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Rahul Hans
Ms word
 A word processor is a computer program used to create and
print text documents that might otherwise be prepared on a
typewriter. The key advantage of a word processor is its
ability to make changes easily, such as correcting spelling,
adding, deleting, formatting and relocating text. Once
created, the document can be printed quickly and accurately
saved for later modifications. Today, we will be using
Microsoft Word 2003 to explore the program.
 Today, we will be using Microsoft Word 2003 to explore the
program. Microsoft Word 2007 looks different, but works
the exact same way.
 Before you get started with Microsoft Word (commonly referred to as MS Word),
you will need to locate and open it from the computer. It may be on your desktop.
 From the computer desktop: 1. Double-click on the MS Word icon Go to the Start
menu if the MS Word icon is not on the desktop: 1. Click Start Programs
Microsoft Word* *Occasionally, Microsoft Word will be in a folder called
Microsoft Office or similar  this will make one more step between Programs
and Microsoft Word in the diagram above.
Using The Browser
Tool Bar
This is a close-up view of the Title Bar,
where file information is located.
Notice the three buttons on the right
side, controlling program features.
Remember that the X button on the far
right means close the program, the
middle button is a toggle switch
between full screen and a small
window, and the single line button on
the left means minimize to the task bar.
The Menu Bar is a common sight in almost all Microsoft Windows programs. It features text-based
menus, on which are listed virtually every option. Each menu expands when clicked (with the left mouse
button), offering many options categorized by specific tasks. This menu is also customizable (for
instance, the Acrobat menu on the right of the image above many not be listed on all computer
systems) to offer a more personalized experience for the user.
Ms word
 The Formatting Toolbar offers
options that can change the
font, size, color, alignment,
organization and style of the
text in the document. For
example, (starting from the
left side of the Toolbar) the
Normal setting dictates the
STYLE of your text; the
Times New Roman indicates
the FONT of your text; the
12 indicates the SIZE of your
text; and so on.
Tool Bar
 The ruler is generally found below the main toolbars.
The ruler tells you where you are on the page, along
with the dimensions of the overall document. Just like
a real-world piece of paper, the default setting is 8.5 x
11 inches, and margins have been incorporated for
 To enter text, type just as you
would if you were using a
typewriter. To capitalize a
letter, hold down the SHIFT
key while typing the letter. Or,
press the CAPS LOCK key on
the left hand side of your
keyboard. You will have to
press the CAPS LOCK key
again  once you are done
capitalizing  to remove the
lock. You do not need to press
ENTER to start a new line 
Microsoft Word will
automatically wrap your
sentence at the end of the line.
Typing Text
 Changing the look of what
youve written is called
formatting. This can include
changing the text style, size,
color, and more. You can also
make bold, underline, or
italicize when using MS Word.
These features do not have to
be used independently of each
other either  in other words,
you can make bold, underline,
and italicize a single piece of
Deleting Text
 While typing a document, you may make a mistake. Unlike a typewriter,
MS Word can delete text on the screen that leaves no residue  it is as if you
never typed on the page in the first place. A common source of confusion
for users is understanding the difference between the Delete key and the
Backspace key (#1 and #2 on the keyboard map on page 6). Put simply,
the Backspace key deletes words to the LEFT of the cursor, and the
Delete key deletes words to the RIGHT of the cursor.
Undo and Redo
 The UNDO and REDO
features of Microsoft
Windows applications are
great tools to rely on
(especially in MS Word).
The program will keep a list
of the last 25 commands
that you have performed,
and it will allow for taking
one step backwards in
order to erase what you
have just done.
 In MS Word, you
can CUT or COPY
text from one area
of the document
and save that text
so it can be
elsewhere in the
document. When
you CUT text, you
actually delete it
from where you
took it, as
opposed to
COPYING it, which
makes, naturally, a
carbon copy of
Spelling And Grammar Check
 One of the benefits of
using a computerized word
processor is that of its
ability to recognize, change
and give advice about what
you are writing. MS Word
has utilities that can check
your spelling and grammar
against a master database,
and can offer advice on a
variety of different
grammatical styles.
*To print your MS Word document:
Click File Print from the Menu
Bar and a Print window will pop up
on the screen. Click OK for your
document to start printing. As with
all commands in MS Word, you can
make changes along the way. From
the Print menu, you can alter how
many copies will be made, in what
order the pages will be and much
more. Another useful tool is the
Print Preview function found
alongside the Print command. This
will allow you to look over an exact
copy of what will come out of the
printer before actually executing
the print command.
Saving Documents
Ms word
Ms word
Ms word
Ms word

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Ms word

  • 3. A word processor is a computer program used to create and print text documents that might otherwise be prepared on a typewriter. The key advantage of a word processor is its ability to make changes easily, such as correcting spelling, adding, deleting, formatting and relocating text. Once created, the document can be printed quickly and accurately saved for later modifications. Today, we will be using Microsoft Word 2003 to explore the program. Today, we will be using Microsoft Word 2003 to explore the program. Microsoft Word 2007 looks different, but works the exact same way.
  • 4. MICROSOFTWORDCOMPONENTS Before you get started with Microsoft Word (commonly referred to as MS Word), you will need to locate and open it from the computer. It may be on your desktop. From the computer desktop: 1. Double-click on the MS Word icon Go to the Start menu if the MS Word icon is not on the desktop: 1. Click Start Programs Microsoft Word* *Occasionally, Microsoft Word will be in a folder called Microsoft Office or similar this will make one more step between Programs and Microsoft Word in the diagram above.
  • 5. Using The Browser Tool Bar This is a close-up view of the Title Bar, where file information is located. Notice the three buttons on the right side, controlling program features. Remember that the X button on the far right means close the program, the middle button is a toggle switch between full screen and a small window, and the single line button on the left means minimize to the task bar.
  • 6. The Menu Bar is a common sight in almost all Microsoft Windows programs. It features text-based menus, on which are listed virtually every option. Each menu expands when clicked (with the left mouse button), offering many options categorized by specific tasks. This menu is also customizable (for instance, the Acrobat menu on the right of the image above many not be listed on all computer systems) to offer a more personalized experience for the user. THE MENU BAR
  • 8. The Formatting Toolbar offers options that can change the font, size, color, alignment, organization and style of the text in the document. For example, (starting from the left side of the Toolbar) the Normal setting dictates the STYLE of your text; the Times New Roman indicates the FONT of your text; the 12 indicates the SIZE of your text; and so on. Formatting Tool Bar
  • 9. The ruler is generally found below the main toolbars. The ruler tells you where you are on the page, along with the dimensions of the overall document. Just like a real-world piece of paper, the default setting is 8.5 x 11 inches, and margins have been incorporated for you.
  • 10. To enter text, type just as you would if you were using a typewriter. To capitalize a letter, hold down the SHIFT key while typing the letter. Or, press the CAPS LOCK key on the left hand side of your keyboard. You will have to press the CAPS LOCK key again once you are done capitalizing to remove the lock. You do not need to press ENTER to start a new line Microsoft Word will automatically wrap your sentence at the end of the line. Typing Text
  • 11. Changing the look of what youve written is called formatting. This can include changing the text style, size, color, and more. You can also make bold, underline, or italicize when using MS Word. These features do not have to be used independently of each other either in other words, you can make bold, underline, and italicize a single piece of text.
  • 12. Deleting Text While typing a document, you may make a mistake. Unlike a typewriter, MS Word can delete text on the screen that leaves no residue it is as if you never typed on the page in the first place. A common source of confusion for users is understanding the difference between the Delete key and the Backspace key (#1 and #2 on the keyboard map on page 6). Put simply, the Backspace key deletes words to the LEFT of the cursor, and the Delete key deletes words to the RIGHT of the cursor.
  • 13. Undo and Redo The UNDO and REDO features of Microsoft Windows applications are great tools to rely on (especially in MS Word). The program will keep a list of the last 25 commands that you have performed, and it will allow for taking one step backwards in order to erase what you have just done.
  • 14. COPYING, CUTTING AND PASTING TEXT In MS Word, you can CUT or COPY text from one area of the document and save that text so it can be PASTED elsewhere in the document. When you CUT text, you actually delete it from where you took it, as opposed to COPYING it, which makes, naturally, a carbon copy of
  • 15. Spelling And Grammar Check One of the benefits of using a computerized word processor is that of its ability to recognize, change and give advice about what you are writing. MS Word has utilities that can check your spelling and grammar against a master database, and can offer advice on a variety of different grammatical styles.
  • 16. *To print your MS Word document: Click File Print from the Menu Bar and a Print window will pop up on the screen. Click OK for your document to start printing. As with all commands in MS Word, you can make changes along the way. From the Print menu, you can alter how many copies will be made, in what order the pages will be and much more. Another useful tool is the Print Preview function found alongside the Print command. This will allow you to look over an exact copy of what will come out of the printer before actually executing the print command.