This document contains an assessment rubric for a GCSE Art & Design student's project. It evaluates the student on four main criteria across 20 sub-criteria: developing ideas, refining work, recording ideas, and realizing intentions. For each sub-criterion, the rubric assesses the student's ability as minimal/limited, generally consistent, consistent, or highly developed. Interim marks are recorded out of 80, with final marks and grades also given. Red text indicates areas not yet fully achieved, while green means the criteria are complete.
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Gcse art marksheet project
1. GCSE Art & Design Student: Candidate No: Project: Assessor:
Criteria Evidence Criteria Evidence Criteria Evidence Criteria Evidence
Minimal/some ability to develop
ideas through investigations
informed by contextual and other
Minimal/limited ability to
demonstrate analytical and
cultural understanding.
Minimal exploration of Artist’s
relevance to project.
Artist research is limited.
A generally consistent ability to
effectively develop ideas through
investigations informed by
contextual and other sources.
A generally consistent ability to
demonstrate analytical and cultural
Good Artist studies and clear
notes to explain relevance.
Artist research is accurate with
some personal notes.
A consistent ability to effectively
develop and explore ideas
through investigations
purposefully informed by
contextual and other sources.
A consistent ability to
demonstrate analytical and
cultural understanding.
Skilful Artist studies and thoughtful
notes to explain relevance.
Artist research is skilful,
personal and thoughtful.
A highly developed ability to
effectively develop and creatively
explore ideas through
investigations informed by
contextual and other sources.
A confident and highly
developed ability to demonstrate
analytical and cultural
Highly skilful Artist studies and
insightful notes to explain relevance.
Artist research is creative, highly
personal and insightful.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Minimal/some ability to refine
ideas through experimenting and
selecting appropriate resources,
media, materials, techniques and
processes as their work
Minimal development of a
limited idea.
Limited range of materials
explored with minimal success.
Minimal planning of outcome.
A generally consistent ability to
effectively refine ideas through
experimenting and selecting
appropriate resources, media,
materials, techniques and
processes as their work
Effective development of a well
refined idea.
Range of materials explored with
consistently good success.
Good planning of outcome.
A consistent ability to thoughtfully
refine ideas through purposeful
experimentation and selection of
appropriate resources, media,
materials, techniques and
processes as their work
Thoughtful development of a
creative idea.
Wide range of materials
explored skilfully.
Thoughtful & coherent planning
of alternative outcomes.
A highly developed ability to
thoughtfully refine ideas through
purposeful and discriminating
experimentation and selection of
appropriate resources, media,
materials, techniques and
processes as their work
Imaginative development of a
highly refined and mature idea.
Wide range of materials explored
creatively and imaginatively.
Highly thoughtful & creative
planning of alternative outcomes.
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Minimal/some ability to record
ideas, observations and insights
relevant to intentions in visual
and/or other forms.
Written communication, to record
ideas, where appropriate, is at a
very basic/limited level.
Brainstorm – minimal ideas.
Collect minimal pictures.
Mark-making/making ability is
Written notes are minimal.
A generally consistent ability to
effectively record ideas,
observations and insights that are
generally relevant to intentions in
visual and/or other forms.
Written communication to record
ideas, where appropriate, is
reasonably clear.
Brainstorm – range of ideas.
Collect a good range of primary
& secondary source pictures.
Mark-making/making ability is
consistently good.
Written notes are clear.
A consistent ability to skilfully
record ideas, observations and
insights relevant to intentions in
visual and/or other forms.
Written communication to record
ideas, where appropriate, is clear
and coherent.
Brainstorm – detailed/effective.
Collect a wide range of relevant
primary & secondary source pics.
Mark-making/making ability is
consistently skilful.
Written notes are clear and
A highly developed ability to
fluently and skilfully record ideas,
observations and insights relevant
to intentions in visual and/or other
Written communication to record
ideas, where appropriate, is fluent
and accurate.
Brainstorm – highly developed.
Collect personal and creative
primary & secondary source pics.
Mark-making/making ability is
highly developed and skilful.
Written notes are fluent and
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Minimal/some ability to present a
personal, informed and
meaningful response when
endeavouring to realise intentions.
Minimal/limited ability to
demonstrate critical understanding
when attempting, where
appropriate, to make connections
between visual, written, oral or
other elements.
Outcome is incomplete,
limited and lacks meaning.
Minimal connections with Artists.
A generally consistent ability to
effectively present a personal,
informed and meaningful response
when realising intentions.
A generally consistent ability to
demonstrate critical understanding
and where appropriate make
connections between visual,
written, oral or other elements
Outcome is personal, meaningful
and visually successful.
Good connections with Artists.
A consistent ability to
competently present a personal,
informed and meaningful
response when realising
A consistent ability to
demonstrate critical understanding
and where appropriate, make
perceptive connections between
visual, written, oral or other
Outcome is personal,
meaningful, skilful and
realises your intentions.
Thoughtful connections with
A highly developed ability to
competently present an
imaginative, personal, informed
and meaningful response when
realising intentions.
A highly developed ability to
demonstrate critical understanding
and where appropriate, make
perceptive and discriminating
connections between visual,
written, oral or other elements.
Outcome is personal, insightful,
highly skilled, creative and
realises your intentions.
Imaginative connections with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Interim marks /80 Interim marks /80 Interim marks /80 Final mark /80
Red text means incomplete or not yet achieved.
Date: Grade: Date: Grade: Date: Grade: Date: Grade:
Green text means complete and achieved.
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80
U G F F E E D D D C C C B B B A A A A* A*