, Oracle
Zaji?t¨§n¨ª jednotn¨¦ho kontaktn¨ªho m¨ªsta ¨C Service Desk
8. On Demand
Managed Server Hosting
Slu?by Managed Server Hosting od GAUZY p?edstavuj¨ª
? Priv¨¢tn¨ª Cloud na platform¨§ VMware vSphere
? M¨§?en? pron¨¢jem v?konu (CPU, RAM, STORAGE)
? Pron¨¢jem Licenc¨ª (Microsoft, Symantec, VMware)
? Slu?by dohledu, z¨¢lohov¨¢n¨ª a trval¨¦ podpory 24/7
Slu?by Managed Server Hostingu jsou flexibiln¨ª a ?k¨¢lovateln¨¦:
? Provoz centralizovan¨¦ infrastruktury (Exchange, SharePoint, Lync, ERP, CRM,..)
? Z¨¢lo?n¨ª prost?ed¨ª pro Disaster Recovery
? Testovac¨ª a v?vojov¨¦ prost?ed¨ª
V?hody slu?by
? Garance dostupnosti a ¨²rovn¨§ slu?eb ¨C SLA
? Vysok¨¢ dostupnost slu?eb
? ??tov¨¢n¨ª na m¨§s¨ª?n¨ª b¨¢zi dle u?it¨ª
? Z?¨ªzen¨ª slu?eb ihned bez nutnosti investic
Slu?by datov¨¦ho centra GAUZY
? Slu?by GAUZY jsou poskytov¨¢ny z datov¨¦ho centra SITEL a NOVODVORSK? v Praze a ETOP ve Var?av¨§.
? GAUZY je Service Provider a jako prvn¨ª v ?R a jsme za?ali poskytovat Exchange a SharePoint hosting s ovl¨¢dac¨ªm
? GAUZY je prvn¨ªm poskytovatelem hostingu na platform¨§ VMware v ?R
9. On Demand
Exchange a SharePoint
Exchange a SharePoint s
webov?m ovl¨¢dac¨ªm panelem
?e?en¨ª pot?eb pro firemn¨ª e-maily,
sd¨ªlen¨ª dokument? a informac¨ª
Dostupnost odkudkoliv
Um¨ªst¨§n¨ª dat v ?esk¨¦ republice
?k¨¢lovateln¨¢ slu?ba
Kl¨ª?ov¨¦ vlastnosti
Okam?it¨¦ z?¨ªzen¨ª slu?by
Mo?nost vyzkou?et online
Slu?ba zahrnuje plnou podporu
Technologie | Podpora | Rozvoj | Garance
?k¨¢lovateln¨¢ schr¨¢nka Exchange dle pot?eb u?itel?
Ochrana proti vir?m a spamu
Podpora koncov?ch u?ivatel? a mo?nost p?izp?soben¨ª
Zaji?t¨§n¨ª vysok¨¦ dostupnost a garance SLA
10. On Premise & On Demand
Poskytovan¨¦ slu?by spr¨¢vy a podpory
Slu?by spr¨¢vy a podpory jsou poskytov¨¢ny vzd¨¢len¨§, na m¨ªst¨§
z¨¢kazn¨ªka nebo na vy?¨¢d¨¢n¨ª
Slu?by Hotline, HelpDesk, ServisDesk Trval¨¢ ?¨ªzen¨ª slu?eb
Vzd¨¢len¨¢ podpora a asistence
podpora na rozvoje a
m¨ªst¨§ majetku IT
Trval¨¢ podpora na m¨ªst¨§
Podpora na Hotline,
Podpora na m¨ªst¨§ na vy?¨¢d¨¢n¨ª m¨ªst¨§ na
HelpDesk ,
Servis Desk
Spr¨¢va a podpora syst¨¦m? a s¨ªt¨§
Spr¨¢va a Slu?by
IT Asset Management (ITIL) podpory
Technologie | Podpora | Rozvoj | Garance
?k¨¢lovateln¨¦ a m¨§?iteln¨¦ slu?by
Podpora koncov?ch u?ivatel?
Zaji?t¨§n¨ª vysok¨¦ dostupnost a garance SLA
11. On Premise
Syst¨¦mov¨¢ Integrace
Slu?by informa?n¨ªch technologi¨ª formou dod¨¢vek ?e?en¨ª a slu?eb
infrastruktury na kl¨ª? (On Premise)
Slu?by a ?e?en¨ª
? Virtualizace s konsolidace server?
? VMware, Hyper-V
? Z¨¢lohov¨¢n¨ª a ukl¨¢d¨¢n¨ª dat
? Dell, EMC, Equalogic, NetApp, Symantec, HP
? Sjednocen¨¢ komunikace a port¨¢lov¨¢ ?e?en¨ª
? Exchange, OCS/Lync, SharePoint, Project Server
? Spr¨¢va a dohled infrastruktury
? Slu?by trval¨¦ho dohledu, implementace ?e?en¨ª System Center, Active Directory,
Certifika?n¨ª autority, podpora na vy?¨¢d¨¢n¨ª
? Virtualizace pracovn¨ª plochy u?ivatele
? Termin¨¢lov¨¦ farmy, virtualizace dekstop? a aplikac¨ª, podpora u?ivatel? a perfieri¨ª
? ?¨ªzen¨ª IT projekt?, Audity
? ?¨ªzen¨ª technologick?ch projekt? formou pln¨¦ho p?evezet¨ª zodpov¨§dnosti nebo co-managementu.
? Anal?zy a audity infrastrutkury a slu?eb ICT
12. Profesion¨¢ln¨ª slu?by GAUZY
Kompletn¨ª portfolio slu?eb syst¨¦mov¨¦ho integr¨¢tor. Slu?by jsou ?¨ªzeny v souladu
s normami ISO a pravidly ITIL.
Hotline &
Profesion¨¢ln¨ª slu?by a audity pro HelpDesk
Trvale dostupn¨¦
Celkov¨¦ ?e?en¨ª infrastruktury a slu?eb IT Call Centrum 24/7
Jednotliv¨¦ platformy a produkty VMware,
Microsoft, Oracle, Symantec,.. Network
Support & Operation
Services Center
Dod¨¢van¨¦ typy slu?eb Vzd¨¢len¨¢ i lok¨¢ln¨ª Nep?etr?it¨¢ podpora
podpora u?ivatel? a
syst¨¦m? a s¨ªt¨§
Workshop & Training Sessions syst¨¦m?
Feasibilty Study & TCO & ROI
Audit & Assesment & Capacity Planning
Proof of Concept
Health Check Services Sales Support
Zaji?t¨§n¨ª spot?ebn¨ªho
Upgrade/Installation/Migration Services Profesion¨¢ln¨ª slu?by materi¨¢lu a logistiky HW
v?voj platforem IT & SW
Software Customization
Virtu¨¢ln¨ª CIO
13. On Premise
Dod¨¢vky HW a SW s p?idanou hodnotou
Pom??eme s v?b¨§rem spr¨¢vn¨¦ho modelu, kapacitn¨ªm pl¨¢nov¨¢n¨ª,
dodr?en¨ªm a optimalizac¨ª licen?n¨ª podm¨ªnek u kompletn¨ªho portfolia
?e?en¨ª ICT
Dod¨¢vky HW a SW p?edev?¨ªm t¨§chto v?robc? a oblast¨ª
? SW - ?e?en¨ª virtualizace
? Vmware, Microsoft, Citrix
? SW - ?e?en¨ª z¨¢lohov¨¢n¨ª
? Symantec, HP, Microsoft, CommVault
? SW - Software a opera?n¨ª syst¨¦my
? Microsoft, HP, Oracle
? SW - ?e?en¨ª komunikace a spolupr¨¢ce v t?mu
? Microsoft
? SW&HW - Bezpe?nostn¨ª ?e?en¨ª
? Symantec, Cisco, FortiGate, F5, Barracuda Networks
? HW - Infrastruktura syst¨¦m? - servery, ukl¨¢d¨¢n¨ª dat, s¨ªt¨§ a z¨¢lohov¨¢n¨ª
? HW - Infrastruktura pro koncov¨¦ za?¨ªzen¨ª - stanice, notebooky, tisk¨¢rny
A dal?¨ª zde nespecifikovan¨ª v?robci a ?e?en¨ª SW a HW
14. Vybran¨¦ p?¨ªpadov¨¦ studie
POS Media Europe (medi¨¢ln¨ª skupina) ¨C Hosting kompletn¨ª infrastrukutry v
datov¨¦m centru s vyu?it¨ªm slu?by VMware Hosting, zahrnuje roz?¨ª?enou spr¨¢vu
a podporu zahrnuj¨ªc¨ª Exchange, Office Communication Server a SharePoint.
Kontaktn¨ª osoba: Ji?¨ª Kl¨ªma, IT Director
Emerson Process Management (p?edn¨ª v?robce a dodavatel ?¨ªd¨ªc¨ªch a
automatiza?n¨ªch technologi¨ª) ¨C Hosting v?vojov¨¦ho a testovac¨ªho prost?ed¨ª s
vyu?it¨ªm slu?by VMware Hosting s vyu?it¨ªm datov?ch center v Praze a Var?av¨§
Kontaktn¨ª osoba: Pawel Piskorz, IT Manager
?esk¨¢ po?ta, s. p. (po?tovn¨ª slu?by) ¨C Hosting Project Serveru a SharePoint
s vyu?it¨ªm slu?by VMware Hosting
Kontaktn¨ª osoba: Du?an Rechtig, ?editel odboru IT Architektura
Logic point s.r.o. (ISV a poskytovatel SaaS) ¨C Hosting infrastruktury
poskytovatele slu?eb hostovan¨¦ho Microsoft Dynamics CRM s vyu?it¨ªm slu?by
VMware Hosting
Kontaktn¨ª osoba: Michal Abraham, jednatel
Woodcote, a.s. (velkoobchod se stavebn¨ªm materi¨¢lem)- Kompletn¨ª
outsourcing ICT, kter? zahrnuje slu?by VMware Hosting, Dedicated Server
Hosting a Storage Hosting, roz?¨ª?enou spr¨¢vu syst¨¦mu a podporu u?ivatel?.
Kontaktn¨ª osoba: Josef ?lehofer, v?konn? ?editel
15. Ot¨¢zky a odpov¨§di
?ivotn¨ª cyklus produkt? a slu?eb
Stanoven¨ª z¨¢kladn¨ª vize a c¨ªl?, p?edstaven¨ª mo?nost¨ª produkt?
Zji?t¨§n¨ª sou?astn¨¦ho stavu, kapacitn¨ª pl¨¢nov¨¢n¨ª, TCO&ROI
Detailn¨ª n¨¢vrh ?e?en¨ª, stanoven¨ª migra?n¨ªch cest
Validace produkt? a ?e?en¨ª, testov¨¢n¨ª
Transition & Support
Migrace a trval¨¢ podpora ?e?en¨ª