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Gwen Bloom, LCSW
208 South Main St, Apt. 1a, Milltown, NJ 08850 | 732-501-5917
gwensbloom@gmail.com | gwenbloomlcsw.com
Professional Experience
IIC / In-Home Therapist
Cooperative Counseling, LLC - Mountainside, NJ
January 2007-Present
 Provide intensive therapeutic services to at risk youth and their families referred through the NJ Childrens
Systems Administrator
Clinical Program Director
Trinitas Hospital/Lamberts Mill Academy - West鍖eld, NJ
November 2002 - November 2014
 Managed all clinical aspects within a therapeutic high school serving a culturally diverse, classi鍖ed emotionally
disturbed adolescent population
 Worked closely with Principal to maintain effective program goals and interventions
 Handled all intake interviews where clinical judgement is used to determine if student is a good candidate for
 Lead administrator on IR&S committee where staff troubleshoots barriers to student success
 Developed and implemented psycho-educational curriculum for groups and in-service trainings
 Formulated and participated in the implementation of treatment and behavior intervention plans
 Collaborated with CST professionals in the management of IEP meetings and the implementation of the social
and emotional goals/objectives within the plan
 Coordinate and monitor all psychiatric services with staff consulting psychiatrist
 Provided group and individual supervision for all clinical staff and interns
 Offered ongoing crisis intervention and management to student body population
 Communicated and networked with outside agencies and resources
 Planned and implemented all clinical staff development events
Senior Clinician II / Supervisor
Trinitas Hospital Child Adolescent Outpatient Unit - Elizabeth, NJ
August 2001 - November 2002
 Developed and implemented ADHD program for children and families
 Provided individual, family and group counseling services
 Coordinated and facilitated in-service workshops
 Supervised MSW interns
 Provided therapeutic services to juvenile sex offenders
Senior Clinician II
Whispering Pines school SED Center - Miramar, FL
January 2000 - August 2001
 Provided therapeutic services to a severely emotionally disturbed population, grades K-12
Private Practice Psychotherapist
GSB Psychotherapy Associates, Inc. - Sunrise, FL
January 1998 - August 2001
 Provided individual, couple, family and group counseling services
 Paneled on multiple private insurance companies
Private Practice Psychotherapist
Stephen Moskowitz, MD and Associates - Coral Springs, FL
January 1990 - January 1998
 Provided individual, family and group psychotherapy to a diversi鍖ed psychiatric population
 Worked on multidisciplinary treatment team providing therapy in an inpatient setting
Clinical Social Worker II
University Pavilion Hospital - Tamarac, FL
January 1990 - December 1991
 Provided inpatient treatment on an adult psychiatric inpatient unit
 Provided individual and family therapy as well as discharge planning
Clinical Social Worker III / Supervisor
Family Counseling Services of Greater Miami - North Miami, FL
January 1988 - January 1990
 Provided individual, couple, family and group counseling
 Supervised MSW interns
Clinical Social Worker
Henderson Mental Health Center - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
January 1987 - January 1988
 Provided individual, group, family therapy and case management to an elementary age population on an
outpatient unit
Geriatric Social Worker
Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged - Miami, FL
January 1986 - January 1987
 Provided therapeutic and case management services to 125 patient caseload
Residential Social Worker / Child Care Worker
Childrens Aid & Adoption Society - Bogota, NJ
January 1981 - December 1986
 Provided behavior management, crisis intervention, liaison services, psychosocial assessment and case
 Maintained a 12 bed residential adolescent group home setting
Master of Social Work, MSW
New York University- New York, NY
May 1985
Bachelor of Social Work, BSW
Rutgers University - New Brunswick, NJ
May 1984
Professional Skill Set
 Certi鍖ed Clinical Supervisor
 LCSW in New Jersey and Florida
 New Jersey School Social Work Certi鍖cation
 School and Community Based First Responder Certi鍖cation
 Trained hypnotherapist
 CPI trained
 Extensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy
 Extensive experiences in multiple modalities of treatment
 Risk assessment
 Crisis Intervention
 Family systems
Therapeutic Interventions Addressing Anxiety Disorders for Professionals Working in Education Services-
January 2010
Suicide Prevention for School Based Professionals- September 2009
Assessment and Treatment of Eating Disorders- December 2001

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  • 1. Gwen Bloom, LCSW 208 South Main St, Apt. 1a, Milltown, NJ 08850 | 732-501-5917 gwensbloom@gmail.com | gwenbloomlcsw.com Professional Experience IIC / In-Home Therapist Cooperative Counseling, LLC - Mountainside, NJ January 2007-Present Provide intensive therapeutic services to at risk youth and their families referred through the NJ Childrens Systems Administrator Clinical Program Director Trinitas Hospital/Lamberts Mill Academy - West鍖eld, NJ November 2002 - November 2014 Managed all clinical aspects within a therapeutic high school serving a culturally diverse, classi鍖ed emotionally disturbed adolescent population Worked closely with Principal to maintain effective program goals and interventions Handled all intake interviews where clinical judgement is used to determine if student is a good candidate for program Lead administrator on IR&S committee where staff troubleshoots barriers to student success Developed and implemented psycho-educational curriculum for groups and in-service trainings Formulated and participated in the implementation of treatment and behavior intervention plans Collaborated with CST professionals in the management of IEP meetings and the implementation of the social and emotional goals/objectives within the plan Coordinate and monitor all psychiatric services with staff consulting psychiatrist Provided group and individual supervision for all clinical staff and interns Offered ongoing crisis intervention and management to student body population Communicated and networked with outside agencies and resources Planned and implemented all clinical staff development events Senior Clinician II / Supervisor Trinitas Hospital Child Adolescent Outpatient Unit - Elizabeth, NJ August 2001 - November 2002 Developed and implemented ADHD program for children and families Provided individual, family and group counseling services Coordinated and facilitated in-service workshops Supervised MSW interns Provided therapeutic services to juvenile sex offenders Senior Clinician II Whispering Pines school SED Center - Miramar, FL January 2000 - August 2001 Provided therapeutic services to a severely emotionally disturbed population, grades K-12 Private Practice Psychotherapist GSB Psychotherapy Associates, Inc. - Sunrise, FL January 1998 - August 2001 Provided individual, couple, family and group counseling services Paneled on multiple private insurance companies
  • 2. Private Practice Psychotherapist Stephen Moskowitz, MD and Associates - Coral Springs, FL January 1990 - January 1998 Provided individual, family and group psychotherapy to a diversi鍖ed psychiatric population Worked on multidisciplinary treatment team providing therapy in an inpatient setting Clinical Social Worker II University Pavilion Hospital - Tamarac, FL January 1990 - December 1991 Provided inpatient treatment on an adult psychiatric inpatient unit Provided individual and family therapy as well as discharge planning Clinical Social Worker III / Supervisor Family Counseling Services of Greater Miami - North Miami, FL January 1988 - January 1990 Provided individual, couple, family and group counseling Supervised MSW interns Clinical Social Worker Henderson Mental Health Center - Ft. Lauderdale, FL January 1987 - January 1988 Provided individual, group, family therapy and case management to an elementary age population on an outpatient unit Geriatric Social Worker Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged - Miami, FL January 1986 - January 1987 Provided therapeutic and case management services to 125 patient caseload Residential Social Worker / Child Care Worker Childrens Aid & Adoption Society - Bogota, NJ January 1981 - December 1986 Provided behavior management, crisis intervention, liaison services, psychosocial assessment and case management Maintained a 12 bed residential adolescent group home setting Education Master of Social Work, MSW New York University- New York, NY May 1985 Bachelor of Social Work, BSW Rutgers University - New Brunswick, NJ May 1984
  • 3. Professional Skill Set Certi鍖ed Clinical Supervisor LCSW in New Jersey and Florida New Jersey School Social Work Certi鍖cation School and Community Based First Responder Certi鍖cation Trained hypnotherapist CPI trained Extensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy Extensive experiences in multiple modalities of treatment Risk assessment Crisis Intervention Family systems Psychopharmacology Psychopathology Presentations Therapeutic Interventions Addressing Anxiety Disorders for Professionals Working in Education Services- January 2010 Suicide Prevention for School Based Professionals- September 2009 Assessment and Treatment of Eating Disorders- December 2001