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? Overall historical production of 946kg gold was derived from 110 258 tonnes of
ore at a recovery grade of 8.6g/t.
? Resource has not been exploited beyond the 5th level and current trenching and
diamond drilling has proved a substantial resource beyond the 5th level and
between 1st level and surface.
? Over 1570m of diamond drilling targeting IP anomaly and 430m targeting down-
dip extension of the Hopefield deposit were completed.
? Over 200m of trenching was done.
? The open-pit area of the virgin hanging wall reef has an average grade of 51g/t
over 0.5m and about 10g/t over 3m width over a strike of about 50m.
? Magnetic and Induced Polarisation done reveal mineralisation being open ended
both along strike and down-dip
?Hopefield Mine is located along the Harare Bindura highway on
Glenara Estate property
?Access is via the Bindura road from town, travel 20km and then
turns left into the Glenara Estates gates and travel about 1km
inside the farm.
?The Hopefield mine has seven registered mining claims with four
already granted and the other three paid for awaiting approval by
the ministry of mines.
?A mining lease measuring about 1.5km by 1.5km is being applied
?Ground magnetic survey was done to generate geological
structural maps, which could aid in highlighting potentially
favourable areas for gold mineralization within the host meta-
?Hopefield lies at the junction of major shears with most of the
reefs coming as splays from major shears having an east-west
?There is a perfect fit on the superimposed ground magnetic survey
and underground mine plan revealing that the structures mapped
by the magnetic survey exercise are the Hopefield mineralised
units which warrants further follow up by IP survey and drilling.
Induced Polarisation (IP)
?Real Section Induced Polarization (IP) survey was conducted over 3
selected section lines over a strike length of about 1000m as a follow up
to the Magnetic survey
?The IP survey managed to map the Hopefield deposit and its parallels both
along strike and down-dip
?Three major continuous anomalies were picked (the Hopefield reefs and
two more virgin targets) and the intensity of the signature seem to
increase with depth.
?First phase drilling was targeting the IP anomalies and the geology and
laboratory assay results received to date confirm the other two parallel
reefs to be mineralised
?The two holes drilled down-dip of the Hopefield reefs(HFDD08 AND
HFDD09) had good intersections in excess of 10g/t
?Seven diamond drilling holes we put targetting IP anomaly and
two(HFD08 and HFD09) were put to probe Hopefield down-dip
HFDD001 284796.112 8045881.903 1484.84 180° 60° 240.5
HFDD002 284801.099 8045463.119 1494.216 180° 60° 261.5
HFDD003 284557.256 8045480.137 1497.015 180° 60° 234.5
HFDD004 284537.451 8045892.102 1490.448 180° 60° 224.35
HFDD005 284379.331 8046051.932 1492.434 180° 60° 252.5
HFDD006 180° 60°
HFDD007 284556.215 8045583.145 1497.002 180° 70° 222.7
HFDD008 284778.097 8045660.882 1492.076 0 90° 195.5
?HFD08 and HFD09 were drilled along the historically mineralised NE-
SW Hopefield fold axial plane and the results are as shown below;
HFD008 HFD009
Thickness Grade
From To (m) (g/t)
31.1 32.1 1 2.04 2.04g/t over 1m
85.17 85.72 0.55 1.02 1.02g/t over 0.55m
142.7 143.15 0.45 4.13
143.15 143.48 0.33 2.71
150.03 150.33 0.3 0.72
150.33 150.83 0.5 3.03
150.83 150.98 0.15 0.04
150.98 151.48 0.5 8.83
182.26 182.7 0.44 0.88
182.7 183.24 0.54 0.26
5.1g/t over 1.15m
0.5g/t over 1m
3.5g/t over 0.78m
Thickness Grade
From To (m) (g/t)
70.2 70.72 0.52 1.36
80.84 81.46 0.62 13.5
81.46 82.7 1.24 4.56
180.34 180.95 0.61 8.62
180.95 181.26 0.31 0.43
184.43 184.77 0.34 0.62
200.7 200.98 0.28 10.94
200.98 201.78 0.8 0.6
201.78 202.79 1.01 0.64
223.8 224.18 0.38 0.67
224.7 225.35 0.65 4.24
225.35 225.93 0.58 0.8
Drillhole intersections
Sample Length Assay Results
From To Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (g/t)
HF No 0151 0 1 9.7 1.43 323
HF No 0152 1 2 22.8 12.6 538
HF No 0153 2 3 16.3 5.72 332
HF No 0154 3 5 48.6 16.9 301
HF No 0155 5 7 45.7 3.64 323
HF No 0156 7 9 108 14.7 434
HF No 0157 9 11 28.5 2.05 364
HF No 0158 11 13 20.5 4.4 245
HF No 0159 13 15 1.05 0.39 178
HF No 0160 15 17 85.2 226 261
HF No 0161 17 19 100 29.8 344
HF No 0162 19 21 5.21 1.05 440
HF No 0163 21 22 165 17.9 310
HF No 0164 22 23 69.2 30.9 497
Average 51.84
?The new hanging wall reef extrapolated from drillhole 8 & 9
intersections and trenched for about 300m is promising to be the
main zone within the Hopefield area
?Channel sampling along the 50m strike of the new hanging wall
reef had average grades of 51g/t over 0.5m and over 5g/t over 5m
mining width.
LEVEL Sample
Au(g/t) Sample
Au(g/t) Sample
Au(g/t) Sample
2 SN8666 20.40 SN8713 11.60 SN8686 16.32 SN8790 13.42
SN8667 22.53 SN8727 109.80 SN8697 11.62 SN8792 19.56
SN7086 10.93 SN8744 14.94 SN8758 13.12 SN8785 88.80
SN7088 21.53 SN8678 16.50 SN8786 23.08
3 SN9092 30.98 SN9963 40.60 GS0052 14.12
SN9926 16..86 GS0022 19.98 GS0073 24.88
SN9962 17.16 GS0049 39.09 GS0089 18.56
4 GS0296 15.38 GS0336 37.50 GS0446 48.40
GS0301 13.72 GS0394 13.70 GS0447 51.80
SN5351 22..90 SN5358 121.80 SN5365 0.54
SN5352 8.30 SN5359 0.28 SN53676 194.90
SN5353 3.10 SN5360 1.70 SN5367 38.40
SN5354 0.17 SN5361 1.06 SN5368 173.0
SN5355 0.16 SN5362 0.28 SN5369 142.5
SN5356 0.89 SN5363 0.23 SN5370 256.20
SN5357 2.16 SN5364 0.97

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  • 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ? Overall historical production of 946kg gold was derived from 110 258 tonnes of ore at a recovery grade of 8.6g/t. ? Resource has not been exploited beyond the 5th level and current trenching and diamond drilling has proved a substantial resource beyond the 5th level and between 1st level and surface. ? Over 1570m of diamond drilling targeting IP anomaly and 430m targeting down- dip extension of the Hopefield deposit were completed. ? Over 200m of trenching was done. ? The open-pit area of the virgin hanging wall reef has an average grade of 51g/t over 0.5m and about 10g/t over 3m width over a strike of about 50m. ? Magnetic and Induced Polarisation done reveal mineralisation being open ended both along strike and down-dip
  • 4. LOCATION ?Hopefield Mine is located along the Harare Bindura highway on Glenara Estate property ?Access is via the Bindura road from town, travel 20km and then turns left into the Glenara Estates gates and travel about 1km inside the farm.
  • 6. MINING AREA ?The Hopefield mine has seven registered mining claims with four already granted and the other three paid for awaiting approval by the ministry of mines. ?A mining lease measuring about 1.5km by 1.5km is being applied for.
  • 8. MAGNETIC SURVEY ?Ground magnetic survey was done to generate geological structural maps, which could aid in highlighting potentially favourable areas for gold mineralization within the host meta- basalt. ?Hopefield lies at the junction of major shears with most of the reefs coming as splays from major shears having an east-west trend. ?There is a perfect fit on the superimposed ground magnetic survey and underground mine plan revealing that the structures mapped by the magnetic survey exercise are the Hopefield mineralised units which warrants further follow up by IP survey and drilling.
  • 10. INDUCED POLARISATION SURVEY ?Real Section Induced Polarization (IP) survey was conducted over 3 selected section lines over a strike length of about 1000m as a follow up to the Magnetic survey ?The IP survey managed to map the Hopefield deposit and its parallels both along strike and down-dip ?Three major continuous anomalies were picked (the Hopefield reefs and two more virgin targets) and the intensity of the signature seem to increase with depth. ?First phase drilling was targeting the IP anomalies and the geology and laboratory assay results received to date confirm the other two parallel reefs to be mineralised ?The two holes drilled down-dip of the Hopefield reefs(HFDD08 AND HFDD09) had good intersections in excess of 10g/t
  • 11. DIAMOND DRILLING ?Seven diamond drilling holes we put targetting IP anomaly and two(HFD08 and HFD09) were put to probe Hopefield down-dip extent. DRILL HOLE ID EASTINGS NORTHINGS ELEVATIONS AZIMUTH DIP EOH HFDD001 284796.112 8045881.903 1484.84 180° 60° 240.5 HFDD002 284801.099 8045463.119 1494.216 180° 60° 261.5 HFDD003 284557.256 8045480.137 1497.015 180° 60° 234.5 HFDD004 284537.451 8045892.102 1490.448 180° 60° 224.35 HFDD005 284379.331 8046051.932 1492.434 180° 60° 252.5 HFDD006 180° 60° HFDD007 284556.215 8045583.145 1497.002 180° 70° 222.7 HFDD008 284778.097 8045660.882 1492.076 0 90° 195.5
  • 12. DIAMOND DRILLING ?HFD08 and HFD09 were drilled along the historically mineralised NE- SW Hopefield fold axial plane and the results are as shown below; HFD008 HFD009 Thickness Grade From To (m) (g/t) 31.1 32.1 1 2.04 2.04g/t over 1m 85.17 85.72 0.55 1.02 1.02g/t over 0.55m 142.7 143.15 0.45 4.13 143.15 143.48 0.33 2.71 150.03 150.33 0.3 0.72 150.33 150.83 0.5 3.03 150.83 150.98 0.15 0.04 150.98 151.48 0.5 8.83 182.26 182.7 0.44 0.88 182.7 183.24 0.54 0.26 Depth 5.1g/t over 1.15m 0.5g/t over 1m 3.5g/t over 0.78m Comment Thickness Grade From To (m) (g/t) 70.2 70.72 0.52 1.36 80.84 81.46 0.62 13.5 81.46 82.7 1.24 4.56 180.34 180.95 0.61 8.62 180.95 181.26 0.31 0.43 184.43 184.77 0.34 0.62 200.7 200.98 0.28 10.94 200.98 201.78 0.8 0.6 201.78 202.79 1.01 0.64 223.8 224.18 0.38 0.67 224.7 225.35 0.65 4.24 225.35 225.93 0.58 0.8 Depth Comment 2.72g/t/1.6m 3.85g/t/2.1m 4.4g/t/1.26m 6.2g/t/2.38m
  • 17. CHANNEL SAMPLING . ASSAYS ALONG THE 0.5M QUARTZ REEF Sample Length Assay Results From To Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (g/t) HF No 0151 0 1 9.7 1.43 323 HF No 0152 1 2 22.8 12.6 538 HF No 0153 2 3 16.3 5.72 332 HF No 0154 3 5 48.6 16.9 301 HF No 0155 5 7 45.7 3.64 323 HF No 0156 7 9 108 14.7 434 HF No 0157 9 11 28.5 2.05 364 HF No 0158 11 13 20.5 4.4 245 HF No 0159 13 15 1.05 0.39 178 HF No 0160 15 17 85.2 226 261 HF No 0161 17 19 100 29.8 344 HF No 0162 19 21 5.21 1.05 440 HF No 0163 21 22 165 17.9 310 HF No 0164 22 23 69.2 30.9 497 Average 51.84
  • 18. CHANNEL SAMPLING ?The new hanging wall reef extrapolated from drillhole 8 & 9 intersections and trenched for about 300m is promising to be the main zone within the Hopefield area ?Channel sampling along the 50m strike of the new hanging wall reef had average grades of 51g/t over 0.5m and over 5g/t over 5m mining width.
  • 21. UNDERGROUND LEVEL ASSAYS LEVEL Sample ID Au(g/t) Sample ID Au(g/t) Sample ID Au(g/t) Sample ID Au(g/t) 2 SN8666 20.40 SN8713 11.60 SN8686 16.32 SN8790 13.42 SN8667 22.53 SN8727 109.80 SN8697 11.62 SN8792 19.56 SN7086 10.93 SN8744 14.94 SN8758 13.12 SN8785 88.80 SN7088 21.53 SN8678 16.50 SN8786 23.08 3 SN9092 30.98 SN9963 40.60 GS0052 14.12 SN9926 16..86 GS0022 19.98 GS0073 24.88 SN9962 17.16 GS0049 39.09 GS0089 18.56 4 GS0296 15.38 GS0336 37.50 GS0446 48.40 GS0301 13.72 GS0394 13.70 GS0447 51.80
  • 22. INDEPENDENT REPORT-FREDA REBECCA MINE SAMPLE ID Au(g/t) SAMPLE ID Au(g/t) SAMPLE ID Au(g/t) SN5351 22..90 SN5358 121.80 SN5365 0.54 SN5352 8.30 SN5359 0.28 SN53676 194.90 SN5353 3.10 SN5360 1.70 SN5367 38.40 SN5354 0.17 SN5361 1.06 SN5368 173.0 SN5355 0.16 SN5362 0.28 SN5369 142.5 SN5356 0.89 SN5363 0.23 SN5370 256.20 SN5357 2.16 SN5364 0.97