The owner of a gold proejct in Mashonaland West province of Zimbabwe is seeking for investors to help fund sampling and drilling of a gold project area in the gold rich area of Sanyati. Excellent potential. The owner is a seasoned Geologist himself.
Insights Into Gold Exploration & Mining Business Presented by Chris Lim Kuoh ...MYO AUNG Myanmar
Insights Into Gold Exploration & Mining Business
Presented by Chris Lim Kuoh Yang
January 2013
CNMC Goldmine Holdings Limited (the Company) is the first Catalist-listed gold producer on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the SGX-ST). The Company commenced trading on the Catalist Board on 28 October 2011. The Company is currently spearheaded by Professor Lin Xiang Xiong as the Executive Chairman and Mr. Chris Lim Kuoh Yang as the Chief Executive Officer.
The Company together with its subsidiaries (the Group) are principally engaged in the business of exploration, mining of gold and the processing of mined ore into gold dores. The Group is currently focused on the development of its flagship project - the Sokor Gold Field Project which is located in the State of Kelantan, Malaysia. Our Group achieved its first gold pour on July 21, 2010 and its gold production has since been increasing steadily and as of July 2014, production had exceeded one metric tonne of gold bullion.
Leveraging on its experience and depth of knowledge as an explorer and producer in the Malaysian mining sector as well as a focus on long term growth, The Company is always on the lookout for strategic opportunities to collaborate with potential project partners or to acquire new exploration and mining licenses within the ASEAN region and Australasia.
Research Interests: Gold Mineralization, Gold mining, Exploration for Gold Deposits, and Gold Prospecting
A detailed geological history of quartz and industrial minerals present in different localities of
Eritrea is given. Well-grown transparent quartz crystals reflecting the hexagonal crystallographic features and
isolated, irregular shaped small milky quartz stones are found in western suburb of Asmara and the area
between Molebso and Zara in central northern Eritrea. Mechanism of formation of growth features observed on
the habit faces of transparent quartz crystals is briefly explained. Micro-topographical studies carried out on
these crystals indicate that to begin with, they grow and develop under high supersaturating conditions.
Most of the milky quartz stones are observed to be generally randomly scattered and devoid of gold. However,
few such specimens having yellow colored dots on their surfaces contain gold particles. Energy dispersion of Xray
analysis (EDAX) indicates high content of gold to the tune of 48% present in such samples. Commercial
implications related to quartz bearing gold are discussed. It is proposed that gold exists in large quantity in
quartz veins deep beneath the surface of earth in this region.
This document discusses fluid inclusions, which are microscopic bubbles of liquid and gas trapped in minerals during their formation. Fluid inclusions can provide important information about the temperature, pressure, composition and other characteristics of the fluids present during mineral growth. The main types of fluid inclusions are primary, which formed during mineral crystallization, and secondary, which formed later in fractures. Studying fluid inclusions using petrography and microthermometry can help understand a rock's geologic history and aid mineral exploration.
Information about these fluids is an invaluable aid in mineral exploration.
Conventional academic methods of analysing fluid inclusions are too slow and tedious to be of practical application in typical mineral exploration activities.
However, the academic data from numerous studies does show that CO2 is an exceptionally important indicator when exploring for most types of gold deposit.
Because the baro-acoustic decrepitation method is a rapid and reliable method to measure CO2 contents in fluids, it can be used to study a spatial array of data and it is an invaluable and practical exploration method.
Measurements of temperatures of fluid inclusions does not usually help in mineral exploration as hydrothermal minerals deposit over a wide temperature range and there is no specific temperature which is indicative of mineralisation. However, if temperatures are available on a large spatial array of samples, then temperature trends may be a useful exploration method to find the hottest part of the system, which is presumably the location of the best economic mineralisation. Baro-acoustic decrepitation is the most practical method to determine temperatures of the large numbers of samples required.
Salinities of fluid inclusions are of limited use in exploration and are difficult to measure. However, they can be used to recognise intrusion related hydrothermal systems.
The interview summarizes assay results from Soltera Mining Corp's El Torno gold project in Argentina. Initial testing of eluvial deposits found insufficient gold levels for commercial production. However, further sampling of the main vein system found much higher gold values, including channels up to 6.5 meters wide with 6.2-8.8 g/t gold. These confirm a gold-rich zone along the vein and indicate potential for future production. Goldlake Resources agreed to fund exploration of the major vein targets. Next steps include detailed mapping and sampling along the 14 km vein system, geophysics, and an initial drill program later in 2021 to define targets.
The interview summarizes announcements from Soltera Mining Corp regarding assay results from their El Torno gold property in Argentina. One reported low gold values from weathered surface material not suitable for production. Another reported high gold values from vein samples, including 1.5m at 376g/t gold, confirming a gold-rich zone. Goldlake will invest $900k by June to support exploration of main vein targets. Next steps are detailed mapping, sampling and geophysics to define drill targets for the next field season starting in September.
This document summarizes South American Silver Corp., which is focused on developing two large-scale mining projects in South America. The company's flagship project is the Malku Khota silver-indium project in Bolivia, which hosts one of the world's largest silver-indium resources. The project is undergoing pre-feasibility and feasibility studies. The company's other project is the Escalones copper-gold-silver project in Chile, which has an inferred resource of over 3 billion pounds of copper. The company aims to become a top primary silver and indium producer globally from its Malku Khota project.
The document summarizes exploration work conducted on the Chegutu Gold Claims project located near the Giant Gold Mine in Zimbabwe. Soil and rock sampling showed high gold values up to 1.76 g/t and 3.58 g/t respectively, concentrated in three areas. Ground magnetic surveys also identified anomalies in these three areas. The claims cover 15 hectares and are located 700m west of the historic Giant Gold Mine, within a major gold mining district that includes several other past-producing mines. Preliminary exploration indicates the claims have good potential for containing gold mineralization based on correlation between high gold samples and geophysical anomalies. Further exploration is warranted.
- The document describes a mining property with a 10,500 foot long major quartz vein structure averaging 4-8 feet wide that has potential to host a multi-million ounce gold equivalent resource. Similar nearby veins have been mined to depths of 2,000-4,000 feet.
- Sampling of mine workings on the property averaged 0.51 oz of gold per ton and a previous operator estimated 20,000 ounces of gold near the surface. A planned 60 hole drill program is scheduled to begin in December 2010.
- The property indicates potential for a large gold/silver and copper porphyry deposit and borders a multi-billion dollar copper porphyry deposit. It will be drilled to further
MAX is exploring for gold, silver, and copper in Nevada. Drilling at the Majuba Hill property intercepted near surface high-grade silver and copper mineralization, with assays up to 2 oz/t silver equivalent over wide intervals, indicating potential for an open pit deposit. Drilling is also underway at the East Manhattan Wash gold property to determine the vertical extent of gold mineralization identified over a large area at surface. MAX has a low market capitalization and experienced management team exploring bulk tonnage deposit opportunities in Nevada.
Victory West Metals has commenced preliminary fieldwork at its Novienindo Copper Project in Sulawesi, Indonesia to conduct technical due diligence. An experienced team including a consulting geologist and copper porphyry expert will map the area, compile historical data, collect samples, and outline exploration targets over a 40 day program. Previous exploration at the project intersected gold and copper mineralization, including 34.2 meters averaging 3.05 g/t gold.
Statements made in this presentation should not be considered factual and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Sage Gold plans to become a significant gold producer in the next 5 years through exploration and acquisition in the Timmins gold camp. The company has a land position in Beardmore, Ontario including the Onaman-Lynx deposit and is exploring the Clavos deposit in Timmins through an option agreement.
The document discusses processing a monzonitic porphyry skarn ore deposit to extract gold and copper. It would require the following steps:
1. Take diamond drill core samples from different holes for mineralogical and metallurgical assessment. Prepare samples through polishing sections, sieving to various sizes, and acid digestion for analysis.
2. Determine mineralogy through QEM*SEM to quantify each mineral's abundance, grain size, liberation characteristics.
3. Design a flowsheet including crushing, grinding to liberate minerals, gravity concentration to remove free gold, and further processing to produce high purity copper and gold products.
The document summarizes exploration of the Khongor-Ovoo copper-bearing complex metal occurrence in Mongolia. It describes the location, infrastructure access, geological structures observed, including ore bodies containing copper, zinc and lead. Trenching and sampling was conducted, with spectral analyses identifying average copper contents of 0.05% in Ore Body 1 and zinc contents of 0.02% in Ore Body 3. Based on these results, prognostic resources of 430.1 thousand tons of zinc, 310.5 thousand tons of copper and 50 thousand tons of lead were estimated for the occurrence. Further 1:10,000 scale exploration, drilling and geophysical studies were recommended to better evaluate the gold potential of the area.
This document provides an introduction to Conquest Resources Limited's Golden Rose Gold Mine Property. It summarizes the property's history as a former producing gold mine. It also outlines the company's management team and asset portfolio. Finally, it describes exploration opportunities at the Golden Rose mine site, including targeting extensions of known gold zones and exploring the property at a regional scale within the Emerald Lake Magnetic Anomaly.
South American Silver Corp. April 2012 Corporate PresentationJinn-Erik Tveita
South American Silver Corp. owns two large-scale silver deposits in South America: the Malku Khota project in Bolivia and the Escalones project in Chile. Malku Khota has one of the world's largest silver-indium resources and the 2011 PEA study estimated production of 13.2 million ounces of silver per year. Escalones has an inferred resource of 3.8 billion pounds of copper and 610,000 ounces of gold. South American Silver aims to advance these projects and grow their significant silver and base metal resources to create shareholder value.
This document summarizes a study that determined the liberation size of gold ore from the Iperindo-Ilesha deposit in Nigeria and assessed its amenability to froth flotation. Samples of the ore were collected and subjected to sieve analysis to determine particle size fractions. Chemical analysis found that the actual and economic liberation sizes were 45亮m and 250亮m, respectively. Froth flotation experiments at 45亮m particle size and varying collector dosages achieved a maximum gold recovery of 78.93% at 0.3 mol/dm3 collector dosage, with concentrate grade of 115 ppm Au. These parameters will be used for further processing to extract gold from this deposit.
Seismic Reflection Surveys in Search for Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) Depositsiosrjce
Seismic reflection method can delineate very complex geological structures hence it might be very
effective for detecting the presence of Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) deposits. Despite this superior
attributes, there exist a real problem for exploration beyond the immediate vicinity of a known deposit. All
previous studies have focused upon high resolution detection of mineralization and the hosting structures at
mine scale. No argument for regional exploration have been proposed probably because a cost benefit
analysis has never be conducted at such scale to proceed with such exploration venture. In this study, we
analyze the feasibility of such regional exploration by modelling a Vulcan IOCGU deposit scenario were a 2D
seismic survey with relatively sparse source-receiver geometry was used to detect the presence of a possible
intrusive package within 2km depth range. The modelling results demonstrates that seismic reflection method
using 10m geophones and 20m shot spacing can be used to image deposit within the depth of 2km. The
presence of reflections was visibly observed especially at the edges of intrusive packages hence it is suggested
that application of seismic reflection methods perhaps will remains the best alternative and most viable method
for exploring deep seated IOCG
Kentor Gold operates gold and copper projects across Australia and Kyrgyzstan through its subsidiaries. It has a four-stage growth strategy focused on expanding production at its Murchison Gold Project in Australia and advancing the Jervois Copper Project in the Northern Territory towards feasibility. Recent exploration has yielded promising drill results across multiple prospects within its portfolio.
Mantis Mineral Corp. is a junior exploration company with gold and lithium projects in Ontario, Canada. It has three gold projects - Cree Lake, Orphan Mine, and Foisey - as well as a lithium-rich pegmatite property. Cree Lake has returned high-grade gold samples at surface and in drilling. Orphan Mine was a past producer averaging 0.7 oz/ton gold. Foisey shows a significant gold-bearing structure over 80 meters wide. The lithium property contains rare earth elements including a potential 2 million ton deposit averaging 1.2% lithium. Management has extensive experience in finance and accounting for mining companies.
Stavely Minerals IPO Presentation, Symposium Investor Roadshow April 2014Symposium
Stavely Minerals' IPO presentation at Symposium's Investor Roadshow in Sydney and Melbourne to over 250 attendees, April 2014. Presentation was delivered by Stavely Minerals' Managing Director, Chirs Cairns.
Silver City Minerals | ASX:SCI | RIS2014 Broken Hill Investor PresentationSymposium
Silver City Minerals ASX:SCI - Investor presentation delivered at the 4th annual Resources Investment Symposium held in Broken Hill NSW Australia, 26-28 May 2014.
The document discusses the exploration potential of the Nipissing Gabbro East of Sudbury project, known as the Janes project. It provides details on mineral reserves and resources from drill holes at the Eagle's Nest and Eagle Mine deposits within the project area. The project is compared to the Noril'sk mining camp in Russia as the best analogue for the deposit model being explored. The document outlines the rationale for exploring the project area and provides details on geology, targets identified from airborne EM surveys, and results from past drilling programs. Near-surface medium-grade copper-nickel-PGE mineralization and underground high-grade zones are discussed as potential economic opportunities with open pit and underground mining respectively.
Enduro Metals Corp. - Corporate Presentation - July 2020MomentumPR
Enduro Metals is one of the leading exploration companies focused in the heart of British Columbias prolific Golden Triangle. The companys highly qualified geological team has assembled a wealth of information generated by numerous companies each working small pieces of the district-scale property that Enduro Metals has assembled through staking and optioning. Building on prior results, the companys geological team made several significant discoveries during its initial exploration program in 2019. A gold-rich copper porphyry outlined on the Burgundy Trend has striking similarities to large-scale deposits in the region, including the Red Chris deposit for which Newcrest last year paid US$807 million for a 70% interest. Chachi, a newly discovered area, generated high-grade samples of gold, silver, lead, zinc, nickel, and cobalt over a 9km x 4km area with associated geophysical responses. Diamond drilling in 2019 at the NW Zone demonstrated that the historic gold resource remains open laterally and to depth.
Work in 2020 will seek to further extend the known gold deposit and to investigate the large-scale discovery potential of multiple targets and deposit types.
South American Silver Corp March 2012 Corporate Presentationsoamsilver
South American Silver Corp's March 2012 Corporate Presentation. Learn about the Malku Khota silver-indium project in Bolivia and the Escalones copper-gold project in Chile.
- Soltera Mining Corp. owns the large El Torno gold exploration project in Argentina, which contains a 14 km long gold-rich quartz vein system up to 2,000 meters wide with potential for underground and open-pit mining. Previous explorers have estimated potential for over 500,000 ounces of gold.
- Exploration is underway to further define gold deposits within the project area through mapping, sampling, and potential future geophysical programs. Surface sampling along the main vein has returned high-grade gold results.
- The company owns a gold processing plant on the property but initial testing of shallow eluvial material was disappointing. Further investigation of potential near-surface production from vein material is planned.
The owners of a gold project in the Nyanga area of Zimbabwe are seeking for partners to deveolp and mine a gold project.
Geophysical survey has been done on the property. Contact me for more details.
The project seeks a US$160,000 investment for a 10-hectare gold mining project located in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe. The area has a history of mining for gold and other minerals. The project was previously operated by Germans and several small-scale mining operations currently exist nearby. Exploration work including trenching, drilling, sampling, and resource estimation is required. The document argues that many former small-scale gold mines in Zimbabwe have potential to be developed into larger-scale mines with further investigation and inclusive studies.
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Similar to Gold Project In Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe seeks investors (20)
- The document describes a mining property with a 10,500 foot long major quartz vein structure averaging 4-8 feet wide that has potential to host a multi-million ounce gold equivalent resource. Similar nearby veins have been mined to depths of 2,000-4,000 feet.
- Sampling of mine workings on the property averaged 0.51 oz of gold per ton and a previous operator estimated 20,000 ounces of gold near the surface. A planned 60 hole drill program is scheduled to begin in December 2010.
- The property indicates potential for a large gold/silver and copper porphyry deposit and borders a multi-billion dollar copper porphyry deposit. It will be drilled to further
MAX is exploring for gold, silver, and copper in Nevada. Drilling at the Majuba Hill property intercepted near surface high-grade silver and copper mineralization, with assays up to 2 oz/t silver equivalent over wide intervals, indicating potential for an open pit deposit. Drilling is also underway at the East Manhattan Wash gold property to determine the vertical extent of gold mineralization identified over a large area at surface. MAX has a low market capitalization and experienced management team exploring bulk tonnage deposit opportunities in Nevada.
Victory West Metals has commenced preliminary fieldwork at its Novienindo Copper Project in Sulawesi, Indonesia to conduct technical due diligence. An experienced team including a consulting geologist and copper porphyry expert will map the area, compile historical data, collect samples, and outline exploration targets over a 40 day program. Previous exploration at the project intersected gold and copper mineralization, including 34.2 meters averaging 3.05 g/t gold.
Statements made in this presentation should not be considered factual and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Sage Gold plans to become a significant gold producer in the next 5 years through exploration and acquisition in the Timmins gold camp. The company has a land position in Beardmore, Ontario including the Onaman-Lynx deposit and is exploring the Clavos deposit in Timmins through an option agreement.
The document discusses processing a monzonitic porphyry skarn ore deposit to extract gold and copper. It would require the following steps:
1. Take diamond drill core samples from different holes for mineralogical and metallurgical assessment. Prepare samples through polishing sections, sieving to various sizes, and acid digestion for analysis.
2. Determine mineralogy through QEM*SEM to quantify each mineral's abundance, grain size, liberation characteristics.
3. Design a flowsheet including crushing, grinding to liberate minerals, gravity concentration to remove free gold, and further processing to produce high purity copper and gold products.
The document summarizes exploration of the Khongor-Ovoo copper-bearing complex metal occurrence in Mongolia. It describes the location, infrastructure access, geological structures observed, including ore bodies containing copper, zinc and lead. Trenching and sampling was conducted, with spectral analyses identifying average copper contents of 0.05% in Ore Body 1 and zinc contents of 0.02% in Ore Body 3. Based on these results, prognostic resources of 430.1 thousand tons of zinc, 310.5 thousand tons of copper and 50 thousand tons of lead were estimated for the occurrence. Further 1:10,000 scale exploration, drilling and geophysical studies were recommended to better evaluate the gold potential of the area.
This document provides an introduction to Conquest Resources Limited's Golden Rose Gold Mine Property. It summarizes the property's history as a former producing gold mine. It also outlines the company's management team and asset portfolio. Finally, it describes exploration opportunities at the Golden Rose mine site, including targeting extensions of known gold zones and exploring the property at a regional scale within the Emerald Lake Magnetic Anomaly.
South American Silver Corp. April 2012 Corporate PresentationJinn-Erik Tveita
South American Silver Corp. owns two large-scale silver deposits in South America: the Malku Khota project in Bolivia and the Escalones project in Chile. Malku Khota has one of the world's largest silver-indium resources and the 2011 PEA study estimated production of 13.2 million ounces of silver per year. Escalones has an inferred resource of 3.8 billion pounds of copper and 610,000 ounces of gold. South American Silver aims to advance these projects and grow their significant silver and base metal resources to create shareholder value.
This document summarizes a study that determined the liberation size of gold ore from the Iperindo-Ilesha deposit in Nigeria and assessed its amenability to froth flotation. Samples of the ore were collected and subjected to sieve analysis to determine particle size fractions. Chemical analysis found that the actual and economic liberation sizes were 45亮m and 250亮m, respectively. Froth flotation experiments at 45亮m particle size and varying collector dosages achieved a maximum gold recovery of 78.93% at 0.3 mol/dm3 collector dosage, with concentrate grade of 115 ppm Au. These parameters will be used for further processing to extract gold from this deposit.
Seismic Reflection Surveys in Search for Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) Depositsiosrjce
Seismic reflection method can delineate very complex geological structures hence it might be very
effective for detecting the presence of Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) deposits. Despite this superior
attributes, there exist a real problem for exploration beyond the immediate vicinity of a known deposit. All
previous studies have focused upon high resolution detection of mineralization and the hosting structures at
mine scale. No argument for regional exploration have been proposed probably because a cost benefit
analysis has never be conducted at such scale to proceed with such exploration venture. In this study, we
analyze the feasibility of such regional exploration by modelling a Vulcan IOCGU deposit scenario were a 2D
seismic survey with relatively sparse source-receiver geometry was used to detect the presence of a possible
intrusive package within 2km depth range. The modelling results demonstrates that seismic reflection method
using 10m geophones and 20m shot spacing can be used to image deposit within the depth of 2km. The
presence of reflections was visibly observed especially at the edges of intrusive packages hence it is suggested
that application of seismic reflection methods perhaps will remains the best alternative and most viable method
for exploring deep seated IOCG
Kentor Gold operates gold and copper projects across Australia and Kyrgyzstan through its subsidiaries. It has a four-stage growth strategy focused on expanding production at its Murchison Gold Project in Australia and advancing the Jervois Copper Project in the Northern Territory towards feasibility. Recent exploration has yielded promising drill results across multiple prospects within its portfolio.
Mantis Mineral Corp. is a junior exploration company with gold and lithium projects in Ontario, Canada. It has three gold projects - Cree Lake, Orphan Mine, and Foisey - as well as a lithium-rich pegmatite property. Cree Lake has returned high-grade gold samples at surface and in drilling. Orphan Mine was a past producer averaging 0.7 oz/ton gold. Foisey shows a significant gold-bearing structure over 80 meters wide. The lithium property contains rare earth elements including a potential 2 million ton deposit averaging 1.2% lithium. Management has extensive experience in finance and accounting for mining companies.
Stavely Minerals IPO Presentation, Symposium Investor Roadshow April 2014Symposium
Stavely Minerals' IPO presentation at Symposium's Investor Roadshow in Sydney and Melbourne to over 250 attendees, April 2014. Presentation was delivered by Stavely Minerals' Managing Director, Chirs Cairns.
Silver City Minerals | ASX:SCI | RIS2014 Broken Hill Investor PresentationSymposium
Silver City Minerals ASX:SCI - Investor presentation delivered at the 4th annual Resources Investment Symposium held in Broken Hill NSW Australia, 26-28 May 2014.
The document discusses the exploration potential of the Nipissing Gabbro East of Sudbury project, known as the Janes project. It provides details on mineral reserves and resources from drill holes at the Eagle's Nest and Eagle Mine deposits within the project area. The project is compared to the Noril'sk mining camp in Russia as the best analogue for the deposit model being explored. The document outlines the rationale for exploring the project area and provides details on geology, targets identified from airborne EM surveys, and results from past drilling programs. Near-surface medium-grade copper-nickel-PGE mineralization and underground high-grade zones are discussed as potential economic opportunities with open pit and underground mining respectively.
Enduro Metals Corp. - Corporate Presentation - July 2020MomentumPR
Enduro Metals is one of the leading exploration companies focused in the heart of British Columbias prolific Golden Triangle. The companys highly qualified geological team has assembled a wealth of information generated by numerous companies each working small pieces of the district-scale property that Enduro Metals has assembled through staking and optioning. Building on prior results, the companys geological team made several significant discoveries during its initial exploration program in 2019. A gold-rich copper porphyry outlined on the Burgundy Trend has striking similarities to large-scale deposits in the region, including the Red Chris deposit for which Newcrest last year paid US$807 million for a 70% interest. Chachi, a newly discovered area, generated high-grade samples of gold, silver, lead, zinc, nickel, and cobalt over a 9km x 4km area with associated geophysical responses. Diamond drilling in 2019 at the NW Zone demonstrated that the historic gold resource remains open laterally and to depth.
Work in 2020 will seek to further extend the known gold deposit and to investigate the large-scale discovery potential of multiple targets and deposit types.
South American Silver Corp March 2012 Corporate Presentationsoamsilver
South American Silver Corp's March 2012 Corporate Presentation. Learn about the Malku Khota silver-indium project in Bolivia and the Escalones copper-gold project in Chile.
- Soltera Mining Corp. owns the large El Torno gold exploration project in Argentina, which contains a 14 km long gold-rich quartz vein system up to 2,000 meters wide with potential for underground and open-pit mining. Previous explorers have estimated potential for over 500,000 ounces of gold.
- Exploration is underway to further define gold deposits within the project area through mapping, sampling, and potential future geophysical programs. Surface sampling along the main vein has returned high-grade gold results.
- The company owns a gold processing plant on the property but initial testing of shallow eluvial material was disappointing. Further investigation of potential near-surface production from vein material is planned.
The owners of a gold project in the Nyanga area of Zimbabwe are seeking for partners to deveolp and mine a gold project.
Geophysical survey has been done on the property. Contact me for more details.
The project seeks a US$160,000 investment for a 10-hectare gold mining project located in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe. The area has a history of mining for gold and other minerals. The project was previously operated by Germans and several small-scale mining operations currently exist nearby. Exploration work including trenching, drilling, sampling, and resource estimation is required. The document argues that many former small-scale gold mines in Zimbabwe have potential to be developed into larger-scale mines with further investigation and inclusive studies.
The document summarizes a lithium exploration project located in Zimbabwe. The project consists of 9 mining claims covering 225 hectares that contain pegmatite zones with reported lithium, tantalite, and cassiterite mineralization. Mauled Resources is promoting the project and seeking $580,000 for an outright purchase. Exploration work is recommended to better evaluate the mineralization and complete a resource estimate.
The document provides a technical review of the EPL Ovitoto copper project located in Namibia. Key points include:
- The project covers an exploration license 26km from Okahandja, Namibia near infrastructure. 6 drill holes indicate open cast potential.
- Early stage exploration identified copper mineralization including malachite, azurite and chalcopyrite from historical mining.
- Further exploration is recommended to define the ore body dimensions and grade since current data is limited.
- The owners seek a joint venture partner to fund additional exploration and evaluation of the project's mining potential.
This document provides a technical review of the When North Gold Project in Zimbabwe. Key details include:
- The project requires $4 million investment and covers 40 hectares including 4 gold claims.
- Gold mineralization is structurally controlled within shear zones in the area.
- Exploration budgets and preliminary processing plans are provided totaling over $4.7 million.
- Nearby historical mines indicate the potential for open pit mining at When North.
The document proposes the RIKASRUS Solar PV Project, a 10 MW fixed tilt solar photovoltaic plant in Randfontein, South Africa. The 26.8 hectare site has an annual irradiance of 2000-2100 kWh/m2 and is 5 km from the grid connection point. The project seeks to enter the renewable energy market as an independent power producer through power purchase agreements with private clients and wheeling agreements with Eskom. Over 8-12 months, the remaining work includes feasibility studies, land rezoning, environmental permitting, power agreements, and installation. The project aims to provide electricity access while creating jobs and economic opportunities.
10 Megawatt Solar Project Seeks Investor.
Land already available on a long lease.
Government authorisation is available.
Environmental Impact Assessment done but pending submission..
Taylor Swift The Man Music Video Productioneclark941
For my school project, I analyzed Taylor Swift's "The Man" music video. I explored how it critiques gender inequality by depicting Taylor Swift as a man to highlight the double standards and societal expectations placed on men and women. The video uses satire and symbolism to comment on issues of power and privilege
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls...Lviv Startup Club
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Advancing North America's Next Major Silver & Critical Minerals District
Western Alaska Minerals is unveiling a prolific 8-km mineral corridor with its two stand-alone deposits. Anchored by the high-grade silver deposit at Waterpump Creek and the historic Illinois Creek mine, our 100% owned carbonate replacement deposit reveals untapped potential across an expansive exploration landscape.
Waterpump Creek: 75 Moz @ 980 g/t AgEq (Inferred), open to the north and south.
Illinois Creek: 525 Koz AuEq - 373 Koz @ 1.3 g/t AuEq (Indicated), 152 Koz @ 1.44 g/t AuEq (Inferred).
2024 New Discovery at Warm Springs: First copper, gold, and Waterpump Creek-grade silver intercepts located 0.8 miles from Illinois Creek.
2025 plans: Drilling for more high-grade silver discoveries at the Waterpump Creek South target. Our 114.25m2 claim package located on mining-friendly state land also includes the promising Round Top copper and TG North CRD prospects, located 15 miles northeast of Illinois Creek.
Outline of Human Motivation
1. Introduction to Human Motivation
Definition of motivation
Importance of understanding motivation
Overview of motivational theories
2. Theories of Motivation
A. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
Definitions and differences
Examples of each type
B. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Overview of the five levels of needs
Application of the theory in real-life scenarios
C. Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
Overview of intrinsic motivation and its three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness
The impact of SDT on personal growth and well-being
D. Expectancy Theory
Explanation of how expectations influence motivation
Components: expectancy, instrumentality, and valence
E. Goal-Setting Theory
Importance of setting specific and challenging goals
The SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
3. Factors Influencing Motivation
A. Biological Factors
Role of genetics and neurochemistry in motivation
Impact of physical health and well-being
B. Psychological Factors
Personality traits and their influence on motivation
The role of mindset (fixed vs. growth mindset)
C. Social and Environmental Factors
Influence of culture, family, peers, and society on motivation
The impact of the workplace environment and leadership styles
4. Motivation in Different Contexts
A. Education
How motivation affects learning and academic performance
Strategies to enhance student motivation
B. Workplace
Importance of employee motivation for productivity and job satisfaction
Techniques for fostering motivation in the workplace
C. Personal Development
Motivation for self-improvement and personal goals
The role of habits and routines in maintaining motivation
5. Challenges to Motivation
Common obstacles to motivation (e.g., procrastination, fear of failure)
Strategies to overcome motivational challenges
6. Conclusion
Summary of key points
The significance of understanding motivation for personal and societal growth
7. References
A list of academic sources and literature on motivation
Jatin Mansata - A Leader In Finance And PhilanthropyJatin Mansata
Jatin Mansata is a financial markets leader and teacher with a deep commitment to social change. As the CEO and Director of JM Global Equities, hes recognized for his acumen for derivatives and equities. Beyond his professional achievements, Jatin mentors 500 students, empowering them with financial knowledge.
Holden Melia - An Accomplished ExecutiveHolden Melia
Holden Melia is an accomplished executive with over 15 years of experience in leadership, business growth, and strategic innovation. He holds a Bachelors degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and has excelled in driving results, team development, and operational efficiency.
Project Status Report Template that our ex-McKinsey & Deloitte consultants like to use with their clients.
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In the fast-paced world of business, staying on top of key projects and initiatives is crucial for success. An initiative status report is a vital tool that provides transparency, accountability, and valuable insights to stakeholders. By outlining deadlines, costs, quality standards, and potential risks, these reports ensure that projects remain on track and aligned with organizational goals. In this article, we will delve into the essential components of an initiative status report, offering a comprehensive guide to creating effective and informative updates.
No Objection Letter, No Objection CertificateSeemaAgrawal43
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2. Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399
Project Name Chenjiri Gold Project
Location Sanyati
Province Mashonaland West
Country Zimbabwe
Investment Amount Sought US$200 000
Tenure Yes (Verifiable)
Validity of Tenure Current/Valid
Deal Terms Joint Venture
Type of Proposal Open cast and Underground
Suitable Geological Location Yes
Geological Sampling Yes. Done by a seasoned gold
exploration geologist
Adjacent Gold Mining
Sanyati Copper Queen Mine
and many more small scale
and artisanal mines.
4. Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399
1 Exploration
1.1 Sampling
Five rock chip samples derived only from exposed quartz veins of varying sizes and physical
characteristics were collected and analysed using Aqua regia digest by Pangolin Analytical in
It is yet unknown if the gold is restricted to the auriferous quartz vein, or if the wall rocks are also
gold bearing.
All sampling and sample handling was done by the Author and sample custody was only transferred
upon submission to Pangolin Analytical at the end of the programme with full instructions and
analysis specifications.
No QAQC samples were inserted but partial inter-lab cross-sampling was done where duplicate pulp
of SNY001, SNY004 and SNY005 from Pangolin was taken to Antech Analytical Laboratory for Fire
Assay repeat analysis.
Consequently the analyses hereafter are treated as semi-qualitative.
2 Sampling Schedule
Sample ID Vein Thickness Assay values in ppm
Pangolin Lab
(for Aqua Regia Digest)
Antech Lab (for Fire Assay)
SNY001 10cm 10.83 45.18
SNY002 10cm 9.26 -
SNY003 5cm, 10cm 8.41 -
SNY004 100cm 8.33 7.11
SNY005 50cm 17.26 10.85
SNY001 and SNY002 - Partially brecciated 10cm quartz vein parallel to iron-oxidized metasediment
exhibiting pinching and swelling while sub vertical trending striking 023.
SNY003 - Composite sample over 3m derived from two 10cm veins with a 1m separation and two
<5cm veins with a 40cm separation. All veins are sub vertical and parallel to the fracture cleavage of
hosting metasediment. The average strike is 045.
SNY004 - Whitish grey quartz vein with vugs filled with opaque secondary mineral. The vein is almost
1m thick and sub vertical generally following 028 strike.
5. Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399
SNY005 - Partially faulted/folded >50cm vein with significant iron oxidation, sub vertical trending
3 Discussion
The assay results are impressive from preliminary exploratory work despite the observed variance in
the gold content for the same sample from the two laboratories. This is attributed to either: 1)
nugget effect or 2) contamination, though the former could be a more plausible reason since the
area is known from interactions with the local artisanal miners to have nugget mineralisation.
Furthermore, the mineralisation appears to be structurally controlled along the parallel north-east
trending structures and there appears to be mineralisation continuity considering the spatial
variation of the sampled points.
However, the sampling results confirmed the presence of gold in in-situ reefs proving the potential
existence of gold mineralisation sought hence justification to peg the area and pursuance of further
geological investigations.
4 Exploration Potential
Exploration potential for undiscovered gold resources in the target area is discussed in terms of
small high grade deposits and large low grade deposits possibly due to nugget enrichment
associated with depletion in other areas. The lack of detailed geologic maps, detailed deposit
information, and geochemical data preclude defining gold resources.
Still, there is enough information to suggest a high to moderate potential for undiscovered gold
resources in two separate zones within this area. These zones are considered highly prospective.
They are along strong and continuous northeast-trending structures possibly faults which follow the
regional orientation of the Umfuli Formation and dominant fracture cleavage.
5 High grade gold veins
There is a high potential for discovery of sheeted high grade gold veins 5cm to 50cm wide that will
generally continue with depth and within northeast-trending structures. This is proven by the high
gold values detected in the quartz veins sampled all following the same trend. For purposes of
estimating potential resources an average mineable high-grade gold ore shoot in the target area may
be defined (from field observations) as 20m long, 30cm wide, and a conservative 20m deep with an
average grade of 10.0 g/t Au. Contained gold in the average mineable high grade gold ore shoot
would be 3,120g (3,12kg) gold (20 x0.30 x 20 x 2.6 x 10). These are not singular ore bodies, but occur
in groups as sheeted vein systems.
6 Large low grade gold deposits
There is a moderate to high potential for discovery and/or definition of large low grade gold
deposits in the area in the form of widespread quartz rubble occurrence and larger sized low grade
quartz veins. The size and extent of the quartz rubble occurrence though widespread cannot be
determined with the data available. Assuming one per cent of the prospective 20ha claim blocks
area can be open dug to a depth of 1m at an average rubble grade of 1.5 g/t Au, the contained gold
would be 7,800g (7,8kg) (2,000m2 x 1 x 2.6 x 1.5).
6. Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399
7 Considerations
The discussions of potential resources given above are best guess estimates based on limited data.
These are estimates of contained gold. Some of the gold is associated with sulphide minerals and is
apparently refractory. There is no qualitative information on the metallurgical properties of the gold
ores of the Chenjiri area. The presentations on the high grade veins and large low grade deposits are
given as if each were a separate standalone entity. In reality, where ferruginous sheared rocks are
host to the mineralization the two should be considered together.
8 Conclusions and Recommendations
The property is at a very early stage of exploration but offers a broad scope and potential for shear
hosted orogenic gold mineralisation. It is the authors opinion that there is good probability for
economic sized gold mineralisation for underground or open pit to exist. The area is considered to
be underexplored in terms of gold and has geological characteristics commonly associated with gold
mineralization. From a review of the data available and field studies, it is clear that the region
contains significant gold mineralisation.
Activity Cost (US$)
Detailed mapping and Trenching 15 000
Magnetic and Radiometric Surveys 15 000
Sampling and Analysis of +1000 samples 7000
1500m of RC drilling @ $65/m and supervision 110000
Other fees 53000
Subtotal 200 000
Grand Total 200 000