GlobalLogic QA Webinar What does it take to become a Test EngineerGlobalLogic Ukraine
We considered:
- What attracts you to testing?
- What set of skills does the tester need?
- How to find your niche?
- Truth and fiction about testing
- Resume as a way to success
- Recommended materials
Discussed the capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of Keycloak, made a basic understanding of how it can be applied and integrated into various systems.
Speaker - Ihor Didyk, Software Engineer, GlobalLogic.
NET Webinar #1 "Is There a Life Outside the Entity Framework"GlobalLogic Ukraine
亠仂亟舒于仆仂 于亟弍于 于亠弍仆舒 Is There a Life Outside the Entity Framework!
亟 舒 于亠弍仆舒 亟仂于亟亠仆亳亶 仂仍仂亟亳仄亳 仂于亳亞仆, Senior Consultant, Engineering, GlobalLogic, 仂亰仗仂于于, 仂 亰仆舒仆仆 弍舒亰 亟舒仆亳 仗仂弍仆仂 舒亠, 仆亢 亰亟舒.
亟亠仂 舒 亟亠舒仍 亰舒仂亟:
GlobalLogic 弌/C++/Embedded Live Coding Challenge. Basic graph algorithmsGlobalLogic Ukraine
O documento descreve o algoritmo de busca em profundidade (DFS) para grafos. O DFS 辿 executado em um grafo de exemplo com 15 v辿rtices, percorrendo cada v辿rtice e seus vizinhos de forma recursiva e adicionando-os sequ棚ncia de busca.
The Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association (PVCPA) has published the first North American industry-wide environmental product declaration (EPD) for water and sewer piping, and it has been verified by NSF Sustainability, a division of global public health organization NSF International.
GlobalLogic QA Webinar What does it take to become a Test EngineerGlobalLogic Ukraine
We considered:
- What attracts you to testing?
- What set of skills does the tester need?
- How to find your niche?
- Truth and fiction about testing
- Resume as a way to success
- Recommended materials
Discussed the capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of Keycloak, made a basic understanding of how it can be applied and integrated into various systems.
Speaker - Ihor Didyk, Software Engineer, GlobalLogic.
NET Webinar #1 "Is There a Life Outside the Entity Framework"GlobalLogic Ukraine
亠仂亟舒于仆仂 于亟弍于 于亠弍仆舒 Is There a Life Outside the Entity Framework!
亟 舒 于亠弍仆舒 亟仂于亟亠仆亳亶 仂仍仂亟亳仄亳 仂于亳亞仆, Senior Consultant, Engineering, GlobalLogic, 仂亰仗仂于于, 仂 亰仆舒仆仆 弍舒亰 亟舒仆亳 仗仂弍仆仂 舒亠, 仆亢 亰亟舒.
亟亠仂 舒 亟亠舒仍 亰舒仂亟:
GlobalLogic 弌/C++/Embedded Live Coding Challenge. Basic graph algorithmsGlobalLogic Ukraine
O documento descreve o algoritmo de busca em profundidade (DFS) para grafos. O DFS 辿 executado em um grafo de exemplo com 15 v辿rtices, percorrendo cada v辿rtice e seus vizinhos de forma recursiva e adicionando-os sequ棚ncia de busca.
The Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association (PVCPA) has published the first North American industry-wide environmental product declaration (EPD) for water and sewer piping, and it has been verified by NSF Sustainability, a division of global public health organization NSF International.
A helium boosting and decanting system is typically used in various industrial applications, particularly in the production and handling of gases, including helium including leak test of reciprocating cylinder. Heres a brief overview of its components and functions:
1. Helium Storage Tanks: High-pressure tanks that store helium@ 150 bars.
2. Boosting Pumps: Designed to boost helium pressure up to 150 bar, ensuring efficient flow throughout the system.
3. Decanting Unit: Separates liquid helium from gas, facilitating decanting at pressures of up to 2 bars.
4. Pressure Regulators: Maintain and control the pressure of helium during transport.
5. Control Valves: automatic control valve is provided for the flow and direction of helium through the system.
6. Piping and Fittings: High-quality, corrosion-resistant materials for safe transport.
Boosting Pressure: The system boosts helium pressure up to 150 bar for various applications.
Decanting: Safely decants helium, separating liquid from gas at pressures of up to 2 bar.
Safety Measures: Equipped with relief valves and emergency shut-off systems to handle high pressures safely.
Monitoring and Control: Sensors and automated controls monitor pressure and flow rates.
Cryogenics: Cooling superconducting magnets in MRI machines and particle accelerators.
Welding: Used as a shielding gas in welding processes.
Research: Crucial for various scientific applications, including laboratories and space exploration.
Key Features:
Helium Storage & Boosting System
Decanting System
Pressure Regulation & Monitoring
Valves & Flow Control
Filtration & Safety Components
Structural & Material Specifications
Automation & Electrical Components
Indian Soil Classification System in Geotechnical EngineeringRajani Vyawahare
This PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the Indian Soil Classification System, widely used in geotechnical engineering for identifying and categorizing soils based on their properties. It covers essential aspects such as particle size distribution, sieve analysis, and Atterberg consistency limits, which play a crucial role in determining soil behavior for construction and foundation design. The presentation explains the classification of soil based on particle size, including gravel, sand, silt, and clay, and details the sieve analysis experiment used to determine grain size distribution. Additionally, it explores the Atterberg consistency limits, such as the liquid limit, plastic limit, and shrinkage limit, along with a plasticity chart to assess soil plasticity and its impact on engineering applications. Furthermore, it discusses the Indian Standard Soil Classification (IS 1498:1970) and its significance in construction, along with a comparison to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). With detailed explanations, graphs, charts, and practical applications, this presentation serves as a valuable resource for students, civil engineers, and researchers in the field of geotechnical engineering.
Improving Surgical Robot Performance Through Seal Design.pdfBSEmarketing
Ever wonder how something as "simple" as a seal can impact surgical robot accuracy and reliability? Take quick a spin through this informative deck today, and use what you've learned to build a better robot tomorrow.
Practice Head is assembled with Practice Torpedo intended for carrying out exercise firings. It is assembled with Homing Head in the forward section and oxygen flask in the rear section. Practice Head imparts positive buoyancy to the Torpedo at the end of run. The Practice Head is divided into two compartments viz. Ballast Compartment (Houses Light Device, Depth & Roll Recorder, Signal Flare Ejector, Discharge Valve, Stop Cock, Water discharge Valve, Bellow reducing Valve, Release Mechanism, Recess, Bypass Valve, Pressure Equalizer, Float, Sinking Plug etc.) which provides positive buoyancy at the end of run by discharging water (140 ltrs.) filled in the compartment and Instrument compartment (dry), houses (safety & recovery unit and its battery, combined homing and influence exploder equipment, noise maker, bollards & safety valve etc.) The recess in Ballast compartment houses the float which gets inflated at the end of run to provide floatation to the surfaced Torpedo. Several hand holes/recesses are provided on the casing/shell of Practice Head for assembly of the following components:-
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure equalizer
e) Drain/Discharge Valve assembly
f) Bollard Assembly
g) Holding for Floater/Balloon Assembly
h) Sinking Valve
i) Safety Valve
j) Inspection hand hole
Technical Details:
SrNo Items Specifications
1 Aluminum Alloy (AlMg5)
Casing Body Material: AlMg5
Larger Outer Diameter of the Casing: 532.4 MM
Smaller Outer Diameter of the Casing: 503.05 MM
Total Length: 1204.20 MM
Thickness: 6-8 mm
Structural Details of Casing: The casing is of uniform outer dia for a certain distance from rear side and tapered from a definite distance to the front side. (Refer T-DAP-A1828-GADWG-PH- REV 00)
Slope of the Tapered Portion: 1/8
Mass of Casing (Without components mounting, but including the ribs and collars on the body): 58.5 kg
Maximum External Test Pressure: 12 kgf/cm2
Maximum Internal Test Pressure:-
i. For Ballast Compartment: 2 kgf/cm2
ii. For Instrument Compartment: 1 kgf/cm2
Innerspace of casing assembly have 2 compartments:-
i. Ballast Compartment and
ii. Instrument Compartment
Cut outs/ recesses shall be provided for the assembly of following components.
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure Equalizer
e) Drain/ discharge valve assembly
2 Front Side Collar Material: AlMg5
Maximum Outer Diameter: 500 MM
Pitch Circle Diameter: 468 MM
All Dimensions as per drawing T-DAP-A1828-MDWG-C&R-REV-00
In a torpedo, the ballast components and instrument compartment play crucial roles in maintaining stability, control, and overall operational effectiveness. The ballast system primarily manages buoyancy and trim, ensuring that the torpedo maintains a stable trajectory underwater.
6. 6
The surgeon has a limited range of motion at
the surgical site
Poor depth perception
Surgeons must use tools to interact
Laparoscopy | Cons
7. 7
Reduced hemorrhaging
Smaller incision, which reduces pain and
shortens recovery time
Less pain, leading to less pain medication
Use of regional anesthesia
Although procedure times are usually slightly
longer, hospital stay is less
Reduced exposure of internal organs
Reduced risk of acquiring infections
Laparoscopy | Pros
28. 28
Multiple companies in Ukraine working on robotics projects
Complicated domain could be divided into simple subdomains
Open source and creativity helps
A signi鍖cant amount of things could be done with minimum equipment
ROS helps to get understanding of the robotic toolset
ROS is widely used framework with big community
ROS Ukraine helps with teachers, students and engineers education
Future is in robotics
29. 29
WUT partner
For teachers and students
ROS 2 knowledge
meROS model
ROS Systems Engineer course