This document summarizes research on the structural and morphological properties of chromium oxide (Cr2O3) nanoparticles synthesized using a novel solvent-free method. Cr2O3 nanoparticles were synthesized via microwave irradiation of chromium chloride and urea at different molar ratios and calcined at temperatures from 200-800属C. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and thermal analysis were used to characterize the nanoparticles. The results showed improved crystallinity with increasing calcination temperature and particle sizes ranging from 33-62 nm. The synthesized Cr2O3 nanoparticles have potential applications in fields such as catalysis and wear resistance.
This document summarizes the fabrication of patterned ferromagnetic shape memory thin films. It discusses two routes for micropatterning Ni-Mn-Ga thin films using self-assembled polystyrene spheres and reactive ion etching. Route 1 uses a Si sacrificial layer deposited at 500属C, while Route 2 produces arrays of Ni-Mn-Ga antidots at room temperature followed by annealing at 500属C. Characterization shows the patterned films via Route 2 exhibit ferromagnetism up to 100属C and a spread martensitic transformation, demonstrating their functional properties. Route 1 showed promise but requires further optimization.
This document examines the effect of synthesis conditions on the growth of ZnO nanorods via a hydrothermal method. It finds that the morphology and ordering of ZnO nanorods are determined by growth temperature, the overall concentration of precursors, and deposition time. ZnO nanorod morphology and surface-to-volume ratio are most sensitive to temperature. The width of ZnO nanorods can be controlled by the overall concentration of reactants and temperature. Different temperatures resulted in nanorods of varying diameters and lengths, demonstrating the influence of chemical reactions, nucleation, and growth processes on nanorod morphology.
This document discusses using functional nanoporous materials for heavy metal sequestration. It describes Self-Assembled Monolayers on Mesoporous Supports (SAMMS) which use high surface area nanoporous substrates coated with tailored organic monolayers for selectively binding heavy metals and radionuclides. SAMMS provides high capacity, fast sorption kinetics, and chemical specificity that can be modified for different targets through the monolayer interface. New classes of functional nanoporous materials like mesoporous metal phosphates and carbons also show promise for heavy metal capture.
This document provides an overview of inelastic light scattering in carbon nanostructures from the micro to the nanoscale. It begins with a discussion of Raman spectroscopy and vibrational modes in sp2 carbons like nanotubes and graphene. It then reviews the development of carbon nanostructures from graphite to fullerenes to nanotubes to graphene. The rest of the document discusses techniques like tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy that allow single-nanotube spectroscopy at the nanoscale. It also covers applications of carbon nanostructures in areas like bioengineering and discusses methods for characterizing structures and interactions.
CrO2 low temperature thin film growth, structural and physical propertiespmfds
The document summarizes research on growing chromium dioxide (CrO2) thin films at low temperatures using chemical vapor deposition. Key findings include:
1) High quality CrO2 thin films with the desired structural and magnetic properties could be grown at as low as 330属C, significantly lower than previous methods allowed.
2) Films grown at lower temperatures had thinner intermediate chromium oxide layers and higher spin polarization near 100%, desirable for spintronic devices.
3) Growth temperature, oxygen flow rate, and film thickness were found to influence the structural, magnetic, and electrical properties of the resulting CrO2 thin films.
Microstructural and Dielectric Characterization of Sr doped Ba(Fe0.5Ta0.5)O3 ...theijes
Solid state reaction method was used to synthesize Ba1-xSrx(Fe0.5Ta0.5)O3 ceramic(x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5). The raw materials of making Sr doped Ba(Fe0.5Ta0.5)O3 were BaCO3, SrCO3, Fe2O3, Ta2O5 (purity better than 99%). Pellet and ring shaped samples prepared from each composition were sintered at 1400 and 1450尊C for 5 hour. The phase formation of Ba1-xSrx(Fe0.5Ta0.5)O3 was checked using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique and observed a cubic perovskite crystal structure in space group Pm3m (221). Microstructure of the individual compound was examined by the field emission scanning electron micrograph (FESEM). Grain size was found to be varied with Sr content. The lattice parameter decreased with increasing Sr content. Dielectric spectroscopy was applied to investigate the electrical properties of BSFT at room temperature and in a frequency range of 100Hz100 MHz. An analysis of the dielectric constant 竜聞 and loss tangent tan with frequency was performed assuming a distribution of relaxation times. The low frequency dielectric dispersion corresponds to the DC electrical conductivity.
R.P.H. Chang presented research on using nanotechnology to develop future solar cells, supercapacitors, and sensors. Three examples from his lab were discussed: (1) hybrid solar cells using materials like SnIx-based perovskites as sensitizers, (2) integrating supercapacitors for energy storage, and (3) plasmonic sensors in the infrared region. Nanotechnology is urgently needed to address global problems through worldwide collaboration and education on technologies like more efficient solar cells and energy storage solutions.
Bespoke compositions and microstructures from suspension and solution precurs...Tanvir Hussain
Presentations by Dr Hussain at the TS4+E conference in Montreal. Canada 17-18 Sep 2019, Thermal Spraying of Suspensions and solutions symposium + environmental barrier coatings
This document discusses the sol-gel synthesis and characterization of Titania-Zirconia matrices doped with rare earth ions and CdS. Chapter 1 provides a general introduction to sol-gel processing and its advantages. Chapter 2 discusses the spectroscopy of Tb3+ and Eu3+ ions in the Titania-Zirconia matrix. Chapter 3 details the structural and optical characterization of CdS/Tb3+/Eu3+ doped Titania-Zirconia matrices prepared via sol-gel processing. Various characterization techniques were used to analyze the materials' structure, composition, and optical properties.
This document discusses a study investigating the irradiation performance of high entropy alloys (HEAs) for nuclear reactor applications. Researchers fabricated single-phase FCC and BCC HEAs and conducted in situ ion irradiation experiments coupled with transmission electron microscopy. Preliminary results found lower defect cluster densities in the HEAs compared to less complex reference materials after irradiation at 50K. However, the effect on defect mobility was unclear as one FCC HEA showed faster loop growth than another at 773K. Overall compositional complexity in HEAs may reduce defect accumulation but also influence kinetics in complex ways depending on composition. High-throughput methods are needed to better understand irradiation effects across many HEA compositions.
Interparticle Interactions and Dynamics in Solutions of Copper (II), Cobalt (...Dmitry Novikov
This presentation is a report from the PLMMP-2018 conference. For any information contact me here:
This work is a continuation of the systematic study of unsymmetrical electrolytes in non-aqueous media, carried out at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University [1].
Here we report the results of the conductometric study of diluted solutions of Cu(BF4)2, Zn(BF4)2 and Co(BF4)2 in acetonitrile (AN) at 5-55 oC. The extended Lee-Wheaton equation was used to procced conductometric data and obtain primary association constants, limiting equivalent conductance of electrolytes and limiting ionic conductivities. The primary association constants were then used to interpret the contribution of the ionic solvation and association in terms of contact ionic pairs, solvent-separated ionic pairs and short-range non-Coulomb interionic potential.
Obtained values of total limiting equivalent conductivity of electrolyte and the limiting conventional transference numbers allowed us to divide the equivalent conductivity on ionic constituents. These data were later proceeded to evaluate the parameter of dynamics of ionic solvation, within the modified theory of the dielectric friction.
Additionally, densimetric study was carried out to derive structural parameters of ion solvation of Cu(BF4)2, Zn(BF4)2 and Co(BF4)2 in AN at 5-55 oC.
Finally, molecular dynamics simulations were performed on the same electrolyte/AN systems by means of MDNAES package [2] to elucidate particle dynamics and microscopic structure within the first and second co-ordination shells of copper (II), cobalt (II) and zinc (II) cations in AN at 25 属C.
[1] O.N. Kalugin, V.N. Agieienko and N.A. Otroshko, J. Molec. Liquids, 165, 78-86 (2012).
[2] O. N. Kalugin, M. N. Volobuev, and Y. V. Kolesnik, Khar. Univ. Bull., Chem. Ser. 454, 58-80 (1999).
This document summarizes research on the temperature-dependent electrical properties of aluminum oxide (Al2O3)-passivated multilayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) thin-film transistors (TFTs). The researchers deposited a uniform Al2O3 layer on MoS2 TFTs using atomic layer deposition after ultraviolet-ozone treatment. The Al2O3 passivation dramatically reduced hysteresis and enhanced current in the transistors. Electrical measurements from room temperature to 380 K showed that carrier mobility increased with temperature in the passivated transistors. Analysis of the data using the Y-function method excluded contact resistance to examine the intrinsic mobility of the MoS2 channel at different temperatures.
Cation distribution of Ni2+ and Mg2+ ions improve structure and Magnetic Prop...AI Publications
In the present work, ferromagnetic Ni is slightly substituted for diamagnetic Mg spinal ferrites. The effect of Ni doping on the structural and magnetic properties of ferrites material in the form of NixMg1-xFe2O4 (x = 0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25, .0.3,0.35) has been the study. The Sol-gel auto Combustion method used to combine these substances uses urea as fuel. Sintered samples were shown using X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and a vibrating magnetometer sample. X-ray diffraction revealed that all the composite samples were pure cubic spinel arrays with a Fd3m space band and a permanent lattice that varied with Ni concentrations. the distribution of Ni2 + ions and Mg2+ ions in spinel ferrites indicates various changes in parameters such as tetrahedral ionic radius (rA), octahedral ionic radius (rB), hopping length (LA and LB). Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) simulations showed wire vibration at the tetrahedral site and Octahedral site. spinel ferrites M-H curves are recorded at room temperature indicating normal hysteresis loop indicating the magnetic field.
This document summarizes research on nanocrystalline titania powders doped with copper. Key findings include:
- Copper doping affected the phase stability of titania, promoting the rutile phase at higher temperatures.
- The 5% copper-doped titania sample had the largest degradation of methylene orange dye under visible light, indicating better photocatalytic activity than pure titania.
- UV-Vis spectroscopy estimated the band gap of the copper-doped titania to be 1.9-2 eV, lower than pure titania and allowing absorption of visible light.
Teresa Puig - Institut de Ci竪ncia de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC, Espa...Fundaci坦n Ram坦n Areces
El lunes y martes 21 y 22 de mayo del 2018 realizamos un Simposio Internacional en la Fundaci坦n Ram坦n Areces, tratando el tema de la superconductividad y presi坦n: una relaci坦n fruct鱈fera en el camino hacia la superconductividad a temperatura ambiente.
Morphologies of c-si Solar cell - Targeting the approach with least light ref...JATIN KUMAR
As the Reflection of Sunlight, falling on the solar cells is an big issue for its performance, this presentation deals with some Morphologies, mostly used these days in industries and some others also which was in trend years before, for c-Si cells.
The objective is to find out the most appropriate technology for Surface texturing either with or without AR coating that can reduce reflection to its minimum possible value.
Although, it is understood that, with best technology, cost also increases. Therefore, it is a quite challenging task at the present time to provide a cost effective surface Morphologies to limit the Panel cost to not to rise much.
IRJET- Lanthanum Doped Strontium Titanate as photoanode by Pechini method for...IRJET Journal
The document summarizes research on synthesizing lanthanum-doped strontium titanate (LST) powder via the Pechini method for use as a photoanode material in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Key points:
1) LST was synthesized via a Pechini sol-gel process using titanium isopropoxide, lanthanum nitrate, and strontium nitrate precursors.
2) Characterization showed the material had a crystalline perovskite structure, spherical nanoparticle morphology, and bandgap of 3.5eV suitable for DSSC photoanodes.
3) BET analysis found the LST had a high surface area
Thermal Barrier Coating For Gas Turbine EnginesNelsonkandulna
This presentation describes the thermal barrier coating process, its anatomy, types, material selection, failure, and characterization. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were introduced to protect the external surface of gas turbine engine components from thermal resistance and thereby decrease the temperature of the metal surfaces. Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is one of the most popular and widely used TBC materials as it provides the best performance in high-temperature zones such as diesel engines and gas turbines. The columnar microstructure of YSZ coating provides excellent strain tolerance and adhesion to the coating. Gas turbines are used to power aircraft, trains, ships, electrical generators, pumps, gas compressors, and tanks.
How to Leverage Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Data Collection and Ana...aimsnist
The document discusses using artificial intelligence to accelerate materials science research through analysis of diffusion multiples. It describes how diffusion multiples can be used to (1) map phase diagrams by studying interdiffusion at phase interfaces, (2) examine precipitation kinetics and microstructures, and (3) measure and map material properties like thermal conductivity. The document argues that artificial intelligence and automation are needed to analyze the large amounts of data generated from diffusion multiples and help accelerate materials design.
Analysis Of Carbon Nanotubes And Quantum Dots In A Photovoltaic Device 際際滷 ...M. Faisal Halim
Francis' presentation to Louis Stokes Association for Minority Participation. Since I co-authored this work I think I have the right to a copy. I was the graduate student Francis was working with.
This document outlines research being conducted on aerospace materials for extreme environments. It discusses several projects focused on predictive materials science, materials far from equilibrium, and surface catalysis testing. Specific research includes modeling of bulk metallic glasses, carbides, and textile composites; experiments on micro-architectured surfaces and plasma erosion; and testing surface catalysis in materials using laser-induced fluorescence in an inductively coupled plasma torch facility. The goal is to provide fundamental knowledge to enable advances in Air Force technologies through new materials that can withstand extreme conditions.
The document summarizes research on fabricating and characterizing a novel W80Ni10Nb10 alloy produced by mechanical alloying. Key points:
- W80Ni10Nb10 powder was produced by 20 hours of mechanical alloying of elemental W, Ni, and Nb powders. XRD and TEM showed the formation of nanocrystalline BCC-W phase with a minimum crystallite size of 34nm.
- The powder was consolidated by compaction and sintering at 1500属C for 2 hours, achieving 90.8% theoretical density. XRD confirmed the presence of an NbNi intermetallic phase.
- Hardness increased with decreasing load due to smaller
This document describes a new processing route for producing La9.33Si2Ge4O26 electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) that combines mechanical alloying and microwave hybrid sintering. The process involves milling raw materials (La2O3, SiO2, GeO2), pressing the milled powder into pellets, and sintering the pellets using microwave heating. This new process results in dense pellets with nanometer-sized grains and ionic conductivity values suitable for SOFC electrolytes while requiring lower sintering temperatures than conventional methods.
Properties of coordination compounds part 2Chris Sonntag
Paramagnetism arises from unpaired electrons in coordination compounds. Each unpaired electron contributes a magnetic moment due to both its spin and orbital angular momentum. When an external magnetic field is applied, the magnetic moments of paramagnetic compounds can align, causing the compound to become temporarily magnetic. The magnetic susceptibility and magnetization of paramagnetic compounds increases with applied field strength and decreases with increasing temperature according to Curie's law. Some transition metal complexes can switch between low-spin and high-spin electronic configurations in response to temperature changes, altering their magnetic properties.
際際滷 describe the role of ABA in plant abiotic stress mitigation. 際際滷 include role of ABA in cold stress, drought stress and salt stress mitigation along with role of ABA in stomatal regulation.
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Microstructural and Dielectric Characterization of Sr doped Ba(Fe0.5Ta0.5)O3 ...theijes
Solid state reaction method was used to synthesize Ba1-xSrx(Fe0.5Ta0.5)O3 ceramic(x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5). The raw materials of making Sr doped Ba(Fe0.5Ta0.5)O3 were BaCO3, SrCO3, Fe2O3, Ta2O5 (purity better than 99%). Pellet and ring shaped samples prepared from each composition were sintered at 1400 and 1450尊C for 5 hour. The phase formation of Ba1-xSrx(Fe0.5Ta0.5)O3 was checked using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique and observed a cubic perovskite crystal structure in space group Pm3m (221). Microstructure of the individual compound was examined by the field emission scanning electron micrograph (FESEM). Grain size was found to be varied with Sr content. The lattice parameter decreased with increasing Sr content. Dielectric spectroscopy was applied to investigate the electrical properties of BSFT at room temperature and in a frequency range of 100Hz100 MHz. An analysis of the dielectric constant 竜聞 and loss tangent tan with frequency was performed assuming a distribution of relaxation times. The low frequency dielectric dispersion corresponds to the DC electrical conductivity.
R.P.H. Chang presented research on using nanotechnology to develop future solar cells, supercapacitors, and sensors. Three examples from his lab were discussed: (1) hybrid solar cells using materials like SnIx-based perovskites as sensitizers, (2) integrating supercapacitors for energy storage, and (3) plasmonic sensors in the infrared region. Nanotechnology is urgently needed to address global problems through worldwide collaboration and education on technologies like more efficient solar cells and energy storage solutions.
Bespoke compositions and microstructures from suspension and solution precurs...Tanvir Hussain
Presentations by Dr Hussain at the TS4+E conference in Montreal. Canada 17-18 Sep 2019, Thermal Spraying of Suspensions and solutions symposium + environmental barrier coatings
This document discusses the sol-gel synthesis and characterization of Titania-Zirconia matrices doped with rare earth ions and CdS. Chapter 1 provides a general introduction to sol-gel processing and its advantages. Chapter 2 discusses the spectroscopy of Tb3+ and Eu3+ ions in the Titania-Zirconia matrix. Chapter 3 details the structural and optical characterization of CdS/Tb3+/Eu3+ doped Titania-Zirconia matrices prepared via sol-gel processing. Various characterization techniques were used to analyze the materials' structure, composition, and optical properties.
This document discusses a study investigating the irradiation performance of high entropy alloys (HEAs) for nuclear reactor applications. Researchers fabricated single-phase FCC and BCC HEAs and conducted in situ ion irradiation experiments coupled with transmission electron microscopy. Preliminary results found lower defect cluster densities in the HEAs compared to less complex reference materials after irradiation at 50K. However, the effect on defect mobility was unclear as one FCC HEA showed faster loop growth than another at 773K. Overall compositional complexity in HEAs may reduce defect accumulation but also influence kinetics in complex ways depending on composition. High-throughput methods are needed to better understand irradiation effects across many HEA compositions.
Interparticle Interactions and Dynamics in Solutions of Copper (II), Cobalt (...Dmitry Novikov
This presentation is a report from the PLMMP-2018 conference. For any information contact me here:
This work is a continuation of the systematic study of unsymmetrical electrolytes in non-aqueous media, carried out at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University [1].
Here we report the results of the conductometric study of diluted solutions of Cu(BF4)2, Zn(BF4)2 and Co(BF4)2 in acetonitrile (AN) at 5-55 oC. The extended Lee-Wheaton equation was used to procced conductometric data and obtain primary association constants, limiting equivalent conductance of electrolytes and limiting ionic conductivities. The primary association constants were then used to interpret the contribution of the ionic solvation and association in terms of contact ionic pairs, solvent-separated ionic pairs and short-range non-Coulomb interionic potential.
Obtained values of total limiting equivalent conductivity of electrolyte and the limiting conventional transference numbers allowed us to divide the equivalent conductivity on ionic constituents. These data were later proceeded to evaluate the parameter of dynamics of ionic solvation, within the modified theory of the dielectric friction.
Additionally, densimetric study was carried out to derive structural parameters of ion solvation of Cu(BF4)2, Zn(BF4)2 and Co(BF4)2 in AN at 5-55 oC.
Finally, molecular dynamics simulations were performed on the same electrolyte/AN systems by means of MDNAES package [2] to elucidate particle dynamics and microscopic structure within the first and second co-ordination shells of copper (II), cobalt (II) and zinc (II) cations in AN at 25 属C.
[1] O.N. Kalugin, V.N. Agieienko and N.A. Otroshko, J. Molec. Liquids, 165, 78-86 (2012).
[2] O. N. Kalugin, M. N. Volobuev, and Y. V. Kolesnik, Khar. Univ. Bull., Chem. Ser. 454, 58-80 (1999).
This document summarizes research on the temperature-dependent electrical properties of aluminum oxide (Al2O3)-passivated multilayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) thin-film transistors (TFTs). The researchers deposited a uniform Al2O3 layer on MoS2 TFTs using atomic layer deposition after ultraviolet-ozone treatment. The Al2O3 passivation dramatically reduced hysteresis and enhanced current in the transistors. Electrical measurements from room temperature to 380 K showed that carrier mobility increased with temperature in the passivated transistors. Analysis of the data using the Y-function method excluded contact resistance to examine the intrinsic mobility of the MoS2 channel at different temperatures.
Cation distribution of Ni2+ and Mg2+ ions improve structure and Magnetic Prop...AI Publications
In the present work, ferromagnetic Ni is slightly substituted for diamagnetic Mg spinal ferrites. The effect of Ni doping on the structural and magnetic properties of ferrites material in the form of NixMg1-xFe2O4 (x = 0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25, .0.3,0.35) has been the study. The Sol-gel auto Combustion method used to combine these substances uses urea as fuel. Sintered samples were shown using X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and a vibrating magnetometer sample. X-ray diffraction revealed that all the composite samples were pure cubic spinel arrays with a Fd3m space band and a permanent lattice that varied with Ni concentrations. the distribution of Ni2 + ions and Mg2+ ions in spinel ferrites indicates various changes in parameters such as tetrahedral ionic radius (rA), octahedral ionic radius (rB), hopping length (LA and LB). Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) simulations showed wire vibration at the tetrahedral site and Octahedral site. spinel ferrites M-H curves are recorded at room temperature indicating normal hysteresis loop indicating the magnetic field.
This document summarizes research on nanocrystalline titania powders doped with copper. Key findings include:
- Copper doping affected the phase stability of titania, promoting the rutile phase at higher temperatures.
- The 5% copper-doped titania sample had the largest degradation of methylene orange dye under visible light, indicating better photocatalytic activity than pure titania.
- UV-Vis spectroscopy estimated the band gap of the copper-doped titania to be 1.9-2 eV, lower than pure titania and allowing absorption of visible light.
Teresa Puig - Institut de Ci竪ncia de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC, Espa...Fundaci坦n Ram坦n Areces
El lunes y martes 21 y 22 de mayo del 2018 realizamos un Simposio Internacional en la Fundaci坦n Ram坦n Areces, tratando el tema de la superconductividad y presi坦n: una relaci坦n fruct鱈fera en el camino hacia la superconductividad a temperatura ambiente.
Morphologies of c-si Solar cell - Targeting the approach with least light ref...JATIN KUMAR
As the Reflection of Sunlight, falling on the solar cells is an big issue for its performance, this presentation deals with some Morphologies, mostly used these days in industries and some others also which was in trend years before, for c-Si cells.
The objective is to find out the most appropriate technology for Surface texturing either with or without AR coating that can reduce reflection to its minimum possible value.
Although, it is understood that, with best technology, cost also increases. Therefore, it is a quite challenging task at the present time to provide a cost effective surface Morphologies to limit the Panel cost to not to rise much.
IRJET- Lanthanum Doped Strontium Titanate as photoanode by Pechini method for...IRJET Journal
The document summarizes research on synthesizing lanthanum-doped strontium titanate (LST) powder via the Pechini method for use as a photoanode material in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Key points:
1) LST was synthesized via a Pechini sol-gel process using titanium isopropoxide, lanthanum nitrate, and strontium nitrate precursors.
2) Characterization showed the material had a crystalline perovskite structure, spherical nanoparticle morphology, and bandgap of 3.5eV suitable for DSSC photoanodes.
3) BET analysis found the LST had a high surface area
Thermal Barrier Coating For Gas Turbine EnginesNelsonkandulna
This presentation describes the thermal barrier coating process, its anatomy, types, material selection, failure, and characterization. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were introduced to protect the external surface of gas turbine engine components from thermal resistance and thereby decrease the temperature of the metal surfaces. Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is one of the most popular and widely used TBC materials as it provides the best performance in high-temperature zones such as diesel engines and gas turbines. The columnar microstructure of YSZ coating provides excellent strain tolerance and adhesion to the coating. Gas turbines are used to power aircraft, trains, ships, electrical generators, pumps, gas compressors, and tanks.
How to Leverage Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Data Collection and Ana...aimsnist
The document discusses using artificial intelligence to accelerate materials science research through analysis of diffusion multiples. It describes how diffusion multiples can be used to (1) map phase diagrams by studying interdiffusion at phase interfaces, (2) examine precipitation kinetics and microstructures, and (3) measure and map material properties like thermal conductivity. The document argues that artificial intelligence and automation are needed to analyze the large amounts of data generated from diffusion multiples and help accelerate materials design.
Analysis Of Carbon Nanotubes And Quantum Dots In A Photovoltaic Device 際際滷 ...M. Faisal Halim
Francis' presentation to Louis Stokes Association for Minority Participation. Since I co-authored this work I think I have the right to a copy. I was the graduate student Francis was working with.
This document outlines research being conducted on aerospace materials for extreme environments. It discusses several projects focused on predictive materials science, materials far from equilibrium, and surface catalysis testing. Specific research includes modeling of bulk metallic glasses, carbides, and textile composites; experiments on micro-architectured surfaces and plasma erosion; and testing surface catalysis in materials using laser-induced fluorescence in an inductively coupled plasma torch facility. The goal is to provide fundamental knowledge to enable advances in Air Force technologies through new materials that can withstand extreme conditions.
The document summarizes research on fabricating and characterizing a novel W80Ni10Nb10 alloy produced by mechanical alloying. Key points:
- W80Ni10Nb10 powder was produced by 20 hours of mechanical alloying of elemental W, Ni, and Nb powders. XRD and TEM showed the formation of nanocrystalline BCC-W phase with a minimum crystallite size of 34nm.
- The powder was consolidated by compaction and sintering at 1500属C for 2 hours, achieving 90.8% theoretical density. XRD confirmed the presence of an NbNi intermetallic phase.
- Hardness increased with decreasing load due to smaller
This document describes a new processing route for producing La9.33Si2Ge4O26 electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) that combines mechanical alloying and microwave hybrid sintering. The process involves milling raw materials (La2O3, SiO2, GeO2), pressing the milled powder into pellets, and sintering the pellets using microwave heating. This new process results in dense pellets with nanometer-sized grains and ionic conductivity values suitable for SOFC electrolytes while requiring lower sintering temperatures than conventional methods.
Properties of coordination compounds part 2Chris Sonntag
Paramagnetism arises from unpaired electrons in coordination compounds. Each unpaired electron contributes a magnetic moment due to both its spin and orbital angular momentum. When an external magnetic field is applied, the magnetic moments of paramagnetic compounds can align, causing the compound to become temporarily magnetic. The magnetic susceptibility and magnetization of paramagnetic compounds increases with applied field strength and decreases with increasing temperature according to Curie's law. Some transition metal complexes can switch between low-spin and high-spin electronic configurations in response to temperature changes, altering their magnetic properties.
際際滷 describe the role of ABA in plant abiotic stress mitigation. 際際滷 include role of ABA in cold stress, drought stress and salt stress mitigation along with role of ABA in stomatal regulation.
The Arctic through the lens of data visualizationZachary Labe
26 February 2025
Rider University, Global Biogeochemistry Class Visit (Presentation): Arctic climate change through the lens of data visualization, NOAA GFDL, Princeton, USA.
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
The Solar Systems passage through the Radcliffe wave during the middle MioceneS辿rgio Sacani
As the Solar System orbits the Milky Way, it encounters various Galactic environments, including dense regions of the
interstellar medium (ISM). These encounters can compress the heliosphere, exposing parts of the Solar System to the ISM, while also
increasing the influx of interstellar dust into the Solar System and Earths atmosphere. The discovery of new Galactic structures, such
as the Radcliffe wave, raises the question of whether the Sun has encountered any of them.
Aims. The present study investigates the potential passage of the Solar System through the Radcliffe wave gas structure over the past
30 million years (Myr).
Methods. We used a sample of 56 high-quality, young (30 Myr) open clusters associated with a region of interest of the Radcliffe
wave to trace its motion back and investigate a potential crossing with the Solar Systems past orbit.
Results. We find that the Solar Systems trajectory intersected the Radcliffe wave in the Orion region. We have constrained the timing
of this event to between 18.2 and 11.5 Myr ago, with the closest approach occurring between 14.8 and 12.4 Myr ago. Notably, this
period coincides with the Middle Miocene climate transition on Earth, providing an interdisciplinary link with paleoclimatology. The
potential impact of the crossing of the Radcliffe wave on the climate on Earth is estimated. This crossing could also lead to anomalies
in radionuclide abundances, which is an important research topic in the field of geology and nuclear astrophysics.
Variation and Natural Selection | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of variation and natural selection for IGCSE Biology. It covers key concepts such as genetic and environmental variation, types of variation (continuous and discontinuous), mutation, evolution, and the principles of natural selection. The presentation also explains Darwins theory of evolution, adaptation, survival of the fittest, selective breeding, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and speciation. With illustrative diagrams, real-life examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
2. -足
Composition of
Mn+1AXn ; with n
Ternary metals carbides
and/or nitrides
Layered hexagonal
structure (P63/mmc)
Examples: Ti2AlC, Ti2AlN, Ti3AlC2,Ti4AlN3 Ta2AlC,
Ta4AlC3 Cr2AlC, Cr3AlC2 V2AlC, V3AlC2 Nb2AlC,
Nb4AlC3 (>60 phases) (Ti0.5Nb0.5)2AlC, Ti3Al(C0.5N0.5)2
(considering solid solution, there will be more)
Barsoum, M.W. Progress in Solid State Chemistry 28 (2000) 201 281 211 312 413
Strong but Ductile Ceramics - not van der Waals Solids
4. -足
Michael Naguib, et al. Advanced Materials 23 (2011) 4248-4253
The Solution Approach to Ti3AlC2
Exfoliation and Dispersion
Ti3AlC2 in HF 50% for 2 hours at room temperature, then sonication
5. M. Naguib, et al. Advanced Materials 23 (2011) 4248-4253
Ti3AlC2 HF 50% for 2 hours at room temperature
After HF treatment, the most
intense peak of Ti3AlC2 vanished.
XRD after HF treatment
matches with DFT simulated
Sonication results in weakening
the intensity of the peaks (losing
the crystalline ordering).
XRD Analysis of MAX and MXene
6. Raman Spectra of MAX and MXene
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
(II) (IV)
(III) (VI)
Raman shift (cm-1)
HF etched
Ti3AlC2 etched in 50% HF for 2 hours at room
Raman spectroscopy: 514.5 nm excitation
M. Naguib, et al. Advanced Materials 23 (2011) 4248-4253
V. Presser, M. Naguib, et al. J. Raman Spectroscopy 43 (2011) 168-172.
7. -足
Ti3AlC2 etched in HF 50% for
2 hours at room temperature:
2 袖m
M. Naguib, et al. Advanced Materials 23 (2011) 4248-4253
L. M. Viculis, et al., Journal of Materials Chemistry 15 (2005) 974-978.
Exfoliated Graphite
8. -足
Science 2012 Vol. 335,
pp 526-527
Peoples choice award
for International Science
& Engineering
Visualization Challenge
from NSF, 2012.
MXene on the Cover
9. -足
Ti3AlC2 treated in HF 50% for 2 hours at
room temperature, then sonication
Michael Naguib, et al. Advanced Materials 23 (2011) 4248-4253
10. -足
5 nm
5 nm
Michael Naguib, et al. Advanced Materials 23 (2011) 4248-4253
Ti3AlC2 in 50%-HF for 2 hours at room temperature, then
MXene Scrolls/Nanotubes
MXene shows behavior typical of graphene
or other 2-D materials
11. -足
4 袖m 3 袖m
1 袖m
2 袖m
1 袖m
1 袖m
油 Ti3C2
油 Ti2C
油 Ti3(C0.5N0.5
Michael Naguib, et al. ACS Nano 6 (2012) 1322-1331
MXenes A Large Family of Transition Metal
Carbides and/or Nitrides
Several MAX phases have been exfoliated, producing MXenes
12. -足
Michael Naguib, et al. ACS Nano 6 (2012) 1322-1331
1 2 3
油 Ti3(C0.5N0.5
油 Ta4C3
MXenes A Large Family of Transition Metal
Carbides and/or Nitrides
13. -足
M. Naguib, et al. ACS Nano 6 (2012) 1322-1331
HR TEM and SAD of Ta4C3
油 1210
Crystalline structure is
maintained within the layer
MXene layers are in registry
in multilayer structures
14. -足
Ta4C3 flakes Ti3CN
Individual (multi)layers are optically
transparent under visible light
Michael Naguib, et al. ACS Nano 6 (2012) 1322-1331
Light Microscopy of MXenes
15. -足
M. Naguib, et al. Advanced Materials 23 (2011) 4248-4253
Electronic Structure of MXenes
DFT implemented in the CASTEP code in
Material Studio software (Version 4.5)
16. -足
Ti2C Ta4C3 (Ti0.5Nb0.5)2C Ti3(C0.5N0.5)2
R: 330 立/ 104 立/ 171 立/ 125 立/
CA: 32属 41属 31属 27属
Michael Naguib, et al. ACS Nano 6 (2012) 1322-1331
MXene can be cold pressed in the form of thin (300 袖m) free-
standing discs.
Resistivity is comparable to multi-layer graphene.
Contact angle measurements of water showed hydrophilic
Wetting and Conductivity
20. -足
J辿r辿my Come & Patrice Simon, Universit辿 Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Jun Lu & Lars Hultman, Linkoping University, Sweden
Gogotsi Nanomaterials Group
Barsoum MAX Phase Group
BATT Program