ºÝºÝߣs from a talk made to the Jonge Akademie of the Dutch Royal Academy of Arts and Science in March 2009.
As with any communication medium, and particularly a new one, virtual worlds offer advantages and disadvantages in the context of science and science communication. Scientists who are geographically separated can collaborate via their avatars. Data can be visualised and interacted with in new ways. And the public and scientists can engage with a sense of intimacy that makes the participants feel visible, involved, and able to interact with one another. Yet the technology is young, interfaces are difficult to use and, for most people, virtual worlds are still a mystery. The presentation will include: a brief introduction to the basics of virtual worlds; examples (using screenshots) showing how virtual worlds are being used by scientists and science communicators, a critique of benefits and limitations, and a discussion of likely future developments.
The Rise of Citizen-Scientists in the Eversmarter World - Alex Lightman - H+ ...Humanity Plus
Alex Lightman
Executive Director, Humanity+
The Rise of Citizen-Scientists in the Eversmarter World
Knowledge may be expanding exponentially, but the current rate of civilizational learning and institutional upgrading is still far too slow in the century of peak oil, peak uranium, and "peak everything". Humanity needs to gather vastly more data as part of ever larger and more widespread scientific experiments, and make science and technology flourish in streets, fields, and homes as well as in university and corporate laboratories. In this talk, H+ Executive Director Alex Lightman will give an introduction and overview of the big picture of H+ the organization, the magazine, and the conference, and how the participants can make the most of their experience and relationships at the conference. The case for ending embargoes and other beaver dams in the rivers of potentially global knowledge will be made. Lightman will offer a vision of a properly functioning Eversmarter world, ending with a call to action to become a citizen-scientist, and a recruiter of other citizen-scientists.
Alex Lightman is the Executive Director of Humanity+ and the chair of the H+ Summit @ Harvard and of the inaugural H+ Summit held December 2009 in Irvine, California. He is a director of Fortune Nest Corporation (Bahrain, Beijing and Beverly Hills, CA) and of Inova Technology. He is an award-winning educator, an inventor with several US patents issued or pending and the author of over 800,000 words, including 12 articles in h+ magazine, and Brave New Unwired World: The Digital Big Bang and The Infinite Internet, the first book on 4G wireless. He has advised NATO, the US Dept. of Defense, and a number of governments on Internet Protocol version 6, the 128-bit successor to the current Internet, IPv4. Lightman's advocacy led to the only Congressional hearings held on US Internet Leadership, conducted by The Government Reform Committee and at which Lightman testified, leading to implementation of Lightman's recommendations to mandate IPv6 for the US government and require IPv6 as part of government information technology contracts. Lightman studied Civil and Environmental Engineering, and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983 (Course I-A), and attended graduate school at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. He lives in Santa Monica, California, where he runs marathons, and attempts his first Ironman triathlon, in the UK, on August 1, 2010.
Lezing Floris Venneman tijdens Secretary Plus Networking Event - AmsterdamFloris Venneman
Lezing over ambitie, ondernemerschap en Business Model You tijdens het Networking Event van Secretary Plus in Amsterdam op donderdag 6 februari 2014. Mooie verhalen gehoord uit de zaal over passies, ambities, plannen en ideeen.
Lezing Floris Venneman tijdens PinkWeb Portal EventFloris Venneman
Ondernemen in de Nieuwe Werkelijkheid vraagt veel van ondernemers en dus ook van accountants. Nieuwe verdienmodellen. Een andere relatie met je klanten. Zoeken naar de toegevoegde waarde de accountant heeft voor zijn klanten. Kortom: veel uitdagingen.
Tijdens deze lezing heb ik geprobeerd de accountants te prikkelen om anders te kijken naar hun (potenti?le) klanten, hun toegevoegde waarde en hun verdienmodellen.
Verteego provides environmental performance software solutions to help organizations measure, improve, and communicate their environmental impact. Their flagship products are Carbonpark, a carbon and energy management platform, and Reach Garden, a collaborative platform for sharing chemical data. Verteego aims to build the leading environmental management software suite, and currently has over 1000 customers including large corporations and local governments. Their solutions allow customers to track metrics like greenhouse gas emissions, chemical usage, and energy consumption to help reduce costs and comply with regulations.
A teaser of Verteego¡¯s capabilities to the attention of the world. Verteego is a sustainability platform for responsible companies only. Registration and trial is free!
This is a citizen science overview particularly aimed at graduate students enrolled in a new course at Arizona State University, aptly titled "Citizen Science." The author of this presentation, and course instructor, Darlene Cavalier, will talk students through its nuances and intersections with science, technology, and society.
This document outlines key themes for science education over the next 50 years. It discusses how mathematics will become more integrated into many fields as sensors generate vast amounts of data and simulations become more common. Biology is poised to become more "intentional" through advances like gene editing, synthetic biology, and personalized medicine. Science will grow increasingly transdisciplinary as fields blend together and amateurs contribute more to innovation. Emerging areas like the "extended self" involving things like personal genomics and wearable sensors will also impact science. Finally, the document notes how science may be more collaborative and happen in more diverse community spaces going forward.
1) The document discusses social machines, which are computational systems involving both human and machine participants working together. Examples mentioned include Wikipedia and citizen science projects.
2) Key aspects of social machines are discussed, including their collaborative and open nature, use of stories and narratives, and focus on empowering human participants.
3) Sustainability of social machines over time is an important challenge, as maintaining volunteer participation can be difficult, as seen with the declining contributor numbers on Wikipedia. Designing social machines to be reactive and allow for improvisation may help with long-term sustainability.
JISC has invested over ?200 million in UK universities over the past decade to create a collaborative innovation network that has driven new approaches to research. It has developed digital infrastructure including the JANET network, federated access management, and national data centers. Looking ahead, JISC is pushing boundaries through initiatives like building a cloud for UK higher education and supporting open science practices. It provides digital resources to researchers through national licensing agreements and repositories, and supports research processes through text mining tools and research data management.
This document provides an overview of research being conducted in the virtual world of Second Life. It discusses topics like virtual world interoperability, virtual hallucinations, knot theory, robotics, and education in Second Life. It also provides statistics on Second Life usage and lists many resources and links for further researching topics related to Second Life.
The Invisible Technology, Will Nanotechnology Transcend BiologyUMinventor
This document provides an overview and summary of a presentation on nanotechnology and the singularity. The presentation discusses what nanotechnology is, the potential benefits and dangers, and Ray Kurzweil's vision that artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence by 2045. It summarizes Kurzweil's predictions about the merging of humans and machines and life after the singularity. The presentation addresses both the promises and perils of developments in genetics, nanotechnology and robotics, and calls the audience to thoughtful action. It summarizes some scientific studies on dangers of nanotechnology and challenges of regulating new technologies. The presentation ends with a discussion of confronting dangers and maintaining a spiritual understanding of humanity's relationship with emerging technologies.
Mobile in Museum Studies (for NYU Abu Dhabi)Nancy Proctor
This document discusses how mobile technologies are transforming museums into distributed social networks. It argues that museums must integrate mobile into their overall strategies to remain relevant. The Smithsonian is embracing this approach by developing mobile apps and websites to engage wider audiences and turn visitors into collaborators who help spread knowledge. The goal is to use mobile to recruit the world and make the Smithsonian's collections more accessible and meaningful to people everywhere.
Copyright and e-learning: understanding our privileges and freedomsJane Secker
Keynote at ALT-C on 8th September 2016. You can find out more from: https://altc.alt.ac.uk/2016/sessions/keynote-jane-secker/
ºÝºÝߣs licensed under CC-BY-SA
John Breslin is a lecturer and researcher who co-founded the discussion forum boards.ie and publishing company New Tech Post. He discusses predictions about the future of technology from Mark Twain, Arthur C. Clarke, and Ray Kurzweil, and how emerging technologies will allow for augmented reality, brain uploading, and voice-controlled access to personalized digital content by 2040.
The document provides an overview of nanotechnology, discussing its history, current state, and future prospects. It defines nanotechnology as involving research and engineering at the nanoscale (1-100 nanometers). The document outlines major government funding through initiatives like the National Nanotechnology Initiative, as well as university and commercial research. It discusses various applications of nanotechnology across different industries.
Second Life is a 3D virtual world launched in 2003 that currently has over 16.5 million users. Many universities, including in the US, UK, Australia, and Japan, have a presence in Second Life for distance education purposes. University College Dublin (UCD) Library entered Second Life in 2007 to engage with students and deliver classes, skills sessions, seminars, and conferences. While Second Life faces challenges around technology issues and defining its value, virtual worlds may represent future opportunities for international cooperation and reaching non-traditional students.
The document discusses the tensions between privacy and sharing information online in the digitally networked era. It explores how the concept of privacy is evolving as the line between public and private information is blurred by social media. While social media satisfies people's desire for socialization and identity curation, it also commodifies private data and exposes people to risks for their reputations and privacy through involuntary information sharing. The document questions whether individuals are sufficiently aware of how their online activities impact their privacy and control over personal information.
Augmenting The Merlot Tradition With Multi User Virtual EnvironmentsSabine Reljic
MIC07 Oct9th. Presentation is composed of PPT slides and in-world meetings with a learning environment expert and a virtual environment instructor (meetings not recorded here). The goal of this presentation is to increase awareness in higher education of affordances present in current evolutions of web 2.0 tools such as participatory and connective technology in community experimentation in synthetic worlds like SL. Author was not yet knowledgeable of the SaLamander project then.
The Open Data Institute's mission is to catalyze the evolution of open data culture to create economic, environmental, and social value. It works with governments, companies and researchers around the world to make data more open and usable. The Open Data Institute holds events and runs programs to promote innovation with open data.
This document discusses the benefits of virtual worlds like Second Life and provides an overview of its features and uses. It notes that Second Life allows for engagement, immersive education, collaboration, discovery, productivity and more. Many businesses, schools and organizations have a presence in Second Life, including over 100 universities. The document outlines some of the activities people can do in Second Life like meetings, concerts, events, information sharing, outreach and more. It also provides resources for educators and researchers interested in using Second Life.
The powerpoint to support a lecture to learners in VWMOOC18 (Virtual Worlds MOOC 2018) about the history of virtual worlds, their affordances and challenges, and how to learn more about Second Life in particular and virtual world education in general.
The video of this lecture is available on YouTube at this link: https://youtu.be/HOgsmfFX6zw
Technology and outdoor education: Some experiential possibilitiesJames Neill
The document discusses the relationship between technology and outdoor education. It explores how outdoor education both relies on technology for activities and safety, but also aims to distance participants from technology. The document proposes that technology and outdoor education can have a symbiotic relationship, with technology enhancing outdoor education skills and understanding. It provides examples of how different technologies, both old and new, have been used in outdoor education settings and could be applied going forward.
Presentation hosted by Dr. Cynthia Calongne, aka Lyr Lobo for the World Association for Academic Doctors (WAAD) 2020 Conference on Oct. 21-22, 2020. The conference is sponsored by Colorado Technical University, Conference Chair Dr. Rae Denise Madison.
UiPath Agentic Automation Capabilities and OpportunitiesDianaGray10
Learn what UiPath Agentic Automation capabilities are and how you can empower your agents with dynamic decision making. In this session we will cover these topics:
What do we mean by Agents
Components of Agents
Agentic Automation capabilities
What Agentic automation delivers and AI Tools
Identifying Agent opportunities
? If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
Gojek Clone is a versatile multi-service super app that offers ride-hailing, food delivery, payment services, and more, providing a seamless experience for users and businesses alike on a single platform.
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Similar to Getting Real About Our Virtual Future (20)
This is a citizen science overview particularly aimed at graduate students enrolled in a new course at Arizona State University, aptly titled "Citizen Science." The author of this presentation, and course instructor, Darlene Cavalier, will talk students through its nuances and intersections with science, technology, and society.
This document outlines key themes for science education over the next 50 years. It discusses how mathematics will become more integrated into many fields as sensors generate vast amounts of data and simulations become more common. Biology is poised to become more "intentional" through advances like gene editing, synthetic biology, and personalized medicine. Science will grow increasingly transdisciplinary as fields blend together and amateurs contribute more to innovation. Emerging areas like the "extended self" involving things like personal genomics and wearable sensors will also impact science. Finally, the document notes how science may be more collaborative and happen in more diverse community spaces going forward.
1) The document discusses social machines, which are computational systems involving both human and machine participants working together. Examples mentioned include Wikipedia and citizen science projects.
2) Key aspects of social machines are discussed, including their collaborative and open nature, use of stories and narratives, and focus on empowering human participants.
3) Sustainability of social machines over time is an important challenge, as maintaining volunteer participation can be difficult, as seen with the declining contributor numbers on Wikipedia. Designing social machines to be reactive and allow for improvisation may help with long-term sustainability.
JISC has invested over ?200 million in UK universities over the past decade to create a collaborative innovation network that has driven new approaches to research. It has developed digital infrastructure including the JANET network, federated access management, and national data centers. Looking ahead, JISC is pushing boundaries through initiatives like building a cloud for UK higher education and supporting open science practices. It provides digital resources to researchers through national licensing agreements and repositories, and supports research processes through text mining tools and research data management.
This document provides an overview of research being conducted in the virtual world of Second Life. It discusses topics like virtual world interoperability, virtual hallucinations, knot theory, robotics, and education in Second Life. It also provides statistics on Second Life usage and lists many resources and links for further researching topics related to Second Life.
The Invisible Technology, Will Nanotechnology Transcend BiologyUMinventor
This document provides an overview and summary of a presentation on nanotechnology and the singularity. The presentation discusses what nanotechnology is, the potential benefits and dangers, and Ray Kurzweil's vision that artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence by 2045. It summarizes Kurzweil's predictions about the merging of humans and machines and life after the singularity. The presentation addresses both the promises and perils of developments in genetics, nanotechnology and robotics, and calls the audience to thoughtful action. It summarizes some scientific studies on dangers of nanotechnology and challenges of regulating new technologies. The presentation ends with a discussion of confronting dangers and maintaining a spiritual understanding of humanity's relationship with emerging technologies.
Mobile in Museum Studies (for NYU Abu Dhabi)Nancy Proctor
This document discusses how mobile technologies are transforming museums into distributed social networks. It argues that museums must integrate mobile into their overall strategies to remain relevant. The Smithsonian is embracing this approach by developing mobile apps and websites to engage wider audiences and turn visitors into collaborators who help spread knowledge. The goal is to use mobile to recruit the world and make the Smithsonian's collections more accessible and meaningful to people everywhere.
Copyright and e-learning: understanding our privileges and freedomsJane Secker
Keynote at ALT-C on 8th September 2016. You can find out more from: https://altc.alt.ac.uk/2016/sessions/keynote-jane-secker/
ºÝºÝߣs licensed under CC-BY-SA
John Breslin is a lecturer and researcher who co-founded the discussion forum boards.ie and publishing company New Tech Post. He discusses predictions about the future of technology from Mark Twain, Arthur C. Clarke, and Ray Kurzweil, and how emerging technologies will allow for augmented reality, brain uploading, and voice-controlled access to personalized digital content by 2040.
The document provides an overview of nanotechnology, discussing its history, current state, and future prospects. It defines nanotechnology as involving research and engineering at the nanoscale (1-100 nanometers). The document outlines major government funding through initiatives like the National Nanotechnology Initiative, as well as university and commercial research. It discusses various applications of nanotechnology across different industries.
Second Life is a 3D virtual world launched in 2003 that currently has over 16.5 million users. Many universities, including in the US, UK, Australia, and Japan, have a presence in Second Life for distance education purposes. University College Dublin (UCD) Library entered Second Life in 2007 to engage with students and deliver classes, skills sessions, seminars, and conferences. While Second Life faces challenges around technology issues and defining its value, virtual worlds may represent future opportunities for international cooperation and reaching non-traditional students.
The document discusses the tensions between privacy and sharing information online in the digitally networked era. It explores how the concept of privacy is evolving as the line between public and private information is blurred by social media. While social media satisfies people's desire for socialization and identity curation, it also commodifies private data and exposes people to risks for their reputations and privacy through involuntary information sharing. The document questions whether individuals are sufficiently aware of how their online activities impact their privacy and control over personal information.
Augmenting The Merlot Tradition With Multi User Virtual EnvironmentsSabine Reljic
MIC07 Oct9th. Presentation is composed of PPT slides and in-world meetings with a learning environment expert and a virtual environment instructor (meetings not recorded here). The goal of this presentation is to increase awareness in higher education of affordances present in current evolutions of web 2.0 tools such as participatory and connective technology in community experimentation in synthetic worlds like SL. Author was not yet knowledgeable of the SaLamander project then.
The Open Data Institute's mission is to catalyze the evolution of open data culture to create economic, environmental, and social value. It works with governments, companies and researchers around the world to make data more open and usable. The Open Data Institute holds events and runs programs to promote innovation with open data.
This document discusses the benefits of virtual worlds like Second Life and provides an overview of its features and uses. It notes that Second Life allows for engagement, immersive education, collaboration, discovery, productivity and more. Many businesses, schools and organizations have a presence in Second Life, including over 100 universities. The document outlines some of the activities people can do in Second Life like meetings, concerts, events, information sharing, outreach and more. It also provides resources for educators and researchers interested in using Second Life.
The powerpoint to support a lecture to learners in VWMOOC18 (Virtual Worlds MOOC 2018) about the history of virtual worlds, their affordances and challenges, and how to learn more about Second Life in particular and virtual world education in general.
The video of this lecture is available on YouTube at this link: https://youtu.be/HOgsmfFX6zw
Technology and outdoor education: Some experiential possibilitiesJames Neill
The document discusses the relationship between technology and outdoor education. It explores how outdoor education both relies on technology for activities and safety, but also aims to distance participants from technology. The document proposes that technology and outdoor education can have a symbiotic relationship, with technology enhancing outdoor education skills and understanding. It provides examples of how different technologies, both old and new, have been used in outdoor education settings and could be applied going forward.
Presentation hosted by Dr. Cynthia Calongne, aka Lyr Lobo for the World Association for Academic Doctors (WAAD) 2020 Conference on Oct. 21-22, 2020. The conference is sponsored by Colorado Technical University, Conference Chair Dr. Rae Denise Madison.
UiPath Agentic Automation Capabilities and OpportunitiesDianaGray10
Learn what UiPath Agentic Automation capabilities are and how you can empower your agents with dynamic decision making. In this session we will cover these topics:
What do we mean by Agents
Components of Agents
Agentic Automation capabilities
What Agentic automation delivers and AI Tools
Identifying Agent opportunities
? If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
Gojek Clone is a versatile multi-service super app that offers ride-hailing, food delivery, payment services, and more, providing a seamless experience for users and businesses alike on a single platform.
DevNexus - Building 10x Development Organizations.pdfJustin Reock
Developer Experience is Dead! Long Live Developer Experience!
In this keynote-style session, we¡¯ll take a detailed, granular look at the barriers to productivity developers face today and modern approaches for removing them. 10x developers may be a myth, but 10x organizations are very real, as proven by the influential study performed in the 1980s, ¡®The Coding War Games.¡¯
Right now, here in early 2025, we seem to be experiencing YAPP (Yet Another Productivity Philosophy), and that philosophy is converging on developer experience. It seems that with every new method, we invent to deliver products, whether physical or virtual, we reinvent productivity philosophies to go alongside them.
But which of these approaches works? DORA? SPACE? DevEx? What should we invest in and create urgency behind today so we don¡¯t have the same discussion again in a decade?
Formal Methods: Whence and Whither? [Martin Fr?nzle Festkolloquium, 2025]Jonathan Bowen
Alan Turing arguably wrote the first paper on formal methods 75 years ago. Since then, there have been claims and counterclaims about formal methods. Tool development has been slow but aided by Moore¡¯s Law with the increasing power of computers. Although formal methods are not widespread in practical usage at a heavyweight level, their influence as crept into software engineering practice to the extent that they are no longer necessarily called formal methods in their use. In addition, in areas where safety and security are important, with the increasing use of computers in such applications, formal methods are a viable way to improve the reliability of such software-based systems. Their use in hardware where a mistake can be very costly is also important. This talk explores the journey of formal methods to the present day and speculates on future directions.
World Information Architecture Day 2025 - UX at a CrossroadsJoshua Randall
User Experience stands at a crossroads: will we live up to our potential to design a better world? or will we be co-opted by ¡°product management¡± or another business buzzword?
Looking backwards, this talk will show how UX has repeatedly failed to create a better world, drawing on industry data from Nielsen Norman Group, Baymard, MeasuringU, WebAIM, and others.
Looking forwards, this talk will argue that UX must resist hype, say no more often and collaborate less often (you read that right), and become a true profession ¡ª in order to be able to design a better world.
The Future of Repair: Transparent and Incremental by Botond De?nesScyllaDB
Regularly run repairs are essential to keep clusters healthy, yet having a good repair schedule is more challenging than it should be. Repairs often take a long time, preventing running them often. This has an impact on data consistency and also limits the usefulness of the new repair based tombstone garbage collection. We want to address these challenges by making repairs incremental and allowing for automatic repair scheduling, without relying on external tools.
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptxshyamraj55
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptx | ### ºÝºÝߣ Deck Description:
This presentation features Atul, a Senior Solution Architect at NTT DATA, sharing his journey into traditional AI using Azure's Custom Vision tool. He discusses how AI mimics human thinking and reasoning, differentiates between predictive and generative AI, and demonstrates a real-world use case. The session covers the step-by-step process of creating and training an AI model for image classification and object detection¡ªspecifically, an ad display that adapts based on the viewer's gender. Atulavan highlights the ease of implementation without deep software or programming expertise. The presentation concludes with a Q&A session addressing technical and privacy concerns.
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Technology use over time and its impact on consumers and businesses.pptxkaylagaze
In this presentation, I explore how technology has changed consumer behaviour and its impact on consumers and businesses. I will focus on internet access, digital devices, how customers search for information and what they buy online, video consumption, and lastly consumer trends.
Future-Proof Your Career with AI OptionsDianaGray10
Learn about the difference between automation, AI and agentic and ways you can harness these to further your career. In this session you will learn:
Introduction to automation, AI, agentic
Trends in the marketplace
Take advantage of UiPath training and certification
In demand skills needed to strategically position yourself to stay ahead
? If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
30B Images and Counting: Scaling Canva's Content-Understanding Pipelines by K...ScyllaDB
Scaling content understanding for billions of images is no easy feat. This talk dives into building extreme label classification models, balancing accuracy & speed, and optimizing ML pipelines for scale. You'll learn new ways to tackle real-time performance challenges in massive data environments.
1. Getting Real About Our Virtual FutureDr Tim JonesPresentation to the JongeAkademie of theDutch Royal Academy of Arts and Science 18th March 20101Copyright Tim Jones 2010 communicatescience.com
10. Meetings & Conferences10Copyright Tim Jones 2010 communicatescience.comScreenshot from a meeting organised by Metanomics to discuss the University of Texas¡¯s project in Second Life
18. Visualisation - AstrophysicsCopyright Tim Jones 2010 communicatescience.com183 Body Star SimulationPhotos taken in SL at StellNova. Simulation run by the Meta Institute of Computational Astrophysics (MICA)
19. Visualisation - AstrophysicsCopyright Tim Jones 2010 communicatescience.com19MICA Data Visualization LabPhotos taken in SL at StellNova. Simulation run by the Meta Institute of Computational Astrophysics (MICA)
20. Visualisation - BiologyCopyright Tim Jones 2010 communicatescience.com20Standing inside a eukaryotic cell (credit Max Chatnoir, Genome Island)
25. Useful links to science in Second LifeSL Science Center Group https://sites.google.com/site/slscgroupsite/placesSciLandshttp://www.scilands.org/Data Vizualisation Wiki http://sldataviz.pbworks.com/Meta Institute of Computational Astrophysicshttp://www.mica-vw.org/wiki/index.php/PublicationsReview of chemistry research, education, visualization in SL http://www.journal.chemistrycentral.com/content/3/1/14Getting real about our virtual future. Nature Materials, Dec 2009, Jones. Doi 10.1038/nmat258http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v8/n12/index.html#cyVirtual Conferences becoming a reality. Nature Chemistry, March 2010, Welch et al doi:10.1038/nchem.556 http://www.nature.com/nchem/journal/v2/n3/index.html#cy25Copyright Tim Jones 2010 communicatescience.com
26. Copyright Tim Jones 2010 communicatescience.com26GoodbyeEmail: timjones@communicatescience.comWeb: http://communicatescience.comSL name: Erasmus MagicTwitter: http://twitter.com/physicus
#6: Video-conferencing avoids travel costs and carbon footprint
#17: Model by Hiro Sheridan. Bond angles and lengths are realistic
#18: Text from the exhibit:Newtonian gravity is an elegant theory that describes the force of gravity between two objects as: F = G * M1 * M2 / d^2 where G is the unviersal gravitational constant, M1 and M2 are the masses of the two objects, and d is the distance between the two objects. The direction of the force is towards the other object. This, together with Newtons Second Law of Motion, F = m * a where F is the force on an object, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration of the object, give us everything we need in order to figure out how stars will orbit around each other as a result of the influence of gravity.When there are only two bodies (be they stars, or a star and a planet, or a planet and a moon, or a planet and an orbiting spacecraft), there exists an analytic solution to Newton's gravity for the orbit. That is, we can derive equations that will tell you where the objects will be, and how fast they will be moving, at any time in the past or future, just by plugging the time into the equations. However, for three or more bodies, there exists no closed-form analytic solution. As a result, the only way to figure out how the objects orbit around each other is to do a "numerical" solution.A numerical solution to a Newtonian gravitational problem works by figuring out where all the objects are, figuring out the forces on each object as a result of all the other objects, figuring out the acceleration as a result of that force. The velocity of the object is then updated as a result of the acceleration, and the objects are moved by their velocities, for a small "time step". Then the process is repeated. Do this over and over again, and you simulate how the objects will move through space as a result of their mutual gravitational interaction.The general problem is called the "n-body problem", where n indicate it's a number of objects interacting. The simplest case is n=3; that is the problem that the "3-body simulator" object is solving. See the associated instructions notecard for information about controlling the simulation.- Rob Knop (aka Prospero Frobozz) 2009/09/03Operating instructions:The 3-Body Simulator was written for LSL by Rob Knop -- Prospero Frobozz in Second Life. rknop@pobox.comThis is an collection of objects that numericaly solve the 3-body problem using LSL. It displays the results of this simulation in real time by moving around three stars. For more information about the 3-body problem, read the associated notecard, "The Newtonian 3-Body Problem".By default, the simulator keeps track of time in years (the number of years since the start of the simulation is shown in floating text over the computer object). 0.1m in Second Life corresponds to 1 AU as the stars move around. The units for position and velocity for the stars are AU and AU/year respectively. The unit for mass is Solar Masses.Next to the display in StellaNova is a box that will give you a personal copy of this 3-body simulator when you click on it.The simulator is composed of the "computer" (the grid-textured box), the star tank (the big, mostly transparent box), the three stars, and the control panels to the left of the star tank.The buttons in the upper-left corner of control the overall simulation. Right now, click "Reset". (You may need to click it more than once to get all the stars to the right place.) That should move all of the stars to their initial positions inside the tank. The other buttons on this panel : * Start : starts the simulation running * Stop : stops the simulation * Reset : reset the simulation to initial conditions * Dump Values : say in local chat the current position and velocity for the stars * Center Positions : Use this only when the sim isn't running. It will center all of the stars' initial positions around the center of the tank. * Center Momentum : Use this only when the sim isn't running. It will adjust the stars' initial velocities so that the whole system has 0 momentum (and thus won't drift out of the bounds of the simulation too fast). * >> Copy >> Init. Values : Use this after clicking one of the previous two buttons. It will copy the initial conditions to the Star Control Panel. Note that it takes a few seconds for the Star Control Panel to fully update after you click this button. (It can take longer if there is bad simlag.)To the right of these buttons is a larger control panel, with three subpanels labelled "Star 1", "Star 2", and "Star 3". These panels let you set the **initial conditions** for the stars. It does NOT control or display the *current* positions or velocities for the stars when the simulation is running. You can use this to set up the simulation to be what you want.To use it, adjust the stars' masses, positions, and velocities. Around each value are little "+", "++", "-", and "--" buttons that allow you to increase and decrease the displayed vaules. When you like the values you have set, click the "Update" button for that star. Repeat this for the other two stars.===> NOTE : if you do not click the "Update" button, the star values will not be sent to the simulation computer! This is true even though the stars themselves may have changed position or appearance.When you like your intial conditions, and have cliced "Update" for all of them, click "Reset" in the 3-body simulator controls, and then "Start" to start a simulation.OTHERCOMMANDSThe stars optionally may display a velocity vector that shows their current speed and direction of motion. Turn these on by typing each of the following into text chat: /1 SHOWVEL /2 SHOWVEL /3 SHOWVEL to hide the velocity vectors, type: /1 HIDEVEL /2 HIDEVEL /3 HIDEVEL If you do *not* want the star computer reporting the total energy in the system every so often when the simulation is running, type /16384 noreportenergyto turn energy reporting back on, type /16384 reportenergy You can change the timestep used for the simulation before starting the simulation with the command /16384 dt 0.001 0.001 years is the default timestep; replace 0.001 with another value.
#19: Text from the exhibit:This is MICA's Data VisualzationLabThe visualization you see in there now is a 6-dimensional data set on stars, galaxies, and quasars in a parameter space of colors, redshifts, and morphology. The measurements are from a small subset of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The 3 spatial axes (XYZ) encode the colors; the size of the data points encodes their apparent brightness (magnitude); stars are gray, whereas quasars have the colors which encode theorredshift (~ distance); and galaxies have a color which encodes their stellar populations, roughly; stars and quasars are represented as spheres, and galaxies as cubes.We think that we can encode ~ 12 - 15 parameter space dimensions in further extensions of this methodology.This data rezzer script was written by Desdemona Enfield, in collaboration with Curious George.
#20: Genetics sim associated with Dr. Mary Anne Clark (Max Chatnoir in SL) at Texas Wesleyan University. http://web.txwes.edu/biology/macclark/