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Lovemore Mauled
Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd
Cell: +27 71 980 1399
Email: lovemauled@yahoo.co.uk
Email: zimexgeos@gmail.com
Gold Project Seeking Investors
Chenjiri Gold Claims, Zimbabwe
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Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399
Project Name Chenjiri Gold Project
Location Sanyati
Province Mashonaland West
Country Zimbabwe
Investment Amount Sought US$200 000
Tenure Yes (Verifiable)
Validity of Tenure Current/Valid
Deal Terms Joint Venture
Type of Proposal Open cast and Underground
Suitable Geological Location Yes
Geological Sampling Yes. Done by a seasoned gold
exploration geologist
Adjacent Gold Mining
Sanyati Copper Queen Mine
and many more small scale
and artisanal mines.
Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399
1 Exploration......................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Sampling..................................................................................................................................3
2 Sampling Schedule..........................................................................................................................3
3 Discussion........................................................................................................................................4
4 Exploration Potential ......................................................................................................................4
5 High grade gold veins......................................................................................................................4
6 Large low grade gold deposits ........................................................................................................4
7 Considerations ................................................................................................................................5
8 Conclusions and Recommendations...............................................................................................5
Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399
1 Exploration
1.1 Sampling
Five rock chip samples derived only from exposed quartz veins of varying sizes and physical
characteristics were collected and analysed using Aqua regia digest by Pangolin Analytical in
It is yet unknown if the gold is restricted to the auriferous quartz vein, or if the wall rocks are also
gold bearing.
All sampling and sample handling was done by the Author and sample custody was only transferred
upon submission to Pangolin Analytical at the end of the programme with full instructions and
analysis specifications.
No QAQC samples were inserted but partial inter-lab cross-sampling was done where duplicate pulp
of SNY001, SNY004 and SNY005 from Pangolin was taken to Antech Analytical Laboratory for Fire
Assay repeat analysis.
Consequently the analyses hereafter are treated as semi-qualitative.
2 Sampling Schedule
Sample ID Vein Thickness Assay values in ppm
Pangolin Lab
(for Aqua Regia Digest)
Antech Lab (for Fire Assay)
SNY001 10cm 10.83 45.18
SNY002 10cm 9.26 -
SNY003 5cm, 10cm 8.41 -
SNY004 100cm 8.33 7.11
SNY005 50cm 17.26 10.85
SNY001 and SNY002 - Partially brecciated 10cm quartz vein parallel to iron-oxidized metasediment
exhibiting pinching and swelling while sub vertical trending striking 023.
SNY003 - Composite sample over 3m derived from two 10cm veins with a 1m separation and two
<5cm veins with a 40cm separation. All veins are sub vertical and parallel to the fracture cleavage of
hosting metasediment. The average strike is 045.
SNY004 - Whitish grey quartz vein with vugs filled with opaque secondary mineral. The vein is almost
1m thick and sub vertical generally following 028 strike.
Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399
SNY005 - Partially faulted/folded >50cm vein with significant iron oxidation, sub vertical trending
3 Discussion
The assay results are impressive from preliminary exploratory work despite the observed variance in
the gold content for the same sample from the two laboratories. This is attributed to either: 1)
nugget effect or 2) contamination, though the former could be a more plausible reason since the
area is known from interactions with the local artisanal miners to have nugget mineralisation.
Furthermore, the mineralisation appears to be structurally controlled along the parallel north-east
trending structures and there appears to be mineralisation continuity considering the spatial
variation of the sampled points.
However, the sampling results confirmed the presence of gold in in-situ reefs proving the potential
existence of gold mineralisation sought hence justification to peg the area and pursuance of further
geological investigations.
4 Exploration Potential
Exploration potential for undiscovered gold resources in the target area is discussed in terms of
small high grade deposits and large low grade deposits possibly due to nugget enrichment
associated with depletion in other areas. The lack of detailed geologic maps, detailed deposit
information, and geochemical data preclude defining gold resources.
Still, there is enough information to suggest a high to moderate potential for undiscovered gold
resources in two separate zones within this area. These zones are considered highly prospective.
They are along strong and continuous northeast-trending structures possibly faults which follow the
regional orientation of the Umfuli Formation and dominant fracture cleavage.
5 High grade gold veins
There is a high potential for discovery of sheeted high grade gold veins 5cm to 50cm wide that will
generally continue with depth and within northeast-trending structures. This is proven by the high
gold values detected in the quartz veins sampled all following the same trend. For purposes of
estimating potential resources an average mineable high-grade gold ore shoot in the target area may
be defined (from field observations) as 20m long, 30cm wide, and a conservative 20m deep with an
average grade of 10.0 g/t Au. Contained gold in the average mineable high grade gold ore shoot
would be 3,120g (3,12kg) gold (20 x0.30 x 20 x 2.6 x 10). These are not singular ore bodies, but occur
in groups as sheeted vein systems.
6 Large low grade gold deposits
There is a moderate to high potential for discovery and/or definition of large low grade gold
deposits in the area in the form of widespread quartz rubble occurrence and larger sized low grade
quartz veins. The size and extent of the quartz rubble occurrence though widespread cannot be
determined with the data available. Assuming one per cent of the prospective 20ha claim blocks
area can be open dug to a depth of 1m at an average rubble grade of 1.5 g/t Au, the contained gold
would be 7,800g (7,8kg) (2,000m2 x 1 x 2.6 x 1.5).
Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399
7 Considerations
The discussions of potential resources given above are best guess estimates based on limited data.
These are estimates of contained gold. Some of the gold is associated with sulphide minerals and is
apparently refractory. There is no qualitative information on the metallurgical properties of the gold
ores of the Chenjiri area. The presentations on the high grade veins and large low grade deposits are
given as if each were a separate standalone entity. In reality, where ferruginous sheared rocks are
host to the mineralization the two should be considered together.
8 Conclusions and Recommendations
The property is at a very early stage of exploration but offers a broad scope and potential for shear
hosted orogenic gold mineralisation. It is the authors opinion that there is good probability for
economic sized gold mineralisation for underground or open pit to exist. The area is considered to
be underexplored in terms of gold and has geological characteristics commonly associated with gold
mineralization. From a review of the data available and field studies, it is clear that the region
contains significant gold mineralisation.
Activity Cost (US$)
Detailed mapping and Trenching 15 000
Magnetic and Radiometric Surveys 15 000
Sampling and Analysis of +1000 samples 7000
1500m of RC drilling @ $65/m and supervision 110000
Other fees 53000
Subtotal 200 000
Grand Total 200 000

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Gold Project In Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe seeks investors

  • 1. 2018 Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell: +27 71 980 1399 Email: lovemauled@yahoo.co.uk Email: zimexgeos@gmail.com Gold Project Seeking Investors Chenjiri Gold Claims, Zimbabwe Promoted by
  • 2. Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399 Project Name Chenjiri Gold Project Location Sanyati Province Mashonaland West Country Zimbabwe Investment Amount Sought US$200 000 Tenure Yes (Verifiable) Validity of Tenure Current/Valid Deal Terms Joint Venture Type of Proposal Open cast and Underground Suitable Geological Location Yes Geological Sampling Yes. Done by a seasoned gold exploration geologist Adjacent Gold Mining Operations Yes Sanyati Copper Queen Mine and many more small scale and artisanal mines.
  • 3. Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399 Contents 1 Exploration......................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Sampling..................................................................................................................................3 2 Sampling Schedule..........................................................................................................................3 3 Discussion........................................................................................................................................4 4 Exploration Potential ......................................................................................................................4 5 High grade gold veins......................................................................................................................4 6 Large low grade gold deposits ........................................................................................................4 7 Considerations ................................................................................................................................5 8 Conclusions and Recommendations...............................................................................................5
  • 4. Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399 1 Exploration 1.1 Sampling Five rock chip samples derived only from exposed quartz veins of varying sizes and physical characteristics were collected and analysed using Aqua regia digest by Pangolin Analytical in Kwekwe. It is yet unknown if the gold is restricted to the auriferous quartz vein, or if the wall rocks are also gold bearing. All sampling and sample handling was done by the Author and sample custody was only transferred upon submission to Pangolin Analytical at the end of the programme with full instructions and analysis specifications. No QAQC samples were inserted but partial inter-lab cross-sampling was done where duplicate pulp of SNY001, SNY004 and SNY005 from Pangolin was taken to Antech Analytical Laboratory for Fire Assay repeat analysis. Consequently the analyses hereafter are treated as semi-qualitative. 2 Sampling Schedule FIGURE 1: DATA FOR 5 SAMPLES COLLECTED AND ANALYSED Sample ID Vein Thickness Assay values in ppm Pangolin Lab (for Aqua Regia Digest) Antech Lab (for Fire Assay) SNY001 10cm 10.83 45.18 SNY002 10cm 9.26 - SNY003 5cm, 10cm 8.41 - SNY004 100cm 8.33 7.11 SNY005 50cm 17.26 10.85 SNY001 and SNY002 - Partially brecciated 10cm quartz vein parallel to iron-oxidized metasediment exhibiting pinching and swelling while sub vertical trending striking 023. SNY003 - Composite sample over 3m derived from two 10cm veins with a 1m separation and two <5cm veins with a 40cm separation. All veins are sub vertical and parallel to the fracture cleavage of hosting metasediment. The average strike is 045. SNY004 - Whitish grey quartz vein with vugs filled with opaque secondary mineral. The vein is almost 1m thick and sub vertical generally following 028 strike.
  • 5. Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399 SNY005 - Partially faulted/folded >50cm vein with significant iron oxidation, sub vertical trending 025. 3 Discussion The assay results are impressive from preliminary exploratory work despite the observed variance in the gold content for the same sample from the two laboratories. This is attributed to either: 1) nugget effect or 2) contamination, though the former could be a more plausible reason since the area is known from interactions with the local artisanal miners to have nugget mineralisation. Furthermore, the mineralisation appears to be structurally controlled along the parallel north-east trending structures and there appears to be mineralisation continuity considering the spatial variation of the sampled points. However, the sampling results confirmed the presence of gold in in-situ reefs proving the potential existence of gold mineralisation sought hence justification to peg the area and pursuance of further geological investigations. 4 Exploration Potential Exploration potential for undiscovered gold resources in the target area is discussed in terms of small high grade deposits and large low grade deposits possibly due to nugget enrichment associated with depletion in other areas. The lack of detailed geologic maps, detailed deposit information, and geochemical data preclude defining gold resources. Still, there is enough information to suggest a high to moderate potential for undiscovered gold resources in two separate zones within this area. These zones are considered highly prospective. They are along strong and continuous northeast-trending structures possibly faults which follow the regional orientation of the Umfuli Formation and dominant fracture cleavage. 5 High grade gold veins There is a high potential for discovery of sheeted high grade gold veins 5cm to 50cm wide that will generally continue with depth and within northeast-trending structures. This is proven by the high gold values detected in the quartz veins sampled all following the same trend. For purposes of estimating potential resources an average mineable high-grade gold ore shoot in the target area may be defined (from field observations) as 20m long, 30cm wide, and a conservative 20m deep with an average grade of 10.0 g/t Au. Contained gold in the average mineable high grade gold ore shoot would be 3,120g (3,12kg) gold (20 x0.30 x 20 x 2.6 x 10). These are not singular ore bodies, but occur in groups as sheeted vein systems. 6 Large low grade gold deposits There is a moderate to high potential for discovery and/or definition of large low grade gold deposits in the area in the form of widespread quartz rubble occurrence and larger sized low grade quartz veins. The size and extent of the quartz rubble occurrence though widespread cannot be determined with the data available. Assuming one per cent of the prospective 20ha claim blocks area can be open dug to a depth of 1m at an average rubble grade of 1.5 g/t Au, the contained gold would be 7,800g (7,8kg) (2,000m2 x 1 x 2.6 x 1.5).
  • 6. Promoted by Lovemore Mauled Mauled Resources (Pty) Ltd Cell:+27 71 980 1399 7 Considerations The discussions of potential resources given above are best guess estimates based on limited data. These are estimates of contained gold. Some of the gold is associated with sulphide minerals and is apparently refractory. There is no qualitative information on the metallurgical properties of the gold ores of the Chenjiri area. The presentations on the high grade veins and large low grade deposits are given as if each were a separate standalone entity. In reality, where ferruginous sheared rocks are host to the mineralization the two should be considered together. 8 Conclusions and Recommendations The property is at a very early stage of exploration but offers a broad scope and potential for shear hosted orogenic gold mineralisation. It is the authors opinion that there is good probability for economic sized gold mineralisation for underground or open pit to exist. The area is considered to be underexplored in terms of gold and has geological characteristics commonly associated with gold mineralization. From a review of the data available and field studies, it is clear that the region contains significant gold mineralisation. TABLE 1: BREAKDOWN OF COSTS OF ACTIVITIES TO BE DONE ON THE PROJECT Activity Cost (US$) Detailed mapping and Trenching 15 000 Magnetic and Radiometric Surveys 15 000 Sampling and Analysis of +1000 samples 7000 1500m of RC drilling @ $65/m and supervision 110000 Other fees 53000 Subtotal 200 000 Grand Total 200 000