This document presents information on Hopfield networks through a slideshow presentation. It begins with an introduction to Hopfield networks, describing them as fully connected, single layer neural networks that can perform pattern recognition. It then discusses the properties of Hopfield networks, including their symmetric weights and binary neuron outputs. The document proceeds to provide derivations of the Hopfield network model based on an additive neuron model. It concludes by discussing applications of Hopfield networks.
Martin Moloney, Exploration Manager for Northern Ireland, provided an update on exploration activities at the Curraghinalt gold deposit. A recent sample from the T17 vein returned high grades of 188 g/t gold and 103 g/t silver. The deposit contains a November 2011 resource of 0.46 Moz measured and indicated gold and 2.23 Moz inferred gold. Drilling is targeting high grade shoots within the deposit and expanding the resource along strike and at depth. Surface exploration including soil sampling recently led to the Alwories discovery.
The document discusses the Marmato gold deposit located in Colombia. It provides details on the deposit's geology, exploration history, and recent drilling results. Key points include:
- Marmato has produced an estimated 2.6-3.5 million ounces of gold historically from various underground mines.
- Recent drilling by GCG has discovered a new "Deeps Zone" below the existing mines, with drill intercepts up to 357 meters of 1.43 g/t gold.
- A 2017 resource estimate for Marmato outlines over 3.8 million ounces of gold in measured and indicated categories, and over 4 million ounces in inferred across vein and porphyry styles of mineralization.
This presentation discusses TerraX Minerals' gold exploration projects in Canada. It summarizes drilling results from the Company's Stewart property in Newfoundland that indicate extensive gold and copper mineralization and alteration over hundreds of meters, similar to the giant Oyu Tolgoi deposit. It also summarizes drilling on the Company's Atikokan properties in Ontario that have intersected Hammond Reef-style and high-grade vein-hosted gold mineralization over several kilometers. The Company has a low market capitalization and experienced management team exploring these prospective projects. Drilling will continue testing geophysical targets at Stewart and follow up on results at Atikokan through the remainder of 2011.
The document reports on drill results from Impact Minerals' maiden drill program at the Red Hill Prospect near Broken Hill in New South Wales. Assays from drill hole RHD006 confirmed the discovery of a 25m thick zone of near-surface mineralization containing high grades of platinum, nickel, copper and other metals. The mineralization includes an upper zone of 5.2m at 1.1% copper, 1.6% nickel and 3.4g/t PGE and a lower zone of 13.8m at 1.1% copper, 0.3% nickel and 6.3g/t PGE. Assays from other holes also showed anomalous PGE, copper and nickel grades within the host
Jidet Nigeria Limited is exploring a lignite deposit in Edo State, Nigeria to develop a coal-to-power project. Geological mapping, 20 core drill holes up to 40m deep, and geochemical analysis found lignite seams up to 0.7m thick. The proven reserves within the 4.94km2 explored area are estimated at 2.97 million tons, with potential reserves of 194.56 million tons across the full 51.2km2 license area. The lignite quality is suitable for power generation. Further drilling is planned to 80m depth to define additional seams. Open cast mining is suitable given shallow overburden depths of 18-35m. The reserves appear sufficient to fuel a
150219-Taldybulak-2014-Final-Drilling-Results-PresentationAdriaan van Herk
Tengri Resources is developing the Taldybulak gold-copper project in Kyrgyzstan. Drilling in 2014 delineated a higher-grade, near-surface sheeted vein domain within the deposit, averaging over 3.5 times higher gold grades than the overall deposit. This has led Tengri to fast-track development of an initial open pit mine targeting this zone. A feasibility study is underway on the Phase 1 pit and conceptual study on expanding to the full deposit in Phase 2.
Investor presentation delivered by Impact Minerals' Managing Director Dr Michael Jones, at the Gold Investment Symposium held in Sydney, 8th and 9th October 2014
This document summarizes Weatherly International's copper assets in Namibia, including the producing Matchless and Ojihase mines, the Tschudi copper deposit currently in development, and the historic Kombat mine. It provides details on the resources and reserves at these projects, highlights other operating mines in Namibia, and discusses copper market fundamentals including projected supply deficits. Weatherly aims to increase copper production through development of Tschudi and exploration at Kombat to take advantage of rising copper prices in the coming years.
The Artemis Cu-Au Deposit Presentation given by A. P. BelperioMinotaur Exploration
The document summarizes the discovery of the Artemis Cu-Au deposit in northern Australia by Minotaur Exploration. Key points include:
- The deposit was discovered through airborne and ground electromagnetic surveys which identified a high conductivity body under cover. Drill testing encountered 22m grading 3.02% Cu and 3.81 g/t Au.
- Artemis is a blind, structurally controlled massive sulfide deposit with similarities to the nearby Eloise Cu-Au mine.
- An accelerated $6 million work program is proposed to further define the deposit through systematic drilling, downhole surveys, metallurgy studies and regional exploration including targets along strike from Artemis and Sandy Creek
The document discusses the discovery of the Artemis Cu-Au deposit in northwest Queensland, Australia by Minotaur Exploration Limited. Key points include:
- The deposit was discovered in July 2014 through airborne and ground electromagnetic geophysical surveys which identified a high conductivity body. Drill testing intersected thick massive sulfide mineralization grading up to 3% copper and 3.8 g/t gold.
- Artemis is characterized as a blind, structurally controlled massive sulfide deposit with no significant magnetic or gravity signature. Mineralogical associations are similar to the nearby Eloise copper mine.
- An accelerated $6 million work program is proposed to further define the deposit through systematic drilling,
iMetal Resources - IMR.V - Rocks to Riches Report June 2019MomentumPR
iMetal Resources has identified numerous high-priority gold targets on its Gowganda West property through prospecting, drilling, and geophysical surveys. Drilling of the Zone 1 South target returned long intervals of anomalous gold and hydrothermal alteration. A geophysical survey outlined seven additional shallow targets associated with fault zones similar to those hosting a nearby multi-million ounce deposit. The company plans follow-up work including ground-truthing and IP surveys to refine drilling targets for the coming year.
New Commodities - Fowler - SAEMC Dec 2 2016Martin Moloney
1. Iluka Resources conducted a grassroots nickel exploration campaign in South Australia covering 22,500 square kilometers that identified several prospective mafic and ultramafic intrusions through the use of magnetics, gravity, pXRF, airborne and ground EM, and AC drilling.
2. Five drill targets were defined by ground EM surveys at intrusions where AC drilling found evidence of magmatic sulfides.
3. While several intrusions show potential to host copper-nickel sulfide mineralization, substantial prospectivity remains in untested areas and further exploration is being considered.
(1) Mineral Mountain Resources Ltd. has intersected high grade gold mineralization in diamond drill hole GH10-38 in the Cook Porphyry Zone located in the Shining Tree area of Ontario, including 4.66 g/t Au over 14.0m and 13.01 g/t Au over 4.0m. (2) The Cook Porphyry Zone has been subject to previous drilling campaigns which outlined significant gold mineralization and remains open at depth and along strike. (3) The results continue to demonstrate the potential for the Cook Porphyry Zone to host a large gold system that could support either high grade or bulk mining operations.
The document provides information about training conducted at Tipong Colliery, an underground coal mine in Assam, India. It discusses the mine's location, history of operations since 1924 using various mining methods, geology of coal seams, current facilities, development plans, and manpower requirements. The mine extracts coal from the 60-foot and 20-foot seams using manual methods like pick mining and plans to mechanized development to reach deeper levels and extract more reserves.
This document provides an overview of exploration work conducted at the Modi Taung gold project in central Myanmar. Extensive exploration including soil sampling, trenching, underground adits totaling over 11 km, and diamond drilling has been used to define high grade quartz-gold vein deposits in the Permian-Carboniferous slate belt. Detailed mapping and sampling of the vein systems in underground adits indicates the potential for narrow but high grade mining using resue stoping methods. Further exploration aims to expand resources within the current lease area and assess the potential for the slate belt to host additional gold deposits forming a regional gold province.
This document summarizes information about Voyager Resources Limited's copper and gold projects in Mongolia. It discusses Voyager's Khongor project, which hosts a large copper-gold porphyry system that is geologically similar to the multi-billion tonne Oyu Tolgoi deposit. Drilling at Khongor has intersected broad zones of mineralization including 50 meters at 1% copper. The document also mentions Voyager's Tsagaan gold project and provides an overview of the company's capital structure and recent activities.
TriMetals Mining Inc. april-2017-corporate-presentationChris Helweg
TriMetals is Focused on The Gold Springs Project
In Safe Mining Friendly Nevada and Utah
? Gold Springs Project: 78 Sq Km property with District Scale Potenal
Geophysics (ZTEM) has been a great tool for finding gold
Focus is Jumbo Structural Trend - potenal
for 2 to 3 Moz.
Strategy is to greatly expand the Jumbo resource in 2017
Highly prospecve
property – potenal
for 3-5 Moz
Minotaur Exploration has explored for IOCG, ISCG, and BHT mineralization styles in several regions including the Gawler Craton, Cloncurry district, and Curnamona Craton. Experience in Cloncurry led to the recognition that different deposit styles require tailored exploration tools, including the use of electromagnetic surveys to identify pyrrhotite-rich ISCG deposits. Minotaur has applied these lessons at projects in the Southern Gawler Volcanics and Curnamona Craton, utilizing airborne and ground electromagnetic techniques to generate targets beneath cover. Current work focuses on follow-up of electromagnetic anomalies at the Border Project in the Curnamona Craton
GreenLight exploration in Bathurst camp results in new Gold Targets and confirms high-grade silver and base metal assays. Assays include > 3g/t Au, 549 gpt Ag, 2.35%Cu, 33.90% Pb and 22.90% Zn. Two new gold discoveries were made, including a 2m quartz-arsenopyrite shear zone assaying 3.4gpt Au and arsenopyrite-bearing boulders assaying 1.7-3gpt Au. Grab samples from the Keymet mine dump contained high grades of silver, copper, lead and zinc. Future exploration plans include expanding gold showings, trenching gold targets, and drilling untested
Impact Minerals (ASX:IPT) Company Presentation, Symposium Investor Roadshow A...Symposium
Impact Minerals' (ASX:IPT) presentation at Symposium's Investor Roadshow in Sydney and Melbourne to over 250 attendees, April 2014. Presentation was delivered by IPT's Managing Director, Dr Mike Jones.
The document summarizes exploration of the Khongor-Ovoo copper-bearing complex metal occurrence in Mongolia. It describes the location, infrastructure access, geological structures observed, including ore bodies containing copper, zinc and lead. Trenching and sampling was conducted, with spectral analyses identifying average copper contents of 0.05% in Ore Body 1 and zinc contents of 0.02% in Ore Body 3. Based on these results, prognostic resources of 430.1 thousand tons of zinc, 310.5 thousand tons of copper and 50 thousand tons of lead were estimated for the occurrence. Further 1:10,000 scale exploration, drilling and geophysical studies were recommended to better evaluate the gold potential of the area.
2013-09-09-High-Uranium-Grades-Lake-Way-and-MillipedeYoann DA ROCHA
Toro Energy conducted the largest drilling program at its Wiluna uranium project in Western Australia, intersecting some of the highest uranium grades ever recorded in the region, including peaks up to 1.14% U3O8. Assays from 435 drill holes confirmed high grades at the Lake Way and Millipede deposits, with averages up to 2,449ppm U3O8 over 2.5 meters thick. Additionally, a second deeper zone of mineralization was discovered below the current resources. New resource estimates incorporating the latest drilling data are being prepared and are expected to increase confidence in the Wiluna deposits.
The owner of a gold proejct in Mashonaland West province of Zimbabwe is seeking for investors to help fund sampling and drilling of a gold project area in the gold rich area of Sanyati. Excellent potential. The owner is a seasoned Geologist himself.
The owners of a gold project in the Nyanga area of Zimbabwe are seeking for partners to deveolp and mine a gold project.
Geophysical survey has been done on the property. Contact me for more details.
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Similar to Gold project seeks investor/ Joint Venture Lovemore Mauled (20)
Investor presentation delivered by Impact Minerals' Managing Director Dr Michael Jones, at the Gold Investment Symposium held in Sydney, 8th and 9th October 2014
This document summarizes Weatherly International's copper assets in Namibia, including the producing Matchless and Ojihase mines, the Tschudi copper deposit currently in development, and the historic Kombat mine. It provides details on the resources and reserves at these projects, highlights other operating mines in Namibia, and discusses copper market fundamentals including projected supply deficits. Weatherly aims to increase copper production through development of Tschudi and exploration at Kombat to take advantage of rising copper prices in the coming years.
The Artemis Cu-Au Deposit Presentation given by A. P. BelperioMinotaur Exploration
The document summarizes the discovery of the Artemis Cu-Au deposit in northern Australia by Minotaur Exploration. Key points include:
- The deposit was discovered through airborne and ground electromagnetic surveys which identified a high conductivity body under cover. Drill testing encountered 22m grading 3.02% Cu and 3.81 g/t Au.
- Artemis is a blind, structurally controlled massive sulfide deposit with similarities to the nearby Eloise Cu-Au mine.
- An accelerated $6 million work program is proposed to further define the deposit through systematic drilling, downhole surveys, metallurgy studies and regional exploration including targets along strike from Artemis and Sandy Creek
The document discusses the discovery of the Artemis Cu-Au deposit in northwest Queensland, Australia by Minotaur Exploration Limited. Key points include:
- The deposit was discovered in July 2014 through airborne and ground electromagnetic geophysical surveys which identified a high conductivity body. Drill testing intersected thick massive sulfide mineralization grading up to 3% copper and 3.8 g/t gold.
- Artemis is characterized as a blind, structurally controlled massive sulfide deposit with no significant magnetic or gravity signature. Mineralogical associations are similar to the nearby Eloise copper mine.
- An accelerated $6 million work program is proposed to further define the deposit through systematic drilling,
iMetal Resources - IMR.V - Rocks to Riches Report June 2019MomentumPR
iMetal Resources has identified numerous high-priority gold targets on its Gowganda West property through prospecting, drilling, and geophysical surveys. Drilling of the Zone 1 South target returned long intervals of anomalous gold and hydrothermal alteration. A geophysical survey outlined seven additional shallow targets associated with fault zones similar to those hosting a nearby multi-million ounce deposit. The company plans follow-up work including ground-truthing and IP surveys to refine drilling targets for the coming year.
New Commodities - Fowler - SAEMC Dec 2 2016Martin Moloney
1. Iluka Resources conducted a grassroots nickel exploration campaign in South Australia covering 22,500 square kilometers that identified several prospective mafic and ultramafic intrusions through the use of magnetics, gravity, pXRF, airborne and ground EM, and AC drilling.
2. Five drill targets were defined by ground EM surveys at intrusions where AC drilling found evidence of magmatic sulfides.
3. While several intrusions show potential to host copper-nickel sulfide mineralization, substantial prospectivity remains in untested areas and further exploration is being considered.
(1) Mineral Mountain Resources Ltd. has intersected high grade gold mineralization in diamond drill hole GH10-38 in the Cook Porphyry Zone located in the Shining Tree area of Ontario, including 4.66 g/t Au over 14.0m and 13.01 g/t Au over 4.0m. (2) The Cook Porphyry Zone has been subject to previous drilling campaigns which outlined significant gold mineralization and remains open at depth and along strike. (3) The results continue to demonstrate the potential for the Cook Porphyry Zone to host a large gold system that could support either high grade or bulk mining operations.
The document provides information about training conducted at Tipong Colliery, an underground coal mine in Assam, India. It discusses the mine's location, history of operations since 1924 using various mining methods, geology of coal seams, current facilities, development plans, and manpower requirements. The mine extracts coal from the 60-foot and 20-foot seams using manual methods like pick mining and plans to mechanized development to reach deeper levels and extract more reserves.
This document provides an overview of exploration work conducted at the Modi Taung gold project in central Myanmar. Extensive exploration including soil sampling, trenching, underground adits totaling over 11 km, and diamond drilling has been used to define high grade quartz-gold vein deposits in the Permian-Carboniferous slate belt. Detailed mapping and sampling of the vein systems in underground adits indicates the potential for narrow but high grade mining using resue stoping methods. Further exploration aims to expand resources within the current lease area and assess the potential for the slate belt to host additional gold deposits forming a regional gold province.
This document summarizes information about Voyager Resources Limited's copper and gold projects in Mongolia. It discusses Voyager's Khongor project, which hosts a large copper-gold porphyry system that is geologically similar to the multi-billion tonne Oyu Tolgoi deposit. Drilling at Khongor has intersected broad zones of mineralization including 50 meters at 1% copper. The document also mentions Voyager's Tsagaan gold project and provides an overview of the company's capital structure and recent activities.
TriMetals Mining Inc. april-2017-corporate-presentationChris Helweg
TriMetals is Focused on The Gold Springs Project
In Safe Mining Friendly Nevada and Utah
? Gold Springs Project: 78 Sq Km property with District Scale Potenal
Geophysics (ZTEM) has been a great tool for finding gold
Focus is Jumbo Structural Trend - potenal
for 2 to 3 Moz.
Strategy is to greatly expand the Jumbo resource in 2017
Highly prospecve
property – potenal
for 3-5 Moz
Minotaur Exploration has explored for IOCG, ISCG, and BHT mineralization styles in several regions including the Gawler Craton, Cloncurry district, and Curnamona Craton. Experience in Cloncurry led to the recognition that different deposit styles require tailored exploration tools, including the use of electromagnetic surveys to identify pyrrhotite-rich ISCG deposits. Minotaur has applied these lessons at projects in the Southern Gawler Volcanics and Curnamona Craton, utilizing airborne and ground electromagnetic techniques to generate targets beneath cover. Current work focuses on follow-up of electromagnetic anomalies at the Border Project in the Curnamona Craton
GreenLight exploration in Bathurst camp results in new Gold Targets and confirms high-grade silver and base metal assays. Assays include > 3g/t Au, 549 gpt Ag, 2.35%Cu, 33.90% Pb and 22.90% Zn. Two new gold discoveries were made, including a 2m quartz-arsenopyrite shear zone assaying 3.4gpt Au and arsenopyrite-bearing boulders assaying 1.7-3gpt Au. Grab samples from the Keymet mine dump contained high grades of silver, copper, lead and zinc. Future exploration plans include expanding gold showings, trenching gold targets, and drilling untested
Impact Minerals (ASX:IPT) Company Presentation, Symposium Investor Roadshow A...Symposium
Impact Minerals' (ASX:IPT) presentation at Symposium's Investor Roadshow in Sydney and Melbourne to over 250 attendees, April 2014. Presentation was delivered by IPT's Managing Director, Dr Mike Jones.
The document summarizes exploration of the Khongor-Ovoo copper-bearing complex metal occurrence in Mongolia. It describes the location, infrastructure access, geological structures observed, including ore bodies containing copper, zinc and lead. Trenching and sampling was conducted, with spectral analyses identifying average copper contents of 0.05% in Ore Body 1 and zinc contents of 0.02% in Ore Body 3. Based on these results, prognostic resources of 430.1 thousand tons of zinc, 310.5 thousand tons of copper and 50 thousand tons of lead were estimated for the occurrence. Further 1:10,000 scale exploration, drilling and geophysical studies were recommended to better evaluate the gold potential of the area.
2013-09-09-High-Uranium-Grades-Lake-Way-and-MillipedeYoann DA ROCHA
Toro Energy conducted the largest drilling program at its Wiluna uranium project in Western Australia, intersecting some of the highest uranium grades ever recorded in the region, including peaks up to 1.14% U3O8. Assays from 435 drill holes confirmed high grades at the Lake Way and Millipede deposits, with averages up to 2,449ppm U3O8 over 2.5 meters thick. Additionally, a second deeper zone of mineralization was discovered below the current resources. New resource estimates incorporating the latest drilling data are being prepared and are expected to increase confidence in the Wiluna deposits.
The owner of a gold proejct in Mashonaland West province of Zimbabwe is seeking for investors to help fund sampling and drilling of a gold project area in the gold rich area of Sanyati. Excellent potential. The owner is a seasoned Geologist himself.
The owners of a gold project in the Nyanga area of Zimbabwe are seeking for partners to deveolp and mine a gold project.
Geophysical survey has been done on the property. Contact me for more details.
The project seeks a US$160,000 investment for a 10-hectare gold mining project located in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe. The area has a history of mining for gold and other minerals. The project was previously operated by Germans and several small-scale mining operations currently exist nearby. Exploration work including trenching, drilling, sampling, and resource estimation is required. The document argues that many former small-scale gold mines in Zimbabwe have potential to be developed into larger-scale mines with further investigation and inclusive studies.
The document summarizes exploration work conducted on the Chegutu Gold Claims project located near the Giant Gold Mine in Zimbabwe. Soil and rock sampling showed high gold values up to 1.76 g/t and 3.58 g/t respectively, concentrated in three areas. Ground magnetic surveys also identified anomalies in these three areas. The claims cover 15 hectares and are located 700m west of the historic Giant Gold Mine, within a major gold mining district that includes several other past-producing mines. Preliminary exploration indicates the claims have good potential for containing gold mineralization based on correlation between high gold samples and geophysical anomalies. Further exploration is warranted.
The document summarizes a lithium exploration project located in Zimbabwe. The project consists of 9 mining claims covering 225 hectares that contain pegmatite zones with reported lithium, tantalite, and cassiterite mineralization. Mauled Resources is promoting the project and seeking $580,000 for an outright purchase. Exploration work is recommended to better evaluate the mineralization and complete a resource estimate.
The document provides a technical review of the EPL Ovitoto copper project located in Namibia. Key points include:
- The project covers an exploration license 26km from Okahandja, Namibia near infrastructure. 6 drill holes indicate open cast potential.
- Early stage exploration identified copper mineralization including malachite, azurite and chalcopyrite from historical mining.
- Further exploration is recommended to define the ore body dimensions and grade since current data is limited.
- The owners seek a joint venture partner to fund additional exploration and evaluation of the project's mining potential.
This document provides a technical review of the When North Gold Project in Zimbabwe. Key details include:
- The project requires $4 million investment and covers 40 hectares including 4 gold claims.
- Gold mineralization is structurally controlled within shear zones in the area.
- Exploration budgets and preliminary processing plans are provided totaling over $4.7 million.
- Nearby historical mines indicate the potential for open pit mining at When North.
The document proposes the RIKASRUS Solar PV Project, a 10 MW fixed tilt solar photovoltaic plant in Randfontein, South Africa. The 26.8 hectare site has an annual irradiance of 2000-2100 kWh/m2 and is 5 km from the grid connection point. The project seeks to enter the renewable energy market as an independent power producer through power purchase agreements with private clients and wheeling agreements with Eskom. Over 8-12 months, the remaining work includes feasibility studies, land rezoning, environmental permitting, power agreements, and installation. The project aims to provide electricity access while creating jobs and economic opportunities.
10 Megawatt Solar Project Seeks Investor.
Land already available on a long lease.
Government authorisation is available.
Environmental Impact Assessment done but pending submission..
Day 2 Seminar Local Government Reorganisation and Planning Seminar_web.pptxmhutttch
Prepare for the impact of devolution and local government reorganisation! This workshop explores how these changes will affect planning and how local authorities can adapt smoothly. Hear insights from those in newly formed and combined authorities
Breakout session Tuesday, February 11 at 1:30 p.m.
Precision Farming with Smart Soil Insights: How Advanced Soil Profiling Enhances Farm Economics and Ecology
Traditional soil analysis is limited in scope and insight. Breakthroughs with in-field sensors and in-lab analytics provide a complete soil profile to help maximize yield and minimize impact.
Speaker: Kiana Sinner, Thurston Conservation District
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Considerations for appropriate assessment of efficacy of biopesticides in the...OECD Environment
The OECD Seminar on Different aspects of efficacy evaluation of biopesticides, held on 28-29 June 2021, covered the similarities and differences of the efficacy evaluation of the different categories of biopesticides, new application techniques, efficacy evaluation of biopesticides based on plant defence inducers (PDI), comparison of efficacy requirements for biostimulants vs. biopesticides, how to evaluate different Integrated Pest Management (IPM) modules, and registration pathways with limited or no evaluation of efficacy. The event facilitated exchanges between policy makers, academia, and industry.
Breakout session Tuesday, February 11 at 1:30 p.m.
Explore the value of STAR's adaptable framework in aligning state partners & amplifying conservation efforts using a locally led, science-based approach to evaluating & guiding practice adoption.
Speaker: Jake Deutmeyer, STAR: Saving Tomorrow's Agriculture Resources
Day 2 Seminar_Going Digital PAS conference Feb 2025_web.pptxmhutttch
We hear from MHCLG’s digital team on the progress so far, and one of the councils who has been part of Open Digital Planning for years. We will share some ideas about what might be next, and how leaders of services can prepare for a more digital future. If you can feel the potential that better ICT and use of data can bring but don’t know where to start this session is for you.
Hear from experts on how well new NDCs are stacking up – both to curb emissions and protect communities from increasingly severe climate impacts – and what to look out for next. Speakers assess the plans submitted thus far and also share what to expect from key forthcoming submissions, such as those from China and the European Union, as well as consider the next steps in driving progress toward a net-zero future.
Learning Objective: Examine the energy landscape and the role of recent innovations in intermittent and advanced energy technology adoption and deployment.
As domestic and global energy demand accelerates, intermittent and advanced energy technologies are emerging as pivotal solutions in the quest for sustainable energy supplies. This seminar delves into the latest advancements in intermittent and advanced energy that are shaping the landscape of energy innovation and production.
The seminar will explore a range of advanced energy technologies as well as energy storage and discuss their impact on domestic energy resilience. Participants will explore how recent innovations are enhancing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of these energy sources.
At the end of the seminar, attendees will:
Understand the role of energy in prosperity and human development.
Understand the current sources of energy and their challenges.
Analyze recent innovations in advanced energy technologies.?
Examine the latest developments in energy storage technologies, such as advanced batteries and hydrogen fuel cells.?
Investigate how these technological advancements are facilitating the deployment and adoption of additional energy sources.?
Identify the key factors driving the growth of intermittent and advanced energy technologies and the challenges that must be addressed to accelerate their adoption.
Explore policy, economic, and technical aspects that influence the integration of these technologies into the energy grid.
? Overall historical production of 946kg gold was derived from 110 258 tonnes of
ore at a recovery grade of 8.6g/t.
? Resource has not been exploited beyond the 5th level and current trenching and
diamond drilling has proved a substantial resource beyond the 5th level and
between 1st level and surface.
? Over 1570m of diamond drilling targeting IP anomaly and 430m targeting down-
dip extension of the Hopefield deposit were completed.
? Over 200m of trenching was done.
? The open-pit area of the virgin hanging wall reef has an average grade of 51g/t
over 0.5m and about 10g/t over 3m width over a strike of about 50m.
? Magnetic and Induced Polarisation done reveal mineralisation being open ended
both along strike and down-dip
?Hopefield Mine is located along the Harare Bindura highway on
Glenara Estate property
?Access is via the Bindura road from town, travel 20km and then
turns left into the Glenara Estates gates and travel about 1km
inside the farm.
?The Hopefield mine has seven registered mining claims with four
already granted and the other three paid for awaiting approval by
the ministry of mines.
?A mining lease measuring about 1.5km by 1.5km is being applied
?Ground magnetic survey was done to generate geological
structural maps, which could aid in highlighting potentially
favourable areas for gold mineralization within the host meta-
?Hopefield lies at the junction of major shears with most of the
reefs coming as splays from major shears having an east-west
?There is a perfect fit on the superimposed ground magnetic survey
and underground mine plan revealing that the structures mapped
by the magnetic survey exercise are the Hopefield mineralised
units which warrants further follow up by IP survey and drilling.
?Real Section Induced Polarization (IP) survey was conducted over 3
selected section lines over a strike length of about 1000m as a follow up
to the Magnetic survey
?The IP survey managed to map the Hopefield deposit and its parallels both
along strike and down-dip
?Three major continuous anomalies were picked (the Hopefield reefs and
two more virgin targets) and the intensity of the signature seem to
increase with depth.
?First phase drilling was targeting the IP anomalies and the geology and
laboratory assay results received to date confirm the other two parallel
reefs to be mineralised
?The two holes drilled down-dip of the Hopefield reefs(HFDD08 AND
HFDD09) had good intersections in excess of 10g/t
?Seven diamond drilling holes we put targetting IP anomaly and
two(HFD08 and HFD09) were put to probe Hopefield down-dip
HFDD001 284796.112 8045881.903 1484.84 180° 60° 240.5
HFDD002 284801.099 8045463.119 1494.216 180° 60° 261.5
HFDD003 284557.256 8045480.137 1497.015 180° 60° 234.5
HFDD004 284537.451 8045892.102 1490.448 180° 60° 224.35
HFDD005 284379.331 8046051.932 1492.434 180° 60° 252.5
HFDD006 180° 60°
HFDD007 284556.215 8045583.145 1497.002 180° 70° 222.7
HFDD008 284778.097 8045660.882 1492.076 0 90° 195.5
?HFD08 and HFD09 were drilled along the historically mineralised NE-
SW Hopefield fold axial plane and the results are as shown below;
HFD008 HFD009
Thickness Grade
From To (m) (g/t)
31.1 32.1 1 2.04 2.04g/t over 1m
85.17 85.72 0.55 1.02 1.02g/t over 0.55m
142.7 143.15 0.45 4.13
143.15 143.48 0.33 2.71
150.03 150.33 0.3 0.72
150.33 150.83 0.5 3.03
150.83 150.98 0.15 0.04
150.98 151.48 0.5 8.83
182.26 182.7 0.44 0.88
182.7 183.24 0.54 0.26
5.1g/t over 1.15m
0.5g/t over 1m
3.5g/t over 0.78m
Thickness Grade
From To (m) (g/t)
70.2 70.72 0.52 1.36
80.84 81.46 0.62 13.5
81.46 82.7 1.24 4.56
180.34 180.95 0.61 8.62
180.95 181.26 0.31 0.43
184.43 184.77 0.34 0.62
200.7 200.98 0.28 10.94
200.98 201.78 0.8 0.6
201.78 202.79 1.01 0.64
223.8 224.18 0.38 0.67
224.7 225.35 0.65 4.24
225.35 225.93 0.58 0.8
Sample Length Assay Results
From To Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (g/t)
HF No 0151 0 1 9.7 1.43 323
HF No 0152 1 2 22.8 12.6 538
HF No 0153 2 3 16.3 5.72 332
HF No 0154 3 5 48.6 16.9 301
HF No 0155 5 7 45.7 3.64 323
HF No 0156 7 9 108 14.7 434
HF No 0157 9 11 28.5 2.05 364
HF No 0158 11 13 20.5 4.4 245
HF No 0159 13 15 1.05 0.39 178
HF No 0160 15 17 85.2 226 261
HF No 0161 17 19 100 29.8 344
HF No 0162 19 21 5.21 1.05 440
HF No 0163 21 22 165 17.9 310
HF No 0164 22 23 69.2 30.9 497
Average 51.84
?The new hanging wall reef extrapolated from drillhole 8 & 9
intersections and trenched for about 300m is promising to be the
main zone within the Hopefield area
?Channel sampling along the 50m strike of the new hanging wall
reef had average grades of 51g/t over 0.5m and over 5g/t over 5m
mining width.