This document outlines elements that news organizations should consider including in a social media policy. It provides examples of social media policies from several newspapers that emphasize maintaining integrity and credibility as a journalist, avoiding bias, and protecting the reputation of the news organization. The document also lists common elements that a social media policy may include, such as guidelines for identifying oneself as an employee, promoting transparency, handling breaking news, and disciplinary actions for infractions.
The document outlines a strategy for continuous coverage of news stories across multiple platforms. It provides examples of how a single story could be updated and expanded upon throughout the day in various formats on a website, including: an advance article in the morning, a full news post, additional updates with new information or angles, and a final printed version. It also discusses using tools like interactive graphics, social media, polls and more to further engage audiences. The goal is to continuously update and rotate stories to keep readers informed and involved across different sections of a news site or paper.
Irfs of ny presentation 02 19 13 - mm (jg) #403 [compatibility mode]Mathew Mandeltort
The document discusses various topics related to menu development and new product launches for restaurants. It provides data on consumer concerns around food, commodity price changes from 2007-2012, and average chain restaurant menu price increases of 5% per year. Operators rate food safety and quality as top concerns. The process of new product development is outlined, involving various internal and external inputs. Recent chicken and burger new products from chains are listed as examples. Key learnings around a burger launch not meeting sales targets are also summarized.
The document discusses different types of blogs for coaches including aggregator blogs that collect news and information, insider blogs that provide behind-the-scenes perspectives, and commentator blogs for expressing opinions. It also provides examples of blog post topics and outlines steps for creating a coaching blog, including choosing a focus, type, and posting frequency.
This document provides guidance on coaching writers to improve their skills. It discusses the importance of talking with writers to help them develop their ideas and stories. The coaching process involves five stages: idea, report, organize, draft and revise. Coaches should work collaboratively with writers at each stage to plan, conceive ideas, monitor reporting and provide feedback on approaches. The goal is to have the writer produce a well-organized, clearly written story through constructive discussion at various points in the writing process.
This article provides advice on how to keep unfinished wine fresh after opening a bottle. It recommends corking and refrigerating leftover wine to slow oxidation. For occasions when a full bottle is too much, it suggests purchasing half-bottles, which prevent waste and allow enjoying different varieties. While half-bottles cost more per ounce, they don't age as well as full bottles and are best consumed within a few years. The article also includes recommendations for affordable and high-end half-bottle options.
Planning & coaching content for multiple platformsMichael Roberts
This document provides guidance on creating content for multiple platforms, including coaching plans, standards, and continuous coverage. It discusses summarizing key information for staff, establishing goals and priorities, communicating vision, and empowering others. Formats covered include slideshows, video, blogs, social media, and mobile. Guidelines are given for each format on structure, time investment, and selecting the best medium for the content and audience.
Mathew Mandeltort of Technomic, Inc. presented a framework for identifying emerging food trends using an inductive analytical approach. The framework involves analyzing five nodes: trend markers, chef influence, consumer awareness, market presence, and sourcing/development. A six-step methodology is suggested involving menu mining, field research, data analysis, screening, evaluating chains, and final analysis. The framework aims to help identify opportunities within trends by considering multiple criteria rather than single data points.
This document provides guidance on creating effective graphics to accompany written articles. It discusses the importance of understanding the data and context before presenting it visually. Key tips include having a clear purpose for the graphic, asking questions to ensure the appropriate comparisons or explanations are shown, vetting the data thoroughly, and collaborating with editors and designers. The document also lists seven important questions graphic creators should ask themselves to determine the best way to visually convey essential information to readers.
The document discusses the roles and responsibilities of editors in journalism. It emphasizes that the core function of editors is to verify information for accuracy. Editors must make judgment calls about what content to change or leave as-is. They are responsible for both "macro editing" like evaluating news value, and "micro editing" which focuses on grammar, style and clarity. The document provides examples of editing policies and processes to help ensure accuracy and quality control in published content.
The document discusses beat development for reporters and editors. It includes four worksheets to map out the beat, determine focus areas, set expectations for content and reporting routines, and list important sources. Reporters and editors would discuss each area to develop a shared understanding of how the beat will be covered. A beat summary would then distill these discussions into goals for improving coverage of the beat over the coming year. The worksheets provide guidance on mapping the full scope of the beat, prioritizing areas of focus, specifying content expectations and source requirements to successfully cover the agreed-upon focus areas.
A needs assessment is used to identify performance gaps between an organization's current and desired states by describing the actual and needed skills, knowledge, and behaviors. It determines the appropriate response to improve performance by analyzing information gathered from stakeholders and linking the assessment to effective training solutions. The process considers both internal employee factors and external organizational issues that may be hindering performance.
Este 叩lbum de fotograf鱈as contiene im叩genes tomadas por Gustavo. Muestra varias escenas de paisajes naturales y retratos de amigos y familiares. El 叩lbum captura recuerdos significativos en la vida de Gustavo.
It's the end of cheap food as we know it (and I feel fine)Mathew Mandeltort
Higher commodity prices are expected to continue for the foreseeable future. This presents challenges for restaurants but also opportunities. Some strategies restaurants are using include promoting alternative proteins like poultry and value cuts of meat. They are also featuring gourmet burgers and lesser known proteins. Emphasizing higher margin menu items, creative pricing, and optimizing dayparts are additional approaches to cope with rising commodity costs.
Technomic provides market diligence services to assist with foodservice industry acquisitions. Their services include target screening and identification, market diligence, and post-acquisition support. For market diligence, Technomic analyzes the target company using proprietary tools and expertise across four areas: foundational industry understanding, foodservice segment insights, chain analytics, and customized client perspectives. Deliverables include a written report evaluating the target company and answering client questions.
The document discusses the five stages of developing a story: idea, report, organize, draft, and revise. It provides guidance on each stage, including focusing the story, developing the central idea through reporting, organizing around a theme statement, and revising to maintain the focus. Various story forms like block, layer cake, and wine glass are presented to help shape the story at the organization stage. The five stages provide a process for writers to move from an initial idea to a finished story.
The document discusses effective training design for adult learners. It outlines conditions for adult learning, including that adults need to understand why they are learning something, learn best through hands-on experience, and see the immediate value of what they are learning. The document then presents three training module designs that incorporate these principles, with each module including a rationale, objectives, activities, and evaluation components. Design #1 on video story forms is proposed as an example that asks learners to assess an poorly designed video and provide feedback.
Planning & coaching content for multiple platformsMichael Roberts
This document provides guidance on creating content for multiple platforms, including coaching plans, standards, and continuous coverage. It discusses summarizing key information for staff, establishing goals and priorities, communicating vision, and empowering others. Formats covered include slideshows, video, blogs, social media, and mobile. Guidelines are given for each format on structure, time investment, and selecting the best medium for the content and audience.
Mathew Mandeltort of Technomic, Inc. presented a framework for identifying emerging food trends using an inductive analytical approach. The framework involves analyzing five nodes: trend markers, chef influence, consumer awareness, market presence, and sourcing/development. A six-step methodology is suggested involving menu mining, field research, data analysis, screening, evaluating chains, and final analysis. The framework aims to help identify opportunities within trends by considering multiple criteria rather than single data points.
This document provides guidance on creating effective graphics to accompany written articles. It discusses the importance of understanding the data and context before presenting it visually. Key tips include having a clear purpose for the graphic, asking questions to ensure the appropriate comparisons or explanations are shown, vetting the data thoroughly, and collaborating with editors and designers. The document also lists seven important questions graphic creators should ask themselves to determine the best way to visually convey essential information to readers.
The document discusses the roles and responsibilities of editors in journalism. It emphasizes that the core function of editors is to verify information for accuracy. Editors must make judgment calls about what content to change or leave as-is. They are responsible for both "macro editing" like evaluating news value, and "micro editing" which focuses on grammar, style and clarity. The document provides examples of editing policies and processes to help ensure accuracy and quality control in published content.
The document discusses beat development for reporters and editors. It includes four worksheets to map out the beat, determine focus areas, set expectations for content and reporting routines, and list important sources. Reporters and editors would discuss each area to develop a shared understanding of how the beat will be covered. A beat summary would then distill these discussions into goals for improving coverage of the beat over the coming year. The worksheets provide guidance on mapping the full scope of the beat, prioritizing areas of focus, specifying content expectations and source requirements to successfully cover the agreed-upon focus areas.
A needs assessment is used to identify performance gaps between an organization's current and desired states by describing the actual and needed skills, knowledge, and behaviors. It determines the appropriate response to improve performance by analyzing information gathered from stakeholders and linking the assessment to effective training solutions. The process considers both internal employee factors and external organizational issues that may be hindering performance.
Este 叩lbum de fotograf鱈as contiene im叩genes tomadas por Gustavo. Muestra varias escenas de paisajes naturales y retratos de amigos y familiares. El 叩lbum captura recuerdos significativos en la vida de Gustavo.
It's the end of cheap food as we know it (and I feel fine)Mathew Mandeltort
Higher commodity prices are expected to continue for the foreseeable future. This presents challenges for restaurants but also opportunities. Some strategies restaurants are using include promoting alternative proteins like poultry and value cuts of meat. They are also featuring gourmet burgers and lesser known proteins. Emphasizing higher margin menu items, creative pricing, and optimizing dayparts are additional approaches to cope with rising commodity costs.
Technomic provides market diligence services to assist with foodservice industry acquisitions. Their services include target screening and identification, market diligence, and post-acquisition support. For market diligence, Technomic analyzes the target company using proprietary tools and expertise across four areas: foundational industry understanding, foodservice segment insights, chain analytics, and customized client perspectives. Deliverables include a written report evaluating the target company and answering client questions.
The document discusses the five stages of developing a story: idea, report, organize, draft, and revise. It provides guidance on each stage, including focusing the story, developing the central idea through reporting, organizing around a theme statement, and revising to maintain the focus. Various story forms like block, layer cake, and wine glass are presented to help shape the story at the organization stage. The five stages provide a process for writers to move from an initial idea to a finished story.
The document discusses effective training design for adult learners. It outlines conditions for adult learning, including that adults need to understand why they are learning something, learn best through hands-on experience, and see the immediate value of what they are learning. The document then presents three training module designs that incorporate these principles, with each module including a rationale, objectives, activities, and evaluation components. Design #1 on video story forms is proposed as an example that asks learners to assess an poorly designed video and provide feedback.
畛 xem full ti li畛u Xin vui l嘆ng li棚n h畛 page 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛:
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
The document discusses approaches to modeling and controlling traffic, including macroscopic and microscopic models. It then describes the components of a typical traffic light control system and various control algorithms that have been used, including expert systems, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy logic, and reinforcement learning. The overall goals are to improve safety, minimize travel time, and increase infrastructure capacity.
The document discusses traffic light control systems. It covers modeling traffic at the macroscopic and microscopic scale, components of a traffic light control system including detectors, control algorithms like expert systems, evolutionary algorithms and fuzzy logic have been applied to traffic light control. The conclusion summarizes modeling approaches, components of a traffic light control system, how lights cooperate, and control algorithms that have been used.
2. He辰 tho叩ng gia湛m sa湛t va淡 thu tha辰p d旦探 lie辰u SCADA 単ie奪n h狸nh Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition System
3. Ca叩u tru湛c pha但n ca叩p cu短a mo辰t he辰 tho叩ng t旦誰 単o辰ng Planning - Management - Production Production management Process control Sensors, actuators, drives Data flow C O R O S O P 1 5 K 2 K 1 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 6 K 7 K 8 K 9 8 3 S H I F T D E L H E L P Local control
96. Tr狸nh t旦誰 ta誰o mo辰t Project Function M担短 c旦短a so奪 Global Script Nha叩p pha短i chuo辰t 厩温淡看 Project Functions va淡 cho誰n New
97. 3. Vie叩t ch旦担ng tr狸nh cho ha淡m be但n cu短a so奪 Editor, bao gom: Kie奪u d旦探 lie辰u tra短 ve cu短a ha淡m, te但n ha淡m, khai ba湛o ca湛c 単o叩i so叩, tha但n ha淡m, gia湛 tr嘆 tra短 ve cho ha淡m. L旦u y湛 la淡 sau mo達i do淡ng le辰nh la淡 da叩u ;
98. 4. Bie但n d嘆ch cho ha淡m. 5. Co湛 the奪 ta誰o Password 単e奪 gi旦探 ba短o ma辰t cho ha淡mba竪ng ca湛ch nha叩n nu湛t:.
99. Ca湛c thu短 tu誰c hay s旦短 du誰ng khi la辰p tr狸nh 嘆nh ngh坦a Tag : Cu湛 pha湛p: # define Te但n Tag khi la辰p tr狸nh Te但n Tag 単a探 khai ba湛o trong Tag Manager . V鱈 du誰: Gia短 s旦短 ta 単a探 単嘆nh ngh坦a mo辰t Tag te但n la淡 Start trong Tag Manager co湛 単嘆a ch脱 tre但n PLC 単a探 xa湛c 単嘆nh t旦淡 tr旦担湛c. S旦短 du誰ng ca但u le辰nh: # define Tag0Start th狸 khi 単o湛 trong ch旦担ng tr狸nh ta du淡ng bie叩n Tag0 thay cho Tag Start 単a探 khai ba湛o trong Tag Management
100. Khai ba湛o ha竪ng, bie叩n Khai ba湛o ha竪ng: Cu湛 pha湛p : # define Te但n ha竪ng_Gia湛 tr嘆 cu短a ha竪ng V鱈 du誰 : #define Max 365; Khai ba湛o bie叩n: Cu湛 pha湛p: Kie奪u d旦探 lie辰u cu短a bie叩n_Te但n bie叩n (Co湛 the奪 ga湛n gia湛 tr嘆 ban 単au cho bie叩n khi khai ba湛o) V鱈 du誰: int a; int b=0;