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Welcome to the Logo Quiz
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 In 1933, X was established as Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory, the
name given to _______ manufactured on a trial basis at the time was Y. This
title reflected the benevolence of Y, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy, and
embodied the Company's vision of creating the best _______ in the world.
The logo included the word with an image of Y with 1,000 Arms" and
 Name the company.
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 On the very first logo of this company, there was a spiked shoe. The
company after a point of time decided that it would not give-up on their
old logos and hence it has now four logos, each used for different
product lines.
 The least seen among them is the circle (logo), which can be seen
across the Style collections created in collaboration with famous
 Give me the company
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 If this particular idea wasnt dropped by the founder of this company ,
there would have been about 17,800 of them in place of 3.
 Which particular idea am I talking about? (No points for the company)
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
Number of dots in the
dominos logo
Connect these to a company (exhaustive)
 Slats (1916-28)
 Jackie (1928-56)
 Bill (1927-28)
 Telly (1928-32)
 Coffee (1932-35)
 Tanner (1934-56)
 George (1956-58)
 Leo (1957-present)
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 Probably the turning point in the history of logo design was when in 1956,
Paul Rand designed the iconic, pictographic X logo featuring a human eye
and a bee.
 The famous X logo strips were introduced in the logo in 1966 to indicate
speed and vibrancy of the company's international business expansion. The
first X logo had thirteen stripes in black. Incorporating the strips gave
the logo a new look and create a unique image for the viewers.
 Give me X
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 The very first logo of this company featured one of the very famous
incidents of the past, that changed the world. The logo also had X... A
Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought... Alone. 
Alone.  inscribed at the bottom.
 The second logo of this company was multicolored, to represent the
colorful choices one would get for this companys product(particular) and
plus the fact that this product had multi-colored screens. The current logo
is just a mono-colored version of the second logo.
 Id the company
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
List of companies using this particular feature in their logos (non-
 National Geographic
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
Golden ratio
 The X brand name comes from the Spanish verb chupar, meaning to
 In 1969, Y was approached to design a new X logo, and the result became
as instantly recognizable as his works. Y incorporated the X name into a
brightly colored daisy shape. Always keenly aware of branding, Y
suggested that the logo be placed on top of the lolly instead of the side so
that it could always be seen intact.
 Give me both X and Y
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 Bill Hendricks civilian job was Director of Public Relations at Warner
Brothers Studios. He was friends with many celebrities who he asked to
help support the newly created Marine Toys for Tots Program. As a
personal friend and as a favor to Bill, X designed the first Toys for Tots
poster which included a miniature three-car train that was subsequently
adopted as the Toys for Tots logo.
 Id X
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 Graphic designer Irina Blok and her team were given the task of creating
a logo that would include a _____ and be easily recognized. Funny as it
seems, the inspiration came from the symbols we usually see on the
doors of public washrooms.
 The lesser known versions of X are Astro and Blender.
 Give me X
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 Xs friend and classmate Andrew McCollum designed a logo using an image
of Y hed found online that he covered with a fog of ones and zerosthe
elementary components of digital media.
 The first picture uploaded here was of a cartoon cat.
 Id the company
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 The Harp on the logo of X is the also the same as the national emblem of
Republic of Ireland. Since X trademarked the symbol first, the
Government had to turn the official government harp the other way
 Y released first 50,000 copies of this, primarily as promotional items for
X. But X and Y are not officially linked at the present times and many a
times people confuse whether theres a connection between them or
 Give me either X or Y
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 For the longest time, viewers assumed the it was an abbreviation due to
the colored dots between the letters. However, that theory has been
shot down as has the theory of the number of letters referring to the
number of the characters.
 Also it was pointed out that the dots are the same colors as the
umbrellas that the characters were holding during the sequence.
 What am I talking about ?
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 Created by Andrew Pothecary, the art director of the
FCCJ magazine, it was at the front page of April issue of
No 1 Shimbun.
 All youve to tell me is , which other famous logo is the
inspiration for this image?
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 While there have been four different logotypes for X since their debut in
2013, the second and third iterations are technically not official logos,
although they were prominently featured on their merchandise. The original
bulletproof logo was considered the Xs official logo until 2017 when the X
and Y door emblems were introduced.
 The reason behind the bulletproof logo was the translation of Xs full name
to English.
 Give me X and Y.
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 Theres a very tiny chance that the logo of X also represents the past from
where Y, owner of X, had propelled to become one of the biggest company of
India in the 20th century. When the logo of X is inverted/flipped it can be
noticed that it represents _ _ _ .
 This claim is also supported by the fact that theres no trace of X in Ys name.
 Give me either X or Y, and the blank.
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 Xs logo is not geometrically perfect. It is not a perfect circle, and the color arcs
dont align with each other perfectly. The internet went buzzed over the
imperfections, given the company in the question.
 One of the possible reasons for this was to keep every colors visual weight
same. For instance, orange is a light color, so a greater part of lighter colors
were used in comparison to darker colors.
 Name the company.
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
 Its new logo was chosen by a panel of experts from a crowdsourcing contest
organized by the Department of Tourism. The logo that was finally chosen is red
and white in color, sans serif, with the typography conveying a sense of fluidity,
boldness and vitality. The rolling font was devised by bankers-turned-designers
Rushi Patel and M Venkateshwara Rao, founders of Nammur, a creative design
 be and u part of the logo is highlighted using red color, signifying the motto Be
You. Two letters, part of the logo, are also part of another language and hence
representing the mixed topography.
 Which logo is this?
Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
General Logo Quiz
Thank you

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General Logo Quiz

  • 1. Welcome to the Logo Quiz -BY SUTEJ
  • 2. Rules: Normal pounce and bounce +20/-20 on pounce and +10/0 on bounce Part points on pounce on my discretion Text your pounces followed by answers to me on WhatsApp MAY THE RATE OF CHANGE OF MOMENTUM BE WITH YOU
  • 3. 1. In 1933, X was established as Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory, the name given to _______ manufactured on a trial basis at the time was Y. This title reflected the benevolence of Y, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy, and embodied the Company's vision of creating the best _______ in the world. The logo included the word with an image of Y with 1,000 Arms" and flames. Name the company.
  • 4. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 6. 2. On the very first logo of this company, there was a spiked shoe. The company after a point of time decided that it would not give-up on their old logos and hence it has now four logos, each used for different product lines. The least seen among them is the circle (logo), which can be seen across the Style collections created in collaboration with famous designers. Give me the company
  • 7. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 9. 3. If this particular idea wasnt dropped by the founder of this company , there would have been about 17,800 of them in place of 3. Which particular idea am I talking about? (No points for the company)
  • 10. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 11. Number of dots in the dominos logo
  • 12. 4. Connect these to a company (exhaustive) Slats (1916-28) Jackie (1928-56) Bill (1927-28) Telly (1928-32) Coffee (1932-35) Tanner (1934-56) George (1956-58) Leo (1957-present)
  • 13. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 15. 5. Probably the turning point in the history of logo design was when in 1956, Paul Rand designed the iconic, pictographic X logo featuring a human eye and a bee. The famous X logo strips were introduced in the logo in 1966 to indicate speed and vibrancy of the company's international business expansion. The first X logo had thirteen stripes in black. Incorporating the strips gave the logo a new look and create a unique image for the viewers. Give me X
  • 16. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 18. 6. The very first logo of this company featured one of the very famous incidents of the past, that changed the world. The logo also had X... A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought... Alone. Alone. inscribed at the bottom. The second logo of this company was multicolored, to represent the colorful choices one would get for this companys product(particular) and plus the fact that this product had multi-colored screens. The current logo is just a mono-colored version of the second logo. Id the company
  • 19. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 21. 7. List of companies using this particular feature in their logos (non- exhaustive) Apple Twitter Pepsi BP Toyota National Geographic
  • 22. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 24. 8. The X brand name comes from the Spanish verb chupar, meaning to suck. In 1969, Y was approached to design a new X logo, and the result became as instantly recognizable as his works. Y incorporated the X name into a brightly colored daisy shape. Always keenly aware of branding, Y suggested that the logo be placed on top of the lolly instead of the side so that it could always be seen intact. Give me both X and Y
  • 25. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 27. 9. Bill Hendricks civilian job was Director of Public Relations at Warner Brothers Studios. He was friends with many celebrities who he asked to help support the newly created Marine Toys for Tots Program. As a personal friend and as a favor to Bill, X designed the first Toys for Tots poster which included a miniature three-car train that was subsequently adopted as the Toys for Tots logo. Id X
  • 28. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 30. 10. Graphic designer Irina Blok and her team were given the task of creating a logo that would include a _____ and be easily recognized. Funny as it seems, the inspiration came from the symbols we usually see on the doors of public washrooms. The lesser known versions of X are Astro and Blender. Give me X
  • 31. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 33. 11. Xs friend and classmate Andrew McCollum designed a logo using an image of Y hed found online that he covered with a fog of ones and zerosthe elementary components of digital media. The first picture uploaded here was of a cartoon cat. Id the company
  • 34. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 36. 12. The Harp on the logo of X is the also the same as the national emblem of Republic of Ireland. Since X trademarked the symbol first, the Government had to turn the official government harp the other way around. Y released first 50,000 copies of this, primarily as promotional items for X. But X and Y are not officially linked at the present times and many a times people confuse whether theres a connection between them or not. Give me either X or Y
  • 37. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 39. 13. For the longest time, viewers assumed the it was an abbreviation due to the colored dots between the letters. However, that theory has been shot down as has the theory of the number of letters referring to the number of the characters. Also it was pointed out that the dots are the same colors as the umbrellas that the characters were holding during the sequence. What am I talking about ?
  • 40. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 42. 14. Created by Andrew Pothecary, the art director of the FCCJ magazine, it was at the front page of April issue of No 1 Shimbun. All youve to tell me is , which other famous logo is the inspiration for this image?
  • 43. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 45. 15. While there have been four different logotypes for X since their debut in 2013, the second and third iterations are technically not official logos, although they were prominently featured on their merchandise. The original bulletproof logo was considered the Xs official logo until 2017 when the X and Y door emblems were introduced. The reason behind the bulletproof logo was the translation of Xs full name to English. Give me X and Y.
  • 46. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 48. 16. Theres a very tiny chance that the logo of X also represents the past from where Y, owner of X, had propelled to become one of the biggest company of India in the 20th century. When the logo of X is inverted/flipped it can be noticed that it represents _ _ _ . This claim is also supported by the fact that theres no trace of X in Ys name. Give me either X or Y, and the blank.
  • 49. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 51. 17. Xs logo is not geometrically perfect. It is not a perfect circle, and the color arcs dont align with each other perfectly. The internet went buzzed over the imperfections, given the company in the question. One of the possible reasons for this was to keep every colors visual weight same. For instance, orange is a light color, so a greater part of lighter colors were used in comparison to darker colors. Name the company.
  • 52. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe
  • 54. 18. Its new logo was chosen by a panel of experts from a crowdsourcing contest organized by the Department of Tourism. The logo that was finally chosen is red and white in color, sans serif, with the typography conveying a sense of fluidity, boldness and vitality. The rolling font was devised by bankers-turned-designers Rushi Patel and M Venkateshwara Rao, founders of Nammur, a creative design start-up. be and u part of the logo is highlighted using red color, signifying the motto Be You. Two letters, part of the logo, are also part of another language and hence representing the mixed topography. Which logo is this?
  • 55. Savdhan rahe , satark rahe