Second wave feminism advocated for women's liberation from traditional gender roles and oppression. Key figures like Helen Reddy and Germaine Greer promoted feminist ideas through music and influential books like The Female Eunuch, where Greer criticized how romance and marriage often led to the drudgery of domestic duties and compromised women's independence. During this period, some women publicly burned bras as a symbolic protest against feminine norms they felt restricted women's freedom.
4. A full bosom is a millstone around a woman’s neck… p. 34 Romance sanctions drudgery, physical incompetence and prostitution. p. 188 If you think you are emancipated, you might consider the idea of tasting your menstrual blood – if it makes you sick, you’ve got a long way to go baby. p. 51 Love, for too many men in our time, consists of sleeping with a seductive woman, one who is properly endowed with the right distribution of curves and convinces, and one upon whom a permanent lien (ownership) has been acquired through the institution of marriage. p. 196