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Procedure Text
Narrative Text
Descriptive Text
Recount Text
Report Text
 Procedure Text adalah teks yang
menjelaskan tentang cara/langkahlangkah membuat sesuatu (how to
make something) atau melakukan
sesuatu (how to do something).
 Procedure Text menggunakan Simple
Present Tense
The Generic Structure (susunan) of Procedure
1. Goal/Title ----- Judul
2. Materials Needed ---- bahan-bahan yang
dibutuhkan, meliputi; bahan pokok
(Ingredients), bumbu-bumbu
(seasoning).Kadang-kadang mencakup peralatan
3. Steps ---- Langkah-langkah / petunjuk / cara.
Dalam steps bisa terdapat sequential of time
(keterangan urutan waktu) ex:first,second,
next, after that..etc.Steps berbentuk
Imperative sentence (kalimat perintah)
Example of Prodecure

Things you need
A half page of newspaper
What to do
First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease
and unfold.
Second, fold the sides up the middle crease, keep
Next, fold the corners down to the middle.
After that, fold the corners down to the middle
Then, fold the points downs to the middle.
Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to
make a boat, or flip it over and wear it as a hat.
 Narrative Text adalah teks yang
menceritakan tentang sebuah cerita
yang bersifat khayalan atau tidak
nyata (Fiction)
 Contoh Narrative text:
dongeng/fable,myth/mitos, folk tales /
cerita rakyat, legend / legenda.
 Narrative Text menggunakan Past
The Generic Structure of
Narrative Text
 Title : judul --- Boleh ada / tidak (optional)
 Orientation : Pengenalan tentang who?,
where?, when?
 Complication : masalah yang dihadapi oleh
Pelaku utama (main character)
 Resolution : pemecahan masalah (problem
 Re-Orientation : Penutup cerita (ending)
Example of Narrative Text

One day the wolf was slaking his thirsty at a
stream when he chanced to see the lamb, also
dringking at some distance down the stream.
Outraged, he growled, You are muddying my
drinking water, now I shall eat you
The lamb protested, But, Sir, how can I be
muddying your drinking water? I am farther down
stream than you are. The water is flowing from your
part of the stream to where I am.
Upstream or downstream, your drinking is muddying
my water, and I shall eat you.: So saying, the wolf
leaped upon the lamb and devoured him.
GRAMMAR: Relation
Verbs and Action Verbs
When we tell a story or construct a narrative text we use
both Relation Verbs and Action Verbs.
Action verbs show actions, such as in:

Timun Mas reached into the pouch, picked out the needles and
threw them behind her.
While Relational Verbs connect the subjects and their
complements, such as:
Calon Arang was very powerful because she had a magical
 Descriptive Text adalah jenis teks yang
mendeskripsikan (menggambarkan) seseorang, benda,
atau binatang secara spesifik.
 Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
 Goal / tujuan : to describe something/someone
specifically (untuk mendeskripsikan
sesuatu/seseorang secara spesifik)
 Generic structure:
1. General Classification/Identification: pendahuluan
tentang apa/siapa yang akan dideskripsikan.
2. Description : Deskripsi dari benda / orang
Example of Descriptive Text
I have a pet. It is a dog, and I call it Helly.
Helly is a Chinese bread. It is small, flufy, and
cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle
it, the fur feels soft. Helly does not like bones.
Everyday, it eats soft food like steamed rice,
fish, or bread. Every morning, I give her milk and
bread. When I am at school, Helly plays with my
cat. They get along well and never fight. Helly is
really a sweet and friendly animal.
 Recount text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan
tentang pengalaman, kejadian, atau peristiwa yang
dialami oleh seseorang.
 Menggunakan Simple Past Tense
 Goal/tujuan: to retell (menceritakan) peristiwa
yang telah terjadi pada seseorang.
 Generic Structure:
1. Orientation: Pengenalan pelaku (Who?), dimana
kejadian itu berlangsung (Where?), kapan
terjadinya (When?)
2. Set of Events: rangkaian peeristiwa

yang terjadi pada pelaku/tokoh.

3. Re-Orientation : Penutup (Ending)
yang biasanya diikuti komentar atau
kesan si pelaku/tokoh tentang
kejadian yang dialaminya.
 Report Text adalah jenis teks yang berisi tentang
penelaahan, pengamatan hasil studi yang
menjelaskan benda/binatang secara umum
 Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
 Menggunakan Simple Past Tense --- objek yang
sudah punah.
 Goal/tujuan: Menggambarkan objek apa adanya
secara umum (general).
 Generic Structure:
1. General Classification: pernyataan umum
tentang benda/binatang tersebut.
2. Description : Deskripsi/gambaran dari
benda / binatang tersebut secara umum.
Example of Report Text
General Classification:
The largest meat-eating animal in the
world is the brown bear that lives in
Alaska, America. Brownie will keep away
from the people, but when it is angry, the
brown bear can outfight a tiger, so dont
ever try to wound the mother or the cub.
A grown brownie may be up to 10 feet
tall. It weighs about 800 kilograms. When
it was born, it weghs only about a half kilo.
The paw is very sharp so that it can kill if
it hurts us.
Genre (jenis jenis teks)
Title : TIGER
 General Classification:
1. Definition about Tiger
1. How Tiger lives?
2. The Habitat of Tiger
3. How Tiger gets food?
4. How Tiger breed?
5. The Quality of Tiger
6. The Habit of Tiger

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Genre (jenis jenis teks)

  • 1. GENRE (JENIS-JENIS TEKS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Procedure Text Narrative Text Descriptive Text Recount Text Report Text
  • 2. PROCEDURE TEXT Procedure Text adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang cara/langkahlangkah membuat sesuatu (how to make something) atau melakukan sesuatu (how to do something). Procedure Text menggunakan Simple Present Tense
  • 3. The Generic Structure (susunan) of Procedure Text: 1. Goal/Title ----- Judul 2. Materials Needed ---- bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan, meliputi; bahan pokok (Ingredients), bumbu-bumbu (seasoning).Kadang-kadang mencakup peralatan (Utensils) 3. Steps ---- Langkah-langkah / petunjuk / cara. Dalam steps bisa terdapat sequential of time (keterangan urutan waktu) ex:first,second, next, after that..etc.Steps berbentuk Imperative sentence (kalimat perintah)
  • 4. Example of Prodecure Text HOW TO MAKE A BOAT OR A HAT Things you need A half page of newspaper What to do First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold. Second, fold the sides up the middle crease, keep folded. Next, fold the corners down to the middle. After that, fold the corners down to the middle again. Then, fold the points downs to the middle. Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat, or flip it over and wear it as a hat.
  • 5. NARRATIVE TEXT Narrative Text adalah teks yang menceritakan tentang sebuah cerita yang bersifat khayalan atau tidak nyata (Fiction) Contoh Narrative text: dongeng/fable,myth/mitos, folk tales / cerita rakyat, legend / legenda. Narrative Text menggunakan Past Tense
  • 6. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text Title : judul --- Boleh ada / tidak (optional) Orientation : Pengenalan tentang who?, where?, when? Complication : masalah yang dihadapi oleh Pelaku utama (main character) Resolution : pemecahan masalah (problem solving) Re-Orientation : Penutup cerita (ending)
  • 7. Example of Narrative Text THE LAMB AND THE WOLF One day the wolf was slaking his thirsty at a stream when he chanced to see the lamb, also dringking at some distance down the stream. Outraged, he growled, You are muddying my drinking water, now I shall eat you The lamb protested, But, Sir, how can I be muddying your drinking water? I am farther down stream than you are. The water is flowing from your part of the stream to where I am. Upstream or downstream, your drinking is muddying my water, and I shall eat you.: So saying, the wolf leaped upon the lamb and devoured him.
  • 8. GRAMMAR: Relation Verbs and Action Verbs When we tell a story or construct a narrative text we use both Relation Verbs and Action Verbs. Action verbs show actions, such as in: Timun Mas reached into the pouch, picked out the needles and threw them behind her. While Relational Verbs connect the subjects and their complements, such as: Calon Arang was very powerful because she had a magical power.
  • 9. DESCRIPTIVE TEXT Descriptive Text adalah jenis teks yang mendeskripsikan (menggambarkan) seseorang, benda, atau binatang secara spesifik. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense Goal / tujuan : to describe something/someone specifically (untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu/seseorang secara spesifik) Generic structure: 1. General Classification/Identification: pendahuluan tentang apa/siapa yang akan dideskripsikan. 2. Description : Deskripsi dari benda / orang tersebut.
  • 10. Example of Descriptive Text Identification: I have a pet. It is a dog, and I call it Helly. Description: Helly is a Chinese bread. It is small, flufy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Helly does not like bones. Everyday, it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish, or bread. Every morning, I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, Helly plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight. Helly is really a sweet and friendly animal.
  • 11. RECOUNT TEXT Recount text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman, kejadian, atau peristiwa yang dialami oleh seseorang. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense Goal/tujuan: to retell (menceritakan) peristiwa yang telah terjadi pada seseorang. Generic Structure: 1. Orientation: Pengenalan pelaku (Who?), dimana kejadian itu berlangsung (Where?), kapan terjadinya (When?)
  • 12. 2. Set of Events: rangkaian peeristiwa yang terjadi pada pelaku/tokoh. 3. Re-Orientation : Penutup (Ending) yang biasanya diikuti komentar atau kesan si pelaku/tokoh tentang kejadian yang dialaminya.
  • 13. REPORT TEXT Report Text adalah jenis teks yang berisi tentang penelaahan, pengamatan hasil studi yang menjelaskan benda/binatang secara umum (general). Menggunakan Simple Present Tense Menggunakan Simple Past Tense --- objek yang sudah punah. Goal/tujuan: Menggambarkan objek apa adanya secara umum (general).
  • 14. Generic Structure: 1. General Classification: pernyataan umum tentang benda/binatang tersebut. 2. Description : Deskripsi/gambaran dari benda / binatang tersebut secara umum.
  • 15. Example of Report Text General Classification: The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska, America. Brownie will keep away from the people, but when it is angry, the brown bear can outfight a tiger, so dont ever try to wound the mother or the cub.
  • 16. Description: A grown brownie may be up to 10 feet tall. It weighs about 800 kilograms. When it was born, it weghs only about a half kilo. The paw is very sharp so that it can kill if it hurts us.
  • 18. Title : TIGER General Classification: 1. Definition about Tiger Description: 1. How Tiger lives? 2. The Habitat of Tiger 3. How Tiger gets food? 4. How Tiger breed? 5. The Quality of Tiger 6. The Habit of Tiger