National cancer institute clinical trials program guidelineJones Wu
This document provides guidelines for the National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) program, which coordinates clinical trials research through cooperative agreements between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and cancer research networks. It outlines the goals and organization of the NCTN program, responsibilities of NCI and network groups, terms and conditions of awards, application requirements, and review processes. Key components of the NCTN program include network group operations centers, statistics and data management centers, and participating sites that conduct clinical trials and related research under the guidance of NCI.
The document describes a new AdicomClient tool that allows users to access Adicom reports without installing the full Adicom Suite. It allows generating personal cost and time reports for a given project period and exporting them to Excel. The guide explains how to access the client, log in, run the ClientReport1 to view activity and expense reports, optimize column widths, and export the data. The tool provides an easy way to view total personal costs in RMB along with activity and expense details.
Human factors and ergonomics society 20120311Jones Wu
The document summarizes a presentation on new human factors standards and guidance for medical devices. It provides an overview of the human factors engineering process, standards, and changes now in progress. It notes that international standards are being updated to harmonize with FDA guidance, which is increasing expectations for human factors work. This includes requirements for contextual inquiry, known use error analysis, risk analysis, and validated usability testing according to prioritized tasks.
This document provides an executive summary of a mobile app called tagSurf that allows users to browse social media content organized by hashtags. The summary describes how users can enter a hashtag to view related posts, swipe through results to rank them, and share discoveries. It notes the app launched in private beta in May 2014 and public beta in July 2014, with sessions averaging over 9 minutes and strong user growth. Partnerships have been formed to integrate additional content sources. The founders aim to raise $500k in seed funding with a targeted close of February 2015.
Abbott overview medical device human factors standardsJones Wu
The document provides an overview of international medical device human factors standards, outlining their history and purposes. It summarizes that IEC 62366:2007 is now the key usability engineering standard, with IEC 60601-1-6:2010 pointing to it, and HE-74 being incorporated into IEC 62366 as an annex. Future revisions are planned to split and update IEC 62366 by 2014 to address additional topics and harmonize with FDA guidance.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Cara merakit komputer meliputi persiapan komponen dan perlengkapan, penentuan konfigurasi, pemasangan motherboard, prosesor, memori, kabel, drive, dan card adapter, serta pengujian setelah selesai dirakit. Langkah-langkah perakitan dirinci mulai dari persiapan awal hingga penyelesaian akhir.
National cancer institute clinical trials program guidelineJones Wu
This document provides guidelines for the National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) program, which coordinates clinical trials research through cooperative agreements between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and cancer research networks. It outlines the goals and organization of the NCTN program, responsibilities of NCI and network groups, terms and conditions of awards, application requirements, and review processes. Key components of the NCTN program include network group operations centers, statistics and data management centers, and participating sites that conduct clinical trials and related research under the guidance of NCI.
The document describes a new AdicomClient tool that allows users to access Adicom reports without installing the full Adicom Suite. It allows generating personal cost and time reports for a given project period and exporting them to Excel. The guide explains how to access the client, log in, run the ClientReport1 to view activity and expense reports, optimize column widths, and export the data. The tool provides an easy way to view total personal costs in RMB along with activity and expense details.
Human factors and ergonomics society 20120311Jones Wu
The document summarizes a presentation on new human factors standards and guidance for medical devices. It provides an overview of the human factors engineering process, standards, and changes now in progress. It notes that international standards are being updated to harmonize with FDA guidance, which is increasing expectations for human factors work. This includes requirements for contextual inquiry, known use error analysis, risk analysis, and validated usability testing according to prioritized tasks.
This document provides an executive summary of a mobile app called tagSurf that allows users to browse social media content organized by hashtags. The summary describes how users can enter a hashtag to view related posts, swipe through results to rank them, and share discoveries. It notes the app launched in private beta in May 2014 and public beta in July 2014, with sessions averaging over 9 minutes and strong user growth. Partnerships have been formed to integrate additional content sources. The founders aim to raise $500k in seed funding with a targeted close of February 2015.
Abbott overview medical device human factors standardsJones Wu
The document provides an overview of international medical device human factors standards, outlining their history and purposes. It summarizes that IEC 62366:2007 is now the key usability engineering standard, with IEC 60601-1-6:2010 pointing to it, and HE-74 being incorporated into IEC 62366 as an annex. Future revisions are planned to split and update IEC 62366 by 2014 to address additional topics and harmonize with FDA guidance.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Cara merakit komputer meliputi persiapan komponen dan perlengkapan, penentuan konfigurasi, pemasangan motherboard, prosesor, memori, kabel, drive, dan card adapter, serta pengujian setelah selesai dirakit. Langkah-langkah perakitan dirinci mulai dari persiapan awal hingga penyelesaian akhir.
This document provides an overview of key project management concepts including:
- A project is a temporary endeavor to create a unique product or service with a discrete start and end.
- Projects have a hierarchy and must balance scope, time, and cost constraints.
- Tasks should follow the SMART model and be specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic, and time-bound.
- Risk analysis involves assessing the probability and impact of risks, and developing mitigation and contingency plans.
- Effective project management requires thorough planning, risk assessment, use of scheduling tools, and tracking progress against deliverables.
This document is a collection of photo credits from various photographers used in a Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare. The photos were taken by photographers with names like Rubink1, Anders.Bachmann, ArturoYee, Guwashi999, snacktime2007, 'PixelPlacebo', stevendepolo, illustir, Chandra Marsono, Bohman, Wesley Fryer, AndyRobertsPhotos, FotoRita [Allstar maniac], and pgcap. The document encourages the reader to get inspired and create their own Haiku Deck presentation.
This document discusses several secular approaches that can lead to a nondual state, including flow, psychological presence, hot cognition, engagement, and improvisation. Flow involves being fully immersed in an activity using intuition rather than rational thinking. Psychological presence means being fully attentive, connected, integrated, and focused on a task. Hot cognition is more intuitive and unconscious compared to rational cold cognition. Engagement involves passion and absorption in one's work. Improvisation taps unconscious repertoires and relies on intuition, expertise, and being in the moment. These secular concepts are presented as ways to access a nondual state through activities that reduce self-consciousness and rational thinking.
I. A biblioteca escolar visa promover atividades que motivem alunos e professores no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e proporcionem oportunidades de utiliza??o de informa??o para aquisi??o de conhecimentos.
II. Pretende-se desenvolver compet¨ºncias de consulta, tratamento e produ??o de informa??o nos alunos, assegurando o acesso a fontes documentais e fomentando o gosto pela leitura.
III. A biblioteca apoia a inclus?o de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais.
A empresa pretende investir em patroc¨ªnios de atletas radicais para alcan?ar visibilidade e simpatia do p¨²blico-alvo. Ela visa competir no mercado de roupas esportivas oferecendo produtos de qualidade a pre?os competitivos. Aposta no mercado de roupas esportivas exclusivas para atrair consumidores interessados em originalidade.
El documento habla sobre el bullying. Explica que el bullying es un tipo de acoso entre iguales que se caracteriza por ser agresivo, da?ino y repetitivo. Ocurre m¨¢s com¨²nmente entre los 11 y 14 a?os en la escuela o patio. Hay diferentes tipos como el verbal, f¨ªsico y cibern¨¦tico. El bullying puede tener consecuencias como baja autoestima o rendimiento escolar en la v¨ªctima. Ante el bullying, es importante identificar a los involucrados, zonas de riesgo y buscar apoyo de profesores u oficinas para detenerlo
1) As estudantes Melissa e Ver?nica viajam para o futuro atrav¨¦s de um elevador estranho e encontram um jornal de 2032.
2) O jornal descreve como S?o Vicente evoluiu nos ¨²ltimos 500 anos com melhorias na sa¨²de, educa??o, esportes e transporte p¨²blico.
3) Uma c¨¢psula do futuro contendo as vis?es das crian?as de 20 anos atr¨¢s sobre S?o Vicente em 2032 ser¨¢ aberta em breve.
Este documento define los pol¨ªgonos regulares como figuras geom¨¦tricas formadas por segmentos consecutivos iguales llamados lados, que tienen forma cerrada. Los pol¨ªgonos regulares se caracterizan por tener m¨¢s de 4 lados iguales de longitud y ¨¢ngulos interiores iguales de medida.