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Global Nomads in
Why are we here?
Driven by the International Baccalaureate
philosophy, LIS builds the skills and attitudes
of each member of our community, shaping
adaptable and knowledgeable individuals
who meet challenges with confidence.
Why are we here?

Explore the meaning of global nomad and third culture kid (TCK)
Share our ideas about culture.
There are both challenges and opportunities connected to TCK
and global nomads.
Different children within families and different families experience
these transitions in a variety of ways.
Understanding the cultural issues helps us to prepare our children
for these transitions.
Ice breaker
Introduce yourselves at your tables.

Where are you from?
What is the biggest challenge for you living in Luanda?
(yellow post it)
What do you think is the biggest challenge for your
child/children? (green post it)
Robin Pascoe - What is a third culture kid?

TCK & Global Nomad
Third Culture Kid: someone who
has spent a significant part of their
developmental years overseas
Global Nomad: someone who has
spent a significant part of their
time/childhood overseas because of
their father's career
How do you know you are a TCK?
1. To everyones confusion, your accent changes depending on who youre
talking to.
2. You have a love-hate relationship with the question Where are you from?
3. Your circle of best friends is as politically, racially, and religiously diverse
as the United Nations.
4. You get nervous whenever a form needs you to enter a permanent
5. Love it or hate it, you have a strong and well-informed opinion on the I.B.

6. And, no matter how many you say, good-byes never get easier.
Global Nomads LIS Presentation
East meets West: Yang Liu
Global Nomads LIS Presentation
Global Nomads LIS Presentation
Global Nomads LIS Presentation
Global Nomads LIS Presentation
So wheres home?
Identify 2 things which hit home
with you from the video.

Be prepared to discuss why they
resonate with you.
So wheres home?
So wheres home

Small group
Transition Cycle
Global Nomads LIS Presentation
Families in Global Transitions: http://www.figt.org
Magazine for third culture kids: http://www.denizenmag.com
Website for third culture kids: http://www.tckworld.com
Helping families worldwide - Julia Simens: http://jsimens.com

Robin Pascoes website: http://www.expatexpert.com
Documentary http://www.neitherherenorthere-thefilm.com (35 minutes exploring cultural identify of six young adults)
Ruth Van Renken blog: http://blog.crossculturalkid.org
Van Renken, Ruth & David Pollock. Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds. Nicholas Bealey Publishing. Boston,
MA, 2009.

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Global Nomads LIS Presentation

  • 2. Why are we here? Driven by the International Baccalaureate philosophy, LIS builds the skills and attitudes of each member of our community, shaping adaptable and knowledgeable individuals who meet challenges with confidence.
  • 3. Why are we here? Explore the meaning of global nomad and third culture kid (TCK) Share our ideas about culture. There are both challenges and opportunities connected to TCK and global nomads. Different children within families and different families experience these transitions in a variety of ways. Understanding the cultural issues helps us to prepare our children for these transitions.
  • 4. Ice breaker Introduce yourselves at your tables. Where are you from? What is the biggest challenge for you living in Luanda? (yellow post it) What do you think is the biggest challenge for your child/children? (green post it)
  • 5. Robin Pascoe - What is a third culture kid? http://youtu.be/yaf2A0IZLto
  • 6. TCK & Global Nomad Third Culture Kid: someone who has spent a significant part of their developmental years overseas Global Nomad: someone who has spent a significant part of their time/childhood overseas because of their father's career
  • 7. How do you know you are a TCK? 1. To everyones confusion, your accent changes depending on who youre talking to. 2. You have a love-hate relationship with the question Where are you from? 3. Your circle of best friends is as politically, racially, and religiously diverse as the United Nations. 4. You get nervous whenever a form needs you to enter a permanent address. 5. Love it or hate it, you have a strong and well-informed opinion on the I.B. system. 6. And, no matter how many you say, good-byes never get easier.
  • 9. East meets West: Yang Liu
  • 14. So wheres home? Identify 2 things which hit home with you from the video. Be prepared to discuss why they resonate with you.
  • 16. So wheres home Small group discussion Developmental differences
  • 19. Resources Families in Global Transitions: http://www.figt.org Magazine for third culture kids: http://www.denizenmag.com Website for third culture kids: http://www.tckworld.com Helping families worldwide - Julia Simens: http://jsimens.com Robin Pascoes website: http://www.expatexpert.com Documentary http://www.neitherherenorthere-thefilm.com (35 minutes exploring cultural identify of six young adults) Ruth Van Renken blog: http://blog.crossculturalkid.org Van Renken, Ruth & David Pollock. Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds. Nicholas Bealey Publishing. Boston, MA, 2009.