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Give Your Smile the VIP
Treatment (Part 1) 

Dr. Catrise Austin
Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment"
(Part 1) 

則р Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that

person, a beautiful thing.~ Mother Teresa

則р I did not come by my belief in having an A-List Smile by accident. They

say that high school is a time when you discover what youll do with the
rest of your life; I guess you could say I bit off more than I could chew 
in more ways than one.

則р As I began high school, I found myself being ashamed of opening my

mouth. Not because I was a shy child by nature, but because of what my
front teeth looked like. For years Id been the butt of my classmates
jokes; all through grade and middle school to open my mouth at all
meant to invite humiliation and rejection.
Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment"
(Part 1) 

則р If youve ever been a victim of childhood cruelty, youll know what Im

talking about; even if you havent, youll still know what Im talking
about. To be a child is to be insecure in the first place; to be a child with
teeth that stand out for others to mock is to be insecure for a reason.
則р Neither is a very pleasant experience.
則р To keep from being laughed at or made fun of, I simply kept my smiles to

a minimum. I became shy and reserved; a very different experience for a
girl whod grown up always seeing the glass as half-full. But such is the
power of rejection; to endure it is to change yourself permanently.
Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment"
(Part 1) 

則р Or maybe not so permanently.
則р I had always been a precocious child, maybe because I had been brought up

to believe in myself  and that anything was possible. My mom had me when
she was only seventeen, a teenager herself, and raised me as a single mom in
none other than Flint, Michigan, then the 5th most dangerous city in the US!

則р Despite the challenges of raising a child on her own, or perhaps even because

of them, my mom embraced motherhood as a teenager and took me
everywhere she went. A lover of the arts, she took me to theater and to all of
the concerts. I mean good ones, too, acts like Parlament/Funkadeliks, Rick
James, even the Rick James VS Prince concert (when Prince first came onto
the scene and nobody knew who he wasthats when I fell in love with him!
At age 12).
Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment"
(Part 1) 

則р I loved music; maybe because you could listen to it without seeing

it. To someone self-conscious about her appearance, this was
vitally important to me. The best part of all, I grew up in the
beginning stages of hip hop, when Run DMC was new to the
scene, then came the first hip hop tour; Fresh Fest (LL Cool J, Fat
Boys, Whodini, UTFO, Run DMC) to which I was allowed to go.
Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment"
(Part 1) 

則р My talent for meeting celebrities began back then at the age of 12.

Run DMC came out with a song called Its Like That. They
came to little old Flint, MI, to a roller-skating rink. I was
determined to meet them, so I wrote them a letter and slipped it
under their dressing room door. Surprisingly, Russell Simmons
(the unknown manager at the time) came out and said, Who
wrote this letter?

則р I raised my hand and shouted, Me, me! He invited me and my

friend into Run DMCs dressing room! The key thing is I got
Russells business card to keep in touch. (By the way, I still have
that card to this day.)
Call Today for a Consultation!
Dr. Catrise Austin
119 W. 57th Street, Suite 512
New York, New York 10019
Phone (212) 262-6054
Website: http://NYCCGD.com
As a New York Cosmetic Dentist (10019), we offer a variety of dental
services including but not limited to:
Cosmetic Dentistry :: Dental Crowns :: Dental Health :: Dental Implants :: Family
Dentistry :: General Dentistry :: Porcelain Veneers :: Composite Veneers :: Restorative
Dentistry :: Braces :: Smile Makeover :: Teeth Whitening :: Sedation Dentistry.
As a New York Cosmetic Dentist (10019), we serve the following areas:
We serve patients all over the world as well as those in the following areas:
Manhattan, NY :: Harlem, NY :: MidTown, NY :: New York, NY :: Time Square ::
Upper West Side :: Upper East Side.

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Give your smile the vip treatment part 1 (new york cosmetic dentist 10019)

  • 1. Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment (Part 1) Dr. Catrise Austin
  • 2. Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment" (Part 1) 則р Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.~ Mother Teresa 則р I did not come by my belief in having an A-List Smile by accident. They say that high school is a time when you discover what youll do with the rest of your life; I guess you could say I bit off more than I could chew in more ways than one. 則р As I began high school, I found myself being ashamed of opening my mouth. Not because I was a shy child by nature, but because of what my front teeth looked like. For years Id been the butt of my classmates jokes; all through grade and middle school to open my mouth at all meant to invite humiliation and rejection.
  • 3. Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment" (Part 1) 則р If youve ever been a victim of childhood cruelty, youll know what Im talking about; even if you havent, youll still know what Im talking about. To be a child is to be insecure in the first place; to be a child with teeth that stand out for others to mock is to be insecure for a reason. 則р Neither is a very pleasant experience. 則р To keep from being laughed at or made fun of, I simply kept my smiles to a minimum. I became shy and reserved; a very different experience for a girl whod grown up always seeing the glass as half-full. But such is the power of rejection; to endure it is to change yourself permanently.
  • 4. Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment" (Part 1) 則р Or maybe not so permanently. 則р I had always been a precocious child, maybe because I had been brought up to believe in myself and that anything was possible. My mom had me when she was only seventeen, a teenager herself, and raised me as a single mom in none other than Flint, Michigan, then the 5th most dangerous city in the US! 則р Despite the challenges of raising a child on her own, or perhaps even because of them, my mom embraced motherhood as a teenager and took me everywhere she went. A lover of the arts, she took me to theater and to all of the concerts. I mean good ones, too, acts like Parlament/Funkadeliks, Rick James, even the Rick James VS Prince concert (when Prince first came onto the scene and nobody knew who he wasthats when I fell in love with him! At age 12).
  • 5. Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment" (Part 1) 則р I loved music; maybe because you could listen to it without seeing it. To someone self-conscious about her appearance, this was vitally important to me. The best part of all, I grew up in the beginning stages of hip hop, when Run DMC was new to the scene, then came the first hip hop tour; Fresh Fest (LL Cool J, Fat Boys, Whodini, UTFO, Run DMC) to which I was allowed to go.
  • 6. Give Your Smile the VIP Treatment" (Part 1) 則р My talent for meeting celebrities began back then at the age of 12. Run DMC came out with a song called Its Like That. They came to little old Flint, MI, to a roller-skating rink. I was determined to meet them, so I wrote them a letter and slipped it under their dressing room door. Surprisingly, Russell Simmons (the unknown manager at the time) came out and said, Who wrote this letter? 則р I raised my hand and shouted, Me, me! He invited me and my friend into Run DMCs dressing room! The key thing is I got Russells business card to keep in touch. (By the way, I still have that card to this day.)
  • 7. Call Today for a Consultation! Dr. Catrise Austin 119 W. 57th Street, Suite 512 New York, New York 10019 Phone (212) 262-6054 Website: http://NYCCGD.com As a New York Cosmetic Dentist (10019), we offer a variety of dental services including but not limited to: Cosmetic Dentistry :: Dental Crowns :: Dental Health :: Dental Implants :: Family Dentistry :: General Dentistry :: Porcelain Veneers :: Composite Veneers :: Restorative Dentistry :: Braces :: Smile Makeover :: Teeth Whitening :: Sedation Dentistry. As a New York Cosmetic Dentist (10019), we serve the following areas: We serve patients all over the world as well as those in the following areas: Manhattan, NY :: Harlem, NY :: MidTown, NY :: New York, NY :: Time Square :: Upper West Side :: Upper East Side.