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Digital literacies and 21st century
skills: the students game design
and development experience
Cesar C. Navarrete
Learning Technologies
Curriculum & Instruction
University of Texas at Austin
EdMedia 2014, Tampere, Finland
Game Design & Development
 Constructivist Learning environment
 Constructionist approach involving
productivity skills
 Computational thinking
Thomas, M. K. X. G., Ge, X., & Greene, B. A. (2011)
Robertson, J., & Nicholson, K. (2007)
Wing, J. M. (2006); Barr, V., & Stephenson, C. (2011).
Digital Literacies
 Design literacy
 Visual & Media literacy
 Text(&ing) literacy
 Gaming literacy
 Technology literacy
 Code literacy, etc.
Hockly, (2012)
21st Century skills
 Creative Thinking
 Problem solving
Mishra, P., & Yadav, A. (2013)
Research Questions
 What are students perceptions of game
design and programming in terms of digital
literacy skills?
 How does game design support the students
foundational 21st century skills?
 Data sources
Survey questionnaire--CTPSCI
Selected individual student interviews
Student produced game artifacts
Classroom observations
 Public Charter school in a southwestern US state
 Student population included students 6-9th grade
White, Not
Students not in
populations 46%
Exited ELL
Students, 16%
ELL Students,
Students, 5% SPED Students,
Game construction
 Daily technology class for all students
 Flash based games with Action Script 2.0
 Online wiki design and development support
Creative Thinking Survey Items
Item Mean
CT1 I am able to create new, original
games in design class 5.62 1.24
CT2 I am NEVER able to create original
games in design class 5.34 1.71
CT3 I am able to try new, original ideas
when I design games. 5.65 1.25
CT4 I am able to be MORE creative in
game design class than in my other
5.15 1.59
CT5 I can use my imagination in game
design class.
5.70 1.44
Creative Thinking Items
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Collaboration Items
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Problem Solving Items
PS1_solve_problem PS2_never_solve PS3_learn PS4_learn_code PS5_info_decide
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Survey Open Responses
 I love my game design class because I can be creative I
can learn some stuff that I never new what to do and
I'm verry happy that I'm taking this class
 I really like the game design class because it is really
fun creating games. I also like to learn new things, and
here I am learning how to create my own game.
Whenever I fix a problem with the codes to make my
game work, I feel like I am able to do a lot. Game
design class is really cool and I like helping people so
they can learn how to do the things on their own.
Code Talk: Hard fun
 I like Game Designing games and I like to draw
the pictures. But the most thing I don't like
about it is the coding.
 I don't Like this class that much because is
hard working with codes.
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, computers, and powerful ideas.
New York: Basic Books
Student Interviews
 Antonio in grade 7:
Its pretty fun but its kind of complicated with all the
codes you have to put in to make a game. You have to
design it first, make a game prototype and plan it out and
add or take away from your game, the game prototype
design. And, its pretty fun though. You learn from your
 Terri in grade 9:
I think it helps because, just to see other peoples point of
view, about how their imagination is, what they would do
and you can get an idea of how, if you make it like theirs or
make it your own way, in a better way of being more
Student Games
 Survey: CTPSCI (creative thinking, problem
solving, & collaboration inventory)potential
instrument for 21st century skill
Problem Solving
Digital literacies in Game construction
1 Language-based literacies:
linguistic codes
2 Information-based literacies:
filtering the wealth of information
3 Connection-based literacies:
networks and participatory
4 (Re-)design-based literacies:
design and re-purpose media
Dudeney,Hockly,& Pegrum2012)
Engaged Learning
 Deep-level embodied
authentic, engaged
 K-12 Instructional
educational games
Vos, N., van der Meijden, H., &
Denessen, E. (2011)
Laird, T. F. N., & Garver, A. K. (2010)
Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009)
Further research
 CTPSCI (creative thinking, problem solving, &
collaboration inventory)use in other settings
or population
 Soft and Hard technology skills
 Digital literaciesframing with empirical
studycode literacy
Thank you!
Contact information:
Cesar C. Navarrete
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX, USA
Navarrete, C. C. (2013). Creative thinking in digital game design and
development: A case study. Computers & Education, 69, 320331.
Navarrete, C. C., (in press). Creative Thinking in K-12 Education:
Game Design and Development Curricula for Digital Literacies and
21st Century Learning. In Advances in Game Design and Development
Research, Nova Science Publishers Inc.

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  • 1. Digital literacies and 21st century skills: the students game design and development experience Cesar C. Navarrete Learning Technologies Curriculum & Instruction University of Texas at Austin EdMedia 2014, Tampere, Finland
  • 2. Game Design & Development Constructivist Learning environment Constructionist approach involving productivity skills Computational thinking Thomas, M. K. X. G., Ge, X., & Greene, B. A. (2011) Robertson, J., & Nicholson, K. (2007) Wing, J. M. (2006); Barr, V., & Stephenson, C. (2011).
  • 3. Digital Literacies Design literacy Visual & Media literacy Text(&ing) literacy Gaming literacy Technology literacy Code literacy, etc. Hockly, (2012)
  • 4. 21st Century skills Creative Thinking Collaboration Problem solving Problem Solving Collaboration Creative Thinking Mishra, P., & Yadav, A. (2013)
  • 5. Research Questions What are students perceptions of game design and programming in terms of digital literacy skills? How does game design support the students foundational 21st century skills?
  • 6. Method Mixed-methods Data sources Survey questionnaire--CTPSCI Selected individual student interviews Student produced game artifacts Classroom observations
  • 7. Setting Public Charter school in a southwestern US state Student population included students 6-9th grade Hispanic 85% African American 12% White, Not Hispanic 3% Students not in special populations 46% Exited ELL Students, 16% ELL Students, 24% ELL/SPED Students, 5% SPED Students, 9%
  • 8. Game construction Daily technology class for all students Flash based games with Action Script 2.0 Project-based Online wiki design and development support
  • 9. Creative Thinking Survey Items Item Mean Standard Deviation CT1 I am able to create new, original games in design class 5.62 1.24 CT2 I am NEVER able to create original games in design class 5.34 1.71 CT3 I am able to try new, original ideas when I design games. 5.65 1.25 CT4 I am able to be MORE creative in game design class than in my other classes. 5.15 1.59 CT5 I can use my imagination in game design class. 5.70 1.44
  • 10. Creative Thinking Items 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree N=193
  • 11. Collaboration Items 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree N=193
  • 12. Problem Solving Items 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 PS1_solve_problem PS2_never_solve PS3_learn PS4_learn_code PS5_info_decide Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree N=193
  • 13. Survey Open Responses I love my game design class because I can be creative I can learn some stuff that I never new what to do and I'm verry happy that I'm taking this class I really like the game design class because it is really fun creating games. I also like to learn new things, and here I am learning how to create my own game. Whenever I fix a problem with the codes to make my game work, I feel like I am able to do a lot. Game design class is really cool and I like helping people so they can learn how to do the things on their own.
  • 14. Code Talk: Hard fun I like Game Designing games and I like to draw the pictures. But the most thing I don't like about it is the coding. I don't Like this class that much because is hard working with codes. Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, computers, and powerful ideas. New York: Basic Books
  • 15. Student Interviews Antonio in grade 7: Its pretty fun but its kind of complicated with all the codes you have to put in to make a game. You have to design it first, make a game prototype and plan it out and add or take away from your game, the game prototype design. And, its pretty fun though. You learn from your mistakes. Terri in grade 9: I think it helps because, just to see other peoples point of view, about how their imagination is, what they would do and you can get an idea of how, if you make it like theirs or make it your own way, in a better way of being more original.
  • 17. Implications Survey: CTPSCI (creative thinking, problem solving, & collaboration inventory)potential instrument for 21st century skill Problem Solving Collaboration Creative Thinking
  • 18. Digital literacies in Game construction 1 Language-based literacies: linguistic codes 2 Information-based literacies: filtering the wealth of information 3 Connection-based literacies: networks and participatory 4 (Re-)design-based literacies: design and re-purpose media Pegrum(2011) Dudeney,Hockly,& Pegrum2012)
  • 19. Engaged Learning Deep-level embodied learningactive, authentic, engaged learning K-12 Instructional designCreating educational games Vos, N., van der Meijden, H., & Denessen, E. (2011) Laird, T. F. N., & Garver, A. K. (2010) Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009)
  • 20. Further research CTPSCI (creative thinking, problem solving, & collaboration inventory)use in other settings or population Soft and Hard technology skills Digital literaciesframing with empirical studycode literacy
  • 21. Thank you! Questions? Contact information: Cesar C. Navarrete ccnavarrete@utexas.edu University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX, USA Navarrete, C. C. (2013). Creative thinking in digital game design and development: A case study. Computers & Education, 69, 320331. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.07.025 Navarrete, C. C., (in press). Creative Thinking in K-12 Education: Game Design and Development Curricula for Digital Literacies and 21st Century Learning. In Advances in Game Design and Development Research, Nova Science Publishers Inc.

Editor's Notes

  • #5: I am somewhat reluctant in continuing to use the term 21st century skills, but this is the consensus
  • #18: Eigenvalues = 8.88 Eigenvalues = 1.48 Eigenvalues = 1.35 % of Variance = 44.40 % of Variance = 7.39 % of Variance = 6.73
  • #19: Text-based literacy: Code literacy; Numeracy Hypertext literacy: navigation capacity Information literacy Visual/multimedia literacy 油 (Hockley 2012) 油