To make a chart in Excel, select the data to represent and insert a chart type. Customize the chart with titles, themes, and other formatting. Charts can visually compare data and help readers understand comparisons more easily than raw numbers alone. With a few clicks in Excel, any user can create professional-looking charts.
Mobile - The perfect retail fit. The retail sector is a big, crowded industry where you need to keep up with the trends so you dont get left behind and become so last season.
The document discusses how a media product uses conventions of real magazines. It notes the use of a clear heading, the main artist as the attraction, and other stories alongside. Color schemes are described as simple but effective, with the focus on a powerful main image to draw attention. The designer started simply but added more to advertise additional stories and entice readers.
This document summarizes an outdoor advertising presentation given in Lagos, Nigeria on global trends, legislation, and marketing strategy in the outdoor advertising industry. It discusses the growth of digital billboards worldwide and regulations governing outdoor advertising in various cities like Dubai, Toronto, and Lagos. The presentation emphasizes the importance of defining customers, understanding buying patterns, building relationships, and having an effective pricing strategy for outdoor media companies.
How and why the recruitment sector is using mobile marketingCommify
The recruitment industry is highly competitive and requires recruiters to work quickly. Mobile marketing through text messaging has become popular for recruiters as it is cost-effective, time-efficient, and discreet. Recruiters can use text messages to advertise jobs, send urgent shift notifications, set up interview reminders, and discreetly headhunt candidates. The document discusses how recruiters can use text messages to fill shifts quickly by sending messages to a large number of candidates at once and get fast replies.
Benchmarking is comparing processes to industry best practices to identify areas for improvement. It involves measuring a company's performance, comparing it to leaders, analyzing differences, and creating plans to close gaps. For Xerox, benchmarking Japanese competitors revealed high costs and defects. Xerox implemented benchmarking and saw major gains like reduced defects, lower costs, and improved customer satisfaction, helping them regain market share. Regular benchmarking is important for continuous improvement.
Cross-cultural negotiating behavior: POLAND AND GREECEYura Stakh
This document compares and contrasts negotiating behaviors between Poland and Greece. Some key differences are that Poles speak softly and find it easy to say no, while Greeks speak forcefully and signal no by raising eyebrows. Poles are more punctual for meetings while Greeks may be late, and Poles dislike bargaining but Greeks enjoy it. Decision making is hierarchical in both countries. Overall the document outlines cultural factors to be aware of in negotiations between these countries.
Adidas is a German sportswear manufacturer and parent company of Reebok, TaylorMade, and Rockport. It is known for its three parallel stripe logo and sponsors many athletes and sporting events. The company was founded in 1949 by Adolf "Adi" Dassler in his mother's laundry room after a split from his brother Rudolf's company, which later became Puma. Adidas has grown to be one of the largest sportswear companies in the world through strategic acquisitions and sponsorships of major sporting leagues and events.
This document provides an overview of Apple Inc.'s corporate image and culture. It discusses Apple's history and products, its emphasis on innovation and excellence in its employees. It also examines Apple's large global user base, iconic logos and slogans, famous commercials that launched musicians' careers, and its retail stores that attract huge crowds. While maintaining a reputation as a unique, talent-focused company, the document also notes some controversies over labor practices at Apple's manufacturing facilities.
To make a chart in Excel, select the data to represent and insert a chart type. Customize the chart with titles, themes, and other formatting. Charts can visually compare data and help readers understand comparisons more easily than raw numbers alone. With a few clicks in Excel, any user can create professional-looking charts.
Mobile - The perfect retail fit. The retail sector is a big, crowded industry where you need to keep up with the trends so you dont get left behind and become so last season.
The document discusses how a media product uses conventions of real magazines. It notes the use of a clear heading, the main artist as the attraction, and other stories alongside. Color schemes are described as simple but effective, with the focus on a powerful main image to draw attention. The designer started simply but added more to advertise additional stories and entice readers.
This document summarizes an outdoor advertising presentation given in Lagos, Nigeria on global trends, legislation, and marketing strategy in the outdoor advertising industry. It discusses the growth of digital billboards worldwide and regulations governing outdoor advertising in various cities like Dubai, Toronto, and Lagos. The presentation emphasizes the importance of defining customers, understanding buying patterns, building relationships, and having an effective pricing strategy for outdoor media companies.
How and why the recruitment sector is using mobile marketingCommify
The recruitment industry is highly competitive and requires recruiters to work quickly. Mobile marketing through text messaging has become popular for recruiters as it is cost-effective, time-efficient, and discreet. Recruiters can use text messages to advertise jobs, send urgent shift notifications, set up interview reminders, and discreetly headhunt candidates. The document discusses how recruiters can use text messages to fill shifts quickly by sending messages to a large number of candidates at once and get fast replies.
Benchmarking is comparing processes to industry best practices to identify areas for improvement. It involves measuring a company's performance, comparing it to leaders, analyzing differences, and creating plans to close gaps. For Xerox, benchmarking Japanese competitors revealed high costs and defects. Xerox implemented benchmarking and saw major gains like reduced defects, lower costs, and improved customer satisfaction, helping them regain market share. Regular benchmarking is important for continuous improvement.
Cross-cultural negotiating behavior: POLAND AND GREECEYura Stakh
This document compares and contrasts negotiating behaviors between Poland and Greece. Some key differences are that Poles speak softly and find it easy to say no, while Greeks speak forcefully and signal no by raising eyebrows. Poles are more punctual for meetings while Greeks may be late, and Poles dislike bargaining but Greeks enjoy it. Decision making is hierarchical in both countries. Overall the document outlines cultural factors to be aware of in negotiations between these countries.
Adidas is a German sportswear manufacturer and parent company of Reebok, TaylorMade, and Rockport. It is known for its three parallel stripe logo and sponsors many athletes and sporting events. The company was founded in 1949 by Adolf "Adi" Dassler in his mother's laundry room after a split from his brother Rudolf's company, which later became Puma. Adidas has grown to be one of the largest sportswear companies in the world through strategic acquisitions and sponsorships of major sporting leagues and events.
This document provides an overview of Apple Inc.'s corporate image and culture. It discusses Apple's history and products, its emphasis on innovation and excellence in its employees. It also examines Apple's large global user base, iconic logos and slogans, famous commercials that launched musicians' careers, and its retail stores that attract huge crowds. While maintaining a reputation as a unique, talent-focused company, the document also notes some controversies over labor practices at Apple's manufacturing facilities.
O documento apresenta resumos de 16 livros da biblioteca escolar, incluindo obras de Virginia Woolf, lvaro Magalh達es e M叩rio de Carvalho. Os resumos fornecem informa巽探es sobre os enredos, autores, ISBNs e localiza巽探es dos livros na biblioteca.
O documento deseja a todos um Feliz Natal cheio de alegria e amor, iluminado pelo nascimento de Cristo, e um pr坦spero Ano Novo repleto de esperan巽a e aben巽oado por Deus. O autor tamb辿m deseja que Papai Noel atenda aos pedidos e traga coisas boas mesmo para aquelas esquecidas.
O documento descreve os objetivos de um workshop sobre marketing de destinos tur鱈sticos. Ele visa orientar gestores p炭blicos e privados sobre formas inovadoras de promo巽達o tur鱈stica coordenada e integrada. Tamb辿m apresenta exemplos reais de estrat辿gias de marketing para subsidiar a discuss達o sobre como construir uma imagem competitiva no mercado.
O documento descreve a import但ncia e o valor da amizade, afirmando que amigos verdadeiros s達o aben巽oados por oferecerem consolo e apoio incondicional, ajudando uns aos outros mesmo nos momentos mais dif鱈ceis sem julgamentos.
Este documento presenta datos estad鱈sticos sobre el hashtag #CocidoTrip en Twitter, incluyendo el n炭mero de tweets, usuarios, palabras, dispositivos y menciones que utilizaron este hashtag.
2. 損Gerra Punikoak hiru gerra izan
ziren, Kartagok Antzinako Erromak
elkarren aurka eginak. Puniko izena
dute, latinez 束kartagotar損 esateko
punicus hitza erabiltzen zelako.
Gerraren kausa nagusia bien arteko
interes gatazka izan zen.
Erromatarrek Siziliatik hedatu nahi
zuten bere menpeko lurraldea, baina
Siziliako zati bat Kartagoren azpian
zegoen jada.
3. Lehen Gerra Punikoa
Kartagok eta Erromak
elkarren aurka K. a. 264tik
K. a. 241raino egindako
gerra izan zen.
menderatzeko hiru
gerretatik lehena izan zen
hau. 23 urtez borrokatu
ostean, Erroma atera zen
garaile, eta oso baldintza
gogorrak inposatu zizkion
Kartagori bakearen
4. Lehen Gerra Punikoaren ostean, Kartagok
Sizilian zeuzkan hiriak galdu egin zituen.
Hori zela kausa, saiatu zen Hispanian
hedatzen. Hamilkar Barkak hasita,
Hasdrubalek eta Hanibalek jarraitu zioten
politika honi.
K. a. 219an, Hanibalek, Sagunto,
Erromako hiri aliatua, eraso zuen.
Hanibalek bere aliatuak, tokiko tribuak,
defenditzen ari zen. Izan ere, Saguntok
aldameneko tribu horiei eraso egiten zien.
Hanibalek Ebro ibaia zeharkatutakoan,
Erromak gerra deklaratu zion.
5. Bigarren Gerra
Punikoaren ondoren, Erromak menper
atzen zituen lurrak ekialdean zein
mendebaldean zabaldu zituen.
Ekialdean inperio helenikoak garaitu
zituen, eta
mendebaldean, Kartagoren kontra
laguntza eman
zioten Hispaniako tribuek.
Kartagok, ordea, aliaturik eta
koloniarik gabe, 200 zilarrezko talentu
urtero ordaindu behar izan zuen 50
Erromatarrek, halere, beldurra
zioten Kartagori. Ez zuten indarra
berreskuratzeko aukerarik eman
nahi. Katon Maior nabarmendu
zen Kartagoren kontrako salaketan.