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25 Years
                                                                                  Saint Marys University
                                                                                         , Halifax
  Geomatics Atlantic News Service Vol. 1                                             June 12-14, 2012
                     Where the news is. Where it happens.

CONTENTS:                                        GANS ONCE AGAIN PLAYS HOST
GANS PLAYS HOST TO GA 2012                       Bill Jones, President of the Geomatics
FOURNIER TO KEYNOTE FOR 25TH                     Assoc. of NS is excited that GANS was
                                                 once again hosting Geomatics Atlantic
                                                 In an exclusive interview Jones said
                                                 we always look forward to the year GA
                                                 comes here  we include it in our
HAVE A STORY TO SHARE                            business plan for members and for
                                                 hosting other groups from around the
BREAKING NEWS:                                   region. What of 25 years of GA? I am
FOURNIER TO GIVE                                 not sure if it was luck or design said
KEYNOTE FOR 25th                                 President Jones. Either way, we are
ANNIVERSARY -                                    humbled to be hosting this historic
GA News has learned                              event for our industry in Atlantic
Dr. Robert Fournier is                           Canada. What of the plans for this
to headline the 25th Anniversary                 anniversary? Jones pointed to the
Geomatics Atlantic Conference in                 program for the event. Besides the
Halifax this June. Bob is Emeritus             amazing speakers and workshops, we
Professor at the Dalhousie University            havent hidden surprises, we havent
Oceanography Department. His career              gone overboard. He pointed out that,
and contributions in ocean science are           we are from this region, all of us, and
internationally recognized for the               we know a party can be friends getting
significance of their impact. Fournier is        together and laughing and talking
well known in Nova Scotia as weekly              about the great times, and catching up
science contributor for CBC Radios              on all the news. He also said, it will
Information Morning. For almost the              be a celebration. We didnt have to
same time as Geomatics Atlantic has              break much of a sweat coming up with
existed, Bob has provided, insight,              this years motto of looking back and
humour and brain twisting questions              moving forward. It made sense. It was
for early morning listeners of the most          a natural. And that is what attendees
popular morning radio show in the                will experience this year. In fact, it
province. This talk is not to be missed.         would be fun if people could talk to
                                                 each other about where they were 25
POSTER CALL EXTENDED GA2012                      years ago. With a wry smile on his
Update: Call for Posters Extended to May         face, Jones concluded, some of us
11. Send abstracts to lbeazley@gans.ca           were not here 25 years ago, and some
www.geomaticsatlantic.com                        of us may wish to turn back the clock
Top Ten Reasons to Come to GA2012: #10
                                                 and get rid of some grey hairs and
Halifax is awesome in June, and any day of the   wrinkles. I dont think we can do that in
week that ends with a y                        the conference program.

                  @GeoAtlantic                      Geomatics Atlantic 2012                  G
25 Years
                                                                             Saint Marys University,
  Geomatics Atlantic News Service Vol. 1                                        June 12-14, 2012
               Where the news is. Where it happens.                        www.geomaticsatlantic.com

SUPPORT In an exciting turn of       MEDIA DEAL WITH LEADING             GA 2012 FROM ASIA:
events, the GA 2012 Committee        PUBLISHERS: In what can only        Elaine MacEachern is currently the
found out that Tecterra was          be described as exceptionally       Asia Pacific Regional Manager for
able to provide funding to           positive piece of news, GA2012      IFCs financial infrastructure secured
                                     organization has secured            lending product and is based in
support SMEs in the geomatics
                                     Directions Magazine (DM) as the     Jakarta, Indonesia. In a unique
sector with help to attend trade
                                     OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSORS for         move, GA 2012 will hear from her
shows like GA 2012.This paper
                                     the 2012 event. Committee           live from her base in Jakarta. Her
also learned, the agency is also                                         experience spans areas in both the
able to provide ongoing support      representatives explained how
                                                                         public and private sectors within
for companies to reach out to        this happened. We reached
                                                                         governments, consultancies,
other markets through trade          out to them and we both saw         development agencies, and
shows and trade missions. This       the benefits of talking to each     international funding institutions
news came just in time as            of our respective audiences         including the World Bank Group,
sponsors and exhibitors were         about who we are and the            Asian Development Bank, Inter-
planning to attend and support       support we provide to the           American Development Bank and
the GA 2012 event. Readers are       geomatics communities. DM has       the Caribbean Development Bank.
encouraged to visit the GA 2012      a very large readership who         This is sure to be a presentation
web site or Tecterra for details :   trust and rely upon their work      with depth and well grounded
http://www.tecterra.com              and information sources. We         experience to share. Elaine was a
                                     admire their work too and we        former Registrar of both Land Titles
 SAINT MARYS UNIVERSITY             are looking forward to working      (immoveable) and Personal
HOSTS GA FOR FIRST TIME: The         with DM now and in the future.      Property (moveable) for the
25th Anniversary Geomatics           As part of the GA partnership ,     Province of Nova Scotia, so her
Atlantic Conference sees the         information from the event will     return (even via Skype) is still a
                                     be transmitted live to followers    rerun home of sorts.. Of interest to
Nova Scotia section move the
                                     of DM through such media-rich       many us, lovers of travel, is her
event to Halifax and the Saint
                                     platforms as Twitter and blogs.     experience in countries such as
Marys campus. This was done                                             Bhutan, Barbados, Canada, China,
as a means to recognize the                                              Ghana, India, Lao, Kenya, Mongolia,
contributions of Saint Marys to                                         Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, South
geomatics through the only                                               Sudan, Sri Lanka, Trinidad Tobago,
geography degree program in                                              Uganda, and Vietnam.
Nova Scotia. The campus as a
whole has been supportive and                                           STORIES TO SHARE REQUESTED:
                                                                         The 25th Anniversary Geomatics Atlantic
welcoming with GA 2012, and
                                                                        Conference is looking for a few good
working with their conference                                           stories about the last 25 years. All you
services has helped make the                                            have to do is send your ideas to GAnews
planning of the event a pleasure.                                       via james.boxall@dal.ca and we will be
Visit our GA site for more info.                                        sure to place them in the newsletters.

                     WELL SEE YOU AT GA2012 IN HALIFAX JUNE 12-14

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Geomatics News 1

  • 1. 25 Years Saint Marys University , Halifax Geomatics Atlantic News Service Vol. 1 June 12-14, 2012 www.geomaticsatlantic.com Where the news is. Where it happens. CONTENTS: GANS ONCE AGAIN PLAYS HOST GANS PLAYS HOST TO GA 2012 Bill Jones, President of the Geomatics FOURNIER TO KEYNOTE FOR 25TH Assoc. of NS is excited that GANS was once again hosting Geomatics Atlantic MEDIA SPONSOR AGREEMENT In an exclusive interview Jones said TECTERRA SUPPORT FOR SMEs we always look forward to the year GA SMU PLAYS HOST TO GEOMATICS comes here we include it in our HAVE A STORY TO SHARE business plan for members and for hosting other groups from around the BREAKING NEWS: region. What of 25 years of GA? I am FOURNIER TO GIVE not sure if it was luck or design said KEYNOTE FOR 25th President Jones. Either way, we are ANNIVERSARY - humbled to be hosting this historic GA News has learned event for our industry in Atlantic Dr. Robert Fournier is Canada. What of the plans for this to headline the 25th Anniversary anniversary? Jones pointed to the Geomatics Atlantic Conference in program for the event. Besides the Halifax this June. Bob is Emeritus amazing speakers and workshops, we Professor at the Dalhousie University havent hidden surprises, we havent Oceanography Department. His career gone overboard. He pointed out that, and contributions in ocean science are we are from this region, all of us, and internationally recognized for the we know a party can be friends getting significance of their impact. Fournier is together and laughing and talking well known in Nova Scotia as weekly about the great times, and catching up science contributor for CBC Radios on all the news. He also said, it will Information Morning. For almost the be a celebration. We didnt have to same time as Geomatics Atlantic has break much of a sweat coming up with existed, Bob has provided, insight, this years motto of looking back and humour and brain twisting questions moving forward. It made sense. It was for early morning listeners of the most a natural. And that is what attendees popular morning radio show in the will experience this year. In fact, it province. This talk is not to be missed. would be fun if people could talk to each other about where they were 25 POSTER CALL EXTENDED GA2012 years ago. With a wry smile on his Update: Call for Posters Extended to May face, Jones concluded, some of us 11. Send abstracts to lbeazley@gans.ca were not here 25 years ago, and some www.geomaticsatlantic.com of us may wish to turn back the clock Top Ten Reasons to Come to GA2012: #10 and get rid of some grey hairs and Halifax is awesome in June, and any day of the wrinkles. I dont think we can do that in week that ends with a y the conference program. @GeoAtlantic Geomatics Atlantic 2012 G A N S www.geomaticsatlantic.com
  • 2. 25 Years Saint Marys University, Halifax Geomatics Atlantic News Service Vol. 1 June 12-14, 2012 Where the news is. Where it happens. www.geomaticsatlantic.com TECTERRA PROVIDES GA 2012 CONFERENCE SIGNS ELAINE MACEACHERN TO ADDRESS SUPPORT In an exciting turn of MEDIA DEAL WITH LEADING GA 2012 FROM ASIA: events, the GA 2012 Committee PUBLISHERS: In what can only Elaine MacEachern is currently the found out that Tecterra was be described as exceptionally Asia Pacific Regional Manager for able to provide funding to positive piece of news, GA2012 IFCs financial infrastructure secured organization has secured lending product and is based in support SMEs in the geomatics Directions Magazine (DM) as the Jakarta, Indonesia. In a unique sector with help to attend trade OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSORS for move, GA 2012 will hear from her shows like GA 2012.This paper the 2012 event. Committee live from her base in Jakarta. Her also learned, the agency is also experience spans areas in both the able to provide ongoing support representatives explained how public and private sectors within for companies to reach out to this happened. We reached governments, consultancies, other markets through trade out to them and we both saw development agencies, and shows and trade missions. This the benefits of talking to each international funding institutions news came just in time as of our respective audiences including the World Bank Group, sponsors and exhibitors were about who we are and the Asian Development Bank, Inter- planning to attend and support support we provide to the American Development Bank and the GA 2012 event. Readers are geomatics communities. DM has the Caribbean Development Bank. encouraged to visit the GA 2012 a very large readership who This is sure to be a presentation web site or Tecterra for details : trust and rely upon their work with depth and well grounded http://www.tecterra.com and information sources. We experience to share. Elaine was a admire their work too and we former Registrar of both Land Titles SAINT MARYS UNIVERSITY are looking forward to working (immoveable) and Personal HOSTS GA FOR FIRST TIME: The with DM now and in the future. Property (moveable) for the 25th Anniversary Geomatics As part of the GA partnership , Province of Nova Scotia, so her Atlantic Conference sees the information from the event will return (even via Skype) is still a be transmitted live to followers rerun home of sorts.. Of interest to Nova Scotia section move the of DM through such media-rich many us, lovers of travel, is her event to Halifax and the Saint platforms as Twitter and blogs. experience in countries such as Marys campus. This was done Bhutan, Barbados, Canada, China, as a means to recognize the Ghana, India, Lao, Kenya, Mongolia, contributions of Saint Marys to Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, South geomatics through the only Sudan, Sri Lanka, Trinidad Tobago, geography degree program in Uganda, and Vietnam. Nova Scotia. The campus as a whole has been supportive and STORIES TO SHARE REQUESTED: The 25th Anniversary Geomatics Atlantic welcoming with GA 2012, and Conference is looking for a few good working with their conference stories about the last 25 years. All you services has helped make the have to do is send your ideas to GAnews planning of the event a pleasure. via james.boxall@dal.ca and we will be Visit our GA site for more info. sure to place them in the newsletters. COME JOIN US AS: WWW.GEOMATICSATLANTIC.COM WELL SEE YOU AT GA2012 IN HALIFAX JUNE 12-14