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Getting Started With
Word 2016 for Mac
Microsoft Office
Make sure that youve installed and activated Office 2016 for Mac.
To install Office 2016 for Mac, youll need:
 A Mac that meets these requirements
 An administrator account on the computer
youre using
To activate Office 2016 for Mac, youll need:
 An Office 365 subscription that includes Office
2016 for Mac
 An account to sign in to Office
Need help?
 See one of the following:
 What to try if you can't install or activate Office 2016 for Mac (work or school account)
 What to try if you can't install or activate Office 2016 for Mac (home or personal account)
 Visit the Answers forum (Microsoft Community)
 Contact Office Support (https://support.office.com/home/contact)
Learn your
way around
Create a
Format a
Save a
Choose a tile to get started:
Learn your way around Word 2016
 Find Word 2016 after installation
 Explore Word 2016 for Mac
 Explore changes in the ribbon
If you have trouble finding Word 2016 after
you install it, open the Launchpad and
double-click Microsoft Word.
Tip: To add a Word shortcut
to the Dock, drag the Microsoft Word icon
from the Applications window to
the Dock.
Menu bar
Quick Access
Status bar
Download the Word for Mac Quick Start Guide.
The ribbon in Word has been redesigned to be more consistent with Word on other platforms.
 The ribbon is grouped logically so its easier to find what youre looking for.
 A new Design tab, for example, provides quick access to features such as themes, styles,
fonts, and more.
 Other commands have been reorganized to make them easier to find, on new Insert,
Layout, References, Mailings, and View tabs.
 From the View tab, you can use an improved Navigation Pane to track where you are in a
document and navigate to points of interest.
Download the Word for Mac Quick Start Guide.
Create a document
Next, learn how to:
 Create a document using a template
Templates are files that help you design
interesting, compelling, and
professional-looking documents. When
Word opens, scroll through the
Document Gallery to find the template
you want, and then choose Create
(lower right).
To perform the tasks in the following
slides, choose Bold Resume.
 To create a blank document instead
of using a template, choose Blank
Document, and then choose Create.
 Find more templates online.
Format a document
Next, learn how to:
 Select and replace text
 Format text by using styles
 Add page numbers using headers and footers
 Add page numbers to an existing header or footer
Click a placeholder once to select it, and
then start typing to replace the text.
1. In the Bold Resume template you
opened earlier, choose the Name
2. Next, type your own name to
replace the placeholder text.
 To select a single word that you
typed, double-click it.
 To select a paragraph, triple-click it.
 To select all text in a document, press
Command () + A.
Formatting in the Bold Resume template, like most
templates, is done with styles. Styles define the
paragraph formatting and aspects of the text
formatting, such as size and font color.
Format the style properties of all heading 1 text:
1. Select Objective, which is the first heading in
the document.
2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, right-
click Heading 1, and then choose Modify.
3. In the Modify Style dialog box, choose
the Font menu, and then choose Arial
Rounded MT Bold.
4. On the Font Size menu, choose 11.
5. On the Font Color menu, choose
Black, Text 1, Lighter 50%.
Note the new font color and size.
Like many templates, the Bold Resume
template has a preformatted header
and footer that contains page numbers.
1. Choose the Insert tab.
2. Choose Header or Footer.
3. Scroll to find the layout you want,
and then choose it.
1. Double-click the header or the footer area.
2. On the Header & Footer tab, choose
3. In the Field names list, choose Page, and
then choose OK.
TIP: You might have to move graphics or
other elements in your header or footer to see
the page numbers after you insert them.
Save a document
Next, get an overview of how
saving works and learn how to:
 Save your document to your Mac
 Save your document to OneDrive
1. On the Quick Access Toolbar,
choose Save.
2. Give your document a name.
3. Use the Where list to specify
where on your computer you
want to save your workbook.
4. Choose Save.
1. On the Quick Access
Toolbar, choose Save.
2. Choose Online
3. If you dont see
OneDrive, choose the
Plus to add a service.
4. Choose Sign in, and
then enter your
Microsoft account and
1. In the Save As box, type a
name for your document.
2. Choose a location (such as
Documents) in your OneDrive
3. To create a new folder, choose
New Folder, and then type a
name for it.
4. Choose Save.
Word 2016 for Mac training
Discover Word
Word 2016 for Mac Help
Compare Word for Mac 2011 with Word 2016 for Mac
Office 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guides
Office training and tutorials
Getting started with Word 2016 for Mac

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Getting started with Word 2016 for Mac

  • 1. Getting Started With Word 2016 for Mac Microsoft Office
  • 2. 2 Make sure that youve installed and activated Office 2016 for Mac. To install Office 2016 for Mac, youll need: A Mac that meets these requirements An administrator account on the computer youre using To activate Office 2016 for Mac, youll need: An Office 365 subscription that includes Office 2016 for Mac An account to sign in to Office Need help? See one of the following: What to try if you can't install or activate Office 2016 for Mac (work or school account) What to try if you can't install or activate Office 2016 for Mac (home or personal account) Visit the Answers forum (Microsoft Community) Contact Office Support (https://support.office.com/home/contact)
  • 3. Learn your way around Create a document Format a document Save a document Choose a tile to get started: 3
  • 4. Learn your way around Word 2016 Find Word 2016 after installation Explore Word 2016 for Mac Explore changes in the ribbon
  • 5. 55 If you have trouble finding Word 2016 after you install it, open the Launchpad and double-click Microsoft Word. Tip: To add a Word shortcut to the Dock, drag the Microsoft Word icon from the Applications window to the Dock.
  • 6. 6 Menu bar Quick Access Toolbar Help Status bar Document window Document Gallery (documents and templates) Download the Word for Mac Quick Start Guide.
  • 7. 7 The ribbon in Word has been redesigned to be more consistent with Word on other platforms. The ribbon is grouped logically so its easier to find what youre looking for. A new Design tab, for example, provides quick access to features such as themes, styles, fonts, and more. Other commands have been reorganized to make them easier to find, on new Insert, Layout, References, Mailings, and View tabs. From the View tab, you can use an improved Navigation Pane to track where you are in a document and navigate to points of interest. Download the Word for Mac Quick Start Guide.
  • 8. Create a document Next, learn how to: Create a document using a template
  • 9. 9 Templates are files that help you design interesting, compelling, and professional-looking documents. When Word opens, scroll through the Document Gallery to find the template you want, and then choose Create (lower right). To perform the tasks in the following slides, choose Bold Resume. Tips: To create a blank document instead of using a template, choose Blank Document, and then choose Create. Find more templates online.
  • 10. Format a document Next, learn how to: Select and replace text Format text by using styles Add page numbers using headers and footers Add page numbers to an existing header or footer
  • 11. 11 Click a placeholder once to select it, and then start typing to replace the text. 1. In the Bold Resume template you opened earlier, choose the Name placeholder. 2. Next, type your own name to replace the placeholder text. Tips: To select a single word that you typed, double-click it. To select a paragraph, triple-click it. To select all text in a document, press Command () + A.
  • 12. 12 Formatting in the Bold Resume template, like most templates, is done with styles. Styles define the paragraph formatting and aspects of the text formatting, such as size and font color. Format the style properties of all heading 1 text: 1. Select Objective, which is the first heading in the document. 2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, right- click Heading 1, and then choose Modify.
  • 13. 13 3. In the Modify Style dialog box, choose the Font menu, and then choose Arial Rounded MT Bold. 4. On the Font Size menu, choose 11. 5. On the Font Color menu, choose Black, Text 1, Lighter 50%. Note the new font color and size.
  • 14. 14 Like many templates, the Bold Resume template has a preformatted header and footer that contains page numbers. 1. Choose the Insert tab. 2. Choose Header or Footer. 3. Scroll to find the layout you want, and then choose it.
  • 15. 15 1. Double-click the header or the footer area. 2. On the Header & Footer tab, choose Field. 3. In the Field names list, choose Page, and then choose OK. TIP: You might have to move graphics or other elements in your header or footer to see the page numbers after you insert them.
  • 16. Save a document Next, get an overview of how saving works and learn how to: Save your document to your Mac Save your document to OneDrive
  • 17. 17 1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, choose Save. 2. Give your document a name. 3. Use the Where list to specify where on your computer you want to save your workbook. 4. Choose Save.
  • 18. 18 1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, choose Save. 2. Choose Online Locations. 3. If you dont see OneDrive, choose the Plus to add a service. 4. Choose Sign in, and then enter your Microsoft account and password.
  • 19. 19 1. In the Save As box, type a name for your document. 2. Choose a location (such as Documents) in your OneDrive library. 3. To create a new folder, choose New Folder, and then type a name for it. 4. Choose Save.
  • 20. 20 Word 2016 for Mac training Discover Word Word 2016 for Mac Help Compare Word for Mac 2011 with Word 2016 for Mac Office 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guides Office training and tutorials