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Prof. Dr. S. Swapna Kumar
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg.
Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thalakkottukara,
Thrissur, Kerala- 680501, India
Welcome to.
If you think you can
youre right.
If you think you cant
youre right again..
It is all matter of ATTITUDE
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
What mans mind can create,
mans character can control- Thomas Edison
Change Your Attitude
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
If you don't like something, change it.
If you can't change it, change your attitude.
Change Your Behavior & Manner
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
The manner of giving is worth
more than the gift.
Behavior is a mirror in which every
one displays his own image.
Change Your Thinking
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Thought and action are inseparable.
What we think we become- Buddha
Observe Your Thinking
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
So what to do ABM.
Accept Responsibility
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Stay committed to your decisions,
but stay flexible in your approach.
If you dont know
where you are going,
youre likely to wind up
somewhere else.
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Defining Goals
 Objective Goals 
 I want to lose 5 Kg by January 2011.
 I will prepare to get Distinction in 1&2.
 Subjective Goals 
 I want to do well in exam
 I will study.
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
If you want to reach a goal, you must
"see the reaching" in your own mind
before you actually arrive at your GOAL.
Prepare Your Goals
 Public Service
 Preparation/ Planning
is the ladder to success
 Goals focused on a
Mission & purpose.
 statement of intent
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Goal Setting Model
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Goal Setting Model
Prof. S. Swapna Kumar
How many
How 2
Goal Setting Model
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Goal Setting Model
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Goal Setting Model
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Goal Setting Model
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Goal Setting Model
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Bench Mark
Phases of Six Sigma are:
 Define specific goals to achieve
outcomes, consistent with
customers demand and business
 Measure reduction of defects
 Analyze problems ,cause and effects
must be considered
 Improve process on bases of
measurements and analysis
 Control process to minimize defects
Why people do not set goal?
 Do not understand the importance of goal.
 Do not know how to set goal.
 Fear of rejection/ failure.
 Appearing as
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Set an academic or personal long-term goal.
Break it down to steps you need to achieve.
 next Week
 next Month
 next 6 Months
 next Year.
Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
Deaf Girl Learns to Play Violin
Discipline is the foundation of Success.
It is the Bridge between Goals and Accomplishment.

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Goal setting - dr. s. swapna kumar

  • 1. Prof. Dr. S. Swapna Kumar Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg. Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thalakkottukara, Thrissur, Kerala- 680501, India drsswapnakumar@gmail.com Welcome to.
  • 2. If you think you can youre right. If you think you cant youre right again.. Yes It is all matter of ATTITUDE Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
  • 3. SELF CHANGE Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS What mans mind can create, mans character can control- Thomas Edison M
  • 4. Change Your Attitude Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
  • 5. Change Your Behavior & Manner Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS The manner of giving is worth more than the gift. Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his own image. Attitude Behavior Manner
  • 6. Change Your Thinking Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS Thought and action are inseparable. What we think we become- Buddha
  • 7. Observe Your Thinking Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS So what to do ABM.
  • 8. Accept Responsibility Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.
  • 9. If you dont know where you are going, youre likely to wind up somewhere else. Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
  • 10. Defining Goals Objective Goals I want to lose 5 Kg by January 2011. I will prepare to get Distinction in 1&2. Subjective Goals I want to do well in exam I will study. Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS If you want to reach a goal, you must "see the reaching" in your own mind before you actually arrive at your GOAL.
  • 11. Prepare Your Goals Entertainment Public Service Education Athletic Research Business Financial Preparation/ Planning is the ladder to success Goals focused on a Mission & purpose. statement of intent Measurable Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS Needs Reach Set
  • 12. Goal Setting Model Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
  • 13. Goal Setting Model Prof. S. Swapna Kumar How much How many How 2 know GOALS
  • 14. Goal Setting Model Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS Self >>>Yes
  • 15. Goal Setting Model Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
  • 16. Goal Setting Model Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
  • 17. Goal Setting Model Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
  • 18. Goal Setting Model Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS Bench Mark
  • 19. PHASES Phases of Six Sigma are: Define specific goals to achieve outcomes, consistent with customers demand and business strategy Measure reduction of defects Analyze problems ,cause and effects must be considered Improve process on bases of measurements and analysis Control process to minimize defects 19
  • 20. Why people do not set goal? Do not understand the importance of goal. Do not know how to set goal. Overconfidence. Fear of rejection/ failure. False Evidence Appearing as Real Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS
  • 21. Summary Set an academic or personal long-term goal. Break it down to steps you need to achieve. Tomorrow next Week next Month next 6 Months next Year. Prof. S. Swapna KumarGOALS Deaf Girl Learns to Play Violin
  • 22. Discipline is the foundation of Success. It is the Bridge between Goals and Accomplishment.